Roosevelt Asks
More Aid For
Charity Drive
Ptesident Urges Support
For Welfare Campaign
In Radio Address
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. - (A) -
With a declaration that private in-
dustry is now "taking up the slack"
of unemployment but that the nation
nevertheless should increase its do-
natihs to charity, President Roose-
velt asked support for a private wel-
fare drive that is in progress through-
out the country today.
'n an optimistic address delivered
by radio last night on the opening
program of the 1935 mobilization for
human needs, the President stressed
reports of increased employment.
He referred to a September em-
pipyment gain of 350,000 workers in
pri ate industries which report to the
department of labor. This, he said,
brought those industries to the level
of November, 1930, and their payrolls
back to the level of May, 1931. He
added that even the "durable goods"
ind'ustries, long "backward," are now
"putting their best foot forward."
Emerging From Depression
"Recenly" he giod, "I expressed
th hope that private industry would
strain cxo,;x nerv., to increase their
payrolls, inc, casc the number of those
whom they eusplo;ed ,and thus take
fr - t ne eral Government and
th fr l16 1 gover-Aments a great share
ofhe brdn of relief.
"The igI es which I have cited
led zme reaer confidence that
private industry is living up to my
hdpe. We s cm to be taking up the
The nation, he said, is "rapidly
e erging from the "years of depres-
Helimnted these statements with
hi ' ppal for generous giving in con-
nection with the mobilization move-
mnht, sponsor of Community Chest
drives in 350 cities.
Twofold Answer
"Why, you may ask, if the distress
and the unemployment are less,
should the giving' be greater," he
said. "The answer is twofold: First
ofW ll, it is, I know, your hope and
mine that the necessities of govern-
ment relief furnished by funds re-
received by taxation should decrease
as rapidly as human needs will allow.
"But the other reason is of deep-
er significance, greater importance.
There are, as you and I know, hun-
dreds of thousands of men, women
and children who require the kind of
assistance that private charity and
not government should give.
"There still remains, and will long
renlin ,a sadly distressed segment of
our, population, destitue and unpro-
vided for, in the communities of the
United States."
Hespoke of the poor who need
medical care, undernourished chil-
dren, of the needs of private hospitals
and homes for the aged, blind and
inciftable. These, and other welfare
agenciesthe said, "must and should
expand their splendid work."
Swope Speaks In Detroit \
"But we do want to emphasize that
word 'work'," he said. "Neither pri-
vate charity nor government relief
wants to continue to help people who
can work but who won't work. There
is only one legitimate excuse for
unwillingness to work, and that is bad
health or advanced age."
Gerard Swope, chairman of the
mobilzation, spoke from Detroit on
the same program, saying the "good
neighbor" policy was the motto for
the drive.
Witi the government turning the
task of direct relief over to states and
coimunities, Swope said, "the ser-
vice needed from private agencies
will inevitably be increased during
this period of transition."
City Churches
Will Feature
Music And Art
Dr. Lemon To Talk On
'Two Worlds At A Time;'
Choir To Give Program
(Continued from Page 1)
tarian Church, Mr. Marley will speak
on Alexis Carrell's book, "Man the
Unknown." Mr. Sidney W. Clarkson
is to talk on "Modern Art" at the
meeting of the Liberal Students'
Union, which is to be held at 7:30
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, head of
the Health Service, will talk on
"The Sttident and his Health" to-
morrow evening at the Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. The sermon to be given
at the morning service of the Zion
Lutheran Church by the pastor, E. C.
Stellhorn, will have for its subject
"Christian Forbearance."
Pastor Henry O. Yoder of the Trin-
ity Lutheran Church will deliver a
sermon on "What is Christian Teach-
ing?" at the chief service which is
to be held at 10:30 a.m.
Fire Hits Exclusive Motion Picture Colony
-Associated Press Photo.
