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September 24, 1935 - Image 27

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-09-24

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SEPTEMBER 24, 1935




Changed Staff
Of Teachers
Begins Year
Deaths, Illness, Leaves,
And Appointments Alter
Riegel Given Chair
In Business School
Kelso Becomes Professor
And Director Of Newly
Formed Institution

One Of Four Units In New Law Quadrangle

(Continued from Page 25)
the Arts: Werner Emmanuel Bach-
man, organic chemistry; John Reg-
inald Bates, general and physica
chemistry; Stanley Dalton Dodge
geography; Dwight Lowell Dumond
history; Howard Sylvester Ellis, eco-
nomics; Otto La Porte, physics; Wal-
ter Otto Menge, mathematics; Lewi
Stephen Ramsdell, minerology; Wil-
liam Sleator, physics; Erich Walter,
English; Bennett Weaver, English.
College of Engineering -Carl Ed-
win Burkland, English; Melville Bing-.
ham Stout, electrical engineering.
School of Dentistry, Richard Henry
Kingery, denture prosthesis; George
Raymond Moore, orthodontics.
The following were promoted from
instructor to assistant professor: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts -Chester Arthur Arnold, bot-
any; Robert Peter Briggs, economics;
Harold M. Dorr, political science;
Edward Barrows Greene, psychology;
Norman Raymond Maier, psychology;
Valentine Barthold Windt, speech.
Dieterle Advanced
Medical School-Robert Reichard
Dieterle, psychiatry.
School of Dentistry, Dorothy Ger-
ald Hard, dental hygiene.
School of Music -Louise Cuyler,
theory ' of music: E. William Doty,
organ and theory.
The Regents have also approved
the following leaves of absence:
Arthur S. Aiton, professor of his-
tory, second semester of the 1935-36
school year, to lecture at Centro de
Estudios de Historia America, Seville.
Werner E. Bachman, assistant pro-
fessor of organic chemistry, first
semester of the 1935-36 year, sab-
Clifton O. Carey, associate professor
of geodesy and surveying, first semes-
ter of the 1935-36 school year, sab-
George, Carrothers, professor of
education and director of the bureau
of cooperation with educational, in-
stitutions, first semester of the 1935-
36 school year, sabbatical.
Carver Is Mathematics Professor
Harry C. Carver, associate professor
of mathematics and insurance, first
semester of the 1935-36 school year,
Arthur H. Copeland, assistant pro-
fessor of English, the 1935-36 school
year, sabbatical.
John W. Eaton, professor of Ger-
man and former head of the Ger-
man department, the 1935-36 school
year, sabbatical.
Howard M. Ehrman, assistant pro-
fessor of history, first semester of the
1935-36 school year, sabbatical.
Earl L. Griggs, associate profes-
sor of English first semester of the
1935-36 school year, sabbatical.
Joseph R. Hayden, professor of po-
litical science, first semester of the
1935-36 school year, to continue as
vice-governor of the Philippines.
Robert B. Hall, associate professor
of geography, first semester of the
1935-36 school year, sabbatical.
George L. Jackson, professor of the
history of education, the 1935-36
school year.
Reuben L. Kahn, assistant pro-
fessor of bacteriology and director
of the clinical laboratories at the
University Hospital, first semester of
the 1935-36 school year, sabbatical.
Cooper H. Langford, professor of
philosophy, the 1935-36 school year,
James H. McBurney, instructor in
speech, the 1935-36 school year.
Erwin E. Nelson, associate professor
of pharmacology, the 1935-36 school
year, to reorganize the laboratory
of pharmacology in the Department
of Agriculture.
Normal E. Nelson, assistant profes-
sor of English, second semester of

