Responsible For
Title According To
Heyliger Gave
Spark Needed,
Claims Lowrey
Aid Given Sherf Allowed
Star Wingman To Pass
1934 ScoringMark
Meet Tech Friday
Present Squad Ahead Of
Last Wolverine Big Ten
The spark that set off the Michigan
hockey team this year and sent it
soaring into undisputed possession of
the Big Ten puck crown by a more
decisive margin than that possessed
by the other two Wolverine clubs
which have captured titles is none
ether than Vic Heyliger, sophomore
center, according to Coach Eddie
Lowrey, who voiced his opinion on
the matter yesterday.
"He 'made' this year's team," was
the pointed observation made by the
mentor, who, incidentally, is still re-
ceiving congratulations upon the out-
come of the Minnesota series, besides
questions asking how he developed
Heyliger into such a swell player.
Lowrey answers that he didn't develop
Heyliger. "It comes natural to him."
In years past Michigan has been
weak at center ice, a vital place both
on defense and offense. With such
a weakness Michigan's defensemen
had to carry the brunt of protecting
the goalie and Johnny Sherf had to
take over the lion's share of the of-
Center Changes Situation
The addition of Heyliger, who
brought to Coliseum ice one of the
most consistently effective poke and
sweep checks, and an ability to skate
and rag the puck with the best of
them, changed things considerably.
The Big Ten title is an obvious re-
The Concord poke-checker proceed-
ed to "stop enemy thrusts time and
again at center ice, before the play
could get under way, and often his
superb playing of the puck led indi-
rectly to goals. It is certain that his
play has been in some degree respon-
sible for the big year Sherf is enjoy-
ing at left wing. Heyliger has ably
taken over the job of bringing the
puck up the ice, and a less-taxed
Sherf has at the present time scored
23 goals, as many as he collected all
last season.
Lowrey answered many questions
yesterday. Why did Minnesota's for-
ward line look so ineffectual in the
series here?
"Minnesota centers in past games
have always been able to get through
center ice and pass to wings who are
rushing in at the goal. Heyliger
stopped that sort of thing."
Best Fighting Outfit
How does the present outfit com-
pare with the team of 1930 (a club
which has generally been considered
the best to represent Michigan) ?
"The 1930 club was smarter, but
it can't compare to this team in sheer
This week-end Michigan's pucksters
meet Michigan Tech in a two-game
series here which promises to be as
belligerent as the Minnesota games.
The intercollegiate hockey champion-
ship of Michigan will be decided. At
present the two clubs are deadlocked
at one game each. Playing on their
home rink, which is larger and
smoother than the arena at Hough-
ton, the Wolverines are confident of
annexing another, though mythical,
Advance sale of tickets begins
Big Ten Standings
W L Per:
Wisconsin... ....8 2 .800
Purdue ..........7 3 .700
Indiana..........7 3 .700
Illinois...........7 3 .700
Ohio State ........7 4 .636
Minnesota ........5 5 .500
Iowa .............5 6 .454
Northwestern .....2 7 .222
Michigan .........2 8 .200
Chicago .... ......1 10 .099
Yesterday's Results
Indiana 41, Purdue 35.
Illinois 39, Chicago 29.
Iowa 37, Michigan 25.
Mann Explains Record Smashing Iowa Feats As Craziness'
Iowa Scoring Ace
Johnny Barko, ace forward on the
Iowa five, putsten points through
the netting last night, when the
Hawkeyes defeated Michigan 37 to
25, ,to run up his scoring total in Con-
ference competition to 119 points.
I k-
A LOT OF PEOPLE are now con-
vinced that Michigan's hockey
team needs better facilities for seat-
ing its paying guests. Approximately
1,800 fans jammed every nook and
cranny of the Coliseum for each game
of the Minnesota series, while 500 to
700 more stood outside and waved
their money frantically but fruitless-
Rumors from diverse sources are
to the effect that enlarging the seat-
ing space in the Coliseum is the next
item on the University's now highly
synthetic building program. To the
inexperienced eye it would seem quite
simple to move the north wall (that
in back of the penalty and press box-
es) back about 40 feet into the adja-
cent vacant lot, thereby doubling the
seating capacity and allowing a lot
of those eager shekels to flow into
the athletic coffers.
