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October 26, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-26

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Eon '
Publisned every morning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associatio-
and the Big Ten News Service.
ssociated (olleiat retxs
1934 (aeg ligcg 1935E
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o:
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local new
published herein. All rights of republication of specia
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted b
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 42(
Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. -400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
'telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED
News Editor ........ ............. ........ ..Elsie A. Pierc
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS : E. Bryce Aipern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
ETam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley
S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner
Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, Willianm
Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;
Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
son, Lewis E. Bulkeley, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert'D.
Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, rnest A. Jones, William C
Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law-
rence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky,
Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.r
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter. Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,
Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helen Purdy
Virginia Snell.
SheilanBurgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins
Peg Lou White.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Freedom Of Speech
To the Editor:
In an editorial in Thursday's paper you ask
the question, "What constitutes freedom of speech
e and what limitations may justly be imposed upon
- utterances?" I do not propose-to answer that ques-
n tion, but there is one subsidiary point that I should
like to discuss.
Let us suppose, for a moment, that it is decreed
by popular opinion that there shall be no new sci-
entific theories advanced. That is, let us suppose
that the majority of the people believe that no im-
e provement can be made in our present scientific
r knowledge, and actively discourage any attempt
l to formulate new theories.
,s I think it will be seen at once that sciencef
y would either come to a standstill or else be drivenI
, underground to be bootlegged to the initiated. In
either eventuality there would be real harm done,
, not only to the scientist, but to all the people
0 of the world.%
Perhaps this line of reasoning applies to other
fields than the physical sciences. John Stewart
Mill believed that freedom of discussion was de-
sirable on all topics, saying that in that way errors
v could best be exposed and right thinking most ad-
-Paul Nims, '37E.
Abyssinia Then
e To the Editor:
With reference to the article in Friday's Daily:
"Abyssinia" is the common geographical name for
the empire of Haile Salassie. The inhabitants
of that country prefer the biblical and classical
name "Ethiopia," which is not used in our scien-
tific literature because it has a too extended and
too indefinite meaning.
-S. D. Dodge,
-W. H. Worrell,
To Certain Overconfident Lawyers:
Feeling positive that you have greatly overrated
your ability in extra-curricular activities we take
this opportunity to accept your challenge for an
open football game to be played on a suitable date.
To make the thing more interesting we might put
up a slight inducement. If you still have your
former assurance and courage, you may call up-
-A. Constantine, '37M (3201).
P.S. We will play tackle if suits can be
provided -otherwise two-hand touch.


Convention Bureau
X NN ARBOR, usually so efficient,
carries on one of its largest activ-
ities, conventions, insrather an unorganized man-
ner. One of the city's greatest needs is a central
convention bureau, or the assumption, by an exist-
ing organization, of the duties of coordinating
convention activities.
As an example of the confusion that frequently
exists: last week there were five conventions in
Ann Arbor. There were meetings of the Lutheran
women, the Presbyterian ministers, Michigan So-
cial Workers, the Adult Education Institute and
the Michigan Federation of Women's Clubs. Two
of these, Adult Education and Women's Clubs
were purposely planned to meet at the same time,
but when three extra groups also meet confusion
is almost certain to follow.
Housing space in Ann Arbor for more or less
permanent residents is extremely limited; that for
transients is nearly non-existent. How delegates
to Ann Arbor conventions, when there are three
or four of them meeting concurrently, find a place
to eat and sleep is a mystery. -
A convention bureau that would fix the dates
and make other arrangements for groups wishing
to meet in Ann Arbor would solve this problem
of housing and a myriad of other problems that
arise from poor planning.
Not only would a central bureau remove present
evils but it would provide additional benefits
for both the city and the groups meeting. Ann
Arbor is an ideal place to hold meetings of various
types and a convention bureau could make this
advantage known to organizations that have not
hitherto considered Ann Arbor as a scene for their
Spreading the meetings out over the whole year
would also benefit the convention groups in their
publicity. If five groups are meeting at the same
time it is only natural that newspapers and press
associations cannot adequately report the activ-
ities of all of them or any one of them.
If it is not feasible to set up a separate con-
vention bureau the duties of such an office could
easily be assumed by the local chamber of com-

