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November 03, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-03

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The Corner Of State And North U.

-65 Years Ago

Along about in 1870, just before the University Hall was built, this old Law Building stood alone on the
corner of North University and South State streets. About 25 years ago, the Law Building was remodeled and
replaced by what is now Haven Hall. Notice that State Street was a two-way boulevard, and observe the
famed picket fence surrounding the campus. Parts of University Hall, which was built in 1871-73, and fin-
ished the year of the inauguration of President Angell, now stand in the remodeled form in the rear of
Angell Hall.

The Campus--A Rowdy Old
Place In Those Bygone Days

Memories Of Sixty Years
Ago Are Recalled By
Veteran Bookseller
(Continued from Page 1)
the street, where they dissected it.
They would have been content, they
said, to have left the theater other-
wise peaceably except that the man-
ager called the police and fire de-
This really marked the beginning
of a riot. The policemen, some stout
and not as fleet as the students, fared
badly. They lost their helmets, their
coats, and a moral conflict. The fire-
men fared worse. Bringing out their
powerful hose to play upon the riot-
ing students, the firemen were so un-
fortunate as to lose the control of
their weapon, which was seized by the
students and used with telling effect
upon the outwitted fire-fighters. The
hose finally was cut and the pieces
carted home for souvenirs.
"But the settlement was bitter,"
reminisces Mr. Slater. "Members of
the student body circulated among
faculty and business men with col-
lection pails to gather enough money
to keep the arrested undergraduates
from prison."
Football scoires from -the away
games were shouted out to the mob
of students from a second story win-
Baird Recalls
Days As Student
At University
(Continued from Page 1)
until the grounds reached their pres-
ent size.
Baird said that he remembered
the times when the admission to foot-
ball games was 50 cents and when
the profits of $300 on a single game
were considered excellent.
It was during the regime of Baird
that Fielding H. Yost and Keene
Fitzpatrick, the first trainer ever
hired by Michigan, were brought to
Michigan. In regard to the hiring
of Yost, Baird said, "I remember one
day receiving a letter from "G" Huff
of the University of Illinois saying
that there was a young fellow named
Yost who seemed to be a fair football
coach. So I wrote Fielding and by
return express came a 50-pound scrap I
book, filled with clippings of his
prowess and crammed with glowing
testimonials from University Chan-
cellors, Presidents, and Regents." He
got the job.
When asked if he had ever en-
visioned the present gigantic athletic
department, Baird said that he never
in his early times here believed it
would reach the "vastness and great-
ness" that it now has.
After he had closed his discussion
of the "good old days," as he termed
them, Mr. Baird said that he had
presented the carillon with the idea
of "giving pleasure to people of Ann
Arbor and to the students. Also,"
he said, "I gave it in order to add
to the attractiveness of the Univer-

dow of the State Street bookshop, Mr.
Slater particularly remembers be-
cause it was he who had to run with
the telegrams from the telegraph
office to the bookshop.
Students in those days had to go
down to the postoffice to get their
mail each day, and each day there
was a riot all over again just before
the distribution began.
Many of the old alumni back in
town will remember "Old Doc" Nag-
ley, thinks Mr. Slater. He was fa-
mous among students for his job,
which was to carry the cadavers in
the medical school downstairs to the
pickling vat. In those days, the med-
ical laboratory was located about
where the new engineering building
now stands.
Fraternities in those days were
feeble frame structures, made over
from rooming houses and private res-
idences, and only a small percentage
of the more affluent students were
members, according to Mr. Slater.
Alubum Obtained
The album from which Mr. Slater
secured the old pictures pf the cam-
pus was collected by his grandmother,
Mrs. Martha Sheehan, who was the
donor of the rock which stands on
the northwest corner of the campus
as a memorial to the class of 1862.
It was hauled, according to a news-
paper report, from the backyard of
Mrs. Sheehan's home by a team of
16 white horses, and was installed in
its present location in an impressive
ceremonyin which President Tappan
A distinguished; Republican was
Dr. Marion LeRoy Burton, president
of the University when the plan was
suggested that the University ex-
pand to include the block in which
now stands the Michigan Union. The
death of President Burton in 1925
put an end to this building program,
and during the presidency of Clar-
ence Cook Little, the new engineer-

Rev. Heaps Plans
llustrated Lecture
(Continued from Page 1)
the Rev. Henry Lewis will preach, and
Holy Communion will be held.
Prof. Preston Slosson will speak at
10:30 a.m. today at the Congregation-
al Church, and at 6:00 p.m., at the
student fellowship meeting, the Rev.
Allison Heaps will give his latest il-
lustrated book review, "David Cop-
perfield." Colored slides from the
motion picture will be used.
The Rev. Fred Cowin will preach,
and lead the service at 10:45 at the
Church of Christ (Disciples). At
5:30 there will be a social hour and
supper, and at 6:30 Arthur Smith will
lead a forum on the subject "Why Do
We Have Wars?"
Plans Might Forbid
Scarlet Capes; God
Forbid Scarlet Face
Penn's band marched between
halves in their brilliant red and
blue capes yesterday, but that wasn't
what they intended to do.
To conform with Michigan's prac-
tice, they had planned to discard!
the capes, and were almost in theI
process of doing so until the earnest
voice of a piccolo player was raised
in protest.
His tale was so pitiful, indeed, that
the rest of the band could not but
heed the plea. And so they swung
out on the field with red and blue
capes flowing.
The piccolo player had ripped his

