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September 24, 1935 - Image 25

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-09-24

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Slir ig9an






No rdmeyer Brings Scholarly
Background To New Position

Changed Staff
Of Teachers


rJR's Greater Facilities
Important In Securing
Larger Audience
BS May Carry
Some Programs



Because he was born and received
part of his education in Germany,
because he has traveled in many
parts of the world, because he has
taught in five great American uni-
versities and because he is scholarly
but "human" possessing a fine sense
of humor, Prof. H. W. Nordmeyer is
particularly fitted for the chairman-
ship of the University's German de-
Dr. Nordmeyer, who comes here
this fall to replace Professor Eaton,
who has sailed for Europe on a sab-
batical leave, was head of the Ger-
man department at the uptown col-
lege of New York University from
1929 until this year.
Born 44years ago in Northern
Germany and educated at Braun-
schweig and the University of Leip-
sig, he came to the United States in
1913.hIn 1914, at the age of 23, he
obtained his Ph.D. degree from the
University of Wisconsin.
That was the start of his success
as a scholar. Dean Edward Kraus of
the literary college, who has much
praise for Professor'Nordmeyer, now
classes him as a "scholar of very high



Choral Union Concerts,
Oratorical Association
Lectures Are Announced

Variety Of Musical And
Lecture Plans Outlined
By Prof. Waldo Abbot
A program of expanded activity for
the twelfth year of the University
broadcasting station at Morris Hall
has been announced by Prof. Waldo
Abbot, director of broadcasting serv-
Station WJR, which is the outlet
for the University broadcasts, will join
the Columbia Broadcasting System
on Sept. 29, and on the same day will
start operating on 50,000 watts, an
increase of 40,000 watts.
Both of these changes will aug-
ment the potential audience for Uni-
versity broadcasts. Efforts are being
made to have the Saturday programs
released over the entire Columbia
Station WJR is also one of the
relatively few in the country which
have a clear air channel for broad-
Recording Facilities
The University broadcasting station
is now also equipped with facilities
for making recordings, either for the
gramophone or for broadcasting pur-
Recordings will be made of the
voices of faculty members and mu-
sical organizations. It is planned tC
send these recordings to alumni or-
ganizations who are too far away
to be visited by University repre-
sentatives in person.
Recordings will also be made at the
request of Northern Peninsula broad-
biri3ation irrthe" for'ri f elec--
trical transcriptions for broadcasting.
Beginning Sunday, Oct. 13, broad-
casts will be given daily until March
29, except for the Christmas holiday
and the final examination period.
Weekly Program
A "Parent Education Series" will
begin at 12:45 p.m. the first Sunday
and will continue at that time weekly
throughout the season.
The Monday programs will consist
of classes in stringed instruments at
9:15 a.m. and classes in wind instru-
ments at 2 p.m.
At 9:15 a.m. every Tuesday, classes
in elementary singing will be given,
and at 2 p.m. the "Michigan, My
Michigan" series will be broadcast.
The "Geography and Travel" series
will be given at 2 p.m. on Wednes-
days. Weekly discussions of "Amer-
ican History as Told by American
Artists" will be broadcast at 2 p.m.
every Thursday.
Every second week at 2 p.m. on
Fridays, talks will be given on "Eras
in English Literature," and a series
on "Critical Moments in the Lives of
Nations" will be heard on alternate
weeks at the same time.
Saturday broadcasts will consist'
of talks on "Planning Your Home,"
(Continued on Page 26)
2 Instructors
Are Added To
Speech Faculty
Graduates Halstead And
Bloomer Get Positions;
McBurney On Leave
Two instructors have been added
to the speech department of the lit-
erary college for the 1935-36 school
year. They are Dr. William Hal-
stead and Dr. Harlan Bloomer. Both
were graduate students last year,
specializing in work directed by Prof.
Muyskens in the phonetics labora-
Dr. Halstead has assumed the
duties of Dr. J. H. McBurney, who
has a leave of absence from the Uni-
versity this year' to pursue advanced
studies in rehetoric at Columbia

University under the terms of a
scholarship. Dr. Halstead is now en-
gaged in directing the Michigan High
School Forensic Association, which
last year included more than 300

