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October 26, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-26

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Illinois-Iowa Game Outstanding In Today's Big

Ten Football

Ohio State To
Face Indiana At
Buckeyes Heavily Favored
Over Bo McMillin's Weak
GophersPlay N. U.
Chicago Meets Wisconsin
As Purdue And Michigan
Go Outside Big Ten
CHICAGO, Oct. 25. - (JP) - The
Big Ten football title picture will
start to take definite form tomorrow
in at least two of the four battles on
the conference schedule.
The top game of the list, Iowa's
Hawkeyes at Illinois, will account
for the elimination of one ranking
contender. Minnesota makes its first
conference start against Northwes-
tern's improving eleven at Minneap-
olis, while Ohio State seeks its sec-
ond league triumph at the expense
of Indiana on the Hoosiers' play-
Iowa Shows Power
Iowa did not rate as a contender
before the season started, lining up
rather with darkhorses. But with
Oze Simmons, star Negro back, re-
gaining his old form, which played
a big part in the Hawkeye's stock-
boosting triumph over Colgate, Ossie
Solem's eleven moved up several
notches. The Illini, with almost the
same team that lost only one game
last year, lost to Ohio University in
an opening day upset, but quickly
scrambled back into favor by trounc-
ing Southern California.
The struggle at Champaign will
find Iowa's superior weight and run-
ning attack matched against Illinois'
small, but remarkably agile line and
highly developed passing game, with
neither possessing anything to make
it the favorite.
Minnesota will be a lively favorite
to overcome Northwestern's hard
working outfit, but with Glenn Seid-
el, its captain and quarterback, out
because of an injury, might be the
victim of a big upset. The Wildcats
will be at full strength for the first
time of the season, and showing as
much improvement as they did be-
tween their battles with Purdue and
Ohio State, promise to give the 1934
champions a thorough testing.
Indiana Tackles Ohio
Indiana will be keyed up tighter
than the main spring of a dollar
watch for Ohio State, but does not
figure to achieve anything so stun-
ning as a victory over the big, bad
The day is likely to turn up a
profit for either Chicago or Wiscon-
sin in the form of a first conference
victory. The Maroons, playing at
home and possessed of a more varied
attack, appear likely to cach in on
the opportunity.
Purdue and Michigan, sharers of
first place in the conference stand-
ing, will look after the intersectional
business. The Boilermakers, unde-
feated and unscored on, should de-
feat Carnegie Tech at Lafayette,
while Michigan, showing improve-
ment weekly, probably will give Co-
lumbia a busy afternoon at New York.
Michigan State
Hopes To Beat
Washinton U.
EAST LANSING, Oct. 25. - ) -
Michigan State College's football
team prepared tonight to stake its

hopes for victory in tomorrow's game
on a forward passing attack that it
hopes will overbalance the power-
house line plays of Washington Uni-
Washington arrived from St. Louis
today, 30 strong, and took over the
stadium for practice. It uncovered a
fast-charging line attack that boded
another unpleasant afternoon for
Spartan forwards, five of whom went
to the hospital after last week's game
with Boston College that spoiled
State's undefeated record.
State will institute a new proce-
dure - the introduction of the teams
at kickoff time. The teams will line
up in opening formation and each
player will step forward a pace as
the public address system calls his

