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November 05, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-05

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Inspect Zuppke

Trick Plays





Varsity Stops
Illinois Passes
During Session
Sweet Improves Punting
To Compete With Les
Lindberg;_Sobsey Out
Coach Bob Zuppke's celebrated
"razzle dazzle," "flying trapeze," and
"flea flicker" formations dame in for
another thorough inspection yester-
day afternoon as Coach Kipke defied
the cold wind sweeping Ferry Field
to send his up-and-coming Michigan
eleven through a second consecutive
defensive dummy scrimmage against
the Physical Ed freshmen.
Under the spirited direction of
Wally Weber, who was in an extra-
ordinary fine fettle yesterday, the
yearlings had some success with the
plain and fancy passing attack half-
back Alex Loiko was dishing out.
After a while, however,thenVarsity
defenders began to smear the pseudo
Illini, and seemed to be mastering
their assignments rapidly.
Drill On Fundamentals
To start off proceedings yesterday
afternoon, the Varsity squad went
through a long and varied drill on
fundamentals while the reserves
moved over next to the Intramural
Sports Building for a spirited scrim-
mage against the orthodox freshman
Coaches Kipke and Cappon sent
the regular linemen scurrying up and
down the field, while the backs tried
their hand at "live-bait" tackling.
With Les Lindberg due to handle
the punting assignment for Illinois
Saturday, Ced Sweet will have to
have his toe well groomed to keep the
Wolverines from losing ground on
every exchange of kicks. Sweet was
taken aside in yesterday's drill for
some personal instruction by Coach
Kipke, who is probably one 'of foot-
ball's best kickers of all tinmes, and
got off some good efforts against the
wind in the course of the afternoon.
Johnson Is At End
Ernie Johnson again appeared at
the right enrd opposite Patanelli in
the Varsity eleven that lined up
against the yearlings. Viergever,
Kramer, Bissell, and Wright were at
their accustomed places in the for-
ward wall, and Schumann manned
the defensive center post throughout
the skirmish. Renner, Sweet, Smith-
ers, and Ritchie composed the start-
ing backfield.
Late in the afternoon Kipke sent
Savage and Valpey to the flanking
positions and used Barclay, Aug, Re-
mias, and Campbell behind the line.
Everhardus also came in for a share
of the action.
Sobsey Is Still Out
Injuries which have riddled the
Michigan lineup this fall will take
their toll this week again, as Sol Sob-
sey still continues to carry his arm

Owens Gives 'Jumping Joe'

Running Tips


. Rudolph Wins Billiard Titles ,jack HestonPlis Grid
After Giving Up Life Of Violinist 'Farm' For Young Stars
Jack Heston- formor Michigqn

John Gee Breaks Thumb
In Basketball Practice
Jcohn Gee, veteran Michigan bas-
ket ball center, broke a bone in his
left thumb last night in practice and
will be unable to drill for a number
of days. However, the slight injury is

-Associated Press Photo.
Jesse Owens, Ohio State's champion broad jumper and sprinter,
is giving "Jumping Joe" Williams, whose current exhibitions on the
gridiron are winning him fame, a few tips on the art of running.
Williams seems to know plenty about the art himself judging from the
number of touchdowns he has scored for the Buckeyes this year but
might have used Jesse's legs to good avail last Saturday in chasing after
Notre Dame backs, especially Andy Pilney, who led the Irish in their
last quarter drive to victory.

"I used to play the violin in a
picture show butI saw that the fiddle
didn't 'draw' enough so I started
playing billiards."
This is the story of how Erwin Ru-
dolph, of Cleveland, O., entered thef
billiard profession in which he later
won the world's pocket champion-
ship three times, 1927, '30-'31, and
Rudolph entertained Michigan's
billiard enthusiasts Monday at the
Union with some interesting exhibi-
tions after which he instructed vari-
ous players on the finer points of the
game. He is recognized as the last
world's champion since the National
Billiard Association could not as-
semble all of the leading profession-
als to compete in a tournament, most
of them having gone on tours of the
country. However, on Dec. 9 at the
Pennsylvania Hotel, New York City,
Rudolph will be required to defend
his world's title since the association
has completed arrangements to stage
another world's tourney.
Tells Of Naming
Erwin told the story, which has
been declared by experts as authentic,
of how the game received its present
name. "Years ago a man named Bill
invented a billiard table. I do not
know whether the table was made of
stone or what they used for balls,
and cues, but it became very common
to say 'Let's go over and play in Bill's-
yard.' Gradually they omitted the
'y' and thus you have 'billard.' When
pockets were introduced naturally the
game was entitled pocket billards."
To get an idea of what it takes to
win a world's championship Rudolph
described the process used to deter-
mine the finalists in the tournament.
"If you want to join the tournament
you write, in August, to the National
Billiard Association. They will then
enter your name in a city playoff. If
you come in one, two, or three in this
meet you have qualified for the state
tournament where if you finish in one
of the first three places, you are then
entered in the sectionals, which in-
clude many states. Then the eight
leading men of the four sections com-
pete and the remaining four play as
finalists in the national champion-
ships. The winner gets $8,000 cash
the moment he wins the final 125
ball match."
Champ Makes Plenty
Rudolph then spoke of the finan-
cial side of the profession including
in his discussion some interesting
data, "The earnings, of course, have
7 000111