A raging million dollar brush fire, fanned by treacherous winds, neared the exclusive Malibu Beach motion
picture colony near Los Angeles, Calif., and destroyed homes of several film notables, including that of
Charles Farrell, actor, in the area. One palatial dwelling is shown being consumid by flames.
U. S. To Ease
Pressure On
More Than $6,000,000 In
Pro>erty Already Taken
By Home Owners Agency
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. - (P) -
The government emphasized today
that it would be lenient with its home
loan debtors if they are in real dis-
tress, but would deal severely with
Already, officials said, the govern-
ment has foreclosed and taken over
a number of properties owned by
persons who obtained government fi-
nancial aid to save their homes, and
then failed to keep up their pay-
Of the first batch of homes thus
taken over, 7 houses were sold at a
small profit, and 69 others are being
Home Owners Loan corporation of-
ficials reported that of the 2,105 fore-
closure cases started against urban
borrowers with properties valued at
more than $6,000,000, more than half
- 1,096 -were to recover homes from
"downright chiselers-those who
have the money to pay, but think they
can beat the government."
The officials added that 728 were
against persons who abandoned their
properties - some of them just
"walked off leaving the door open";
eothers because of divorces or for'
other reasons. In 211 cases the bor-
rowers died and heirs did not wish
to assume the obligation, while 69
cases were started because of legal
Every state except Montana and
Wyoming is covered in the foreclosure
cases. Michigan leads with 276 cases;
New York is next with 214, and Mass-
achusetts is third with 157.
A total of 422 cases have been com-
pleted to date, but 58 of these bor-
rowers came in at the last minute
and bought back the properties.
NEW YORK, Oct. 25. -(P) -Rudy
Vallee, orchestra leader, today was
elected president of the American
f Federation of Actors, succeeding Fred
Keating, who resigned because his
f presence in Hollywood made it dif-
ficult to keep in close touch with the
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Prof. Duffendack Tells Of New
Trends In European Physics
Two pronounced trends in theI
European study of physics were de-
scribed by Prof. Ora S. Duffendack
of the physics department in an in-
terview yesterday.
Professor Duffendack, who recently
r'eturned from an eight months tour
during which he visited laboratories
in Switzerland, France, Holland, Ger-
many, Sweden, Italy and England,
found that both the location and sub-
ject of the most intensive physical
study had been considerably altered.
in the past few years.
"It is my impression," he said,
"that there has been a marked slump
in the study of spectroscopic pheno-
mena, and on the other hand a very
marked increase in the attention giv-
en to nuclear physics. And although
diversification of effort was usually
apparent, nevertheless it is with the
make-up of the atom that the physi-
cists in Europe are largely con-
While in England Professor Duff-
endack studied apparatus for the dis-
integration or building up of atomic
nuclei at the Cavendish Laboratory
in Cambridge. Similar appartus,
known as the cyclotron, will be in-
stalled here under Professor Duffen-
dack's direction in the near future.
"The possiblities of such study," he
went on, "and of the successful use
of such a machine as the cyclotron,
are very great. Besides providingus
with a much better picture of the
composition of matter, it would fur-
Thurston Gets
Post In State
School System
Assistant Superintendent
Of Local High Schools
Given Year's Leave
Lee M. Thurston, assistant super-
intendent of Ann Arbor schools since
January, 1931, was given a leave of
absence for the remainder of the fis-
cal year Friday night to permit him
to accept the post of deputy state
superintendent of public instruction.
It was understood he will leave im-
The request that he be given a
leave was made Friday by Mr. Thur-
ston after he had conferred with Dr.
Eugene B. Elliott, who Thursday was
confirmed by the supreme court as
superintendent of public instruction.
The board granted the request spe-
cifying that it be for the balance of
the fiscal year, which terminates next
September. It did so with regret
inasmuch as Mr. Thurston's work has
been regarded highly.
