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October 10, 1935 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-10

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E I G...H T.... . ...... T H.. ...U RS.... ....D A....Y ,.. ..O C T O B ER............ ... .1 0..,. . .. .1 9 35.......

Varsity Debate
Tryouts Hold
Initial Meeting
Eight Former Members
Present; Turnout Total
Is Thirty-Seven
Places For 18 Men
Women Speakers Will Be
Given Cash Awards Out
Of Eleanor Ford Fund
Thirty men and seven women At-
tended the first meeting of the year
yesterday for tryouts for the varsity
debate squade.At least fifteen more
are expected to report before the
first elimination speeches which will
be given next Wednesday, according
to Arthur A. Secord, new debate
Eight of the men's tryouts have al-
ready participateddin intercollegiate
debates. The squad includes ten jun-
iors, nine sophomores, five seniors,
five freshmen, and one graduate stu-
dent. The elimination speeches will
be three minute argumentative talks
on either side of the question of so-
cialized medicine, which will also be
the topic for all debates this year.
No freshman will be eligible for in-
tercollegiate debating until the sec-
and semester, Secord said. It is ex-
pected that about eighteen men will
be carried on the squad this year, or
about the same number as last year.
To Pay Women
The Eleanor Clay Ford Endowment
Fund will add an unusual incentive
for the women tryouts. The terms of
the Fund guarantees $50 to every
woman who participates in a debate.
Two debates have been scheduled for
the team and six women will be used,
Secord said. Because of the small
size of the women's squad, no elimi-
nation speeches will be given.
All debating activities will be under
the direction of the debate committee
which consists of Prof. Gail E. Dens-
more, chairman, Prof. Louis M. Eich
and Prof. Carl G. Brandt, and Secord.
The opening debate of the season
for the men's team is scheduled for
December 12. It will be a dual de-
bate with Indiana and Illinois. Se-
cord also announced that a trip is
contemplated to the Missouri Valley
where. several schools will be met.
List Of Tryouts
The tryouts for the men's squad
are: Robert A. Stuart, '38; Herbert
R. J. Grosch, '38; Bruce A. Johnson,
'38; Alvin Schottenfeld, '37; Eugene
Gressman, '38; Samuel R. Searing,
'39; Samuel Fitzpatrick, '37; William
Beeman, '37E; Adolph Kalin, '39;
Harold Greene, '36; Albert Stein, '37;
F. Randall Jones, '38; Edward Schade,
'36; Harry L. Schniderman, '38; Ed-
ward Macal, '39; and Howard My-
ers, '37.
Ward Allen, '36; Leslie R. Beals,1
'37; Robert Rosa, '39; William R.
Dixon, '36; Irving M. Copilowish, '38;1
Robert F. Thomson, '36E. Collins E.1
Brooks, '38; John McDonald, Grad.;
Ira W. Butterfield, '37; Clifford C.
Christenson, '37; Donald Mayfield,
'37; William A. Centner, '38; Morton
R. Mann, '37; and Paul M. Brickley,
The tryouts for the women's squad
are: Mary R. Pattie, '36; Evelyn
Ehrlichman, '37; Alice L. Stebbins,
'38; Lillian Tallhurst, '38; Kathrynet
von Bichorosky, '38; Mary Estheri
Burns, '36; and Sally Jefferson, '37.
Hoover Silent On
1936 Nomination'

NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-(P) -Former1
President Herbert Hoover walked1
"from train to auto today and was9
whizzed away to a hotel without a
single word crossing his lips.]
Three times he was asked:
"Will you accept the 1936 Re-
publican nomination?"
The former President walked]
straight ahead and looked straight
ahead, his former secretary, Law-
rence Richey, holding his arm. ]
He ignored all other questions as
well. He stopped at the track gates
in Grand Central station long enough
to take off his hat in acknowledge-
ment of applause from a group of
commuters who waited to see him.
The following Graduate students
were appointed by the University to
receive fellowships for the current
school year: Carl W. Nelson, the
Timken Roller Bearing fellowship;
Lawrence G. Nelson and Lester C.
Houck, the Buhl Classical fellowship
in archaeology; and Herbert D. Sop-
er, a fellowship in sociology.

Itallian lComand lfer

School Murals
Decorate Walls
There is a new display of murals
in the Architectural Library which '
tre the work of students in the ai.
chitectural school and which were
,ompleted during the past year. The
tone is rather an "ambitious" one, the
compositions being a depiction of
building construction and industries
producing materials related to build-'
ing. One composition, the work of
Daniel L. Sutter, in Professor Val-'
erio's class ,shows against a back-
ground of University buildings the'
various craftsmen and workers en-
gaged in actual construction.
One large composition and two
smaller ones carried out in Professor
Chapin's classes show the interior of
shops where materials are produced'
for building. Two smaller panels are
by Herbert Van Dongen, and a larger
one by Ernest G. Asmus is in the last'
stages of completion.
In the design of the Architectural
Library, panels were provided over:
the book shelves for mural decora-
tions, and the present studies are a
partial carrying out of this plan. The
teaching value of the studies of these