* *~ *
and two coaches are in order. The
six iron men who won the Conference
hockey title Saturday night deserve
the lion's share of the praise, along
with Dick Berryman and Johnny Jew-
ell, whom fate decreed should play
spectator roles as the skaters achieved
their greatest triumph.
Coach Eddie Lowrey gets the palm
for building the finest defense everj
seen on the Coliseum ice in the two
weeks between Jewell's appendectomy
and the Minnesota series. Bill Chase
handled his duties in the Michigan
goal like a conscientious gladiator.
The other outstanding victory of
the week-end was scored over no
snarling opponent such as the Goph-
er hockey team, but over that cool,
relentless fellow, Father Time. I
refer (behind all this verbiage) to
the feats of the Michigan swimmers
in breaking the existing American
marks in the breast-stroke and med-
ley relay, in their dual meet with
Iowa Saturday night.
Coach Matt Mann greeted us with
a broad grin when he returned on
Sunday. His first words were, "Every
team in the country's been shooting
at that medley record, and, Boy, we
cracked it!" No collegiate team hasI
ever beern able to put together a
breast-stroke swimmer like Kasley
and a backstroker as good as Drys-
dale. Sprinter Dalrymple doesn't
rank in this ne plus ultra class, butI
his 53 second hundred was "good
enough," yea verily, good enough.
Sophomore Kasley uses a combina-,
tion of the new "flying fish" breast-
stroke and the conventional style with
sufficient effect to make Michigan
fans forget all about Johnny Schmiel-
er, who was "tops," in his day.
Two National Hockey Co-Captain Is Tracksters Will Curling Exhibiti(
Mak rkn Released From Hospital . I
Marks Broken lasMeet Powerful At Varsity R
B SeCo-Captain Johnny J e welI,./
By Swim m ers fhteam, reported recovered from the "SI.S Luad Coach Eddie Lowrey, mentor of the
infection that resunced from the 1S1935 Conference hockey champions,
Team Also Shatters Three sudden appendectomy that he will preside at the introduction of an-
underwent about two weeks ago, Sensational S o p h o i o r e other ice activity, new to Ann Arbort
Intercollegiate Records; has gone to the home of his star Owens To Enter sport followers, when curling makes
Drysdale, Kasley Star brother in Flint to recuperate com- DashOwns H rd En r its first local appearance at the Coli-t
pletely._Duash And Hurdlese um tonight.
"The boys just went crazy," stated Jewell will be unable to compete An aggregation of 75 Detroit curling
Coche Mayt Ma eterays in any of the three remaining Michigan's track team, heralded as experts, members of the Detroit
Coach Matt Mann yesterday in ex- games. Bill Chase will continue as one of the strongest and best-bal-, Curling Club, is coming out to Ann t
plaining the record-breaking per- Varsity net-keeper. aned in a series of great teams, be- Arbor to present the exhibition, to be
formances of his Varsity swimmers in __________________ gan final preparations yesterday forhlda8pm.A isonsfre
their meet with the University of Iowa the meet with Ohio State in Yost held at 8 p.m. Admission is free.
tankmen Saturday night at Iowa Field House Saturday night in what Coach Lowrey's idea in sponsoring
City.Hawke e ives the demonstration is to create in-
Ciy . is expected to be the outstandingt
Two American and three National track event ever held there. terest in the sport here in town. As
Intercollegiate marks went into dis- Beats V arsity Ohio State, favored to give the thereiaretsomemembers of the fac-
card at the hands of Jack Kasley in ,J Wolverines their chief competition for ulty and sportsmen in town who have
the 200-yard breast-stroke, Co-cap- thhdsfythemConference team title in th n- played, he feels that it would not be
tan Taylor Drysdale in the 150-yard C 7 - door meet to be held March 9 at difficult to found an Ann Arbor club.
