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November 03, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-03

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that aggression would be economically possible
for Italy, for the sanctions involve a complete em-
bargo on arms, a complete financial and credit
boycott, a boycott of essential commodities, pos-
sible withdrawal of ambassadors and stoppage of
tourist trade. These are the severest peace-time
penalties ever voted by world nations against a
These two weeks will tell the story. If the
black shirts can strike a decisive blow into the
heart of Ethiopia before the sanctions go into
effect, they will be in a position to settle at terms
favorable to themselves. Thus, from today until
the time when the sanctions begin actually to
have their effect, we may look, not for abated
bloodshed, but for a temporary increase in dead
and wounded.

The Conning Tower]

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
's550ciated legiatt Vress
1934 t uluuf y]ul 1935 ..


As Others See It

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
"not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Madison Ave.. New York, N.Y. -400 N. Michigan Ave., 1
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Telephone 4925v
Nigat Editors: RUoert B. Brown. Clinton S.,'Coge, Diet- V
ad G6.Ieshey. Ralph W1-Hud Frd Warner Neala nl
Bernard Weissmn.
News Editor .... . .. .E.le, A. Piere -
Editorial Writes; Robrt Cmmirins and Marsha: D. Shui-
SPORTS ASSISTNTS George Anos, Fd Bwsr ed
Delano, Robe J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman,
WOMEN'S ASSSTANTS: Doroth A. BrisceForece.
Davies, Olive F.Griffith. Marion T Holn Lois M
King, Chariote D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfe
REPORTERS: E. Bryce opern, Leonard Meyer. Jr .Wi-
liam A. Boles, Leer Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich -
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Robert Eckho'e. John .J. Freeiick Carl Gerstacke.
Warren Gacders, Robert Grldstine. John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kale, Richard LaMaeia, Herbrt W. Little,
Earle J. 1uby, Joseph: S. Mattes Ernest L. McKenzie
-Arthur A. Miler Stewart Oron George S. Quick.
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ton, Richard Sider, 1. S. Silverman. Wiiam C. Spaer
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Helen Luise Arne ,Mary Campbell Helen Douglas,
Beatrice -Iahrr, Mary E. Garvin Betty J. Groomes,t
Jeanne Johnson,oaie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
BabnaLvel ,-Majorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars.
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root 'Theresa Swao, Peggy Swatz, and Elizabeth Whit-1
Telephone 2-1214j
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdul, D. G. Brn-l
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rence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky,
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-WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Caliery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
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Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.
Two Plus Two
Equals Four...
FOR THE PAST few years Mich-
igan's Stadium has been little over
half filled to capacity at any football game. The
Band can only make one out-of-town trip with
the team this year because they have no money.
Mix these two facts with an idea they have
been working out at Wisconsin and there seems
to be an answer.
The cardinal athletic administration has been
selling season end zone tickets to grade school
children for something like 25 cents; the proceeds
going to the Wisconsin band.
Why wouldn't it be a good plan to open the
en dzones of our stadium to grade school children
from all over the state for 10 or 20 cents a
game? And, following Wisconsin's plan, give the
mhoney taken in to the Band. This probably
would not completely finance the Band, but it
woulds 'ely help. There is no organization that
anyiore (teserves some benefit from athletic activ-
ies, for the "Fighting Hundred" is as much a
part o football games as any other element.
To puI ' s plan into operation would not sub-
ject the Athletic Administration to any loss of
revenue or to any aditional expense. The seats
that would be5 sd for this small sum are only
those that jwresent r eain vacant at every
Ald, if w a e loo ing r favorable publicity for

Uy r way is there than to
dgd -chol 'hirei, many of whom will some-
da .t ig t nts, a favor.
erhpoere reĀ±rasons, with which we are
o a dhat would make this plan un-
si , it is just another idea. But if
1here ino:hing standing in the way, let's put
A Race
A" ' - I.'T,',--A

