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November 05, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-05

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EAMYERL1 6, 1935

§_Of Mr. Fuller. . .

but Oramel B. Fuller always re-
mains in the auditor-general's office.
So they used to say of the elderly and astute
gentleman who sat at the head of Michigan fi-
nances for 17 years. Serving under governor after
governor, Mr. Fuller was always returned to his
office by the people of Michigan whom he served
so well.
Mr. Fuller, who was 70 years old at the time
of his death in Lansing, Monday, was a cripple.
For 30 years he had not left his wheel chair, but
to his indomitable will this tremendous handicap
meant nothing. He strived, and he succeeded.
Mr. Fuller's life is an example that many persons
today might well follow. His formula was an.
unimposing but an effective one: kindness, cour-
age, and honesty.
With Oramel Fuller goes a noble and notable
part of Michigan's past. Efficient though his suc-
cessor was, the auditor-general's office never
seemed quite the same after he retired in 1932.
Political circles will not seem the same now that
he is dead.

The Conning Tower
The trees are leaden, and there is rust on the
Nothing is bright; the garden is dried and gray.
The woods I knew are thin where I used to pass,
Pushing the leafy branches out of my way.

The lingering phlox has opened its pods, and
Only the aster carries a ghostgy plume
Over the garden, where in the August sun
The purple petunias, the pink, and the white,
were in bloom.


Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
s5oecated ollgiatfr re
-19934 UC$' i )i;jt 1 I93s-
Amsot. WIscoSN
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc.,420
Madeon Ave., New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR ...................WILLIAM R. REED.
NIGHT EDITORS: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
News Editor ................................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Joseph P. Andriola, Lester
Brauser, Arnold S. Daniels, William J. DeLancey, Roy
Haskell, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton D. Heppler, Paul Ja-
cobs, Richard LaMarca, Thomas McGuire, Joseph S.
" Mattes, Arthur A. Miller, Davis S. Quail, Robert D.
Rogers, William E.. Shackleton, Richard Sidder, I. S.
Silverman, Don Smith, William G. Spaller, Tuure
Tenander, Joseph Walsh, Robert Weeks.
Relen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Grvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barb ra Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy wantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
t n!dt; Service Department, W is Tomlinson; Con-
tic' tStnley Joffe; Accounts, idward Wohgemuth;
Oli cu2at04 and National Advertising, John Park;
laied Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
_ 4n,Lewis E. Bukeley, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D.
J'e1ender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones, William C.
k1 eeht, Wiliam C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law-
r n BM.moth, John' D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky,
Nqrm a B. Stinberg, Donald Wilsher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Mar'garet
Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
*iecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCrd
Helen Neeberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helm Purdy
Vrgnia Snell.
i e~la Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
$"ginnJhait Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
e7©u Whte.
Need> For A
SNew iIf'rfession,..
capital and labor problem during
the past few ears has brought to light a new kind
of professional man - a "labor trouble-shooter."
A brief review of major labor troubles recently
brings to mind a picture of Edward F. McGrady,
assistant to Secretary of Labor Perkins and the
Labor Department's "number one trouble shooter,"
dashing about from point to point frantically try-
ing' to keep the entire nation's labor and capital
fronts on good terms.
All sorts of lesser commissions for dealing with
labor problems have been set up by President
Roosevelt, and the fact that they have been
swamped with work is sufficient evidence that
these problems are widespread and vital.
The work of these labor mediators, from the
Labor Department right down to the smallest local
conciliation commission, is of a highly specialized
nature, requiring extensive experience not only
in the conditions faced by both the employer and
employee, but also in the actual mechanics and

methods of arbitration.
When labor-capital relationships are strained
sufficiently to require outside aid for settlement
of differences, both sides are likely to be impatient
with, and distrustful of, conciliators who are in-l
capable of a sympathetic understanding of theI
peculiar factors in the situation of each.
Although we are not assuming that the present
critical conditions in the labor field will not ap-
preciably subside in the future, it will require
the work of trained workers to bring about a
permanent harmony.
There is at present no properly trained and
equipped group of men now chosen chiefly on
the basis of their prominence in some other field,
which, though it may be related to labor problems,
generally gives them an unbalanced view of
the picture.
Most of our greater universities already teach
many of the courses that are essential to the edu-
nation of a labor expert. The need is for a group-








Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
My Michigan
To the Editor:
Is there evidence that any cartographer spelled
the name of this state "Meechigon?" A rapid
search of Karpinski's Historical Atlas, Great Lakes
and Michigan yields the following:
1681, Michigami,
1688, Michigange,
1695, Mikigang,
1703, Michigane,
1710, Michigane,
1718, Michigan,
1743, Mi-chi-gam,
1761, Mishigan,
1761, Michigan.
The same man printed the last two and was as
liberal with contours as with spelling. No later
variants were observed.
-E. Periscope Atlas.
As Others See It
A University Exploit
(From the Minnesota Daily)
AKING the air to exploit a commercial patent
which it owns, the University of Wisconsin
is causing considerable comment among educators
from coast to coast. The new patent covers a
process by which food products are passed under
ultra-violet rays in such a way as to get at every
molecule, killing injurious bacteria and stimulat-
ing growth of beneficial bacteria.
In entering commercial broadcasting, the uni-
versity will stress the advantages of milk treated
under the new process. Later, the method will
be applied to other foods. Through the Wisconsin
Alumni association, the sale of rights to use the
patent is being effected. The patent is the result
of work done by university professors, and it has
been assigned by them to the university. Profits
will supplement finances for research in the Wis-
consin laboratories.
With Minnesota in possession of valuable pat-
ents, the commercial value of which will depend
upon smart exploitation, investigation might well
be made by officials to determine whether a
similar plan might not be worked out here. It
might well be that Minnesota's cold treatment,
recently perfected by Dr. Diehl, could also be
exploited commercially through aid of the Alumni
association to provide a new source of revenue
for the research departments of the University.
The Wisconsin experiment is one that bears
careful watching on the part of educators. It
may be productive of additional wealth for Amer-
ican universities, which are now, more than ever
before, in need of new sources of income to main-
tain their standards.
Facts Vs. 'Whole Man'
(From the Cornell Daily Sun)
AT A TIME when colleges and Universities are
rapidly following the lead of the University of
Chicago in scrapping the four year attendance re-
quirement and permitting students to advance
as fast as they can pass certain examinations,
it is cheering to observe that educators still exist
who see a greater purpose in a University educa-
tion than mere factual learning. Dean Herbert
E. Hawkes of Columbia College in his annual re-
port declares that "believing that the 'whole man'
is admitted to college and that we Have a re-
sponsibility for his education in body, in char-
acter and on the social side, as well as on the
intellectual, it is shirking a good share of that
responsibility to regard our job as done when he
has passed his examinations!"
On the other hand, Dean Hawkes is not at all
reactionary and has no desire to hinder the stu-
dent in making rapid progress towards his ad-
vanced work. Columbia several years ago adopted
the same liberal policy of extending credit that

Cornell did last year. Students may obtain pre-
requisite credit for any advanced course by pass-
ing an achievement examination on the required
ii ,-17e i1+ n,,irh n rPvrAnitperprit ro1r not Parrv

