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November 05, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-05

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Stanley Chorus
Plans General
Meeting Today
Personnel Of Club Almost
Completed; New Library
Is Announced
The first meeting of the entire
membership of the newly reorgan-
ized Stanley Chorus is to be held at
7:15 p.m. today in the Glee Club
Room of the Union, Ruth Rich, '36,
president of the group announced.
The personnel of the club is almost
complete, Miss Rich said, although a
few additional women may still make
application for membership at to-
night's meeting. At the present time,
the club has a total of 85 members.
New Library
Achilles Taliafero, director, has an-
nounced a complete new library of
music, ranging in selection from the
typically classical to the more mod-
ern works of well-known composers.
An innovation this year in the
club's programs will be afternoon
concerts at the regular League teas,
an additional number- of campus
songs, and a tentative arrangement
for appearances at the Silver Grill.
The chorus will also present its tra-
ditional Christmas concert which is
usually an invitational affair held in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Merit Points
The Glee Club was incorporated in-
to the League this year as the Stanley
chorus. Merit points are to be re-
corded for all women participating in
the club.
Miss Rich announced the names of
25 women who have been accepted as
members. of the club. The list in-
cludes: Mary Adamski, '37, Mary
Barrington, '38, Marian Bell, '37,
Carolin Beltramini, '38, Carolin Bow-
er, '38, Virginia Callow, '37, Margaret
Duggan, '36, Jeannette Edick, '38.
Additional Members
Catherine Eshelbarger, '38, Betty
Jane Flansburg, '37, Gwendolyn Fos-
sum, '38, Dorothea Ginsch, '38,
Jeanne Johnson, '37, Betty King, '37,
Margaret Lewis, '36, Dorothy Love,
'38, Marjorie MacIntosh, '38, Carol
Mahon, '38, Ruth McConkey, '37.
Jane Mutschler, '37, Mary Parsons,
'37, Betty Parrish, '38,' Virginia Rich-
ardson, '38, Violet Simms, '38, and
Laura Spencer, '38.

To Speak Here

Leeture Series
For Freshman
To End Today

Mrs. F. B. Fisher To Describe
Summer Travels In Mexico

Dean Lloyd, Weaver
Windt To Speak In
Program Of Year


Mrs. F. B. Fisher, author and
world traveler, will address the Ann
Arbor chapter of the Michigan
Alumnae Association next Satur-
day, relating some of her exper -
iences in Mexico, and giving her im-
pressions of the culture and cus-
t oms of the people.
Seven Pledged
By Kappa Phi
Methodist Club
The pledging of seven girls by
Kappa Phi sorority, organization of
Methodist women ,at 5 p.m. Monday
at Stalker Hall brought the total of
prospective members up to nineteen.
The new pledges are : Sue Mason,
'36, Dorothy Carr, '36, Ruth Carr, '38,
Julia Schaeffer, '37, Mary Albright,
'39, Janet Davis, '39, and Helen Hir-
shey. Others, who were pledged at a
meeting recently, are: Janet Tilli-
bridge, '38, Thursa Milford, '38, Mar-
ian Hodson, '38, Mary Alice Smith,
'39, Doris Marta, '36, Evelyn Kunkle,
'39, Virginia Gambill, '39, Ida Maud
Howell, '37, Dorothy Luth-er, '39,
Helen Mae Gasser, '39, Virginia
Johnston, '37, and Sally Messing.
Following the pledging service, the
group held' its regular bi-monthly
meeting. Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of the League, spoke on
the subject, "A Girl's Adjustment to
College Life."
Althoughthe purpose of the club
is to bring about a closer relationship
among Methodist women students,
its membership is not restricted to

The last in the series of regular
weekly orientation lectures given for
the freshmen women will be held at
5 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. The program has been
planned to include three speakers.
Dean Alice C. Lloyd has planned
to devote ten minutes to the discus-
sion of the desirable personality to be
obtained by University women.
Mr. Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, and newly appoint-
ed director of the Children's Theatre,
will continue with an explanation of
the opportunities in drama which are
offered to the students.
Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the Eng-
lish Department, will conclude the
program with an explanation of" the
annual Avery Hopwood Awards in
their relation to the freshmen.
The orientation committee, in
charge of these lectures, had origi-
nally planned that there would be a
separate lecture given by each of to-
day's speakers. Since this has been
found impossible, all three will be
heard in one program today.
A marked interest in these fresh-
men lectures is evidenced by the in-
crease in attendance at this year's
lectures over that of last year.
Adelia Cheever House
Holds Formal Initiation
Adelia Cheever House held a form-
al initiation for all new members re-
cently. Those initiated were Mar-
garet Ayres, '37, Marion Cannon, '37,
Thelma Bailey, '39, Zelda Burke, '38,
Ruth Christophersen, '37, Margaret
Haggan, '39, Marjorie Fromer, '38,
Marjorie Pierpont, '39, Dorothy
Luthe, '39, Sally Morrow, '37 and
Margery Rabe, '39.
The guests included members of
the Board of Governors and their
husbands, Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs.
Byrl Bacher, Miss Jeannette Perry
and Mrs. Nelson Schule, house di-
rector last year.