As Others See It
The Question Of Obesity
(From the Indiana Daily Student)
r HE PSYCHOLOGY department of the Univer-
sity of Michigan recently completed an un-
usual task - that of surveying "fat boys." The
purpose of the inquiry was to discover why cor-
pulent boys drop out of college faster than thin
students do. Popular belief that f1at persons are
lacking in intelligence was not borne out in the
classrooms of Michigan. However, the fact was
established that overweight persons lack ambition
or, as the surveying psychologists prefer to state,
"they can not be stimulated by hope of scholastic
"And why should they?" ask the experts. Fat
boys feel that they know only too well that even
though they may win top honors on the campus,
as soon as they go out into the world, the stupid,
ill-mannered world will continue to make sport
of them. "So what's the use?" argues the fat boy.
In feeling this way, the overweight person argues
wrongly. He is merely the victim of an obsolete
tradition. Our world is kinder to obesity than past
generations were. People nowadays walk, run,
jump, climb stairs a good deal less than did our an-
cestors. Fat practically has ceased to be a handi-
cap in the age of the automobile, the airplane, the
escalator, the elevator, the telephone and the tele-
graph. Fat boys should not allow the fire of ambi-
tion to be extinguished because of an excess of
Welcome News
(From The Daily Illini)
rTHE ANNOUNCEMENT that the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs will take up the
question of honorary societies and attempt to
eliminate those that are not worthy is one that
comes as pleasant news to students.
As far as it is possible, government of student
affairs should be done by students, but here is one
place where a body such as the Senate committee
can act with a freedom that a student group
could not approach.
Last year there was an attempt to survey the
campus honoraries by members of the Student
Senate. The recommendations were on the whole
rather wise but there were one or two rather
stupid suggestions that gave the whole report a
bad name. The good part of the report can be used
and the bad part discarded.
There are several weaknesses in the present
system that should come under the notice of the
group. There is the question of ridiculously high
fees. There is the problem of those honoraries
that have degenerated into social groups having
no other purpose except to drink beer. Then there
are the overlapping groups that defeat each other's
The campus is waiting eagerly for the findings of

The Conning Tower
K RAZY, it will shortly be -
MAW! Has Krazy been here three
Years or WHAT? HOW MANY? Four?
Since you wandered to our door1
Hungry, thirsty, cold and wet,
Obviously No One's Pet;t
And it's not too much to say,
Judging from the avid wayt
You attacked the bowl of milk,
Feeling not so fine as silk.
Many prominent ribs there weref
Underneath your draggled fur.
Hollow eyed and gaunt of cheek,
From starvation diet weak,
You, beyond the tiniest doubt,
Were not Much to Rave About. -
These days (as I've said before)t
Ribs are visible no moret
Underneath your satin pelt.
Too, your lengthier round the belt
From the frequent pabulum
Which you load into your tum.k
Now you dream without a caref
In your personal rocking chairk
Which I dare to occupyt
Only when you are not by.
True, some folk express a doubt1
That you're Much to Rave About
Even now but, lost to shame,
We keep trying just the same.
Nor by vitamins alonet
Are you marked for Fortune's own.I
Fame's descended on you, too-t
You're in literature's Who's Mew;
Visitors awedly on you look;
Krazy, you are In a Book!
Like' Napoleon, like Rousseau,1
Cleopatra, D. Defoe,t
Queen Victoria, James G. Blaine,
Caesar, Lincoln, Pitt, Mark Twain,1
Keats, John Lo and Aaron Burr,
You have your biographer.
Gifts of many a catnip mouse
Are delivered at the house1
From solicitous fans who wish
Data re your taste in fish, 1
Whether you had six or eighte
Kittens as of recent date -
Fans who cry a thousand questions,'
Animadversions and suggestions.'
Smooth reporters of the news
Seek you out for interviews.-
This is what it is to bec
Famous. Yet, believe you me,
There are persons (not like you)
Who adore such ballyhoo.
There are those who play Life's gamet
But to rake in wealth and fame;
Who would murder, cheat or steal
So they'd never lack a meal;E
Who will slander, sneer and lie
To attain a station high;
Who'll, in short, to grasp a bubble,
Go to Considerable Trouble.
Such is not the case with you .**
Seeking neither of the two,
To obtain both fame and pelf,
You have simply Been Yourself;
Eaten, drunk and washed your face,
Daily sniffed about the place,
Cuddled down in people's laps,
Napped your uninfrequent naps,
Rubbed on tables, cleaned your mittens,
Bred and borne your various kittens,
Changed your regular habits not
One least tittle, whit or jot.
Now that Life's rewards you've won
You go on as you have done.
In your new exalted place
Still you wash and wash your face,
Cuddle down in people's laps,
Nap your customary naps,
Rub on tables, clean your mittens,
Breed and bare your usual kittens,
And comport yourself no jot,
Atom, tittle, whit or dot
Differently than as of yore
When you wandered to our door
As a modest, casual cat
(And not very much at that!)