An Amendment To Vote For
(From the New York Herald-Tribune)
EVERY ONE is familiar with the delays and
miscarriages of justice that occur when one
or, less often, two members of a jury hold out
against a verdict desired by the majority. This
particular defect of the jury system has grown
more glaring with the years, as our society has
developed from the simple organism of the fathers
to its present complexity. No longer now can
the twelve good men (or women) and true be 1
depended on to express a common point oft
view. Drawn from a variety of races, culturest
and conditions of life, they are bound to reflectc
different standards of conduct and are, therefore,
most likely to disagree than to agree.
Recognition of this fact is contained in Amend-f
ment No. 2 which the voters of this state will be1
asked to pass upon next Tuesday. It embodies a1
very conservative step toward modification of
the jury system to adapt it to the modern scene.
; ,ecifically, the amendment would give the Legis-
la ure the power to provide that in civil cases
az verdict might be rendered by fixe-sixths of a
jury -that is to say, by ten concurrent votes,
in a jury of twelve, or by five in a jury Of six.
The Association of the Bar in this city is a strong
supporter of this amendment; it was, indeed, in-
strumental in procuring its submission. In a
referendum of lawyers on the subject it found 64
per cent favorable. The Committee on the Admin-
istration of Justice in New York State has reported
that the "merits of jury trial would not be sac-
rificed to any substantial extent by a change
of the law requiring unanimity and that the effi-
ciency and value of the jury system would be sub-
stantially improved by the change we have pro-
posed" (which is that contained in the amend-
So we urge our readers to vote for it. They will
be introducing no particular novelty into Amer-
ican court procedure. Twelve states today per-
mit a three-quarters jury verdict in civil cases,
six a five-sixths verdict and one (Montana) al-
lows two-thirds of a jury to decide. None of them,
so far as the record shows, regrets its reform,
whose effect has been to cut down substantially
the cost in time and money of civil litigation.
Boycotting The Olympics
(From the Brown Daily Herald)
AMONG the most savage extravagances of or-
ganized American athletics is the recent move
to discourage American participation in the 1936
Olympic games because of Nazi removal of Jew-
ish stars from the list of German competitors.
The Committee on Fair Play in Sports asks
whether American sportsmanship is a myth or a
reality and asks Americans to display their sports-
manship by urging that the United States delega-
tion demand removal of the games from Berlin
or boycott the games entirely.
"In common recognition that the Olympic code
and the Olympic oath are in a fair way being
abused by the German hosts to the Games -we
. invite you to join with us," writes the com-
mittee. No one will care to urge strongly any de-
fense of the Nazi attitude by suggesting that they
do not discriminate against non-Aryans. Cer-
tainly there are few in the country who would
publicly rise and say that the German govern-
ment is either wise or just in the matter. No
one would suggest that such a practice is fair to
the spirit of the Olympic Games.
The question is not whether such practices are
fair. Does the suggested American attitude make
it any fairer? Does America display its high
sense of sportsmanship or its high ideals, by this
threat of tit-for-tat? Is the situation clarified
by the American attitude of "we won't play in your
It is regrettable that the games should be
held in Berlin when the anti-Semitic feeling runs
high in Germany. The poor sportsmanship in
German actions is made doubly noticeable when
Germany is the host to the world Olympic com-
petitors. But Americans, instead of demonstrating
a superior brand of sportsmanship by a boy-
cott, as the committee suggests, would, in fact de-
scend to the German level by their action.
The German discrimination against the Jews is
bad enough. In effect, American boycott would
-ecome discrimination against the Aryans on the

German team. Germans, regardless of race, are
entitled to participate against the cream of the
vorld's crop in the Olympic games. American
boycott would deprive the German competitors
of that privilege. Just how by such an action
does America remove the sport from the escut-
;heon of Olympic fair play?
If the situation were to be clarified by the Amer-
ican attitude, there might be some excuse for
it. But it is difficult to see that it does clarify
the situation. The possibility that other nations
would be so moved by American romantic chivalry
in the matter as to follow her lead and force either
the removal of the games or re-instatement of
Cormn Tms i so remtneas t o h e ismissed en-