-Ann Arbor Daily News Photo.
standing in the field of Germanic
language and literature." The Uni-
versity German department, the dean
(Continued on Page 26)

Saturday Class
Rule Effective
This Semester
All Students In Literary
College Affected Unless
Exempt By Committee
The ruling of May 10 establishing
compulsory Saturday classes for all
literary college students will take
effect for the first time during the
coming registration period, with
every student forced to take at least
one class Saturday morning unless
excused by the committee on exemp-
Aimed to bring about a better dis-
tribution of class hours and class-
room use, the same regulation has
forced departments in the literary
college to schedule one fourth of their
:lasses in the afternoon, and at least
one tenth on Saturday morning.
The committee on exemptions, pro-
vided for in the original ruling, has
not as yet been established, accord-
Ing to Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburne, as-
sitant to the dean, as all department
chairmen have not yet returned to
the city. It will consist of 15 or 24
members representing most of the
departments in the literary college.
Policy Indefinite
According to Dr. Woodburne, no
policy on what will constitute valid
causes for exemptions has been for-
mulated, and none will be until the
committee is appointed and has met.
The committee will be stationed in
aWterman Gymnasium, where classi-
fication takes place, to pass on all
All students who intend to present
Saturday morning employment as a
cause for exemption from the ruling
should be prepared to prove that they
have already secured that employ-
ment, and are not merely planning1
to do so, Dr. Woodburne said.
No definite decision has as yet
been reached by the office of the
Dean of Women in regard to chang-
ing women's hours for Friday night
because of classes Saturday morning.1
Causes For Exemptions
tn regard to exemptions, Prof.
George R. LaRue, chairman of the+
zoology department, and chairman:
of the committee which formulated+
the Saturday classes plan, stated at
the time the plan was adopted: "The,
committee believes that as many as
five percent or even 25 percent of
the students may have legitimate;
reasons for exemption from Satur-
day classes."
Other than Saturday employment,
the committee mentioned at the time
as a possible cause for exemption a
(Continued on Page 27)4

League Council Plans
Discussion On 'Ho urs
Proposed changes in under-
graduate women's hours because
of the new University ruling mak-
ing Saturday classes compulsory
for all students will be discussed
by League Council at an early
date, it was announced yesterday
by Jean Seeley, '36, president of
the League.
Under the present system 1:30
a.m. permission on Friday nights
and 2:30 a.m. permission for
special class dances held on Fri-
days has been granted to women
students. Saturday night has
been a 12:30 a.m. permission night
for underclass women, although
senior women have been allowed
1:30 a.m. permission.
Although no definite proposals
have been made as yet, tnetative
plans have been considered for
rearranging hours to make Sat-
urday a 1:30 a.m. permission
night, and Friday a 12:30 night.
"The present arrangement of
hours will probably be in force
until it can be seen how the new
system of Saturday classes works
out. "Dean Alice Lloyd said yes-
terday in commenting on the
"However, if any changes are
made," she said, "the proposals
will come from the women stu-
dents themselves, although the
final decisions will be made by the
staff of the Dean's office."
Union Presents
First Dance Of