Times I wonder . . . if that I
Some day should be rated high
Should I wear my laurels, too,
As endearingly as you?
Mine, I fear, is clay more frailu
Than your own and I might fail
To remain unspoiled as you.
Tell me! Do you think so, too?
Were I numbered with the great-
Did I own a huge estate,
Would I, meeting Mil or Bert,
Nod with condescension curt
Rather than blurt out a "Howza
Big Boy?"
"To that title," said Mr. Mark Sullivan in yes-
terday's H. T., referring to "It Can't Happen Here,"
"a wit has added, as a suggested subtitle, "The
Hell It Can't.'' The wit Mr. Sullivan quotes is Mr.
John Chamberlain, of the New York Times, who
said that Sinclair Lewis woke from his dream
and said it. At first we thought that Mr. Sullivan
was one of those old-fashioned journalists who
thought it was forbidden to mention the name of
another newspaper, but next month will be pub-
lished Mr. Sullivan's sixth volume of -not "Our
Herald Tribune" - "Our Times."
We are not one to edit Mr. Hearst, but when
he writes a long letter saying that he is about to
leave California because of high income taxes, and
that he will spend his time in New York, it seems
to this copyreader that he should have said:
Ship me somewhere east of San Simeon, where
by taxes I'm not cursed;

A Washington
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. - A new
baby in Uncle Sam's flourishing fam-
ily of government publications is just
off the press. It is "The Consumer,"
dated mid-October and produced by,
the new consumers' division of the
attenuated NRA, Walton H. Hamil-
ton, director.
It is an interesting periodical. No.
1. Vol. 1 is just a 20-page or less af-
fair; but it contains some striking,
samples of Mr. Hamilton's views on1
various questions. Since he enjoys
also the title of "President's adviser
on consumer problems," Mr. Hamil-
ton's views might be important at a,
time when a projected general rise in
the price of bread has set Washing-
ton somewhat by the ears.
Reaction of Secretary Wallace to
that proposal was of a nature to sug-
gest that he suspects origins of the
bread boost idea. His statisticians
figured out that it was not justified
by rising prices of bread ingredients
under AAA. He may believe politics
had something to do with the bread
price increase, although he did not
say so.
Skilled Wordsmiths
In any event, a chief counsel for
the consumer at the presidential ear,
Mr. Hamilton ought to be much in,
the picture in the next few months.
The old "high-cost-of-living" factor
was beginning to get into the polit-
ical situation even before the bread
price argument started. It is a matter
that Mr. Roosevelt and his advisers
are likely to find well on top of the
pile on their desks when the President
is back in the White House. It is full
of political dynamite.
Mr. Hamilton and his consumer di-
vision aides do not touch on the bread
price matter in the first issue of
"The Consumer." It is more of an
introductory number than anything
else. It serves, however, to place its
contributors on view, including Mr.
Hamilton himself, as skilled word-
smiths, not content with the mere
routine of consumer activity report-
ing suggested by "Consumer Notes,"
the publication "The Consumer" suc-
*. * *
Only Casual Interest
In witness of that is a sample from
the introductory, 'We Lay Down a Pol-
tcy and Pick Up a Program" piece in
"The Consumer." It notes that the
executive order creating the new con-
sumers' division was made public July
20 and adds:
"When a brisk girl with yellow hair
carried the mimeographed copies to
the White House press room, news
men showed only casual interest.
Those who represented press associa-
tions had to do something about it;
they dictated brief bulletins for the
wires. The rest hastily read the docu-
ments, then returned to their chess
and their conversations."
Hamilton probably did not write
that. There is so much about him, so
much he has said to news men re-
printed in that article that ordinary
uses of modesty forbid the idea that
he was the author. Yet Mr. Hamil-
ton, as the row over rising food prices
goes on, may be often at the White
House. That shot at the attitude
and diversions of the White House
press room regulars does not promise
him an enthusiastic reception.