day a champion can't miss making1
$10,000 in six months. Previously the,
titleholder earned from $18,000 to:
$20,000 over the same period of time.1
The lowest paid player on this Na-I
tional Better Billiards Programs gets
$550 a month. Ralph Greenleaf, of
Monmouth, Illinois and whom I con-9
sider the greatest pocket billiard play-
er that ever lived, averaged $25,000 a1
year for 15 years. By the way, Ralph,
is entered in this year's tournament."
Chek Irish's
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. - (AP)- While
Elmer Layden, whose Notre Dame
football miracle makers figure to go
marching on toward an undefeated
season at the expense of Northwest-
ern Saturday, worries and worries,
Coach Lynn Waldorf of the Wildcats,
is in a frame of mind verging on op-
Layden has 'plenty of honest-to-
goodness worries. Andy Pilney, torch-
bearer in Notre Dame's flaming come-
back against Ohio State Saturday,
will not be present against North-
western and may not play in another
game for the Irish., Fred Carideo,
Layden's number one fullback, and
Dick Pfefferle, the only experienced
left tackle on the squad, also will be
missing because of leg injuries.
Layden fears his squad may dwell
too much upon what happened last
week, and not enough on the business
at hand. They may not take the im-
proving Wildcats seriously enough to
avoid an upset beating.
Pfefferle's injury came as a shock
to Layden, for the tackle stayed in
there against the Buckeyes even after
suffering a severe leg injury.

his announcement that he is planning
a University of Michigan grid "farm.'
Heston is now coaching the Ford Club,
unbeaten leader in the Michigan Am-
ateur Football Association.
It is Heston's plan to corral the
best young players of the metropol-
itan'district and see that they matric-
ulate at Michigan. Heston stated
that his entire present team. with one
exception, will enter Michigan rwvt

not expected to
court for long.

keep John off the

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Sports Of The Day
SEATTLE - James J. Braddock,
heavyweight champion of the world,
today said that he expected his pro-
posed bout with Joe Louis to draw at
least a million dollar gate. He con-
tinued by saying that he also expect-
ed to beat the Brown Bomber from
NEY YORK-- According to sta-
tistics recleased today the Chicago
Bears seem to be headed for a new
professional ground gaining record.
The Bears already have gained a total
of 2,073 yards or 345 yards a game,
57 yards a game better than they did
last year when they established the
present record for gaining.
in a sling. Bud Hanshue should see
some action at a tackle post, but
lack of practice will keep him from
playing more than a few minutes.
The Illini, however, are also hav-
ing troubles of their own. Lindberg'
is in a weakened condition from a
hip injury, and Ken Nelson, regular
end, is also a doubtful quantity due
to a pulled tendon that kept him out'
of the Northwestern game. Ed Sayre,'
ace pivotman may also be kept out of
the battle with the Wolverines as a
result of a jaw injury sustained
against the Wildcats.

Mulgrew Wins
Cross Country
Despite Wind'
The All-Campus cross-country
meet was held late Tuesday after-
noon in spite of the cold winter wea-
ther which prevailed. Taking in ac-
count the harsh wind which blew
across the Huron Valley, Coach Do-
herty shortened the course to a mile
and seven-eighths.
The contestants were started in
two heats. The first was comprised
of runners having less experience
than those in the second group. Bill
Staehle, Norm Lawton, Bud John-
son,rCarl Dragila and Buchanan com-
posed the second heat, which left the
starting mark one minute and a half
The harriers in traversing the
course had some difficulty in locat-
ing the turns. Several of the runners
missed the car marking the far south-
ern point of the course and ran a
couple of hundred yards out of their
Mulgrew crossed the finish line
ahead of the field to be clocked at
10:20 while Seymour and Newnan
fought it out for second and third.

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