Mexico - land of volcanic peaks
smoldering against a blue sky, of
ancicnt r~ed rocks lying in mammoth
folds where lizards doze and scramble
in the brilliant sun: home of the ba-
nana, the noisy monkey tribe and the
treacherous alligazor; where fields of
maize and sugar cane flourish in clear
mountain air just an hour's journey
from the humid vapors of marsh
lands; a land of contradictions - an-
cient ruins vying with modern indus-
tries, tropical foliage sene from the
snowy summits of towering moun-
tains, peace versus revolution.
Travels In Mexico
Mrs. Frederick Bohn Fisher, who
has spent many years travelling in
foreign countries, absorbing their
cultures, seeking the fundamental
facts concerning each of them, and
writing on international relationships
from her rich store of knowledge, has
recently returned from a summer ii
During these months, sne en-
deavored to arrive at an understand-
ing of the country and its people, liv-
ing among them, studying their cul-
ture, at the University of Mexico,
learning their language, attending
Spanish movies and theatres and
joining in their activities. She has re-
turned with a fund of fascinating ex-
periences and ideas compiled in lec-
ture form.C
Broadened Outlook
Mrs. Fisher's years of travel have
given her a broadened outlook and
sympathetic understanding of people
There will be a meeting of the
W.A.A. board at 4:15 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the W.A.A. building. All
members are requested to be pres-

and nations which make her lectures
more than mere travelogues. They
are practical discussions of existing
conditions and situations as well as
fascinating pictures of lands and peo-
ple, unfamiliar to many. Besides her
numerous lectures, she has written
five books, edited "World Neighbors"
for four years and circled the globe
four times.
The Michigan Alumnae Association
has asked Mrs. Fisher to speak at the
first meeting of the Ann Arbor group
next Saturday. This will be her first
public lecture on the subject of her
experiences in Mexico.
Martha Cook Dormitory
Gives Memorial Dinner
Martha Cook Building, in com-
memoration of the dedicatory ban-
quet held 20 years ago, gave a dinner
recently for the residents. The build-
ing was formally dedicated Nov.ember
2, 1925, at a banquet attended by
President-emeritus James Burrill An-
gell, President Harry Burns Hutchins,
Governor and Mrs. Woodbridge Fer-
ris, and the architects of the building,
as well as severai members of the
Cook family.
Marion Slemons, '36M, described
the history of the building from its

ToDisplay Work
Of French Artists
An exhibition of the paintings of
six French artists will be held from
Nov. 6 through Nov. 24 at Alumni
Memorial Hall as announced by the
Ann Arbor Art Association.
Two paintings will be shown of
each of the following - Matisse, Pic-
asso, Braque, Laurencin, Leger and
Masson. All the pices, with the ex-
ception of the Leger paintings, owned
by Durand-Ruel, are from the col-
lection of Paul Rosenberg of Paris.
Mr. Rosenberg's collection is in this
country for -a short time with the
travelling exhibition, held under the
auspices of the College Art Associa-
The collection will be open to view
from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. on week days
and from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Sun-


Aren't You About Ready for


Chic BLAK7res




this religious group. The
tion is especially interested
women new on campus

in helping
to make

For the Height of
Elegance in Your
New Hat-
Choose These New Fabrics:
To Be Worn With Fur Coats
or Fur-Trimmed Coats
551 Chu-ch Street

rcn7't you ired Of PASTELS?
Aren't you proud of that glorious rosy color
this fall weather is doing for your skin?
Aren't you about ready to discard the former
and flatter the latter? Then, by all means,
have a BLACK dress. It makes you look radi-
antly healthy, sleek, svelte, sophisticated.
Because the smartest women in the world
wear black, because the black frock has a
distinction that is absolutely unique, because
it has ever been a Paris favorite (and still is)
and because it has a particular appeal, a very
special chic, at this point in the year, Jacob-
son's features it importantly now.

A Little Light on Books and Authors.
1. What great- man partook of
food in order to save his brother
from starvation?
2. How many Calypso humming
birds could be sent for two-cents let-
ter postage?
3. What is the most complete and
perfect piece of glasswork in the
world, and where is it?
4. Why did Frank Craig, the artist,
eat the eggs intended for Arnold
Bennett's breakfast?
5. What famous woman at the mo-
ment of death called for a mirror
in order to admire her beauty?
The answers to these questions may
be found in the following books which
are on the display table in the League
Library this week.
Mont St. Michel and Chartres.
A Magnificent Farce.
St. Francis of Assisi.
Beneath Tropic Seas.

State and Liberty
Watch Repairing!



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Where To Go

Theatre: Majestic, 'Barbary Coast'
with Miriam Hopkins; Michigan,
"Feather In Her Hat" with Pauline
Lord and "Blue Venus Revue" on
stage; Whitney, "Black Room" with
Boris Karloff and "Old Homestead"
with Mary Carlisle; Wuerth, "Black
Fury" with Paul Muni and "Calm
Yourself" with Robert Young.
Concerts: Sergei Rachmaninoff,
pianist, second Choral Union Con-
cert, 8:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Dancing: Hut Cellar.
Final tryouts fo; principals in the
Gilbert and Sullivan's "Ruddigore"
have been changed to Thursday at
4:30 at the Laboratory Theatre in-
stead of Wednesday at 4:00. The
chorus is to meet at Friday at 4:00.
The other rehearsals are as sched-
at the



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