VOL. XLVI No. 22
Study Tours for Foreign Students:
A series of study tours have been
scheduled by the Counselor to For-
eign Students for Monday at 4 o'clock.
Foreign students who are newly ar-
rived will find these tours a satis-
factory means of acquainting them-
selves with the facilities of the Uni-
versity and the points of general in-
terest on the Campus. The first tour
will be made Monday, October 28.
Students will meet promptly at 4
o'clock in Room 201, University Hall,
and will be conducted through the
University Library.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to*
Foreign Students.
Several copies of "Problems in Col-
lege Physics" by W. W. Sleator are
wanted at once. Copies in good con-
dition will be bought at the Stu-
dents' Supply Store. 1111 S. Univer-
sity Ave.
Academic Notices
History Make-up Examinations.
The make-up examinations in all his-
tory courses will be given on Satur-
day a.m. 9-12, October 26, in Room
C. Haven Hall.
Psychology 42. Make-up examina-
tion on Saturday, October 26, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Psychology 34. Make-up examina-
tion on Saturday, October 26, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Psychology 108. Make-up examina-
tion on Saturday, Octoger 26, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Political Science 2. Make-up exam-
ination Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m.,
Room 2037 A. H. Students absent
from the June examination must be
examined at this time to secure credit
in the course.

de la Mare; (Macmillan).
"EARLY one morning" is the sort
of book we used to have, before
it became the fashion to write even
the simplest communication in tele-
graphic style. Walter de la Mare is
likewise the kind of writer we used
to have, a man whom life has filled
with delicate perceptions, rare ex-
perience and honest interest in his
fellows. Interest without mawkish
The book is physically (we might
as well follow this analogy to the bit-
ter end) the kind of book we used
to like -handsome, inviting in ap-
pearance, printed so that it can be
read without a headache. But it is
not a book for the millions. Its grain
is too fine.
Mr. de la Mare is writing about chil-
dren as revealed in their own writing
and that of others. He himself is in
the picture all the time, but in a
peculiarly fine way. The mass of his!
research needs a leavening influence,;
and that is the function Mr. de la
Mare has assigned himself. By his
words he keeps the mass alive and
Generally, "Early One Morning" is
divided three ways: early life, early
memories, early writings. It is per-
haps inevitable that most of the chil-
dren whose childhood is mentioned
are writers, the offspring of writers,
or have some literate and willing rela-
tive to record the childish reactions.
Millions of children who became mu-
sicians, painters, bankers and what-
nots had reactions as worthy. But no
records were kept.
Marjorie Fleming is of course in the
book. The young Anthony Trollope
is there, too, building imaginary