Carry Columbia Game
The Michigan-Columbia foot-
ball game which begins at 2:30
p.m. (E.S.T.) today will be an-
nounced by two local radio sta-
tions. CKLW will hook up with
the Mutual Broadcasting System
at 2:15 p.m. to bring the broad-
cast direct from Baker Field while
WWJ will bring the game to Mich-
igan listeners at 2:45 p.m.
Grapplers May
Meet New York
Athletic Club
The Varsity wrestling team has re-
ceived an offer to meet the strong
New York Athletic Club grapplers
during Christmas vacation, accord-
ing to Coach Cliff Keen. Keen stated
that the meet was not definitely ap-
proved as yet and there is still some
uncertainty about going.
The Winged Foot aggregation is
coached by a former protege of
Keen's, Merle Thrush, who wrestled
at Michigan for a year before going
to New York. His team has a repu-
tation for being one of the strongest
in the country and the Wolverines
will have their work cut out for them.
Practice is going on every day in
the Intramural Building under the
direction of Captain Wally Heaven-
rich. Keen is looking for some more
material to bolster up the 175-pound
division which was left without a
grappler when Abe Levine failed to re-
turn to school.
Tall Men A re
A Problem For
CoachCap pon
Last year if one could think of no
other adjective to describe the Mich-
igan basketball team, he just called
it tall and felt justified, for with the
exception of Rudness hardly a man
on the squad was much below the
six foot mark. Needless to say, how-
ever, height proved to be not an ad-
vantage but only a characteristic.
Has Plenty of Height
Again this season Coach Cappon
will have plenty of height. The prob-
lem is to design a system that can
take full advantage of the six footers
and still keep within the new pivot
play ruling which tends to eliminate
the old deliberate style that gave the
big player the edge. Too often, in
trying to take advantage of size, speed
is sacrificed and the team is in worse
condition than it was before.
John Gee with his six feet eight
inches is the tallest man on the squad.
Taking into consideration the great
improvement he showed last year over
his freshman performance and the
forward strides he has made in gen-
eral athletic ability since the base-
ball season, he can be counted on as
a real asset.
John Townsend, the sophomore star
whom Coach Ray Fisher called the
best freshman basketball player he
has ever coached, is only four inches
shorter than Gee. While he is not
especially fast in moving down the
-floor, he travels with surprising speed
on defense, especially under the bas-
ket. His offensive ability centers
largely around his clever passing and
ball handling. .
Four Six Footers
Capt. Chelso Tomagno, Matt Pat-
anelli, Earl Meyers, and Dick Evans,
all lettermen top the six foot mark.
These men play an excellent defensive
game and handle the ball capably.
With the improvement that can na-
turally be expected they should give

Michigan strong defense.
A welcome addition to the squad
will be Earl Townsend, brother of
John and a transfer from Depauw,
who is six feet three inches and has
specialized in the pivot shot. Al-
though both brothers have been most
effective as centers, they have also
filled the forward position.
Cappon will also have some other
players coming up from the freshman
team who fit in the six foot class as
well as John Jablonski, who was in-
eligible last year, but will be back
on the squad this season.
Robert Stout, Arkansas University
reserve tackle who stands six feet,
seven inches, is "Short Stuff" to his
teammates. He weighs 215 pounds
and comes from Okmulgee, Okla.

Iowa Back Who Will Test Illini Defense Today


Mystery, Traditi
Hand In Ha

Mystery, superstition, and tradi-
tion still ride hand in hand with mod-
ern day football if today's gridiron
battle between Michigan's Wolverine1
and Columbia's Lion is any indica-!
tion. The thought that football as itt
is played at the present time, is de-1
void of the mystic element can be no
more aptly proven wrong than by1
observing the parade of incidents1
which precede or surround today's
game. 1
Case 1.-Bill Renner was busily en-1
gaged with the tailor in Van Boven's
when enter one, Harry Kipke by
name, in quest of a new hat. Viewing
himself before the mirror arrayed in
the very latest chapeau, Kip was
surprised to see smiling Danny Hul-
grave behind him. There we have
Michigan's coach, captain and man-
ager - all buying one hat. Kipke
selected the one he wanted amid con-
siderable banter, and proceeded to
dispose of his old grey one. Renner
and Hulgrave suddenly looked as-
kance and reminded Kip that he had
worn the hat to both games which
Michigan had won this year. Kip's
face dropped one mile down at the
remark and he was about to counter-
mand the order when Hulgrave saved
the day by offering *to take the old
hat to New York and to the game in
his own suitcase. Renner and Kipke
agreed, thankful that the situation
has been solved, and the trio left con-
Ritchie Not Superstitious
Ray Roberts was passing out the
itinerary slips to the members of the
Varsity squad in the locker room just
previous to the team's departure for
New York Thursday evening. The
slips contained among other things
the number of the berths the players
were to occupy on the pullman. Con-
siderable objections were heard
against allotting number ten, lower,
to anyone, but Stark Ritchie finally
agreed that the murder in Mary
Roberts Rhineheart's "Lower Ten"
had little liklihood of being repeated
and consented to brave the supersti-
tion which has been held concerning
lower ten on any car for a numberof
years -and several locker room oc-
cupants shook their heads dubiously.
Case 3.-Lou Little, although his
team was well beaten last Saturday
by a Penn eleven which had had an
unimpressive record, is regarded as
almost a superhuman inspirer of men,
not only by Michigan players, but by
the football world ingeneral.dHis
uncanny power to raise a mediocre
team to a point where it will not be

