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November 03, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-03

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3, 1935



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New School Wrecked In Latest Montana Earthquake

SUNDAY, NOV. 3, 1935
VOL. LVI No. 29
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
at home to members of the facultie
their friends, and other residents o
Ann Arbor on Sunday, November 3
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will 1
at home to the students on WednesE
day, November 16, from 4 to 6 o'cloc
There will be no tea on Wednesday
November 6.
Faculty Meeting, College of Litera
ture, Science and Arts. The regula
November meeting of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts will be held in Roo
1025 Angell Hall Monday, Novembe
4, beginning at 4:10 o'clock.
Report of Executive Committee
Remer. Report of University CounciJ
Sellars. Report of Dean's Confer
ence, Kraus. Report of Committe
on Class Schedules, LaRue. An.
Foreign Students Attention: An In
ternational Panel is to be set up a
the Michigan Union, next Sunday
November 10, at 4 o'clock as an oc-
casion for the exchange of ideas be-
tween our international studen
groups and the American students
on the campus interested in acquaint-
ing themselves at first hand wit
foreign cultures. A series of thre
panel discussions have been planned
to take place before Christmas on the
Near East. A later series to follow~
will deal with the Far East, and an-
other with European problems. Al]
foreign students are urged to attend
and all other students, faculty or
members of our city are cordially in-
The first panel, November 10, is
on Turkey, and is being conducted
under the auspices of the Cosmopoli-
tan Club byour group of Turkish
students aided by Professor Ag-
Oglu and some others who have been
actively engaged in educational work
in Turkey.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to
Foreign Students.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular luncheon meeting of the Fac-
ulty will be held on Monday, Novem-
ber 4, Michigan Union, at 12 o'clock.
Women Students Attending the Il-
linois - Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Illinois-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from par-
ents must be received in this office
not later than Thursday, November
7. If a student wishes to go other-
wise than by train, special permission
for such mode of travel must be in-
cluded in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to reg-
ister in the office.
ByrI Fox Bacher, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Presidents of Student Organizations
should report the names, titles and
classes of all officers to the Dean of
Students, Room 2, University Hall
not later than November 15. Forms
should be obtained in Room 2 for the
purpose. The following are the names
of student organizations as listed in
the Office of the Dean of Students.
Any organization which does not fur-
nish the required information by No-
vember 15 will be considered no long-
er in existence. Any active organiza-
tion not listed should apply for of-
ficial recognition at once.
3. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Aeronautical Engineers
Alpha Alpha Gamma
Alpha Epsilon Mu

Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Nu
Alpha Omega Alpha
Am. Society of Civil Engineers
Am. Society of Mechanical Engi-
Architectural Society
Armenian Students Association
Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Kappa Rho
Black Quill
B'nai B'rith Hillel Independents
Cercle Francais
Chi Gamma Phi

(A) Etude)
b) Prelude)........Rachmaninoff
Etude - Caprice......... Dohnanyi
School of Music Concert: The Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra, Earl V.
Moore, conductor; with Joseph Brink-
man, piano soloist, will give the fol-
lowing program, Sunday afternoon,
November 3, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium, to which the general
public with the exception of small
children, is invited without admission
charge. The public is requested to be
seated on time, as the doors will be
closed during the numbers.
Overture to the Opera, "Der Frei-
schultz" .............. von Weber
Andante from "Nordic Symphony"
Symphonic Poem, "Les Preludes"
.. Liszt
Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 for piano
and orchestra - Schumann.
Allegro affettuoso.
Andante expressivo.
Intermezzo - andantino grazioso.
Allegro vivace.
Mr. Brinkman.I
Events Of Today
Harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing will be held in Harris Hall this
evening at seven o'clock. Instead of
a speaker there will be two discus-
sion groups based on the talk given
last week by the Reverend Henry
Lewis. One group will,be led by Miss

College Men Are
Given Math. Lesson
By Local Newsboy
College men being what they are,
it is not very difficult for a newsboy
with a mind which runs in mathe-
matical channels to dupe them. And
that is exactly what the newsboy on
the corner of State and Liberty
streets has been doing.
He has been making an equal num-
ber of bets for and against Michigan
on each of its games, the odds being
that he must give free papers to
those to whom he loses, and those
students who lose to him must buy
papers at twice the regular price.
Since the boy's papers cost him only
one cent apiece, he makes four cents
on each pair of bets.
He has been collecting rather
heavily after each of the games thus
far, and it was not until yesterday
evening that his system was uncov-
ered. The newsboy refuses to divulge
whether or not his nemesis was a
mathematics major.
Gold was produced commercially in
California by 867 lode and 1,784 plac-
er mines.
students and their friends are cor,
dially invited.

