The Weather
Fair and cooler today; mod-
erately shifting winds tomor-
Lie it gan
Two Plus Two Equals Four .. .
A Race Against Time .. .
__-_._'- - _ n
Yields In
Italians Are Reported As
Ready To Grant Peace
Ethiopians Force
Fascist Retreat
Nov. 18 Set As Date For
World-Wide Economic
Siege Of Italy
(Copyrighted, 1935, by Associated Press)
GENEVA, Nov. 2. - (RP) -Definite
concessions by Italy for peace were
reported tonight after a League of
Nations committee of 52 nations
fixed Nov. 18 as the date to begin
a world-wide economic siege of the
Fascist nation.
An Italian spokesman told the As-
sociated Pres that the concessions,
portending a possible peace in Africa,
were included in a statement given
to Premier Pierre Laval of France.
Italy's views of how the war could
be settled, it was said, were outlined
in the statement. The informant
said although Italy still insists upon
her rights for security and expansion,
that the statement contains definite
concessions from Italy's original po-
A discordant note from Ethiopia
clashed with a conciliatory keynote
in closing speeches today. An im-
portant appeal arrived from the
Ethiopian delegation for funds.
(Copyrighted, 1935, by Associated Press)
ADDIS AB~ABA, Nov. 2. - (A') -
Daily attacks at dawn upon an Italian
transport column, the Ethiopian gov-
ernment claimed today, are forcing
a Fascist retreat in the northeast.
In one of its pfficial announce-
ments of success in the month-old
war, the government said guerilla
tactics of the Assaifera tribe were
resulting in numerous Fascist cas-
The scene of the "retreat" was said
to be northwest of Mt. Mussa Ali.
Italians are establishing an aviation
base there.
Italians were said to be advancing
toward Immemi plains but with
Danakil tribesmen staying on their
flanks and bothering the enemy with
night snipings.
Italian airplanes, in retaliation,
were said to be flying over Danakil
territory daily, using bombs and ma-
chine guns upon warriors below.
Authoritative sources said Ethiopia
has made plans to rush troops into
the central sector to prevent any
Italian march upon the vital railroad
running from Addis Ababa to Dji-
bouti French Somaliland, Ethiopia's
only modern access to the sea and the
outside world.
For three hours the emperor re-
viewed thousands of barefooted war-
riors. Shouting fanatical war cries,
the tribesmen filed past the Emperor,
who was seated on his throne on the
balcony of his palace.
Cure Is Suggested
For 'Wild Thinking'
PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 2. -(A)-
Prof. Christian Gauss, dean of the
college at Princeton University, said
today that freedom of discussion is
the best antidote for "wild think-
ing" of undergraduates on political,
economic and social subjects.
In his annual report to Dr. Harold
W. Dodds, president of the Univer-
sity, Dean Gauss said the "campus
playboy" is becoming an "outworn
tradition'" and added that the "aver-
age undergraduate is consciously,
sometimes even too self-consciously, a
young intellectual, a student and
"It is fair to say the present gen-
eration of undergraduates is more
serious than its predecessors," he
stated. "We must not forget that
increased interest in economic and
political problems is occasionally
bound to express itself in extrava-
gant forms."
He nointed to changes that have
The Campus--A Rowdy Old
Place In Those Bygone Days
Fumble On Three-Yard Line Delays Michigan Score
Memories Of Sixty Years
Ago Are Recalled By
Veteran Bookseller
Forty students on a greased tele-
graph pole, struggling to keep out of
the reach of barrel staves swinging
beneath . . . A mob of rioting stu-
dents ripping the piano of a local
theater apart, leaving the theater
in ruins . . . The "laws" and the "lits"
battling to the finish in the grimy
mud that was State Street ...
These are the memories of Ann
Arbor of a half century ago, called
forth by the sight of many an old
grad slapping anotheron the back
and starting a story "Do you remem-
ber the time ..."
These are the memories of a man
who has seen classes since '99 pass in
one end and out the other from the
State Street doorway of his shop -
Myron E. Slater - who has sold books
to students for the last 35 years.
Prof. Slosson
And Rev. Cowin
Meeting To Be Held At
Congregational Church;
Glee Club ToSing
"Religion and Politics Look At
War" will be the subject of a convo-
cation at 8:00 p.m. tonight at the
Congregational Church, sponsored by
the Inter-Guild Federation. Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history
department and the Rev. Fred Cowin,
pastor of the First Church of Christ
of Ann Arbor, will be the speakers.
Professor Slosson will discuss the
topic from the political point of view,
bringing out the significance of the
present neutrality policy, the League
of Nations, and the justifiability of
war. Reverend Cowin, who has re-
cently returned from Europe, will
present the religious concept of the
This meeting tonight is the first of
a series which will be presented by
the Inter-Guild Federation which
was organized last spring. The Var-
sity Glee Club will be included on
tonight's program.