In another month, or another month, or another,
The snow will rise, and the pulse of the ivy fall
Like a dying man's; the snow will rise, till it
Petunia, aster, phlox, and vine and all.
Only November; but still I seem to know
How the arbor will look where once the grapes
hung full:
It will be a row of crosses over the snow,
Blackened and bare and thin and terrible.
May the Last Horse Win - Regardless of Race,
Color or Creed!
NAVY DAY celebrated in all local restaurants
with dreadnaught renditions of "Asleep in the
Deep-Dish Apple Pie" and "Anchovies Away!"
AMERICA'S LITTLE HOUSE shuts up shop, and
will be torn down to make room for Mrs. Astor's
AUTO SHOW opens at Grand Central Palace,
which can easily be reached on the Lexington
Avenue horsecars between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m.
QUINTUPLETS enjoy their first'serving of meat.
Marie tasted it and cried "Lamb!" Annette
insisted that it was veal. Cecile was willing to
bet that it was venison. Emilie smacked her lips
and yelled "Schnitzel'!" And Yvonne, whowas
up to ears in sausage at the moment, refused
to be interviewed.
BOY SCOUTS hold cornhusking contest at Rocke-
feller Center - apparently having been ordered
by Police Commissioner Valentine to muss up
Radio City.
postoffice in Haverstraw, his home town. Mr.
Farley's political friends (he has no enemies)
claim the edifice was made possible by the ad-
ministration's wisdom in picking Columbia to
beat Cornell.
WILD HALLOWE'EN PARTY at the headquarters
of the League for Less-sh! Noise-sh! turns out
to be regular Thursday night class-sh! in de-
cibel frac- (sh!) -tions.
VICE-PRESIDENT GARNER (a wand'ring min-
strel, yi!) welcomed to Japan by Emperor Hiro-
hito with ballads, songs and snatches -and in
shreds and patches, a copy of the Punishment-
Fit-the-Crime Number of Vanity Fair.
"TOBACCO ROAD" continues to get Chicago's
wind,, tire its taste, and jangle its nerve. "What
this (deleted) city needs," said Jeeter Lester at a
late hour last night, "is a (deleted) good five-
cent Road to walk a mile for a (deleted) nickel
cigar on, goddam it!"
BABE RUTH initiated into Circus Saints and Sin-
ners, which seems to be an organization for the
Otherwise Unemployed.
"MORE THAN 1,000 DESIGNS" go on exhibit in
Christmas card display at Radio City - giving
the Termites Union, Local 1001, more than 1,000
reasons for continuing to bore from within.
FORMER MAYOR WALKER, a local boy who
made good-in Surrey, returns "to resume my
law practice." Mr. Walker failed to state just
where his l.p. would be resumed, but our new
seismograph, or Metaphor Unmixer (hurriedly
invented during last Friday morning's earth-
quake), indicates a point midway between Leon
& Eddie's and Jimmy Kelly's.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This newly patented Metaphor
Unmixer, together with another new machine
known as the Similie Dissimilator, are inven-
tions of the Peekly-Weekly's 25th Century office
boy, Buck Y. Rogers. Both machines will soon
be equipped with wirephoto and television at-
tachments, so that our subscribers in Canarsie
can see their own figures of speech dismantled
in Union City.
"Laid end to end," says the United Press Tuffin,
O., bureau, "the 84,000 pennies would stretch a
mile." Now pupils, which end is the end of a
Additional songs, suggested by T. G. T. 2d for
the Hartford Courant's cooking school music pro-
gram: "Looky, Looky, Here Comes Cooky," "Tres
Moutarde," "Hushed Is the Bacon," from "Box and
Cox," and from G. and S., "Little Buttercup," from
"H. M. S. Pinafore," and "Now to the Banquet

We Press," from "The Sorcerer."
The esteemed New Yorker mentions that post-
office employees don't know the number of the
Eighth Avenue building. Ask the boys across the
street at the Pennsylvania station what their
number is; or the Pennsylvania Hotel folks across
the street theirs.
We are abandoning for what John Peter Toohey
says is technically known as the nonce the visible
House Numbers crusade. The city will take it up
someday, just as they took up our campaign
against unnecessary noise. We have a new car
We want the theaters to print on the envelope con.
taining tickets, the location of the theater in as
large type as they print the theater's name. Unless
vn carry a flashlight and a microseone you hav