Deaths, Illnesses, Leaves,
And Appointments Alter
Riegel Given Chair
In Business School
Kelso Becomes Professor
And Director Of Newly
Formed Institution
Sabbatical leaves, illnesses, deaths,
appointments, and promotions have
effected many changes in the fac-
ulty roster for the 1935-36 school
A new chair was created in the
business administration s c h o o l
through the Earhart foundation.
John W. Riegel has been appointed
to this position with the title of as-
sociate professor of industrial rela-
tions and director of the bureau of
industrial relations.
During his career, Professor Riegel
has been connected with the Whar-
ton School of Finance, the University
of Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Institute
of Technology, Harvard University,
and the Federal War Department.
Noted as a social worker in Massa-
chusetts and the eastern states, Rob-
ert W. Kelso has been appointed pro-
fessor of social service and director
of the newly-created Institute of
Health and Social Sciences. After
having developed a law practice in
Boston, Professor Kelso became sec-
retary of the Massachusetts State
Board of Charity. Later he was com-
missioner of public welfare.
New Appointments Listed
Bradley Patten, who last year was
assistant director for medical sciences
in the Rockefeller Foundation, is now
professor of anatomy and director of
the anatomical laboratories.
Prof. Henry Nordmeyer is the new
head of the German department.
Other professorial appointments in-
clude: Philip Munro Northrup, as-
sistant professor of oral surgery in
the School of Dentistry and assistant
professor in the department of surg-
ery in the University Hospital; W. D.
Revelli, assistant professor in the
School of Music and band conductor;
Walter Nungester, associate professor
of bacteriology; Arthur Dunham, pro-
fessor of community organization;
and Clark Hopkins, associate profes-
sor of Greek and Latin.
Henry J. Otto and Mowat G. Fraser
will be lecturers in education.
The following promotions to fill
professorships made in 1934-35, will
be effective in the ensuing school
year: College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Robert Cooley Angell,
sociology; Roy William Cowden, Eng-
lish; David Mathias Dennison,
physics; Hereward Thimbley Price,
English; George Yuri Rainich, mathe-
matics; Raymond Louis Wilder,
School of Education - Willard
Clifford Olson.
College of Pharmacy --Frederick
Franklin Blicke.
School of Dentistry -- Paul Harold
Jeserich; John Willard Kemper.
College of Architecture - Roger
The following were advanced to
associate professors:
College of Literature, Science and
(continued on Page 27)
The next issue of The Daily
will make its appearance on Tues-
day morning, Oct. 1, marking the
resumption of the regular publi-
cation schedule. From that time
on, the paper will be published
daily except Mondays.


Oratorical Association
William R. Castle
Is First Speaker
Emil Ludwig, Biographer,
Will Lecture On 'Fate
Of Europe,_1914-1940'
Eight lecturers, headed by Rear
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, famous
aviator-explorer, and Emil Ludwig,
noted biographer, will make up the
annual lecture course sponsored by
the University Oratorical Association.
Mr. William R. Castle, authority on
international affairs, will open the
series Oct. 31, and the subject of his'
lecture will be "Our Relations With'
Other Nations." Mr. Castle served
as a member of the State Department
under four administrations and in
1930, at the time of the Naval Con-
ference was United States Ambassa-
dor to Japan.
Admiral Byrd will give an illus-
trated lecture Nov. 18 on his second1
Antarctic exedition. He has already1
made several previous appearances on
the series program.
Hopkins To Speak
"Problems of Government" will be
the subject of the third lecture, which
will be presented Nov. 25 by Harry
L. Hopkins, Federal Relief Adminis-
trator. Under the direction of Mr
Hopkins more than $2,000,000,000
of Federal funds have been expended,
and he will present a personal pic-
ture of the questions involved in this
vast governmental undertaking.
The Rev. Bernard R. Hubbard, S. J.
the "glacier priest" will give the
fourth lecture in the series Dec. .
The subject of his speech will be "A
Voyage Into the Ice Inferno."
Mr. Ludwig, famous biographer,1
will lecture Dec. 12, and the topic of
.his speech will be "Fate of Europe1
1914-1940." Mr. Ludwig has become
one of the best known modern biog-
raphers, having written "Bis'ar'k,"
"Napoleon," and numerous othert
"Rediscovering America" r
The fifth lecture will feature Dor-
othy Thompson, wife of Sinclair
Lewis. Mrs. Lewis holds her place
as one of the distinguished woman1
journalists of modern times, and prior
to 1934 was chief of the Central Eu-
ropean Bureau of the New York Eve-t
ning Post. "Rediscovering America"
will be the subject of her lecture tot
be given Jan. 23.
The present Ethiopian crisis will be
discussed by Josef Israels, feature1
writer for the New York Times and
various other magazines. He will
lecture Feb. 19.
The final lecture of the series willt
be given Feb. 27 by Edward Price
Bell, foreign newspaper correspon-
dent. Mr. Bell was for more than
20 years the London correspondent
of the Chicago Daily News, and has'
just returned from a 38,000 mile trip
through Europe and Asia, in the
course of which he has talked with
practically every important prime
minister and foreign minister.
Prices of tickets for the entire
series range from $2.75 to $3.50 and
single admissions will be 75 and 50
cents, with a slight increase in price
for the Byrd lecture.
Announce New
Schedule For
The General Library will be re-
opened on Sunday during the com-
ing school year for the first time since
1932, it was announced yesterday by
Dr. William W. Bishop, librarian.
In addition to being open from 8
a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday, with the
exception of the lunch and dinner

hour, Dr. Bishop revealed that the
library and its study halls will also
be open Friday and Saturday nights.
The study halls will close for only an
hour over the lunch and dinner per-
iods, instead of an hour and a half
as was the case last year.
An additional grant to the library
by the Board of Regents enabled the