There will be a student forum at
9:45 a.m. the Presbyterian Church,
led by Mr. Kunkel. The subject un-
der discussion is "The Tide of Re-
ligion - Going Out Or Coming In?"
At 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lemon will preach
on "The Crux of Christianity." At
5:30 p.m. there will be a student fel-
lowship hour in the dining and recre-
ation room of the Masonic Temple,
where a plate lunch will be served.
Two discussion groups will be held
at 7:00 p.m. tonight in Harris Hall,
one led by Miss Mary Lou Hohn and
the other by Reverend Leech.
Services of worship will be held at
3 a.m. today at the Saint Andrew's
Episcopal Church, and Holy Com-
munion will be held at 9:30. At 11:00,
(Coninued on Page 2)
Druids will meet at 6 p.m. today in
the Union, it was announced yester-
day by William R. Reed, president.i
Those were the days when State
street was a two-way dirt drive, when
seniors wore high plug hats, when the
cigar store had a wooden Indian in
front, recalls Mr. Slater, who well re-
members the cigar store because his
present store is on exactly the same
spot now.
Pictures of the campus in those
days, and of some of the prominent
figures of the time have been dug
out of an old album, and, in honor
of Homecoming Week, are being dis-
played in the windows of the College
Book Shop by Mr. Slater.
Among the more dramatic episodes
in the spotty history of Michigan's
undergraduates is the memorable
time when students demolished the
old Star Theater, which stood on
Washington street between Main and
'Twas a stormy day, recalls Mr.
Slater, in a metaphorical way. "A
pugnacious underclassman, sitting
in the theater one afternoon with his
feet in the aisle, had the misfortune
of tripping the manager, who was un-
popular with the students. The man-
ager called the burly watchman and
together they threw the offending
student neatly between the doors and°
onto the street.
But revenge was not long in com-
ing. The student, his dignity of-
fended, told his story to the rest of
the campus, and that evening from
500 to 1,000 young men, armed with
eggs, jars of bad fruit, bad apples,
and offended dignities stormed the
theater, tore up the seats, tied a rope
around the piano and hauled it into
(Continued on Page 2)
Effigy Of Quaker
Wins Fraternity
Decoration Prize
An effigy of a Pennsylvania Quakerr
firmly locked in old-time New Eng-t
land "stocks" with only his feet,
hands and square hat protruding wonE
for Sigma Chi fraternity the inter-f
fraternity homecoming decorationr
cup, donated by Goldman Brothers,I
In the center of the "stocks" was
printed a large "Penn's" with a "D"
printed below the "Penn's" and im-
mediately above the protruding feetc
of the Quaker-a subtle way of say-
ing "Penn's Defeat."
Judges for the contest were George
R. Williams, '36, president of the In-
terfraternity Council, William R.
Dixon, '36, president of the Men'sr
Council, and Harold Goldman of
Goldman Brothers.-
Honorable mention was given tos
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Kappai
Lambda, Lambda Chi Alpha, andr
Alpha Tau Omega fraternities for
their decorations.i
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
portrayed a wrecked car labelleda
"Penn" against a tree in its frontv
lawn. A wolverine was "taking ar
chunk" out of the trousers of a ter-p
rorized Quaker in the decoration of
Alpha Kappa Lambda.'
Lambda Chi Alpha erected a stager
coach which was being pulled by a
Michigan football player who wasa
being spurred on by a driver, and
Alpha Tau Omega had a greatly en-
larged copy of the design appearing
on Quaker Oats boxes and a nearbyt
sign saying "Quaker Oats Cooked On
-By Daily Staff Photographer.
Z.ithers' fumble on the Penn three-yard line in the first quarter. shown above, only delayed Michigan's
first touchdown a few minutes. Smithers, (43), plunged through the line inside of Viergever, (42), prone at
left, was hit as he crossed and spun around, fumbling the ball. Hauze recovered for Pennsylvania.
To Play Here
Famous Russian
To Give Second
t Union Concert
The interest of music lovers in this
section of the state will center in Ann
Arbor Wednesday night as Sergei
Rachmaninoff, famous Russian pia-
nist, appears in the second concert of
the current Choral Union series.
Advance indications are that Hill
Auditorium will be completely filled
for the concert, as Rachmaninoff's
numerous appearances in Ann Arbor
previous to this engagement have
made him a popular favorite. There
are still a few desirable seats left in
all locations however, which may be
secured at the offices of the School
of Music on Maynard Street, accord-
ing to President Charles A. Sink.