Ibsen's last play, presented at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by a New
York cast headed by Madame Borgny
Never answered but sometimes
quieted are the insistent tortuous
doubtings of an artist's fragile faith
in his own existence as an artist.
Old, his powers waning, Ibsen
looked back upon a long career of
artistic attempts, saw the theme of
a pursuant struggle woven into his
life and sought to embody the con-
flict in his final work, "When We
Dead Awaken."
Ibsen, as has many another artist!
set upon the expression of this same
basic problem, failed. The play was
unconvincing. The audience laughed
in the wrong place.
The reason why the play was un-
ccnvincing rests upon: first, the na-
ture of the conflict; and second, the
nature of the presentation of the
conflict here.
The problem of an artist's justifi-
cation of his own existence as an art-
ist rests upon the belief that it is irre-
concilable with his existence as a
Dangerous are the methods of in-
trospective analysis - the tendency
for self-inquiry to encroach upon and
perhaps ultimately stifle the capacity
for spontaneous emotional response,
the tendency for abstract concepts of
beauty to make impossible the per-
ception of beauty through the senses.
This is the problem, one aspect
of which served as the theme of
"When We Dead Awaken."
The play presented this conflict
through the story of a sculptor, ren-
dered impotent by his loss of soul in
the midst of abstractions of beauty.'
Irene, his former model, makes him
aware of the fact that his artistic per-
ceptions had driven out his capacity
for essentially human feeling, makes
him realize that his soul and hers are
dead, killed by that abstraction of
beauty without human sublimation
(as in Thomas Mann's "Death In
Why is it then, that the play failed
in the presentation -of the conflict?
Why did the lines appear filled with
sentimentality, an emoting unwar-
ranted by the action?
A drama is the imaginative ex-
pression of an idea. The idea in this
play is the irreconcibility of the life
of a man as a man and as an artist.
"When We Dead Awaken" shows
the effect of this conflict on the ar-
tist. It accepts the conflict as a fact,
only suggesting the nature of the con-
flict. It does not show imaginatively
that the conflict is indeed a fact, or
begin to analyze it.
It was this failure to communicate
to the audience the nature of the
problem that made the audience
laugh when Irene refers to the work
of art as "their baby," for the symbol
was only partly appreciated.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Events Of Today
Mixed Field Hockey: A game be-
Aween the W.A.A. and Lawyers team
vill be played at 4 p.m., on Palmer
Field. Spectators are cordially in-
A.A.U.W. meeting at 2:45 p.m. in
the Grand Rapids room in the League.
Michigan Dames who are interested
In becoming members of weekly af-
ernoon sewing, cooking, or hobby
;roups are invited to attend a pre-
Iminary meeting at the home of Mrs.
Donald Church, 521 Church Street,
it 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Michigan Dames will have a Hallo-
ve'en party for Dames and their hus-
bands, Lane Hall, 8:00 p.m. Old
lothes will be worn and prizes will
be given to the worst dressed man
fnd woman.
Congregational Student Fellowship
Radio Party 2 p.m., Pilgrim Hall. All
Congregational students are welcome.
Coming Events
Alpha Epsilon Mu meeting Sunday,
Oct. 21, Russian Tea Room of the
Michigan League, 6 p.m. All mem-
bers please be present.
First Presbyterian Church. At 9:45
Sunday The Student Forum meeting
at .the Masonic Temple will consider
the subject "Religion as a Construc-
tive Force."
At 10:45 Dr. Lemon preaches: "Two
Worlds at a Time" the second in a
series entitled "What All The World
is Thinking."
5:30, Student Fellowship Hour with
a plate supper, followed by the pro-
gram in charge of new students. The
theme for the panel discussion will be
"Religious Perplexities." At the close
of the formal program there will be
a recreation program and also a fire-
side forum in a faculty home.
Harris Hall: The regular student
meeting will be held Sunday evening
in Harris Hall at seven o'clock. The
Reverend Henry Lewis will speak on,
"The Responsibilities and Privileges
of the Student in Social Action." All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m. Choir Sunday:
Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Reverend Frederick W. Leech and
special musical program by St. An-
drew's men and boys choir.
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30 Service of Worship. Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Blake recently returned
from Turkey, will be guests and will
speak on "Conditions in the Near
East." Special Music.
6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship Sup-
per followed by talks by Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Blake on "The Youth Move-
ment in the New Turkey."
Roger Williams Guild, Sunday,
12:00 m. "Personal Religion and So-
cial Responsibility" will be presented
by Rev. Howard R. Chapman, Uni-
versity Pastor, and a discussion of
the topic will be conducted by Mr.
Umbach, president. Closing at 12:40.
6:00 p.m. Dr. James A. Woodburn
will speak on 'The Progress of Peace.'
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m. R.
Edward Sayles, Minister will preach
on, "Isaiah, The Prophet Majestic."
Church School at 9:30. High School
group at church 7:00 p.m.
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
day. 10:45 a.m. Church Service. Ser-
mon by Rev. Fred Cowin. 12:00 m.
Student's Bible Class. Leader, H.L.
Pickerill. 5:30 p.m. Social Hour. A

I5c supper will be served. 6:30 p.m.
Sp~ecial program of music ,poetry and
art interpretation.
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave., Henry 0. Yod-
er, pastor. Sunday.
9:15, Church School. 10:30 Chief
Service with Sermon by the pastor
on "What Is Christian Teaching?"
5:30, Lutheran Student Club will
meet in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 309 E. Washington St. 6:30, Dr. W.
E. Forsythe will speak on Student
and his health.
Zion Lutheran Church. E. Washing-
ton and S. Fifth Ave., E. C. Stellhorn,
pastor. Sunday.
9:00, Church School. 10:30, Church
Service with sermon on "Christian
Forbearance" by the pastor. 5:30,
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
the Parish Hall. 6:30, Dr. W. E. For-
sythe will speak to the student for-
um on "The Student and his Health."
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Third
and West Liberty Streets. Carl A.
Brauer, pastor. Sunday.
9:30 a.m. Church School. 9:30 a.m.
Service in German. 10:45 a.m. Morn-
ing service and sermon "The Joy of
Being on the Lord's Side." 6:00 p.m.
Student Club supper and fellowship.
This will be followed by Pastor
Brauer's talk on "The Origin of the
Protestant Churches."

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