This is the way I lay your ghost:
I take your words that hurt me most,
I write them down, a word at a time,
I give them rhythm, I give them rhyme. 1
I write a poem about us two. o
And love it more than I ever loved you. c
Oh, I see your ghost recede and taper cr
As soon as I get things down on paper.
Young Mr. Newcombs, a student in the Wey-
mouth, Mass., high school, has decided, his t
nother says, to salute the flag. In Chicago school M
sessions will begin with the singing of "The Star-
Spangled Banner," and every school will display C
the flag on its building. We were a hot patriot
in the days when our room sang "The Star- c
Spangled Banner," and we liked it a lot better a
than i
"Where do all the birdies go?" s
"I know; I know;
Underneath the snow they creep, i
Nod their little heads and sleep;
In the springtime out they peep - d
That is where they go. t
In the springtime out they peep.N
That is where they go." h
Besides, there was a time when many of us h
boys were excused from singing the national an-b
them, on the ground that our version made
the children laugh and play. Our voices were6
Of course, all this business about the national i
emblem is gravy for the American Flag Com-n
pany. It may be good even for the American
Flag Hand Laundry, 3334 B'way, and the Amer-t
ican Flag Barber Shop, 1489 First Ave. Not toh
add the American Emblem Co., 22 E. 40.a
In the current New Yorker G. B. Stern has a
dandy piece called "We Are, Roughly Speaking,
Seven." She lists:
The Casabianca child.
The Schooner Hesperus child.
The Papa's Letter child.
The Child-Musician.
Little Boy Blue.
The Erlkonig child.
To this list we must add The Little Daughter
who asked whether God wasn't on the water
just the same as on the land; and Grave Alice,
Laughing Allegra, or Edith with golden hair, andc
the Barefoot Boy.
The title of G. B. Stern's forthcoming biog- i
raphy is "Monogram," and what are Mr. George 1
Bernard Shaw's barristers going to say to that?1
We never could figure out how old the chil-
dren were whom Elizabeth Barrett Browningt
heard weeping, O my brothers.
The Perfect Candidate
(From the Syracuse Post-Standard)
I desire to inform the voters of the Town
of Fabius that by reason of a mistake I was en-
rolled as a Democrat in the fall of 1934, and
that, by reason of this, the Democratic Party,
thinking I was a Democrat by intention, nomi-
nated me for Justice of the Peace for the
Town of Fabius without my knowledge or con-
sent. I have tried to decline the nomination,
but was too late to do so.
rn view of the fact that I have no desire
for office and did not seek it in the first place,
I am asking the voters of Fabius not to vote
for me for Justice of the Peace at the coming
The National Geographic Society gives the
public a sort of Ethiopian score card, without
which you can't tell the place names. Addis
Ababa, for example, means "Little Flower." Every-
body knows the Italian for that. What's Ethiopian
for LaGuardia?
"If This Be I, As I Suppose It Is," by Margaret
Deland. - "Books and Things," in the Herald
Tribune. "If This Be I, As I Suppose It To Be,"
by Margaret Deland. -D. Appleton-Century ad-

vertisement. "If This Be I, As I Suppose It Be,"
by Margaret Deland. -The book itself.
Well, Margaret Deland wrote it, anyway.
P.S.: The publishers corrected it in yesterday's
The Communist Party unit of 1385, B'way
calls on all dressmakers in the building to estab-
lish real unity which will put fear in the hearts
of the bosses. -Pamphlet of Dressmakers' Union.
My friends, I warned you that I was no good:
There is no wood dried for our winter trysts,
No sock that clinks the wherewithal for food,
No latticed crib with golden kerneled grists;
The blossoms blew before I snared their seeds,
The onion bulbs are soft in moistened ground
Where velvet moles have burrowed, and the weeds
Are flourishing where fodder should be found.
Yet when you know I need you by my fire
How surely you must come to feed the flames
That curl beneath the rain but struggle higher
Each time I kneel and blow and breathe your
I swear by summer stars we watched above
That I will perish now without your love!