The program which Rachmaninoff
will play Wednesday is as follows: 32
Variations, C minor, Beethoven;
Three Sonatas, Scarlatti; Sonata, B
minor, Chopin; Poeme, and Etude,
Scriabin; Fairy Tale, Medtner;
Scherzo, Borodin; Barcarolle, Ruben-
stein; Etude, and Prelude, Rachman-
inoff; and Etude - Caprice, Doh-
Rachmaninoff's fame as a pianist
is only slightly greater than that
which he has achieved as a composer,
and the two selections of his own
which he will play in the concert
here are among the most popular of
his compositions. He has been noted
ever since he first played a number of
his own compositions with the Phil-
harmonic Society in London, almost
immediately receiving international
Two noted pianists have been en-
gaged on this year's Choral Union
concert series,. Rachmaninoff being
the first, to be followed after the hol-
idays by Myra Hess.
Wednesday's concert will begin at
8 :15 p.m., and President Sink issued
a special request that all patrons be
in their seats a few minutes before
this time, as the doors will be closed
promptly and there willbe no seating
during numbers. He also warned
that stubs must be retained and those
leaving the building during the inter-
mission will be required to show
them before they will be re-admitted.
New Deal Entering
Most Crucial Era
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. - (P) -
The Roosevelt New Deal is entering
upon a period regarded by some of its
principals as perhaps the most criti-
cal in its history.
Within a matter of weeks, probably
before the last leaf is torn from the
1935 calendar, such questions as these
must be settled:
Will success or collapse write the
Lawyers Balked In
Attempt To Assert
The elaborate scheme rigged up by
the law students to re-establish on
the gridiron their maligned mascu-
linity has gone pffft! -at least for
this year.
With a large squad of experienced
football players, a worthy opposing
team from the medical school, and
enthusiasm running high in both
camps, the lawyers bumped bluntly
against a dearth of equipment.
They had been planning to borrow
uniforms from the University sports
department, but the University has
refused them on the grounds that
lack of conditioning for the game
would make injuries probable.
The lawyers argued, pleaded, and
connived, even offering to charge ad-
mission to the game and give the
proceeds to charity, but their appeal
was quashed.
However, the University proposed
that next year, when there is more
time, both teams get into condition
for a game. In that case, officials
said, they will not only supply equip-
ment for such a contest, but will also
furnish a coach.
Japanese Tighten
Grip Upon China
PEIPING, China, Nov. 2. -(V)-
The shifting of the world's spotlight
from East Asia to East Africa is giv-
ing the Japanese army a chance to
consider its recently-won gains in
North China with a minimum of un-
wanted ballyhoo.
But in their efforts to set up a pro-
Japanese atmosphere in North China,
Nippon's militarists are running up
against unlooked-for obstacles.
There is that problem, for instance,
of what to do about North China's
new "strong man"-Gen. Suang Cheh
Yuan-whose emergence to power has
been one of the surprise developments
of the year.
Phi Eta Sigma
Plans Smoker
For Freshmen
President Ruthven Will
Speak To First Year Men
At Meeting
Freshmen of all schools and col-
leges are invited to hear President
Ruthven speak informally at the op-
en smoker sponsored by Phi Eta Sig-
ma, freshman honorary scholastic so-
ciety, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union ballroom.
The purpose of the smoker, ac-
cording to Marshall Smith, '38E, pres-
ident of Phi Eta Sigma, is to ac-
quaint freshmen with Phi Eta Sigma
and to offer them an opportunity of
meeting President Ruthven informal-
Smith will preside at the smoker
and introduce Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley who will briefly explain the or-
ganization to the freshmen and in-
troduce President Ruthven.
Prof. David Mattern, director of
the Varsity Glee Club and a member
of the music school faculty, will lead
the freshmen in Michigan songs be-
fore the speeches are delivered. Re-
freshments will be served following
President Ruthven's address.
Phi Eta Sigma is a non-social na-
tional organization with chapters in
20 leading colleges and universities.
The Michigan chapter was founded
in 1926.
All freshman men are eligible for
membership if they receive an A-B
average for 15 hours the first semes-
ter or the same average for 30 hours
over entire year.
Freshmen who are invited to mem-
bership on the basis of grades they
received during the first semester will
be initiated the following fall. Phi
Eta Sigma extends invitations to an
average of 65 freshmen each year.
Rally, But
Too Late
Renner's Pass And Sweet's
Plunging Give Varsity
First-Half Lead
Field Goal Clinches
Game For Michigan
Homecoming Crowd Sees
Vastly Improved Team;
Murray Penn Star
Two 60-minute football teams bat-s
tled through the best game seen in
Michigan Stadium since 1933, yester-
day, with Michigan emerging the
winner over Pennsylvania, 16 to 6.
Scoring twice in the first half after
they had taken advantage of a break
on the kickoff to put the Quakers on
the defensive throughout the first
quarter, the Wolverines won with a
superior display of hard, clean foot-
The first Michigan touchdown
came late in the first quarter, but
the play throughout the period was
confined almost entirely within the
Quaker 40-yard line after Ed War-
wick had been nailed on his three
yard line when he fumbled Chris
Everhardus' opening kickoff.