To fill the vacancy the board named
Carroll C. Crawford, teacher of math-
ematics at the Mack junior hgh
school and director of adult education
in the schools. It was understood
that Mr. Crawford is to serve as act-
ing assistant superintendent, as trea-
surer of the board of education and
is to continue as director of adult
Mr. Thurston came here from
Perry, where he was superintendent
of schools. Previous to going to Perry
he taught at Boyne City and Owosso.
He is a graduate of the University of
Mr. Crawford came to Ann Arbor
five years ago from Shepherd, Mich.,
where he served as school superinten-
dent. His work here was chiefly with
regard to the budget and finances of
the school system.
nish radioactive substances of im-
mense value to physicians and physi-
cists alike."
The second change observed by
Professor Duffendack in European
physics consists of a shift from Ger-
many to France as the scene of the
most significant study and research
on the continent. "The fall of Ger-
many on the scale of physics," he re-
marked, "I attribute chiefly to the
demoralization of the laboratories
and workers after the Nazi expulsion
of the leading Jewish scientists, and
the rest of the governmental actions."
In France, on the contrary, Profes-
sor Duffendack found activty con-
stantly rising in quality. One evi-
dence of this was demonstrated by
the tri-centennial anniversary of the
Museum of Natural History in Paris,
which he attended as a delegate from
the Unive ssity. There the accom-
plishments of the French scientists
were exhibited in a manner and pro-
fuseness sufficient to leave no doubt
as to the level of their work.
"England," Professor Duffendack
concluded, "was apparently main-
taining its long record of productive
study, and it is from the work of such
as Dr. Ernest Rutherford there that
we may expect important advances
in the field of nuclear physics."
Sophs Stage
Wild B attles
(Continued from Page 1)
Army Awcents
Ready T o Buy
New Order Will Boost To
500 Number Now Under
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. - (P) -
Army purchasing agents disclosed to-
day that the War Department is
ready to place an order for 30 air-
planes, which will boost to nearly 500
the number under construction. The
new planes are to be training craft.
Completion within six weeks of the
entire army plane-buying program
for the present fiscal year is con-
The army was said to be contem-
plating purchase of at least 17 ob-
servation planes and use of its re-
maining funds for an undetermined
number of bombers, attack and pur-
suit ships.
Congress appropriated $19,138,000
for arm planes during the fiscal yea
ending next June 30, but $3,000,000
of that was to pay for ships con-
tracted for in the past fiscal year.
To meet what army air authorities
consider their most serious shortage
$13,666,000 was set aside specifically
for combat planes.
Air corps officials said the army
now has 1,272 serviceable planes -
against 2,320 recommended by a
special board which made a study o:
the corps last year - and of thes
some 400 are combat craft stationed
in continental United States.
It was indicated that the order fo
the 30 new basic trainers probably
would go to the North American
Aviation Co., Dundalk, Md.
Dr. Norris Will Speak
On New Deal Here Soor
Dr. J. Frank Norris, noted speaker
from Detroit and Fort Worth, wil
speak at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 21
~in the Masonic Temple. His subjecl
will be "The New Deal Uncovered.'
Officials in charge of the program
which is being sponsored by the
Baptist Church, have announced tha
Dr. Norris will prove that the New
Deal is an American name for Russian
There will be no charge for ad
CHEF WANTS job .trity
house, can furnish best local refer-
ences. Box 52.
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
$50,000 Daimage
Suit Nets 6 Cents
DETROIT, Oct. 25. -(P)- An
agreement to settle for six cents the
$50,000 damage suit brought by Helen
Howes, a clerk in the city purchasing
department, against Chief Clerk
George H. Stoetzel, was reached today
before Circuit Judge Harry B. Keidan.1
Judge Keidan asked Miss Howes
if she would be satisfied with a six-
cent adjustment and she replied: "It
is, if I understand it as an admis-
sion of guilt. That's all I wanted."
The plaintiff charged Stoetzel At-
tempted to force his attention on
her and that when she resisted, he
used his position to humiliate her.