Off The Record
GANGSTER bullets are only one S
of the perils run by the G-men. a.
)ne reported after an investigation C
n an Indian reservation that he ac- g
epted a dinner invitation from a a
thief. L
The boiled meat tasted different but
'ery good. When the meal was over
he G-man asked his host what it v
was. W
"That's squaw's best pup," said o
he chief. "Thing broke leg. No heal.'"
Must kill. So cook." f
s H. INGEBERG is the bureau li
' standards' expert who tells fire li
hiefs and engineers how to guard P
against fires. Naturally his own home t
s well guarded by four little thermo-
tats which would ring a bell if a
ire started on any floor. F
The bell has rung only once. Then "
t wasn't a fire. It was Mrs. Inge- o
erg. She went to a movie while he
dozed over a book. When she re- C
urned, she found she had no key. a
Neither doorbell would rouse her m
husband. So she squeezed through a
basement window and set off the fire- t
ell. Her husband came running. I
T. ELIZABETH'S Hospital for the
insane here has accomplished g
something neither friend nor foed
could do for Tom Henry, a Wash-
ington newspaper man for years. It
made him buy a hat.
His work takes him periodically ton
talk to officials of St. Elizabeth's and r
he didn't like the questions guardsr
asked him when he tried to leave the
Engineers predict there nevert
will be a devastating fire in the7
film vaults of the new archivesc
building here. Each film will be
placed in a separate fire-proof
drawer with an individual vent.a
If a film burns it can jolly wellt
do so because the smoke ands
gases will travel skyward.
SELDOM do the friends of young
and pretty Mrs. Jock Whitneys
coax her into recreation which doesE
not include her famous horses andC
hunting dogs.-
But one day she promised to meet
a woman friend at a dress shop. The
friend was late and Mrs. Whitney
had many errands to do. So she left,I
asking the shop owner to tell her
friend to meet her at the doctor's. f
The friend arrived and received
the message.
"Heavens!" she said, "which one
-horse, dog or human?"
Relief Administrator Harry
Hopkins was missing from the
handball game on the deck of
the Houston one day as the Presi-
dent's party steamed up the easti
The party sought him high and
low and found him hard at work.
He was acting as guest editor for
the Houston's four-page news-
WHY the tip of the Washington
monument gleams like a diamond
at times is explained by the United
States weather bureau:
"Three things are necessary to pro-
duce the glow: the position of the
monument, the position of the sun
and the position of the spectator.
One day the glow is visible from one
position, and another day from an-
other position. It is visible from any
fixed point just twice a year."

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
NOVEMBER 3, 1925
John McCormack, the internation-
ally famous Irish tenor, will be heard
in recital at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
Auditorium as the second number in
the 47th Annual Choral Union Con-
cert series.
President Clarence Cook Little be-
came the sixth president oftheUni-
versity yesterday morning when he
was inducted into office in Hill Audi-
torium. More than 5,000 students,
members of the faculties, Regents and
representatives from other institu-
tions were present when the new ex-
ecutive delivered his inaugural ad-
Antioch College has given up the
great American college game of foot-
ball for speedball, a combination of
soccer and basketball.
The new game was originated at
the University of Michigan by Elmer
D. Mitchell, director of intramural
athletics several years ago.
Ring Lardner, who was a student
of the University in 1900 and 1901,
sent a telegram to Coach Fielding H.
Yost immediately after the Michigan-
Navy contest Saturday, the text of the
wire reading as follows: "Haven't
you any respect for Uncle Sam?"
Coach Yost immediately wired back