A Radio In Every
Cell - Prisoners'
Song Cheerful Now
IONIA, Oct. 9. - ( ) - The Mich-
igan state reformatory claimed the
distinction today of being the only
prison in the world with radio service
available to every inmate.
Warden Harry H. Jackson, ex-
plained that the installations were
made by inmates without cost to the
state and that users are assessed
25 cents a month each, said he knew
of no other prison so equipped.
There are three outlets in the cell
of each participating inmate, the out-
lets being connected to each of the
three principal broadcasting systems.
The inmate, who uses an ear-phone
set, can select the programs he wishes.
A radio cabinet in Warden Jack-
son's office can be tuned to any of the
networks, and it also contains a
microphone through which the war-
den can address all inmates listening
in through the prison.
murals is the bringing into collabora-
tion the various groups of students
and the various aspects of the train-
ing in design, drawing and painting,
officials said.

-Associate Press Poto.
Gen. Rudolfo Graziani is in com-
mand of Italian forces in Italian
Somaliland-forces which have at-
tacked Ethiopia from the south.
Start Cleaning
Of Telescope
For University
Four-'on, 86-Inch 'Eye' Is
Removed From Oven,
Ready ForFinishing
CORNING, N. Y., -(P) - Work-
ing as carefully as a meticulous
housewife polishing her best glass-
ware, a group of men today started
cleaning by hand the 86-inch "eye"
for the new telescope at the Universi-
ty of Michigan.
The "eye," a four-ton baby brother
of the world's largest telescope mir-
ror poured last December at the
Corning Glass Works, was removed
from the annealing oven yesterday
and made ready for testing and fin-
The cleaning process is an impor-
tant preliminary to the grinding and
polishing task to be done after the
disc is shipped to the West. No
abrasives or grinding accompanied
by heat or pressure can be used for
fear of cracking or distorting the
structure of the glass.
The reason for extreme care is that
any irregularities in the surface of the
glass would be magnified a thousand-*
fold when it was used as a mirror in a
telescope. Any of these irregularities
might cause a complete breakdown in
scientists' calculations as 'light years'
and location of any star might be
placed a few thousand years ox mil-
lion miles off center.
Glass works officials said that they
believe the Michigan disc is perfect
but they will not give an official ver-
dict until tests are completed.
Roosevelt Appoints
Aiton AsDelegate
President Roosevelt has appointed
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton delegate from
the United States to the annual meet-
ing of the Pan-American Institute of
Historians and Geographers which
will be held in Washington, D.C., Oct.
14-19. Professor Aiton will also rep-
resent the American Historical As-
The Pan-American Institute is a
body of representatives from each of
the countries in the Pan-American
Union for the "purpose of coordinat-
ing, distributing and publishing geo-
graphical and historical studies in the
Pan-American States." In the past
the Institute has published many
maps and monographs. The head-
quarters of the organization are in
Mexico City.
The previous general assemblies of
the Institute have been held in Rio
DeJaneiro and other cities in South
and Central America.
State at Liberty
Fine Watch and Jewelry repairing


10,000 footcand les
rk t
500 footcandles

P ett y's

() NE "footcandle" (the unit used to measure light) is the
amount of light cast on a screen by a candle one foot
away. Sunlight measures about 10,000 footcandles. Too
bright, perhaps, for comfortable reading but not bad at all
for playing golf. The intensity in the shade of the old apple
tree may be 1,000 footcandles or more. Ideal for reading.
Easy on the eyes. A great place for an afternoon of reading.
We enjoy sitting on the porch-a nice place to use our eyes
-with perhaps 500 footcandles.
We sit inside during the daytime, pull our chair close to the
window and think we have good light. Yes, it is reasonably
good-200 footcandles. Then at night, when many of us use
our eyes more than in the daytime for close vision, we blithely
turn on a 40-watt bulb in a bridge lamp and proceed to read
our newspapers under a lighting intensity of 3 to 5footcandles!
Here we are, doing close visual work with a hundred times
less light than we have in the shade of a tree-the ideal
intensity for reading.
The amount of light you need depends upon .. a Ive
The larger the object, the easier for us to see it. Then there
is contrast. If you read a well printed book under, let us
say, 25 footcandles, and then pick up a newspaper wherein
the contrast of the type on the paper is not nearly so high,
how much light do you require? You require three times as
much light to read with the same ease. Sewing, the most
brutal visuat task, generally deals with very small objects and
materials of very little contrast, and requires tremendously
high intensities if we are not to strain our eyes er consume
too much energy.
When you use your eyes for reading, sewing, studying, play-
ing games. writing, or other close visual work, there are cer-
tain minimum amounts of light you must have for proper
seeing conditions. These standards, developed by the Science
of Seeing, are based on thousands of actual experiments.



200 footcandles


4 footcandles


















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