Lawyers Club Architecture Follows
®Engls.h InnAndUniversityFaue

Even as the gift of the estate of
the late Horace Rackham will real-
ize many of the dreams of the Grad-
uate School, the University's newest
completed unit, the Law Quadrangle
has realized dreams of the Law
School and of William W. Cook,
whose gift made the quadrangle and
other University buildings possible.
With the opening of Hutchins Hall
in 1933 the group of buildings was
completed. The plans for the quad-
rangle were carefully formulated
about a decade ago by Mr. Cook, ad-
vised and assisted by Dean Bates of
the Law School and the late Presi-
dent Hutchins.
The buildings were not erected in
accord with the fiats of any one
period or style of architecture, but
rather were designed to embody the
best features of the old English Inns
the 1935-36 school year, sabbatical.
Willard C. Olson, associate profes-
sor of education and director of re-
search in child development, first
semester of the 1935-36 school year,
William A. Paton, New York,Alum-
ni professor of accounting and pro-1
fessor of economics, first semester of
the 1935-36 school year.
Thomas H. Reed, professor of po-
litical science, the 1935-36 school
year, to act as director of the Mu-
nicipal Consultant Service.
Kenneth T. Rowe, assistant pro-
fessor of English, the 1935-36 school
year, sabbatical.
W. Carl Rufus, associate professor
of astronomy, the 1935-36 schoolE
year, sabbatical.1
Ivan H. Walton, assistant profes-
sor of English, the 1935-36 school1
year, sabbatical.
Also approved by the Board of Re-
gents were the following resignations:.
Dr. Charles Leonard Brown, associate
professor of internal medicine; Dr.
Robert Kennard Brown, professor of
operative dentistry; Harry N. Cole,
instructor in chemistry; Edwin C.1
Goddard, professor of law; Carleton
B. Joekel, professor of library science;
Marguerite Wilker Johnson, associate
professor of education and director
of. the nursery school; Donald E.
King, assistant professor of surgery;,
Dr. Frederick G. Novy, dean of the
medical school, professor of bacteriol-
ogy and director of the hygienic lab-
oratory (retired) ; James M. O'Neill,
professor of speech; Vladimir P. Tim-1
oshenko, lecturer in economics;
George E. Uhlenbeck, associate pro-
fessor of physics.
Although they still retain their
professorial titles and functions, the
following men resigned administra-
tive duties: Professor Eaton, chair-
man of the German department;,
Prof. James W. Glover,chairman of
the department of mathematics; and
Dr. Marcus L. Ward, dean of the
school of dentistry.
Regents Approve Resignations
The following professors died dur-f
ing the school year: Samuel Moore,r
professor of English; Benjamins
March, Freer Fellow, curator in thes
Museum of Anthropology; Dr. Carlt
Huber, dean of the graduate school;
Tobias J. C. Diekhoff, professor of
German; Dr. Chalmers T. Lyons, pro-
fessor of oral surgery; Kathryn Horst,
research assistant professor of phar-
macology; Edmund Wild, associate
professor of German; and Frank
Stevens, associate professor.