(Continued from Page 3) so
ervices of worship today are: 8:00 so
in., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., R
hurch School; 11:00 a.m., Kinder- se
arten; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion f
nd sermon by The Reverend Henry st
Congregational Church, 10:30, Ser- ti
ice of worship. Prof. Preston Slosson
ill give the first lecture of the series C
n "Great Humanists," speaking on P
Huss and Wycliffe,' Pioneers of Re-
6:00 Student Fellowship. Rev. Al- m
son Ray Heaps will give his latest il-
astrated book review, "David Cop- b
erfield." Colored slides from the mo- a
ion picture. a
Presbyterian Church: 9:45 Student
'orum led by Mr. Kunkel. Subject a
The Tide of Religion - Going Out
r Coming In?"
10:45 Dr. Lemon preaches: "The
rux of Christianity." Students willW
gain be invited to consider Affiliate r
nembership in the church. . R
5:30, Student Fellowship Hour in
he dining and recreation room of the
dasonic Temple. A plate lunch at e
ow cost will be served.
6:30, Mr. Ueorge Abernethy, a
;raduate student and member of the V
group will review briefly the lead a
Discussion on Walter Millis' book 2
Road to War."
First Baptist Church: 10:45 Sunday D
Worship with sermon by Mr. Sayles,
ninister, on "Micah, Spokesman for U
the Poor." Fourth in series on Is-
ael's Prophets.
At 9:30 Dr. Leroy Waterman will 7
meet a group of interested people who a
wish to pursue a course of study in
the interpretation of the Bible. At
7:00 p.m. The young people of the n
church will meet in church. u
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday noon
at Guild House. "Religious Experience
through Nature." Mr. Chapman will
speak fifteen minutes. Bob Campbell,
Grad., will lead criticism and discus-o
sion for fifteen minutes following.
This is one in a series of talks about
some elements of personal religion.0
6:00 p.m. The guild meeting. An-
other view of war and peace. Marvin
Michael, '36, will review Gibbs' story,(
"The Cross of Peace." "Eats" follow.4
The guild members will attend thef
Peace meeting at Congregational e
Church at 8:00 p.m. Prof. Preston
Slosson and Rev. Fred Cowin, speak-
ers. .
Convocation. The Reverend Fred
Cowin and Professor Preston W. Slos-s
son will speak on the subject of "Re-C
ligior and Politics Look at War," at
8:00 p.m. in the Congregational
Church. This meeting is sponsoredr
by the Inter-Guild Federation and
will follow the regular guild meet-i
ings. The student body and the gen-r
eral public are invited.
Church of Christ (Disciples): 10:45t
a.m., Church Service. Sermon byE
Rev. Fred Cowin.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class,I
Leader H. L. Pickerill.c
5:30 p.m., Social Hour. Fifteen<
cent supper. 6:30 p.m, Forum: Why
Do We Have Wars? Leader, Arthurc
Smith. Come and join in the discus-
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at South Fifth Ave., Henry O.l
Yoder, Pastor. 9:15 a.m., ChurchI
School. 10:30 a.m., Chief Worship
with sermon by the pastor on "The]
Message of the Reformation for our,
Times." Lutheran Student Club in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30.
Discussion of "Restoration and Re-
formation" at 6:30 o'clock.I
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Third
and West Liberty Streets. Carl A.
Brauer, Pastor. 9:30 a.m., ChurchI
School, 9:00 a.m., preparatory ser-
vice. 9:30 a.m. Service in German
and Holy Communion, 10:45 a.m.,
Morning worship and sermon. "The

Reformation and The Book." 6:00
p.m., Student-Walther League supper
and fellowship. 6:30 p.m., the meet-
ing. Albert Streutert, Graduate stu-
dent will lead the discussion on "In-
dulgences." A large attendance is
Zion Lutheran Church, Washington
St. and Fifth Ave., E. C. Stellhorn,
Pastor. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School;
lesson, "The Certainty of God's
Judgements." 9:00 a.m. Reforma-
tion service in the German language.
10:30 a.m. Sermon, "Fighting For
the Faith;" 5:30 p.m. Student fellow-
ship and supper. 6:30 p.m. Address
by Rev. Henry Yoder, "Restoration
and Reformation."
Unitarian Church, 5:30 Twilight
Service, Mr. Marley will speak on
"Illiteracy and Religion;" 6:30 Buf-
fet supper; 7:30 Students meet to go
to Interguild Conference; 9:00 Social
hour back at the church.
Hillel Foundation: Sunday morn-
ing at 10:00 o'clock the Sunday
School for Jewish local children will
be held at the Hillel Foundation.
From two to four on Sunday, No-
vember 3. the dedication of the li-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 ,a.m. on Saturday.w