-Associated Press Photo.
This picture shows how a new school building in Helena, Montana, w as reduced to shambles by the latest series of earthquikes which affected
a widespread area and which were felt in many localities between Mon tana and New York, including the tremors that shook Ann Arbor Friday
morning. Two persons were killed and at least a score injured as a res ult of the latest temblors at Helena.

Chinese Student Club
Christian Science Organization
Cosmopolitan Club
JDelta Epsilon Pi
Delta Sigma Rho
* Deutscher Verein
Deutscher Zirkel
Forestry Club
Freshman Girls' Glee Club
Gamma Alpha
Genesee Club
Graduate Outing Club
Hillel Foundation
Hillel Players
Interfraternity Council
Iota Alpha
Iota Sigma Pi
Junior Mathematical Society
Kappa Beta Pi
Kappa Phi
Kappa Phi Sigma
Kappa Tau Alpha
Landscape Design Society
Les Voyageurs
Lutheran Student Club
Michigan League
Michigan Public Health Club
Michigan Union
Michigan Wolverine
Mortar Board
Mu Phi Epsilon
National Student League
Nippon Club
Omicron Kappa Upsilon
Oratorical Association
Panhellenic Association
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Delta Kappa
Phi Epsilon Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Phi Sigma
Phi Tau Alpha
Pi Lambda Theta
Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Polonia Literary Circle
Rendezvous Club
Rho Chi
Scabbard and Blade
Scalp and Blade
Scouting Fraternity
Senior Society
Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Eta Chi

Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Rho Tau
Sigma Xi
Sociedad Hispanica
Sociedad Latino-Americana
Stanley Chorus
Student Christian Association
Students' Theosophical Club
Tau Beta Pi
Theta Sigma Phi
Transportation Club
Undergraduate Council
University of Michigan Band
University of Michigan Forestry
University of Michigan Glider Club
University of Michigan Outdoor
Vanguard Club
Varsity Glee Club
Wesley Foundation
Women's Athletic Association
Women's Physical Education Club
Women's Research Club
Zeta Phi Eta
Academic Notices
Sociology 51: Readings in Source
Book week of November 4-9, num-
bers 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 204; week
of November 11-16, number 35 and 36.
Psychology 31, Lecture I. Examina-
tion Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. Students
with last names beginning with A - B
inclusive go to Room B, Haven Hall;
C - K inclusive go to West Physics
Amphitheatre; L - Z inclusive go to
Natural Science Auditorium. Please
take alternate seats. No blue-books
History 11, Lecture 111. Mid-semes-
ter examination, Thursday, Nov. 7.
University Lecture: Dr. Gilbert
Bagnani, Director of Italian excava-
tions in Egypt, will give an illustrated
lecture on the'subject "The Excava-
tions at Tebtunis," Tuesday, Novem-
ber 5, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural

Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Oswald Garri-
son Villard, Contributing Editor of
the New York Nation, will lecture on
the subject "The Present European
Crisis," Tuesday, November 5, at 8:00
p.m., in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
Choral Union Concert Program:
Sergei Rachmaninoff, pianist, will
give the following program, Wednes-
day evening, November 6, at 8:15
o'clock, in the Choral Union Series in
Hill Auditorium. The concert-going

public is respectfully invited to co-
operate by comming sufficiently early
as to be seated on time. The doors
will be closed during numbers. Also,
detach from season tickets coupon
number two, and present for admis-
sion, Members of the audience leav-
ing the auditorium during intermis-
sion, will be required to show their
tickets stubs for re-admission.
The program is as follows :
32 Variations, C minor ... Beethoven
Three Sonatas ............ Scarlatti
Sonata, B minor ............ Chopin
(a) Poeme)
(b) Etude) ................Scriabin
Fairy Tale ................ Medtner
Scherzo .................B.Borodin

Mary Lou Hohn and one by the Rev- Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
erend Frederick Leech. All Episcopal (continued on Page 4)
We rre now ShOwing
Tony Soro's &Ruth Reeves a
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with their Artistic Designs in Hand Blocking.
luncheon sets, bridge sets, and fancy guest towels.
Added to these are many new and attractive


Ann Arbor in respect to SAFETY
The loveliness of every formal cre-
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original freshness after each wear-
ing. For velvets, GREENE'S spe-
cialize in the latest in scientific
steaming. Remember GREENE'S

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18, 8:15 P.M.

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