of Court with those of the Oxford and
Cambridge colleges. The buildings
composing the quadrangle are the
Lawyers Club, the John P. Cook
Dormitory, the William W. Cook Leg-
al Research Building, and Hutchins
Style Is Elizabethan,
The general style of the Lawyers
Club is Elizabethan, a transitional
style embodying something of the
features of the Gothic and of the
Renaissance periods. The dining
hall, which is essentially Gothic, re-
sembles closely the chapel at Eton
college and the one at King's College,
Cambridge. The ceiling is carved
from old oak ship timbers and at
either end of each of the nine main
trusses which support the beams is a
carved figure, many of them the
heads of eminent jurists such as
Coke, Blackstone, Marshall, and
The dormitory part of the club ex-
tending along South University Ave-
nue is arranged in the English college
apartment style with separate en-
trances to the sections, as they are
called. The tower is especially at-
tractive for its ornate stone work
and,tbecause 0f its striking appear-
ance, has become something of a
landmark on the campus.
Towers Are 90 Feet High,
The exterior of the Legal Researchs
Building, in which the donor was
most keenly interested, follows the
same general style as the others in
the quadrangle, although it is more
emphatically Gothic than any of
them. Four square towers rise from
the four corners of the building to a
height of about 90 feet. Each is
capped by four short Gothic spires
and around the tops are the coats of
arms of the 48 states carved in white
limestone. On the north face of one
of the north towers is the great seal
of the University of Michigan and
on the other north tower are gilded
figures forming the face of a clock.
The various buildings forming the
quadrangle are all connected by a
series of walks made of heavy irregu-
lar flag stones embedded in concrete.
Along these walks elm trees and
various shrubs have been planted,
giving to the buildings an air of age
and dignity in keeping with the
donor's plan.
Cook Gives $10,000,000
Mr. Cook, who made one of the
largest single gifts ever received by
an educational institution, gave the
University more than $10,000,000,
and, because not all of it has been
used for the Law School, the balance
has gone for the construction of a
girls' dormitory, named in honor of t
the donor's mother, Martha W. Cook,
and for the endowment of research
The remaining funds, according to
the stipulations of Mr. Cook's will,
may be used at the discretion of the
University Board of Regents and of-
ficials in building up the law depart-
ment, either in the form of scholar-
ships, buildings, or to supplement the
salaries of professors in order that
the school will continue to attract

the leading members of the law pro-
The Law School is, with one pos-
sible exception, the only institution
in the country where in one closely
connected unit all the physical equip-
ment for carrying on an advanced
professional study is centered. With-
in two blocks are located all the dor-
mitories, class rooms, offices, librar-
ies, commons and recreational facili-
ties for 300 men.
Mr, Cook, who amassed the largest
portion of his fortune through suc-
cessful investments when he was
practicing law in New York City, was
considered by many of his close
friends to be an unusually eccentric
individual. Although the law
quadrangle in Ann Arbor represent-
ed the prime achievement of his life,
he never returned to see the buldings
which his generous gifts. had made
It had always been his wish that
there should be nothing in the nature
of a memorial to him in the quad-
rangle, but largely at the insistence
of the University, the trustees were
prevailed upon to consent toa slight
alteration in the plans so that above
the delivery desk in the main read-
ing room of the library are two fig-
ures symbolic of learning with the
simple inscription:
"The buildings forming this law
school quadrangle together with the
supporting endowment are the gift
of William W. Cook of the Class of
1882. To his memory the University
erects this tablet."
Saturday Class Rule
Is Put In Operation
(Continued from Page 25)
full schedule made up of courses the
student must take to complete his
program, where no section of any
course falls on Saturday. Employ-
ment on Friday night might consti-
tute a reason for exemption, Dr.
Woodburne said.
A specific exemption recommend-
ed in the report was one for the
astronomy department "because of
the unique working hours of the
On the question of changing wom-
en's hours Friday night because of
the Saturday morning classes, Dean
Alice C. Lloyd said that when and if
need for any changes arose, the sub-
ject would be dealt with by the stu-
dents themselves. No action was con-
templated, however, she said, until
after several weeks of school will
have given opportunity to study the
,Joan Secley, '36, president of the
Michigan League, said that any action
would have to originate in the League
Council, over which she presides. The
Council will meet once this week,
probably today, and again Monday,
Sept. 30. Any action of the Council
must be approved by the Board of
Representatives, composed of Panhel-
lenic and Assembly.

