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October 10, 1935 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-10

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10, 1935


16- - -.-:



Grid Favorites
Oppose Crucial
Foes Saturday
Minnesota-Nebraska Game
Is Turning Point For Bid
Ten Champs
Upsets Are In Sigh
Oregon-California Contest
Tops Coast Schedule As
Purdue Faces Fordham
NEW YORK, Oct. 9. - (P) - The
football campaign is only three weeks
old, yet the turning point for several
of the mightiest squads in the coun-
try, highly favored in pre-season pre-
dictions, looms as early as this Sat-
There's the came of Minnesota, the
mountainous Gophers, rated at least
on a par last fall with Alabama's
Rose Bowl champions, faced all of
a sudden with the tremendous task
of beating Dana Bible's Nebraska
Cornhuskers in the top game on the
National schedule. Despite the loss
of such gieat backs as Pug Lund
and Bull Kostka, Minnesota figured
to rate right back up there again this
But now Al Alphonse, last of the
Gopher ball-carrying stars who
trimmed Pittsburgh in one of 1934's
greatest battles, has been declared
ineligible and Minnesota was an or-
dinary looking team beating North
Dakota State in its first start, 26 to 6.
And Nebraska, rising to its old power-
house heights, may be just the team
to play Minnesota's steamroller role
in the Mid-West with that fire-ball
halfback Lloyd Cardwell carrying the
ball as did Lund last year. He was
the best looking back of the year,
scoring three touchdowns on Chicago
and in the 20-7 conquest of Iowa
Tough Battle On Coast
The team that was labelled TNT-
Beware by every coach on the Pa-
cific Coast, Oregon, possible rival of
Stanford as the coast Conference
champion and Rose Bowl candidate,
runs into the most improved team out
there, California, conquerors of Slip
Madigan's St. Mary's Gaels, 10 to 0,
last Satu'rday. There, too, igreat
hopes may come to a sudden end and
new ambitions take lofty flight.
In the South this new power at
Auburn, victor over Tulane, 10 to
0, meets an aroused Tennessee eleven
that took an astonishing 38-13 whip-
ping from Carl Snavely's winging
North Carolinians.
Another _of. Andy Kerr's always
tricky and dangerous Colgate teams,
perhaps his best since the undefeated,
untied, unscored upon, uninvited elev-
en of 1933, faces the crossroads of
Rose Bowl hopes again far earlier
than expected against Iowa's speed
demons, headed by the Negro flash,
Ossie Simmons and bone-busting
Dick Crayne.
Yale Meets Penn
Most interesting of all the Eastern
duels brings Yale, climbing steadily
back to football's top stand, against
the most powerful Pennsylvania team
in years, a massive array that had
the Princeton Tigers beaten for three
quarters before losing finally, 7 to 6.
The husky machine Jim Crowley
has moulded at Fordham meets its
first big test in Purdue, 7-0 con-
queror of Northwestern. Dick Har-
low's new regime at Harvard comes
under heavy pressure for the first
,time against Holy Cross, one of the
most dangerous looking squads in the
East. At New York University, where

Dr. Mal Stevens, former Yale head
coach, is staging a comeback, Car-
negie Tech, unexpectedly tough for
Notre Dame, brings all sorts of dis-
quieting possibilities into the picture.
Temple, possibly the East's best this
year under the veteran Pop Warner,
already winner over Center and Texas
Aggies, meets another tough South-
ern foe in Vanderbilt Friday at Phila-
delphia. Manhattan may cause Lou-
isiana State more grief in another in-
tersectional struggle here, and South-'
ern California has drawn a tartar in
Illinois, but the pressure is off most
of the other big ones Saturday.
Notre Dame looks for little trouble
with Wisconsin; Duke rates well over
Clemson, and Stanford has an appar-
ent bulge on U.C.L.A. Ohio State
hasn't much to fear in Drake, the
way the Buckeyes now are rigged.
Larson Is Pleased
With Boxing Squad
Twenty boys answered Coach Ver-
non Larson's call for freshman boxers
yesterday at Waterman Gym. The
boxers ranged from flyweight to
heavyweight. There will be an All-
Campus boxing tournament Dec. 2
which will undoubtedly spur a lot
more of the boys to come out and
compete. Larson expects the squad
to grow very rapidly since the rankE
will not be closed for some time.
"Most of the boys claim that they
have boxed for some association
WthT+~~,c this~ Ptainap M wnrk on I



Latent Speed May
Develop.-- Then
Watch Team o
Dopesters say that Michigan's one
big reason for not producing a good
team last year was the lack of good
material and the same dopesters have
the same thing figured out for this,
It is granted that last year's team
was green. Bill Renner, the only big
f threat, was out with injuries, and
the backfield was made of inexper-
ienced sophomores and not too well
versed juniors.
But this year the stcry is different
to some extent, although the first
game was something of a disappoint-
ment. Renner is back and shooting
passes with exceptional accuracy,
having completed eight out of fifteen
tries in the Michigan State game.
On top of that he is rated by some
to be the best passing back in the
Big Ten Conference. He's light, fast
and shifty, and those are the three
things that critics say the Wolverines
Chris Tricky
Chris Everhardus is another back
whose flashiness and shiftiness is
going to be a big factor in Michigan's
squad showing an increase in miles-
per-hour over last week's slowness.
Chris has had a year's Varsity ex-
perience and knows his way around.
As soon as his slight neck injury
clears up he is expected to start to
break loose and to do some fancy
ball carrying. Everhardus has the
trickiness and the power that it takes.
As for Smithers and Ritchey, time
will tell. But if they make as good
showings as they did against State
and keep improving as the season
progresses, there will be plenty of that
so-called lacking speed put in there.
Bob Cooper, another sophomore back,
had some tough luck and got banged
up and as yet has been unable -to
make a showing. But judging from
last spring's practice show and the
work he did in the first few weeks of
practice this fall, there shouldn't be
much worry about him not supplying
a good share of speed.
Line Foster
So much for the backfield. Now
for the line. At the beginning of
practice, the line averaged a good
200 pounds. Admittedly they were


. .

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Au IV A 1 l. 7 £3. 1' J-L 11J LjY PAGE. SEVEN


Three Veterans Head
Fall Golfing Squads


Both Varsity and freshman golf
squads for the remainder of the fall
season were announced yesterday by
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, coach.
Three veterans from last year's
team were included on the Varsity
list in addition to several boys who
have been playing consistently good
golf on campus for several years.
Al Saunders, Larry David, and
Woody Malloy are old timers. Though
Saunders is only a junior, he com-
peted in the Big Ten meet at Evan-
ston last year and took fifth place
in the individual scoring.
Other members named on the Var-
sity are: Walker Graham, Jack Moo-
ney, Al Karpinski, H. Williams, F.
Hull, and C. Greenstreet.
The freshman list includes Evans,
Novak, Smith, Zimmerman, Griffin,
and Charnley.
Coach Trueblood also announced
that the National Intercollegiate golf
trophy, won by Michigan for the sec-
ond consecutive year, will be on dis-
play at Wahr's book store all week.


Figure It Out
For Yourself'

too slow for a quick get-away out
like State.
But Ziem and Bissell the be
guards at present average about 1
which, isn't too heavy for plenty
speed. Patanelli, Savage and Valp
weigh in at around 200 pounds. Th
is plenty large but all of them a
capable of getting places in a hurr
Viergiver and Lincoln are also bu
large, but can move in a hurry wh(
there is hurrying to be done.

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