Spectators who are planning to
back-stroke, and the 300-yard medley Chicago, will present a host of stars. watch the Detroiters curl this eve-
rela tea o Drysdale, Kasley, and Second Half Rally: headed by Jesse Owens, the sopho- ning are urged to come equipped with
Ogden Dalrymple. BrlinyeodH l more sprinter,igaeugdt oeeupe ih
Relay Record Outstandingrubbers,galoshes, or boots, since after
heay nwrecord o 9 Gives IOinWm; Barko IStars Support Owens a few exhibition matches, everyone
The new record of 2:59 iS the med- t v Owens, who will entered in at least in the audience will be invited out
ley relay is the most impressive of oars or Invaders three events, will be ably supported, on the ice to try a hand at the art of
the three, according to Coach Mann, however, by the Buckeye captain, managing the stones.
because for years swimming coaches (Continued from Page 1) John Wonsowitz, in the pole vault, Curling is a favorite Canadian sport
have talked about the possibility of period but Tamagno was fouled in and Walker in the high jump. which found its inception, along with
some team negotiating the 300 yards the act of sinking a field goal and Owens will be entered in the 60- -
in under three minutes, just like track the resulting three points gave Mich- yard dash, the 65-yard low hurdles, Wi
men at present are dreaming about a igan a precarious lead. Rosenthal Iand the 65-yard high hurdles, and Bjueyes Wl
four-minute mile, cashed-in on a charity toss to tie the will be favored to win the first two _
The Northwestern University team score and Michigan then took the events. Owens has consistently run Face W restlers
of D. Hinch, D. Peterson, and A. lead for the last time on Patanelli's the dash in 6.3 seconds throughout s
Schwartz established the old mark follow-in shot. the indoor season without being ex-
in 1929 at Portland, Oregon, with the J The Hawkeyes here took charge of tended, and will be favoroed to fin- H ere Saturday
time of 3:3.4. the game, running the score to 30 to ish ahead of Sam Stoller, Dave
The above performance of the Wild- 20 on six consecutive baskets by Grim, Barnes and Willis Ward, the Mich-
cats also stood as the old National Bobby, Rosenthal, Barko, Rosenthal, igan entries. Captain Harrod Returns
Intercollegiate record along with the and Barko. The Buckeye sophomore has not I
same time made by the Wolverine Michigan's last five points were run the hurdles at the 65-yard dis- To Practice; Hildebrand
team of Johnny Schmieler, Louie scored over a ten minute period by tance, but his sprinting style will Still On Injured List
Lemak, and present-time Co-captain amagno with a field goal and a foul make him a favorite to win the lows
Bob Renner in 1933 in the University shot, and Patanelli's toss from the over Moreau Hunt and Bob Osgood.
of Chicago tank. side of the court. Baskets by Rosen- Wonsowitz is considered to be one The wrestling team came out of
En route to the new standard Drys- thal and Grim and three charity of the country's outstanding vaulters, last Saturday's meet against Indiana
dale swam the 100-yards backstroke tosses by Blackmer completed the having consistently done 13 feet, 6 without any injuries and is readying
in 61.8 seconds, coming within a sec- scoring for the Hawkeyes who had re- inches and better during the winter itself for the last meet of the dual
ond of Danny Zehr's unofficial Amer- "orted to a strong stalling game. season. He will be opposed by Dave 'season against Ohio State. Saturday
ican record for this distance set by Hunn, who has vaulted 13 feet. 3 afternoon at Yost Field House.
the Northwestern freshman while he B S Einches this season, and Nelson Droul- apt. Jack Harrod returned to
was in high school at Fort Wayne, Michigan FG FT PF TP ard. practice today and may be able to
Indiana. Evans, f.............1 1 0 3 Ward Will Not Jump restle against the Buckeyes. Willard
Beats Spence's Mark Meyers, f 0 0 0 0 In the high jump Walker has regis- was counting to fill Harry Wright's
Kasley bettered Walter Spence's Tamagno, f.........2 2 2 6! tered 6 feet, 4 inches, considerably place in the heavyweight position, fell
American record of 65 seconds in the Gee, c -.-.-. - 0 3 6 better than any Wolverine other than o f a truck Friday and bruised his
100-yard breast-stroke by negotiating Jin, c 0 0 0 0 Willis Ward, who will not enter the hip so badly that he was unable to
the second third of the relay distance ,Rudness, g .. .... 2 2 1 6 jump because of a heel injury, and start against the Hoosiers last Satur-
in 64.2. aneli. g 2 0 1 4, will be favored to take the event. day and the match in that position
Competing unattached in the Na- !enngs, .... .....0 0 0 0 Michigan's strength in the middle: had to be forfeited to Indiana.