on Still Ride
nd With Football
beaten is one of the most remarkable
accomplishments ever recorded in
When Columbia was chosen as a
Rose Bowl opponent for a Stanford
team which had mopped up the
country in 1933, gridiron prognostiga-
tors throughout the football world de-
scribed the game as 'Lions being led
to the slaughter!' Columbia had
beaten a host of second rate teams,
several by close scores. Stanford
had triumphed convincingly over the
toughest opposition in the country.
It was called a very, very poor team
for a Rose Bowl game.
But when the sun set on the Tour-
nament of Roses that New Year's
day, it was Lou Little's little band of
Lions that had hung up a 7-0 victory
over a great Stanford team. The old
master had done the miraculous, he
had beaten a stronger team with a
weaker team because of a mystic per-
sonality which had the power to in-
spire men to the physical and emo-
tional heights.
Today the same Al Barabas who led
the Lions to their great victory in
the Columbia backfield. The Co-
lumbia team is not considered a
strong one, but because of his pres-
ence and because Lou Little will be
there to inspire them, Michigan play-
ers and coaches fear the Lions almost
as much as they do the Ohio State
juggernaut - and that's a whole lot.

Helene Mayer To Conpete
For Germany In Olympics
BERLIN. Oct. 25. - R) - Helene
Mayer, famous German-Jewish wom-
en fencer, has accepted an invitation
to compete for Germany in the 1936
Olympics at Berlin, Dr. Theodor Le-
wald, president of the German
Olympic Committee, announced to-
Proudly he displayed the following
cable from California signed only
with the letter "H."
"Sickness delayed answering you
and Tschammer (Hans von Tscham-
mer-Osten, German sports commis-
sioner). Acceptance left yesterday.
Miss Mayer, who has lived in Cal-
ifornia for several years, won the
Olympic fencing championship at
Los Angeles in 1932.


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-Associated Press Photo.
Ozzie Simmons, great Hawkeye ball carrier is shown in his char-
acteristic hip-weaving style. The Iowa back who is being highly touted
by observers as All-American calibre was one of the main factors in
Ossie Solem's team's dcfeat of Colgate two weeks ago and is expected
to give Illinois plenty of trouble today at Champaign.
eosin Gives
Sports Of The Day

Since taking up duties as mailman
for the men's dormitories on the Uni-
versity of Arkansas campus, Bid Jef-
fries, Razorback halfback, answers
to the name of "General Farley."


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DURHAM, N. C. - A fighting Au-
burn team pulled a surprise victory
over Duke's Blue Devils today, hand-
ing Wallace Wade's team its second
straight setback at the hands of a,
Southeastern Conference eleven, 7-0.
DETROIT - Coach Gus Dorais
seemed pessimistic on the eve of Uni-
versity of Detroit's game with Villa-
nova. ThecWildcats have won five
successive contests so far this year
and have not had their goal line
NEW YORK - Latest reports in-
dicate that France will send a chal-
lenger next year for the Harmsworth
Trophy the world's premier speed-
boat award. The boat will probably
be driven by Maurice Vasseur, famous
French pilot.
ANNAPOLIS -A pepped up Navy
team smarting over last week's one'
point defeat by Yale left here to
meet Notre Dame at Baltimore. The
Middies were in perfect shape for the
game and were prepared to "shoot
the works" against the Ramblers.
SOUTH BEND--Elmer Layden's
undefeated Notre Dame team left for
Baltimore confident that it would
bring back a victory to South Bend
on Sunday. The fighting Irish, who
are rated among the five best teams
in the country were ready to unleash
a typical Notre Dame attack agains
the strong Navy outfit.

Up Basketball
To Get Degree
Although the stait of the 1935-'36
basketball season is a month and a
half away, Coach Franklin C. Cappon
has already been given cause to worry
over his prospective lineup with the
announcement that Dick Joslin, who
has won two major court awards, is
through with the gamesand will de-
vote his time to studies.
Joslin's father notified Cappon that
Dick would not be able to play this
winter since he was intending to work
toward a master's degree and wanted
to obtain as good a record as possible.
Joslin was a valuable man on last
year's squad and had been counted
on for the present team. Coach
Cappon is drilling his varsity candi-
dates four nights a week in the In-
tramural building.
Up to the 1935 football season,
Alabama's Crimson Tide had played
317 games, won 217 of them, tied 20
and lost 80. Incidentally, the Ala-
bama team has not lost an opening
game since 1903, when Vanderbilt tri-
umphed, 30 to 0.
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