Average Radio
In Use over
4 Hours Daily
Interesting Facts About
Radio Public Brought
To LightInSurvey
Mr. and Mrs. John Citizen keep
their radio going an average of 4
hours and 20 minutes every day, Dr.
Frank N. Stanton of Ohio State Uni-
versity told members of the American
Psychological Association during
their recent convention in Ann Ar-
bor. These figures and other in-
teresting facts about the radio public
came to light as the result of a survey
Dr. Stanton is conducting in and
about Columbus, O.
His modus operandi, Dr. Stanton
confided to the psychologists, con-
sists of installing in home radios a
mechanism which, the owners are in-
formed, records the amount of cur-
rent used by the radio. Actually, the
machine records the use of the radio
at 30-second intervals over a period
as long as six weeks.
Sunday Popular With Listeners
A week is the usual period of
recordings, however, and at the con-
clusion of that time Dr. Stanton calls
for his machine and interviews tIhe
radio owners about their use of the
radio the day before.
Replies in about 50 test cases
showed that while most owners knew
approximately how long the radio
had been in use during the preceding
day, only about a third of them could
account for that period by identify-
ing the programs heard either by
sponsor's name, product name, or the
performers' names.
Sunday, Dr. Stanton's readings
showed, was by far the heaviest lis-
tening day, with the average radio
turned on for 5 hours and 35 min-
utes, mostly in the evening. Tuesday
was second in the standings, and Sat
urday showed the least use for radios.
Prefer News Broadcasts
"Of course, this was a spring sur-
vey, and Saturday will probably move
up in the list this fall when foot-
ball broadcasts begin," Dr. Stanton
pointed out.
Dr. Stanton has also been conduct-
ing a second survey by questionnaire,
designed to find out the nature of
the radio public's desires. The ques-
tionnaires were widely distributed
near Columbus, and were returned by
mail, unsigned.
What programs do Mr. and Mrs.
Citizen prefer? Well, they both want
to listen to news broadcasts, and give
them first place on their lists of
choices. Comedy rates second, drama
third, popular music fourth, and
variety and classical music tied for
Men Vote For Sort Broadcasts
If you take Mr. John Citizen's
word for it, and leave the wife out,
comedy comes second, and sports
third, but with Mrs. Citizen at the
dials, the second choice will be drama
and after that classical music.
Dr. Stanton's survey also attempted
to determine just what the radio lis-
tener does while he's listening. Men
he found, confine themselves to three
activities: just plain listening, and
second, a tie for reading and eating
-but no sleeping. Women also go
in for unadulterated listening, but al-
so tune in on the radio while sewing,
cleaning house, eating, ironing, or
resting in just that order.
Some of the other items in Dr.
Stanton's check list were writing,
dancing, bathing, studying, driving,
and lying in bed, but the results were
meager. Automobile listening didn't

show up as well as he had expected.
Several of his Ohio State psychology
classes took the test last spring, and
he claims to have "flunked" those
who admitted studying with the radio

A itioticeSeas~on1's5
"Con" iudfTrom Page 25)
luminaries than have ever been pre-
sent ed in one season here.
Sea)on iickets, which may now be
obtained as the offices of the School
of Music, will again be offered at the
reduced priesa of last year of $10,
$8.50. $7, and $5. In addition each
scason ticket contains a coupon good
for. $3 i exchange for a season May
Festival t(,ket, in accordance with
a schedule to be announced.
Thefirst group of tickets, at $10,
are designated as patrons tickets'and
entitle the holder to the same seat
location for the May Festival, the

Low School Dean

Tryouts for the Varsity Band hive
been requested by George Hall, man-
ager, to meet with Director William
D. Revelli throughout this week in
Morris Hall. All freshmen irglled
in the R.O.T.C. are eligible fPr- try-
outs as are all students enrolled in
the School of Music.
Prospective drum majors of the
Varsity band have also been asked
to report.
seats all being located in three center
sections on the main 'floor. Two
side sections on the main floor and
all seats in the first balcony will be
offered at $8.50, the first eighi rows
in the second balcony at $7, and the
remainder of the seats in the second
balcony at $5.
Individual concert tickets will also
be sold at the reduced prices of $2,
$1.50, and $1. They will be on sale
on and after Oct. 10.
Printers of student
publications, Uni-
versity bulletins and
fine books, catalogs
for manufacturers
and advertisingl t-





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