tional A.A.U. meet at Columbus last Totals.distance and distance runs, however, May Forfeit Heavyweight Match
spring, Kasley, then a freshman, 10To-a~-..- 5 7 25will make the Wolverines a slight fav-
pushed this same Spence to a new orite to capture the dual meet. If Hildebrand is not recovered by
puhdti aeSec oanwIowa FG FT PF TP a h time of the meet next Saturday
world's record of 2:43.5 in the 220- Scwa FG 0 2 T The Wolverines have engaged in the heavyweight match will aga
yard breast-stroke, and their meet- tScwartz, f .".wo meets, defeating Minnesota in ayh g
ing next spring should provide an- 'rko, f...........5 0 0 10 dual meet, 57-28, and winning in afofeited, thus losing five points. Wal-
other record-breaking performance. Rosenthal. f.........3 1 1 7 triangular meet with Michigan State ly Heavenrich proved himself the
Dairymple swam the anchor lap of Moran, f...........0 0 0 0 and Michigan State Normal with a mainstay ofethe Wolverine squad
Blacmer c ....... 2 0 ! otalmor thn 2 poits verthewhen he defeated Howard Bush of the
100 yards free-style in 53 seconds. Grim, ......... 4 0 2 8 total more than 2 points over the Hoosiers for his seventh straight vic-
Kasley gathered more honors on Bobi g 0 2 combined totals of the opponents, tory f the season.
his own hook when he swam the 200- by, g............1 0 2 2 The Buckeyes have defeated In- Ohio State brings a strong squad
hi on ok he e wa he20-Kunkel, g 0 0 0 0 diana inatedualnmet.a strong2suan
yard breaststroke event in 2:26.6 to RIudd. 0 0 0 0 diana in a dual meet, 61-42, and to Ann Arbor to meet the Maize and
break Yale's Walter Savell's Amer- Illinois, 68-36- Blue matmen. The Buckeyes are en-
ican record of 2:29.2 and the same Totals .......... 16 5 7 37i deavoring to continue their record of
person's Intercollegiate mark of 2:29... Tony Canzoneri will hit the come- victories over Michigan in football
The third new National Intercol- Free throws missed: Michigan, back trail at Olympia Tuesday night and basketball this year and will go
legiate standard to be set up was es- Evans 2, Rudness, Patanelli. Iowa, when he encounters Chuck Woods, into the ring against the Wolverines
tablished ydrdtoe sethup1wasyes- Blackmer 2, Rosenthal, Bobby. veteran Detroit lightweight in a ten- in good condition
tabisedby Drysdale in the 150-yard! Score at half, Michigan 15, Iowa 15.! round bout that may earn him an-! odcStiasdfetdnothet
back-stroke when he glided through athlc n1, ~vs5 cl aa a i n Ohio State has defeated Northwest-
bak-toewe egie hog mpire. Getchel; Referee, Levis. other crack at Barney Ross. Ijm 1-11 and lost by a large scoreI
the water in 1:38.1, breaking his own _ _ _ ern 19-____nd_______y-a large score
record of 1:38.4, made last spring at to Indiana in two of its meets this
Northwestern. I sTs iyear, but the injured men who were
Set Pool Records T_ lost to the squad have returned and
A Sdefronecords sshould be in condition by Saturday.