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.- As an in-
dication of the marked political
difference between the late NRA and
the "new deal" three-A agricultural
setup, administration procedure in
bringing the constitutionality of each
to a test before the Supreme Court
is noted. In tJie case of NRA, such
a test obviously was dodged until the
last moment. With AAA, prepara-
tions to ask the court to hurry things
along so that a decision will be had
before Congress meets in January,
began as soon as the first legal bat-
tle against processing taxes developed.
One reason for seeking a decision
before Christmas is the budgetary
side of the question. President
Roosevelt's budgetary "summation"
clearly points that out. If the proces-
sing taxes should be outlawed, ways
of meeting "existing" farm benefit
committments must be found. That
means new taxes and tax legislation
on the eve of a gneral election, which
is about the last thing congress likes
to tackle.
BUT, there is another reason. It is
well understood that government
briefs in the AAA argument are to be
quite different from the showing
made in the case of NRA. Much is
to be heard, by all accounts, of the
"welfare" clause of the constitution.
Whether the justices can be im-
pressed by that or not remains to be
seen. As evidence of what the "new
deal" sought to do for the farmer,
however, in event of a decision cut-
ting off processing tax benefits now
going to the farm belt, those briefs
might become valuable "new deal"
campaign documents.
Observers expect argument of pro-
cessing tax constitutionality about
mid-November, and a decision before
Christmas. It is safe prediction that
if AAA falls in the court, the January
session of Congress will be flooded
with farm bills and resolutions ,rang-
ing all the way from constitutional
amendments for its restoration to
whatever substitute farm plan various
Republican presidential aspirants
may be privately cherishing. It will
be open season again for farm bills.
No prospective candidate for Presi-
dent, vice-president or for governor
of any western or southern state will
dare be without a farm plan, regard-
less of his party ties.
* * * *
WHICH serves to recall that the
speeding up of Republican off-
year activity to an all but unpreced-
ented pitch has another objective be-
sides the presidency or even control
of the next house. That is control
of state governments. In the cen-
tering of public attention on Wash-
ington since the '32 and '34 elections,
the extraordinary Democratic sweep
of the governorships has been all but
forgotten by most people.
After 1934 there were but nine of
the 48 governors in the Republican
column. Next year five of those nine
will be facing expiration of terms
while nearly two dozen Democratic
governors will be in the same fix.
Whatever happens in the..presidential
election, winning back some of those
lost governorships as well as many
house seats would be an important
first step for the Republicans toward
a later complete return to national
political power.
Consumption Of
Liquor Imports
Rises Steadily

Largest Amount Of Home
Spirits Was Used During
September Since Repeal
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. - (f) -
Increased consumption of legal liquor
of domestic brands apparently has
done nothing to quench Americans'
thirst for the more expensive im-
ported kind.
Running counter to advance ex-
pectations of some officials, liquor
imports have risen steadily this year,
keeping pace with the upward trend
in consumption of "home made" var-
Treasury officials declined to assigr
a reason for this but said the gov-
erning factors are drinkers' tastes
and "the size of their pocketbooks.'
For the first nine months of this
year 4,836,441 gallons of importec
whiskey, rum, brandy and gin passed
into consumption, an increase of 506,-
r011 gallons over the period last year,
In September, the total was fixed at
649,960 gallons, compared with 560,-
190 for the month in 1934.
In the field of domestic production
spirits withdrawn from warehouse
during September, including alcohol
were reported at a new peak of 8,931,-
542 gallons, surpassing the forme:
post-repeal high mark of 8,425,891
. gallons in December, 1934.
During the first nine months of
s this year, 58,903,192 gallons wer(
s withdrawn, compared with 39,189,641
e ;n - 1 Qnarienrlon inPrnenc o-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1935 1 Three Sonatas ............. Scarlatti