lo by Edward Sherman and vocal
los by Gertrude Leve and James
osenthal. Refreshments will be
rved. Students as well as town
lks are cordially invited.
Sunday evening at 7:30 Jewish
udents are urged to attend the War
nd Peace Lectures at the Congrega-,
onal Church.
Professor Slosson and Reverend
owin will speak on Religion and
olitics Look at War.
The Graduate Outing Club will
eet at Lane Hall at 3:00 for a hike
hrough Barton Hills. Supper will
e served at a cost of 25c. All gradu-
te students are cordially invited to
Scalp and Blade meeting at 5 p.m.,
t the Union. Room to be posted.
Coming Events
Chemistry Colloquium, meeting
Vednesday, November 6, 4:00 p.m.,
oom 303 Chemistry Building. Mr.
. D. Thompson will speak on the
recise determination of standard
lectrical conductivity values.
Junior Research Club of the Uni-
-ersity of Michigan will meet Tues-
Lay, November 5, 7:30 p.m., Room
082 N. S. Building.
"Virulence of Bacteria" by Prof.
Walter Nungester of the Bacteriology
Department. An important business
meeting will follow.
Landscape Club Meeting, Monday,
:30 p.m. Don Wolbrink will talk
about Isle Royale.
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neers: The regular luncheon for grad-
uate students in Chemical and Metal-
urgical Engineering will be held on
Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 12:15 in Room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Professor Wm.
H. Worrell will address the group on
the subject, "Ethiopia and the Ethi-
The University of Michigan District
of the Michigan Education Associa-
tion will meet in the graduate library
of the University Elementary School
(Monroe Street), Monday, November
4, 4:15 p.m. All members of the
faculty who are interested are invit-
ed to attend.
Women's Research Club regular
meeting Monday, November 4, 7:30
p.m., in the Museums Building, room
3024. Miss Carolyn Sheldon will
speak on "Studies on the Life-History
of Jumping Mice."
Adelphi House of Representatives,
men's forensic society, announces
that Mayor Robert A. Campbell of
Ann Arbor, former treasurer of the
University, will address the society on
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi
room, fourth floor Angell Hall. His
topic will be "My experiences with
Tryout speeches for membership in
Adelphi will be heard after the ad-
dress. All men students are eligible
and can tryout by giving a short
speech on any subject. Adephi cor-
dially invites every one to attend.
Phi Sigma meeting will be held in
Room 2116, Natural Science Bldg.,
Wednesday, November 6, at 8:15 p.m.
Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne will speak on
the Ornithology of Guatamala. Elec-
tion of new members will follow.
Please bring $1.50 for dues for this
All Freshmen Men: Phi Eta Sigma
will give a smoker for all freshmen
men Monday, November 4, at 7:30
Union ballroom. President Ruthven
will speak as the principal event. He
will be introduced by Dean Bursley.
Refreshments will be served and a
good time is planned. All freshmen
men are urged to attend.

Luncheon for Graduate Students:
Wednesday, November 6, at 12 o'clock,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan League
Building. Cafeteria service. Carry
tray across the hall. Professor Rene
Talamon, of the Romance Language
Department, will speak informally on
"Echoes from France."
Michigan Dames Child Study Group
hold its first meeting on Monday
evening, November 4, at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Karl Karsian, 1133
Forest Avenue. Mrs. F. W. Peterson,
the faculty advisor to the group, will
speak on her educational experience
in Europe. Plans for the year will be
discussed. Everyone interested in
children is cordially invited.
Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore:
Final tryouts for principals Wednes-
day at four and for chorus Friday at
four at the Laboratory Theatre. Stu-
dents interested must become fully
acquainted with music and must at-
tend the following rehearsals: Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Thursday at five
at the Laboratory Theatre and Mon-
day and Tuesday at eight at the Glee
Club room in the Union.
Children's Theatre: Final general
tryouts Tuesday afternoon in the

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