0.G. Villard To
Give Address
Here Tuesday
Noted Publisher Will Talk
On 'European Crisis' In
Lecture Series
Oswald Garrison Villard, publisher
and contributing editor cf the New
York Nation, will deliver an address
at 8 a.m. Tuesday in the Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium, it was announced
He will talk on the subject, "The
Prerent European Crisis." The lec-
ture will be a part of the University
Lecture Series and will be given under
the auspices of thesociology and eco-
nomics departments.
Villard is widely noted as an au-
thor and journalist. Born in Ger-
many in 1872, he attended Harvard,
Washington and Lee, and Lafayette
College, where he received his doc-
tor's degree in 1915. After two years
as an assistant in American history
at Harvard, he began his journalistic
career as a reporter on the Phila-
delphia Press in 1896.
He afterwards became editorial
writer and president of the New York
Evening Post, which he left in 1918
to become editor and owner of The
Nation. He held the latter position
until 1932 when he gave up his duties
as active editor to become contrib-
uting editor and publisher.
Besides his work as a ,journalist,
he has written several books. These
include "John Brown - A Biography
Fifty Years After," "Germany
Embattled," "Newspapers and News-
papermen," "Prophets True And
False," and "The German Phoenix."
He has also written monographs on
the Early History of Wall Street and
the German Imperial Court and
many magazine articles.
He is the grandson of William
Lloyd Garrison, the abolitionist.
Three Men Held On
Charges Of Theft
Three men charged with the theft
of six radios from a local radio com-
pany, waived examination in Justice
Jay H. Payne's court yesterday morn-
ing. They were bound over to cir-
cuit court under bond of $1,000 each.
Bond was not furnished.
The men, Earl Hodson, Centerline,
and Charles Frazee and W. B. Page,
both of Detroit, are being held on
grand larceny charges. They were
employes on the local trucking line
which conveyed radios to Detroit for
Dr. Thomas McEachern, who spoke
before a meeting of the Parent Edu-
cation Institute Thursday, was mis-
quoted in an article appearing in
The Daily Friday morning. The re-
search to which he referred in his
talk was done by the Payne Fund
Foundation of Chicago, and not by

Classified Directory
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
The classified columns close at five Careful work at low price. Ix
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at noOR
extra charge. FOR RENT
Cash in advance lie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to FOR RENT: Single rooms i private
line) for one or two insertions.FRRETSiger msnpivt
10c per reading line for three or more home. One other roomer. Across
Minimum 3 lines per insertion. rmYotFed os. 23S
Telephonemrate - 15c per reading line from Yost Field House. 1213 5.
for two or more insertions. State St. 95
10% discount if paid within ten days
Minimum three lines per insertion.
from the date of last insertion. FOR RENT: A light, airy room for a
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month ..............S graduate woman. Inner- spr'ing
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c mattress. Reasonable rent. 515
2 lines daily, college year ........7c hee C.87.9
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months..........c Cheever Ct. 8173. 94
100 lines used as desired ..........9c "- -
300 lines used as desired ..........8c
1,000 lines used as desiredP.........7c Prof. Coffey To Speak
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c R
The above rates are per reading line,ussian Conditions
based on eight reading lines per inch.OnR sin odton
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
5c per line to above rates for all capital Prof. Hobart R. Coffey of the Law
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c School will speak Monday evening on
per line to eters. rates for bold face the social and economic conditions of
The above rates are for 7 point Russia as he saw them during his
visit thisesummer. He plans to de-
scribe the present state of the work
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES of reconstruction, and then leave his
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- audience to "draw its own conclu-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x sions."
Professor Coffey's talk is sponsored
TEACHER of popular and classical by the National Student League,
piano music. Helen Louise Barnes. which is meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the
Call 8469. 2x Union. Everyone is invited to attend.
Police Experiment To Find A
Perfect Test Of Drunkenness

Walking the chalk-line as a police
court test for drunkenness would
seem to be on its way out.
That conclusion, among others, was
reached at the joint convention in
Louisville, Ky., of the National Safe-
ty Congress and the Institute of Traf-
fic Engineers, from which Prof. Rog-
er L. Morrison of the highway engi-
neering department recently returned.
In arriving at this particular con-
clusion the convention was aided by
a little skit performed for them by
seven Louisville residents.
First of all, each of the seven was
given an innocuous appearing colored
drink. In two of these drinks'there
had previously been placed two
ounces of whiskey, and in three oth-
ers four ounces of whiskey. After
waiting for two hovrs in order to al-
low the alcohol to take full effect,
one of the recipients of the four-
ounce doses of whiskey was selected
for experimental study. For this pur-
pose the remainder of the circum-
stances under which drunken drivers
frequently find themselves were also
duplicated as nearly as possible.
And thus, When the experimentally-

drunk driver was interrogated by
what seemed to be police officials, he
indignantly replied, "Why, I'm cold
sober, cold sober. Only had two bot-
tles of beer, anyway." Then he was
politely asked to demonstrate his
sobriety by walking a chalk line. This
he managed to perform successfully
with a little staggering.
Here, ordinarily, police would have
been at a loss; so one of the traffic
engineers, Dr. H. A. Heise of Mil-
waukee, stepped in. The pseudo-
drunken driver was then subjected to
tests of his blood and urine, to a
session in a reactometer (a device for
measuring the speed with which an
individual exercises control over his
car under driving conditions), to the
problem of sorting a shuffled deck of
cards, and to several tests of hand-
and-eye coordination.

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