Aside from the national records es- 5J , ~ 5 .~I_____
tablished, three new pool records were I l tL (OckerI R oom s Co0seu-n ____________
made by Frank Barnard in 220-yard
free-style, Dalrymple in the 60-yard
sprint, and the Wolverine sprint relay By CLINTON B. CONGER of Gordon Paterson, who signed in
team of Dalrymple, Ed Drew, Renner, With the conclusion Saturday night 1930, 1931, 1932, and 1933 as a player
and Bob Mowerson. of Michigan's hectic two-game battle from the University of Western On-
Renner in the 100-yard free-style with Minnesota for the supremacy of tario, and in 1934 and 1935 for PointLs
and Tex Robertson in the 440-yard Big Ten hockey, another blank space Edward of Sarnia.
free-style turned in the remaining on the plaster walls of the visiting The star entry of all, however, is
Mich toteam's locker room at the Coliseum one made in the 1933-34 season byTuesday W edge
Friday niht e Wolverine natators was filled in. Ed Berry and Wally Drew of the Uni-
met the Lake Shore A. C. of Chicago Until Saturday night that space versity of Wisconsin: "Wait till next
bore only the label: "Minnesota; this year!" After it someone has com- are last
in an exhibition meet that excluded space reserved for 1935.' But above pleted the story by adding: "We
style, and back-stroke events. No it on the same panel of plaster waited; Michigan 6, 2, Wisconsin tre."e ty low
official record of points was kept, but were two large squares marked 'Mn- - alChamps,_;_A
unofficially both teams picked up 24 1933,"and "Minnesota, Big Ten SUITS-COATS
counters._Champs, 1934, followed by the team SH IRTS -- S
lists for each year, captained by
Dn To Be Given
ink This Evening
golf and at about the same time, in
Scotland. Its popularity across the
border may be gauged by the fact
that in the Toronto area alone there
are more than C0 clubs and associa-
tions. The Detroit Club is a member
esday --Thursday
s for these ex-
rices on fine
When the Detroit Red Wings
whipped the Toronto Maple Leaves
in Detroit Sunday night, it was their
first victory in 13 starts. They are
now in last place, and practically out
of the play-offs.
team jinx, managing to let a forestry
department truck mangle him slight-
ly last week. He will not be available
for the Ohio State meet. What should
a poor wrestling coach do in such
Entries For Union!
Tourneys To Close
Registration for the ping pong,
straight rail billiards, and straight
pool tournaments will close tomorrow
evening, Union officials announced
yesterday. Students may sign up for
the events in the billiard room on the
second floor of the Union.
Two icash prizes will be given for
each event, $2.50 will be given to the
winners and $1.50 to the runners-upi
in each tournament. Students are
Carlsen in 1933 and LaBatte in 1934,
and coached by the able Frank Ponds.
But this year the Iron Men of
Michigan managed to continue the
progression for 1935, and eliminate l
even the Big Ten championship from:
Minnesota's claims, leaving the Goph-
ers with only a team list to put in
their space for this year.
Paterson Is Veteran
Ever since the inception of hockeyE
as a varsity sport at Michigan, the
North locker room at the Coliseum
has served as a guest register for visit-
ing teams and their members. The age
of the register is shown by the record
- __ _ - ____ ___ I
If You Value Your
Money, heed our Ads
Medium, Dark, Pastel Shades
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For a Limited Time Only
SUITS. Current stylesin both light and
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COATS. All topcoats and overcoats re-
duced from 20 % to 30% with good
SHOES. Crosby-Square shoes, new styles
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SHIRTS. Final clearance of ARROW and
Ambassador shirts. $1.59 and $1.99.
Due to a mechanical error, the pre-
WE CONTINUE on a note of sad- dicted results of the mile run in the
ness. Wrestling Coach Cliff Keen Ohio State meet which appeared in
is ready to issue a call for team candi- this column Sunday were badly
dates. He had a pretty decent squad garbled. The results:
with which he won a couple of Con- Mile run -- Won by Brelsford (M),
ference meets before a plague of in- second, Smith (M), third Reilly (O).
juries and low grades smote down his Time, 4:29.
men. The mortality list to date in-
HATS, Gloves, Mufflers, Sox and many
other items reduced 20c or more. Biu
SNou, and Save.