Program For
Is Planned By

Heavy Grain Crop
Causes Hay Fever
Vitimrs D)iscomf orti
The hay fever season, which will
last until there is a real frost, has
been worse than ever this year, ac-
cording to Dr. Buenaventure Jim-
enez, health service hay fever ex-
The unusual severity with which
hay feverites have been stricken this
fall is on account of the heavy grain
crop, which Dr. Jiminez believes has
swollen the air with pollen. The
ragweed and goldenrod crops are es-
pecially heavy too, he pointed out.
The disease has been the worst for
those who suffer from hay or some
type of grain, he pointed out, but
even those whose sneezing and
wheezing is caused by food have been1
worse this year.
Dr. Jimenez is preparing to start
his tests and treatments which he
gives to all who wish them. The pro-
gram is, he explained, to first find
out what caused the hay fever andj
then set out to cure it. The cure for
the most part consists of "shots" of
Blakeman Tells
Of Ann Arbor's
Church Activity
Stu dents' Opportunities;
For Participation Are
Outlined In Interview
Religious organizations and activ-
ities in which students of the Uni-
versity may participate were outlined1
by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor in Religious Education, in an
interview yesterday.
All religious groups and organiza-
tions are represented in the Council
of Religion, which includes in its
membership the Student Christian
Association, the Jewish Hillel Foun-
dation and St. Mary's Chapel. The
Council is presided over by Irving
Levitt, '36, who was elected to the
office last spring.
Lane Hall, located at State and
Washington streets, is the home of1
the Christian Association, a co-edu-
cational organization corresponding
to the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Bill
Wilsnack, '37, is the student pres-
ident of the Association, which spon-
sors numerous lines of social service
work on campus, together with a
campus-wide jamboree held during
the second semester.
The student organization at St.
Mary's Chapel is known as the New-
man Club, and its activities are di-
rected by the Rev. Fr. Allen J. Bab-
cock, student chaplain.
In addition to the work of Father
Babcock, two other men have defi-
nite appointments to campus work,
and give their full time to students
and religious education. The Rev.
Howard Chapman, for 15 years Mich-
igan's representative at the Baptist
Board of Education, holds interviews
both at the Baptist Guild Hall on
Huron Street and at Lane Hall. The
Rev. H. L. Pickerill also conducts
interviews at Lane Hall and at his
residence, 436 Maynard Street.
For Jewish students Hillel Foun-
dation, affiliated with similar cultural
and religious centers at other univer-
sities, is under the direction of Rabbi
Bernard Heller, who conducts a serv-
ice each Sunday at the Michigan
League Chapel and also holds classes,
lectures and drama for his, students
A central office for religious edu-
(Continued on Page 28)

August Enrollment
Is Hospital's Best
The University Hosital staff was
more than busy during August as 1,-
316 patients, the greatest number in
its history, were enrolled, according
to Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske, assis-
tant director.
The bed capacity is normally but
1,295, Dr. Kerlikowske said, and it

