Faculty Women To Hold Reception In League Ballroom Wed
800 Expected
As Guests At
First Meeting
Mrs. E. L. Adams To Head
Reception At Opening
.Deans As Hostesses
Mrs. Earl S. Wolaver
Reports Social Events
Of Coming Year
The Faculfty Women's Club will
hold the annual opening reception
for old and new members at 3 p.m.
Wednesday in the ballroom of the
League. It is expected that 800 will
Mrs. R. L. Adams, the president,
will be assisted in the receiving line
by Regent Esther M. Cram, Mrs. Alex-
ander Ruthven, Mrs. Junius Beal,
Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. James Bruce
and Mrs. Clarence Yoakum.
The following Deans and wives of
Deans will act as hostesses in inform-
al groups located throughout the
room: Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean Emen-
tus, Myra B. Jordan, Mrs. Edward M.
Kraus, Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Mrs.
Henry M. Bates, Mrs. Herbert C.
Sadler, Mrs. Emil Lorch, Mrs. Clare
Griffin, Mrs. James B. Edmonson,
Mrs. W. W. Bishop, Mrs. Charles A.
Sink, Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, Mrs.
Louis A Hopkins, Mrs. Albert C.
Furstenburg, Mrs. Howard B. Lewis,
Mrs. Russell W. Bunting, Mrs. Fred-
rick C. Rogers and Mrs. William D.
Phst Presidents To Pour
Pouring at the tea tables will be
past presidents Mrs. Henry M. Bates,
Mrs. Allen S. Whitney, Mrs. John
Sundwall, Mrs. Evans Holbrook and
Mrs. Emil Lorch, as well as Dean Alice
Lloyd, Mrs. Carl Huber, Mrs. Edward
Kraus, Mrs. William W. Bishop, Mrs.
Joseph Bursley, 'Mrs. Hubert Sadler,
Mrs. Earl Moore and Mrs. Albert
The chairman of the hospitality
committee, Mrs. Hugh Keeler, assist-
ed by Mrs. Max Winkler, Mrs. John
L. Brumm, Mrs. J. W. Kemper, Mrs.
George Moore, Mrs. Samuel McAllis-
ter and Mrs. Howard Hoss will wel-
come members and guests near the
ballroom entrance.
Others in charge of the arrange-
ments .are Mrs. Earl Wolaver, chair-
man of the program committee, who
will be assisted by Mrs. Ralph Aigler
and Mrs. Arthur Hackett, and Mrs.
Walter Hunt, chairman of the re-
freshment committee, who will be
aided by Mrs. Herbert A. Kenyon and
Mrs. Lewis Gram.
Many Members Assist
The following will assist through-
out the room: Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs.
Charles W. Edmunds, Mrs. Rene Tal-
amon, Mrs. W. A. McLaughlin, Mrs.
Z. C. Dickinson, Mrs. Hessel E. Ynte-
ma, Mrs. Paul Leidy, Mrs. Walter
Reichart, Mrs. Palmer Christian,
Fielding Yost, Mrs. Alfred White, Mrs.
John Morley, Mrs. Alfred Lovell, Mrs.
John Bradshaw, Mrs. John Waite,
Mrs. Everett Brown, Mrs. Edson, Sun-
derland, Mrs. R. H. Kingery, Mrs.
Udo Wile and Mrs. William Sellew.
Other events on the program for
the year include a recital by Mr. Was-
sily Besekirsky and Mr. Joseph
Brinkman on Sov. 20 at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. This will be
Guest day. Next will come a formal
reception and dance held from 9 to
12 p.m. Dec. 10 in the League Ball-
Speaker On Program
Mr. William A. Frayer, executive
secretary of the Cranbrook Founda-
tion, will speak at 3 p.m. Jan. 22 in
the Ethel Hussey Fountain Room of
the League. The sections will pre-
sent the program to be given before
the Michigan Dames who will be
guests of the club at 3 p.m. Feb. 26
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Club members will have tea from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m., March 25 at the
An AmericanBea
uty Large Crowd
Attends Annual
Exotic New Scents In Perfume
Are Created ForIndividuality
-Associated Press Photo.
Patricia Havens-Montcagle, San
Francisco, Calif., is to be one of the
25 American Beauties in a coming
movie production.
50 Guests Throng
League Ballroom
For Opening Tea
Four hundred and fifty women
yesterday afternoon thronged the;
League Ballroom for the initial tea
of the year. The guests danced to=
Al Cowan's band, seating themselves
at the tables arranged around the
room during intermissions.
A trio consisting of Betty Whit-
ney, who wore a scarlet knit suit,
Barbara Heath, in sky blue, and
Ginny Hunt, smart in a black model,F
entertained the guests by harmoniz-
ing popular pieces. Hope Hartwig;
her blond hair capped with a mortar-
board, represented the college senior
and her partner, Marjorie Coe, wear-
ing a pot, mimicked the freshman
in a syncopated tap.