VOL. XLVI No. 31
Members of the Faculties of the
University are invited to make sug-
gestions regarding facilities that
ought to be available in the proposed
building for the Graduate School.
By deed of gift the structure is not
to be used merely as a social center
nor for faculty offices, classrooms and
laboratories. Provision for scientific
organizations of the faculties or of
graduate students, conferences, and
meetings of outside scientific and
learned societies should be consid-
ered. Other services may be desir-
able. Members of the Executive
Board and the staff will be pleased
to confer with anyone having pro-
posals that will enlarge the useful-
ness of the new building.
C. S. Yoakum.
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, November 9, will be the
final day for dropping a course with-
out record. Courses may be dropped
only with the permission of the class-
ifier after conference with the in-
structor in the course.
Choral Union Members: Tickets for
both the Rachmaninoff and the Don
Cossack concerts will be given out to
members of the University Choral
Union who are in good standing; and
who call in person between the hours
of 10 and 12; and 1 and 4, Wednes-
day, November 6, at Room 107, main
floor, School of Music Building. After
4 o'clock no tickets will be given out.
R.O.T.C.: All men to receive uni-
form§ call at headquarters today be-
tween 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for
try on.
Phi Sigma meeting scheduled for
today is postponed until November
20. Dr. Van Tyne will speak at this
meeting and election of new members
will take place then. Become active
by paying your dues before the next
meeting, dues payable to Thomas
Weller, treasurer.
The following classes in English 1
and 31 should move from 221 Angell
Hall to the rooms listed:

Sonata, B minor ............ Chopin
(a) Poeme)
(b) Etude) ................Scriabin
Fairy *le...............Medtner
Scherzo .................. Borodin
Barcarolle .............. Rubinstein
(a) Etude)
(b) Prelude) .........Rachmaninoff
Etude - Caprice...........Dohnanyi
Ann Arbor Art Association an-
nounces an exhibition of paintings by
six French Artists, Matisse, Picasso,
Braque, Laurencin, Leger and Mas-
son. November 6 through November
24, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Events Of Today
Sphinx, junior men's honorary so-
ciety, will meet today in the Union at
12:15 p.m. All members are urged
to attend, because plans for pro-
grams and activities in the near fu-
ture will be discussed.
All band members report at 5 p.m.
at Ferry Field with instruments.
Sigma Delta Chi: There will be an
important business meeting at 4:15
p.m., today in the Student Publica-
tions Building and a regular dinner
meeting in the Union at 6:15 p.m.
tomorrow. Mr. William A. Simonds
of the Ford Motor Company will
Chemistry Colloquium, meeting
4:00 p.m., roomC303 Chemistry Build-
ing. Mr. R. D. Thompson will speak
on the precise determination of
standard electrical conductivity val-
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neering Seminar. Mr. Ta Li will be
the speaker at the Seminar for grad-
uate students in Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineering at 4 p.m., Room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will
be "Equilibrium in the Desulphuriza-
tion of Iron by Hydrogen."
Luncheon for Graduate Students:
12 o'clock, Russian Tea Room, Michi-
gan League Building. Cafeteria ser-
vice. Carry tray across the hall. Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon, of the Rom-
ance Language Department, will
speak informally on "Echoes from
Alpha Nu: The weekly meeting of
Alpha Nu will be held at 7:30 p.m.,
in its room on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall. A continuation of try-
out speeches will be held for those
men who are interested in joining
this speech and debating fraternity.
All members are required to be pres-

English 1, Sec.
Schenk, 215 A. H.
English 1, Sec 1
Boothe, 301 S. W.
English 1, Sec. 2
Whitehall, 2014 A.]
English 1, Sec.
Schenk, 3011 A. H.
English 1, Sec.
Haines, 201 S. W.

1, TThS, 8, Mr.
3, MWF, 10, Mr.
0, TThS, 10, Mr.
32, MWF, 1, Mr.
38, MWF, 2, Mr.