Series Will Be Opened By
Grand Opera Quartet
Saturday, Oct. 19
Season o Be Best
In 57 Years -- Sink
Sergei Rachmaninoff And
Cossack Chorus Will
Appear Soon
Presenting a group of 10 outstand-
ing concerts, the fifty-seventh annual
series of Choral Union concerts will
open Saturday, Oct. 19, in Hill Audi-
torium. The first concert will be
given by the Metropolitan Opera
Quartet, consisting of Giovanni Mar-
tinelli, tenor; Ezio Pinza, bass; Eide
Norena, soprano, and Doris Doe, con-
The four, all members of the Metro-
politan Opera Company, will present
a program of favorite operatic solos,
duets and quartets.
The complete program for the sea-
son is as follows: Metropolitan Quar-
tet, Oct. 19; Sergei Rachmaninoff,
pianist, Nov. 6; Don Cossack Russian
Chorus, Nov. 11; Fritz Kreisler, viol-
inist, Dec. 3; Boston Symhony Or-
chestra, Dec. 11; St. Louis Symphony
Orchestra, Pan. 16; Kolisch String
Quartet, Jan. 20; Detroit Symhony
Orchestra, Jan. 24; John Charles
Thomas, baritone, Feb. 17, and Myra
Hess, pianist, March 16.
Favorites Repeat
Many of the headliners who will
appear before Ann Arbor music-lovers
this year are favorites of many past
seasons. Among these are Sergei
Rachmaninoff, and Myra Hess, who
have been enthuiastically received on
former occasions; the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra, which will be ap-
pearing for the twelfth time locally;
John Charles Thomas will make his
third appearance on a Choral Union
program; Fritz Kreisler's concert will
be his ninth before a local audience,
while Serge Jaroff and his Don Cos-
sack Chorus will also be repeating
former concert appearance here.
Serge Koussevitzky will direct the
Boston Symphony, Vladimir Golsch-
mann the St. Louis Symphony, and
Bernardino Molinari will be guest
conductor of the Detroit Symphony.
According to President Charles A.
Sink of the School of Music, this will
be a banner season for Choral Union
patrons, offering a well-rounded pro-
gram including almost all fields of
musical activity and bringing more
(continued on Page 27)
Oct. 2 Set For
First Concert
Of Glee Club
Prof. Mattern Will Lead 40
Men Singers At Banquet
Of Cadillac Salesmen
Enjoying an outstanding reputa-
tion as one of the oldest musical or-
ganizations on the University cam-
pus, the University Glee Club offers
membership to 100 students. It came
into existence here as a Mandolin
and Glee club, with voices being
supplemented by many varieties of
string instruments.
During its lifetime of 75 years the
Glee Club has toured to almost every
prominent city of the United States.
Last year, reduced to a concert group
of 40 singers it made 15 trips. Al-
though piano accompaniment is the
most common, at times the group is
augmented by a harpist. Under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern, who
has been actively in charge of the
group for the past five years, the
Glee Club will open its concert season

Oct. 2 in Detroit. The singers will
appear before a banquet of the Cad-
illac sales organization.
Although at one time the Glee Club
was controlled executively by stu-
dents, the trend in the last 50 years
has been toward faculty supervision.
Among the well-known musicians
who have conducted the singers are
the late Prof. Albert Stanley, Earl
G. Killeen, and Theodore Harris. At
the present time Professor Mattern

Year Sept.


The various departments of the
Union including the swimming pool,
billiard and recreation room, and
the bowling alleys will open for the
school year today, Stanley G. Waltz,
general manager said last night.
The first membership dance will
be held Friday night, and besides the
Union formal which takes place in
the first semester, several other
dances will be sponsored featuring
some well known orchestra at fre-
quent intervals. This will be a new
feature of the Union dances this year.
Several improvements in the fa-
cilities of the building have been
made. It is expected that the new
steam room will probably be open
today for those availing themselves
of the privileges of the swimming pool
Union officials also said that the
bowling alleys will be opened at 3
p.m. Sunday; heretofore the alleys
have been closed on Sundays.

Reporter Turns Sleuth, Discovers 47
Laboratories, Quits Job 1/12 Complete

No one has ever stopped to count
the number of laboratories in the
College of Engineering. However,
there are 47 laboratories in the chem-
ical engineering department alone,
and there are 11 other divisions of
the college which include laboratory
work in their courses of study.
These laboratories range in size all
the way from tiny research rooms
glutted with instruments to the

Probably the most powerful pieces of
equipment ever to be developed in the
college are the high gain amplifiers of
the electrical engineering depart-
ment, whose amplification can reach
the 100 trillion mark.
Selecting a course of study in en-
gineering resolves itself largely into
choosing the laboratories in which
the student feels himself most in-
terested. The electrical engineering

opportunity of operating a 100-ton
tension-compression machine, to-
gether with other machines to test
the endurance and strength of me-
chanical equipment.
Among the laboratories in the
chemical engineering department are
the evaporator laboratory and the
unit operations laboratory, the latter
used for the study of such operations
as heat transfer, distillation and fil-

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