Martha Steen, League social chair-;
man, attractive in a dubonnier wool
trimmed in fur, greeted the women
as they checked in the door. Miss
Ethel McCormick, League social di-
rector, sporting a gay -laid blouse
was seen hurrying across the floor,
to the tea table.t
In line for tea we caught a glimpsei
of Helen Hanley who was chatting
with Eleanor Swan, Kay Loomis,
Eleanor French and Laura Jane Zim-;
merman while Ginny Jae'son in
black, Jean Laitner, and Florence
Harper were trying out some tricky
steps on the floor. Jo Scott, in a
striped wool busied herself marshal-
ing freshmen to their seats.
Alumnae To Honor
Women At Banquet
The following women will be feted
at a formal initiation banquet sched-
uled for 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Alum-
nae House: Mary Winters, Grad.;3
Grace Wilson, '39; Elizabeth French,
'39; Phyllis Chase, '39; Margaret
Mitchell, '39; Agnes Hippen, '39; Ju-
lia Schaeffer, '39; Helen Vidok, '39;
Josephine Poggi, '37; Sally Jefferson,
'37; and Sophia Lovechuk, '39.
Two additional members of the As-
sembly, campus organization for non-
affiliated women, were announced
yesterdayb by Maureen Kavanagh,
president. They are Margaret Ayers,
'37, representative for Adelia Chee-
ver house and Miriam Sanders, '38,
resident of Alumnae house.
home of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven.
The year will end with the annual
meeting and luncheon at 1 p.m. April
22 in the League Ballroom.
Union Formal
Many Guests From Out Of
Town Present; Russo's
Orchestra Plays
A capacity crowd attended the Un-
ion Formal last night and among the
members of the Union Executive
Council that were present where
George Malone, '37E, chairman of
the committee on decorations. His
guest for the evening was Virginia
Richardson, '39, who chose a gown
of white crepe with silver flowers at
the neck.
Margaret Mustard, '35, Battle Creek
was escorted by John McCarthy, '36,
Miss Mustard's black crepe formal
had a bodice of gold sequence. Mar-
tha Weiss, '39, who was with Herbert
Wolf, '37, wore a gown of pink and
silver striped taffeta modeled on old
fashioned lines and had puffed
sleeves and silver flowers at the neck-
Ann Mitchell, Grad., attended with
Robert Dailey, '37E, Miss Mitchell
chose a white brocaded satin with a
slight train. The neckline was shir-
red on a cord which hangs down
the back in tassels. Her shoes were
of white satin studded with rhine-
stones. Charlotte Rueger, '37, was
escorted by Dick Hershey, '37. Her
chalk pink formal of heavy crepe had
a heavy cowl neckline of bugle beads
and brilliants. William Struve's, '37,
guest was Elizabeth Miller, '37. Her
dress was an aquamarine crepe trim-
med with a rhinestone and ruby clasp
and a wine colored sash.
Among the out of town guests who
were at the dance were Rayatta Poll-
ack, Detroit, who attended with Lor-
en Kadet, '37, Ruth Judson, Royal
Oak, who was with Wencel Neumann,
'36E, and Dorothy Shutt, Detroit,
who was the guest of Rush Bowman,
'37E. Miss Shutt, wore a blue satin
formal with a gold belt, and with it
she wore a blue velvet tierra.
Children's Dancing
Classes To Begin
Two free dancing classes for chil-
dren will be held today at Barbour
Gymnasium by Miss Ruth Bloomer,
instructor of dance at the University.
The first class, from 10:15 to 11 a.m.
will be for the four to six year olds
and the second, from 11 to 11:45 a.m.
will be for the seven to ten year olds.
These two meetings are introduc-
tory lessons in a series of 10, for
which a slight fee will be charged.
Where To Go
Theater: Whitney "Streamline Ex-
press" with Victor Jory and "Oil For
,The Lamps of China" with Pat
O'Brien; Wuerth, "Charlie Chan in
Egypt" with Warner Oland and "Gin-
ger" with Jane Withers; Majestic,
"Way Down East" with Henry Fonda;
Michigan, "I Live For Love" with
Dolores Del Rio and "Wings Over
Dancing: Silver Grill of the League;
Union Ballroom; Chubb's, Hut Cellar.
Alpha Gamma Delta sororityv an-
nounces the pledging of Pauline
Knutson, '39, AlU;by, N. Y., and Jean
Oliver, '39, Detroit.
The active chapter presented the
pledges at tea Friday afternoon. The
pledges were also guests of honor at
a house party last weekend at the
Thornton Farm. Colon.
For the past few days, we have
been scouting around poking our
noses into corners in search of new
scents, and now we are ready to share
all our secrets with you.
In case you don't know it, there is
a perfume for every person and for
every occasion. The big prefume
companies have been busy all sum-
mer making exotic new scents to de-
light the nostrils. You absolutely
can't resist some new perfume when
you see the charming little bottles it
comes in -you can use them after-
ward to adorn your dressing table.
Sport Wear Scents
For everyday and sport wear, we
recommend "Joie de Vivre." This is
an exalting new scent that is guar-
anteed to transform occasions into
events. It comes in little square bot-
tles with buttresses to steady the
base. "Joe de Vivre" adds a stimu-
lus to classroom life. Another per-
fume for sport wear is "L'Origan," a
nice, spicy odor that combines the
fragrance of carnations with a dash
of cinnamon.