English 31, Sec. 4, TThs, 9, Mr.
Hornberger, 2225, A. H.
English 31, Sec. 5, MWF 9, Mr.
Litzenberg, 1020 A. H.
Psychology 31, Lecture Section H.
Examination, Wednesday, November
6, at 2:00. Students from A - K in-
clusive, go to Room 1025 Angell Hall.
Those from L - Z inclusive, go to
Room 231 Angell Hall. Please take
alternate seats. No blue-book is
Piloting and Navigation - N. A. 8:
(2 Hours Credit). Offered by the Ex-
tension Division of the University,
will meet at 679 Ledyard Street in
Detroit at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
November 6. Transportation is avail-
able for two additional students. Call
Professor L. A. Baier, Ext. 445.
History 11, Lecture Section 1. Mid-
semester, Wednesday, November 6, 8
a.m. Mr. Scott's and Mr. Slosson's
sections in Room C,. Haven; Mr.
Long's and Mr. Winnacker's sections
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Rear Admiral Byrd Lecture: Tick-
ets for this number are now on sale
at Wahr's. Patrons wishing desir-
able seats are urged to make their
reservations early.
Choral Union Concert Program:
Sergei Rachmaninoff, pianist, will
give the following program, Wednes-
day evening, November 6, at 8:15
o'clock, in the Choral Union Series in
Hill Auditorium. The concert-going
public is respectfully invited to co-
operate by coming sufficiently early
as to be seated on time. The doorE
will be closed during numbers. Also
detach from season tickets coupox
number two, and present for admis
sion, Members of the audience leav
ing the auditorium during intermis
sion, will be required to show their
tickets stubs for re-admission.
The program is as follows:'
32 Variations, C minor .. .Beethover


Waiting List Glee Club:
tryout for Varsity Glee Club,
hearsal, Union, 7-8 p.m.

and re-
Be on

Contemporary: Luncheon meeting
for staff members at 11:45 a.m. at the
Haunted Tavern.
Coming Events


Zoology Club: The first meeting
will be held Thursday, November 7,
7:30 p.m., Room 2116 N.S. Professor
George R. LaRue will speak on "Re-
cent trends in Parasitology."
English Journal Club meeting will
be held in the League Friday after-
noon, November 8, with business pre-
liminaries beginning at 4:00. The
program, open to the public at 4:15
will be devoted to a colloquium on
John Stuart Mill's essay "On Lib-
Transportation Club: Col. Rogers
will speak before the Transportation
Club .on Military Transportation at
7:45 p.m. Thursday, Room 304, Union.
The public is invited.
Varsity. Women Debaters: meeting
of all women debaters Thursday, No-
vember 7, at 4 o'clock, in Room 4203
Angell Hall.
Deutscher Zirkel: Thursday eve-
ning at 7:30 in the Michigan League.
Geselliger Abend. Dr. Ernest hPil-
ippson will speak informally 'Ueber
Wesen und Geschichte des deutschen
Maerchens." Everybody interested is
urged to come.
Weekly Reading Hour: Professor
Humphreys will read from Biblical
literature on Thursday, November 7,
at four o'clock, Room 205 Mason Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
Religion and Social Change: Hillel
Foundation, 7:30 p.m., Thursday. No-
vember 7. "The Ideal and Its Appli-
cation to Situations" open to all stu-
Ping Pong Exhibition: The Uni-
versity of Michigan Ping Pong Team
will play a team from the City of
Detroit Thursday, November 7, 8:00
p.m., Union Billiard Room. Admis-
sion free.
Episcopal Students: There will be
nn onen hnue on Fridav night of this

Detroit Puts Ban
On'Tobacco Road'
DETROIT, Nov. 5. -(/P) - Circuit
Judge Guy A. Miller closed "Tobacco
Road" today, characterizing the play
as "devoid of merit, stupid, profane,
obscene and degrading."
Thp nin h b~ed n En rskin e Cad-

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