S lvation Army Swamped By
Growing Burden Of DestitutionI
2 Deaths Recorded
As Suicide, Murder
DETROIT, Oct. 25. - (P )- State
police prepared today to record a
murder and suicide the deaths of a
man and woman, found with bullet
holes in their bodies in a wrecked
car yesterday morning near the
southwest Wayne county line.
Corporal Frank Walker, of the
Ypsilanti state police post, said the
bullets taken from the bodies of Wil-
liam Pinkert and Mrs. L. L. Gordon,
both of Dyandotte, would be checked
here. The suicide-slaying decision
would close the case.
Walker said notes found indicated
Pinkert and Mrs. Gordon had been
carrying on a clandestine affair for
some time. Walker said evidence
showed that Pinkert had shot Mrs.
Gordon through the heart and then
turned the gun on himself as the car
was traveling at high speed. The ve-
hicle, owned by Mrs. Gordon's hus-
band, was badly wrecked.
SPRINGFIELD, Oct. 25. - (AP) -
From now on many Illinois cattle and
hogs will wear tatoo marks on their
Not only that, but chickens and
other fowl will have similar markings
on their wings.
This was decided upon, as a means
of identification to combat the cat-
tle, hog and poultry rustlers who, Il-
linois sheriffs said today in annual
convention, have developed a million-
dollar-a-year racket in Illinois.
I'll Take It to
1121 So. University Ave.
would invariably turn out to be a
freshman), and so on and on.
One fellow was quite undisturbed
by the bellowing and fighting. He
walked nonchalantly about the Union
lobby, smoking a cigarette, and
watching his mates with indifference.
What of it? It just looked kind of
funny, since he wore no pants, thereby
furnishing a pleasant contrast to the
full-dress of upperclassmen at the
Three inspired sophomores raised
their class flag to the heights of the
West Engineering Building before be-
ing escorted by freshmen to Chubb's
Restaurant for a public hearing.
Water was sloshing down from
buildings of all kinds.
A few boys went to the Health Serv-
ice for repairs.
No fraternity houses were raided,
although in isolated instances soph-
omores had fun with their recent
pledges by playfully locking them in
dormitories and borrowing their trou-
NEWARK, N. J., Oct. 24. - (A) -
The Dutch Schultz mob was all but
erased from Greater New York gang-
dom tonight, with the racketeer him-
self and his chauffeur dying from
a spray of gunfire which killed two
of his lieutenants.
Hard pressed by the increasing load
of transient destitutes, the local
branch of the Salvation Army is find-
ing it increasingly difficult. to take
care of them, according to Adjutant
John T. Rowland.
Since September 20, when the re-
lief transient centers of the country
which were established two years ago
stopped taking additional cases, the
excess number of migrating homeless.
have been sheltered by the Salvation
Despite the fact that the Ann Arbor
Community Fund contributes money,
the local branch has found it neces-
sary to raise more funds from other
branches of the organization.
Transients usually come to town in
the early evening, and are given a
hot meal and a bed, said Adjt. Row-
land. The Salvation Army, he ex-
plained, has made arrangements with
a local restaurant whereby they pay
only 15 cents for a 40-cent meal which
is provided for the transient. To keep
a man overnight costs them 25 cents;
therefore each man who stops over
usually costs the Salvation Army at
least 40 cents.
. Many times a whole family must
be cared for. Recently a man, with
his wife and three children, not hav-
ing any money, was obliged to hitch-
hike to Ann Arbor in order to visit
his daughter who was dying in the
University Hospital.
Because the family was penniless,
the Salvation Army fed and sheltered
them for two days. When they left
they were provided with some cloth-
"It would be a fine thing if some
of the students in town would donate
their old clothes to the organization,"
said Mr. Rowland, "especially men's
clothes." He added, "we never seem
to have enough. Some of the men we
take care of are in tatters and we
don't like to send them away in the
same condition.
"Occasionally a transient needs
hospitalization and when this is the
case, we see to it- that he gets it," he
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