For teas or informal dinners, there
are three facsinating perfumes--"My
Of Graduates
An engagement of interest to Uni-
versity circles is that of Teresa St.
John, '34, to Willard H. Temple, '36.
The betrothal has been formally an-
nounced by Miss St. John's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. St. John, De-
troit. Mr. Temple is the son of Dr.
and Mrs. Sterling, Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Miss St. John graduated from Lig-
gett School, Detroit, in 1930 and from
the University in 1934. Miss St. John
was affiliated with Kappa Delta soror-
ity. No date has been set as yet
for the wedding.
Inglis-Spicer Betrothal
At a recent tea the engagement of
Carol Inglis, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Inglis, Ann Arbor, and
Robert W. Spicer, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert W. Spicer, Riverside,
Calif., was made known.
Miss Inglis is a graduate of the
University of Michigan and is a
member of Alpha Phi sorority. She
attended the Warrenton School for
Girls, Warrenton, Va. No date is set
for the wedding.
We take personal
pride in our ser-
vice - a factor that
distinguishes o u r
work from that of
gust any cleaners.
T B921 Huron,
TUBB 'Cor. 2th S.
Sin," "Rumeur" and "Scandal." They
come in enchanting little round bot-
tles with gold caps and labels. Each
of these scents has a character of
its own, and will refresh you after a
busy campus day.
Penthouse Cluster
By the way, have you seen the new
"Penthouse Cluster?" It consists of
four little diamond-shaped bottles set
in a unique modernistic base. The
scents are "Whisper," "Open Night,"
"Mon Image" and "Gardenia." The
"Penthuose Cluster" is just the thing
to take with you for a week-end va-
For formal wear, we have some
truly glamorous perfumes to tell you
about. The most equisite we have
found is "Chevalier de Nuit," which
has a delicate, soft fragrance that
appeals to all alike. Its beauty is
ethereal and intangible. If you have
never found the perfect perfume, we
suggest a trial of "Chevalier de Nuit."
Two other exotic perfumes are "Nu-
mero Douze" and "A Suma," which
are also appealng for evening wear.
Some perfume companies,unable
to name all their new scents, are now
calling them by numbers or by letters
of the alphabet. You can try them
all and pick out your favorite scent
for your lucky number.
The pledges of Pi Beta Phi are giv-
ing a tea from 3 to 5 p.m. this after-
noon honoring the pledges of the
other houses. The tables will be cen-
tered with fall flowers and yellow
tapers. Mrs. E. Wililam Doty and
Miss Margaret Youtz will pour.
Have your waves and
permanents done in U
very latest styles by an
expert operator~ exactly
the way you prefer it. .
Across from Jordan Hai - above
(C Clark Tea Shop 11
Phone 3411 for Appointments C
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305 South State
Steam Oil Permanents
Special at . " . .w.
Monday - T
Shampoo, F
End Pe rman
Dial 3544
'uesday - Wednesday
inger Wave and
ial at 50c
Women's Team To Play
Hockey With Laipyers
A hockey game between the
Lawyers and a W.A.A. team will be
played at 3:45 p.m. at Palmer
Field. This will follow a benefit
bridge tea held at 2 p.m. in the
W.A.A. building. The public is
cordially invited to attend.
About one hundred dresses, all this
season's ea.rly fall and winter
models, in silk and woolens, taken
from our regular sixteen and nine-
teen seventy five racks for quick
Modaire better silk stockings one.
dol ar, or two pairs $1.85.
One special
number at
The downtown store f
for college women
1 I
4At Ou~r
fi 1
t 1 - +
f f
/ f
f $f
1 fAL
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* You will instantly recognize in this new
Chef the advanced styling that is thoroughlyi
of the kitchen of today.
Its beautiful modern design and gleaming chromium
finish tubular steel frame will harmonize with "the
spirit of today" in household furnishings. Its fault-
less simplicity of line, dependable Magic Chef quality
and practical features combine to win enthusiastic
admiration and approval.
Come in, try this Magic Chef of 1935. It is now on
display in our store. Also many other models, prices
and sizes.
Leag e
J /
Telling Lips
Your lips are telling a story of you
before ever you speak a word.
Let them tell of the real you that
is gay, alive and exciting.
come in five pure tones, one of
which is just right for lips that tell
Presents the
Sl ver Gril
Every Friday and
Saturday Night.
Featured as guest soloist
yore truly.
Indelible Lipstick
Tea Rose, Apricot, Rose-Coral,
Flame and Raspberry. Automatic
and Swivel Cases. ......
By the Makers of the
Famous French-formulae Tussy Cosmefiques
Always a Trained Cosmetician
To Serve You -
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Red Wheel Oven Regulator - Divided
Cooking Top-Monet Metal or Porce-
lain Enamel Work Top - Automatic
Top BurnerLighters-Heat-spreading,
Non-clogging Burners - Sanitary
High Burner Trays - Grid-pan im-
proved Smokeless Broiler - Minute-
Minder Clock-Automatic Time
Control Clock (at extra cost when
desired) -Many other features.
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