Michigan lost a touchdown afew
plays later after passes from Captain
Bill Renner to Everhardus and Matt
Patanelhi took the ball to the Penn-
sylvania three. There, on first down,
John Smithers lost the ball as he
went through the line to give the
ball to the Quakers on their six.
Play Is In Quaker Territory
With the ball going outside the
Pennsylvania 40 but once after that,
Michigan took the ball on the Penn-
yylvania 36. There Stark Ritchie,
whose play during the current sea-
son had never approached the prom-
Ise made by him last year as a fresh-
nan as the result of a broken ankle
suffered in the first week of practice,
replaced Everhardus at halfback.
Taking the ball on the first play,
behind a screen of blockers, Ritchie
swept wide around his left end and
cut back to run to the Quaker 12.
On a reverse two plays later, Ritchie
again carried the ball, to the three-
yard line.
On first down, Ritchie started a
wide end run, lateralled to Renner,
and with Art Valpey standing alone
in the end zone the Michigan captain
threw a touchdown pass to the soph-
Bmore end. Steve Remias failed to
-onvert as the ball hit an upright.
Keeping the play evenly distributed
,nor the rest of the half, Michigan
scored again in the middle of the
second period when Cedric Sweet,
whose line plunging was the feature
oif the Wolverine attack, went over
°ennsylvania's right guard for 18
lardsand a touchdown, after he
bad evaded the Quaker secondary.
Remias made his try for extra point.
Penu Team Stages Rally
After both teams had fought
;hrough a close quarter, Pennsyl-
vania began a drive in the final, pe-
riod which took them from the Mich-
igan 37 where a fumbled punt by Bill
Barclay gave the Quakers the ball, to
a score, principally on the running
of rank Murray, whose 25-yard run
took the ball to a scoring position.
Bill Kurlish went over from the two-
yard line for the score.
Near the end of the quarter, after
Mel Kramer had recovered on the 17-
yard line a Pennsylvania kick blocked
by Ernie Pederson, John Viergever
put the game on ice for Michigan
with a field goal from the 10-yard
For the fifth successive Saturday,
Michigan showed tremendous im-
provement to win its fourth straight
game. Charging harder and blocking
harder on offense, the Wolverines
held the edge throughout the game,
and on defense improved tackling
(Continued on Page 6)
9,850 Students Are Enrolled
In University, Figures Show
A net total of 9,850 students or a
total of 11,679 counting extension
courses are registered in the Uni-
versity of Michigan, according to a
count of students made Friday and
released yesterday morning by Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the
This figure represents a gain of 853
from last year, or an increase of 9.3
per cent from the 1934-35 figures.
7,133 men are enrolled, and the coeds
total 2,717.
Leading the list of schools and col-
leges in enrollments is the Literary
College, with 4,558 enrolled, and the
College of Enginereing follows with
1,533. The College of Pharmacy is
the smallest of the 13 groups listed
School was 1,455, with a 20.8 per cent
gain over last year.
The schools of Nursing and For-
estry and Conservation are the only
two groups on the list which are non-
coeducational. Five'"women are en-
rolled in the College of Engineering
and in the School of Business Admin-
istration, and 11 each in law and
pharmacy studies.
A report of the Summer Session en-
rollment shows a total of 4,066, an
increase of 794 students or 24.3 per
cent over the previous session. The
highest enrollment was that of the
Graduate School, with 2,025 entered.
Attendance at the School of Forestry
and Conservation summer term at
Camp Filibert Roth was exactly
doubled, while the pharmacy group
Charles Baird, '95L, the Kansas
City banker who gave the University
a $64,000 carillon, did not want to talk
about his gift and wny he gave it
in an interview yesterday. He en-
joyed much more to tell about the
time when he was helping the small
Michigan athletic plant of the 1890's
become the great part of the Univer-
sity it now is.
The first position Baird held in re-
spect to athletics was the manager-
ship of the football team during 1893,
1894, and 1895.
"During these days," he said, "the
student manager was elected by the
student body and the manager and
about twenty other students consti-
tuted the Board of Ahletics. There
Donor Of New $64,000 Carillon
Prefers To Talk About Football
ranged between Chicago alumni and
Baird, and the stipulation of the
profits that Michigan should receive
was settled by the managers.
After graduating in 1895, a mem-
ber of Phi Beta Kappa, despite as
he said, "athletes and men in ath-
letic activities were frowned upon by
the faculty men," Baird returned in
1898 and held the position of Grad-
uate Manager of Athletics. Later
this title was changed to the present
one, Director of Athletics.,
It was during the period between
1900 and 1906 that most of the im-
provements in the athletic equip-
ment were made, Baird said. Prior
to this time - very early in the 1900's
- there was only a small playing
field, with no stands, and only a fence