vices alone will not prevent accidents. The rea
cause of a great percentage of automobile fatal-
ities'is idiotic recklessness and carelessness on thc
part of the average driver. Signals and warnings
mean little to a driver who fails to look at them.
Automobile fatalities can be lessened by sending
reckless drivers to prison, by punishing hit-and-
run murderers to the limit of the law, by forbiddins
the use of the roads to the intoxicated and by
increasing the state requirements for a driver's
license. But also the members of the Washtenaw
County committee must put forward their best
efforts to provide an educational program to end
the motorist's lust for thrills and speed. It is at
this task that the committee can be of most
Just after the first of the month,
a student at
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
s be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
N.S.L. Rebuttal
NOTE: Because of the length of Mr. Fisch's
rebuttal, it has been divided, with his consent,
into two parts. He will conclude his comments
on Captain Pack in tomorrow's Daily.
The Editors.;
Evidently Philip C. Pack, Captain, Infantry As-
sistant G-3, 32nd Division, was so highly amused
over the letters concerning Bill Brown which
appeared in the Daily on Jan. 26, that he mis-
interpreted it entirely. Or perhaps the letter, rath-
er than being "remarkably well written," was
shamefully ambiguous.
Captain Pack saw fit to include in his letter, not
only some naive beliefs, pep talk for the R.O.T.C.
and some obscuring play on personalities, but also
a serious distortion of important parts of my
former letter.
The personalities raised by Captain Pack are
evidently injected to obscure the issue involved,
namely, how to fight against war. They are en-
tirely beside the point and therefore call for no
rebuttal or refutation. Let them lie.
Now to the more serious part.of Captain Pack's
letter. (1) In the second and third paragraph of
his letter, Captain Pack commits a distortion of
my former letter which any unbiased judge could
not help but consider intentional. In speaking
of the tactics of the National Student League's
anti-war struggle, Captain Pack, by some mys-
terious reasoning known only to himself, comes
to the conclusion that the strategy of the N.S.L.
consists of "lying down, supinely, belly up in the
face of an armed aggression." Where, in my former
letter, did the Captain come across any such state-
ment? To the contrary, if Captain Pack, will re-
read the letter he will find that the keynote of the
N.S.L. fight against war is aggressive, open action
against militarism and its twin brother, Fascism.
Is this "lying down, belly up?"
(2) Next, Captain Pack voices a fear of an-
nexation by "almost any minor power." Well, if
the truth must be told, one couldn't blame, say,
Cuba for example, for trying to get a few bites
back after all these years of playing the role of
bitee. But Captain Pack is needlessly frightened.
The picture of Cuba trying to "annex" the United
.States is actually very funny. Why it took the
United States Marines quite a good number of
years to bring even such a small place as Haiti,
into the proper state of subjugation!
(Continued Tomorrow)
Art Cinema's Purpose
To the Editor:
On March 1 and 2 the Art Cinema League
is showing the latest Russian film, "Chapayev." .
It is now in its seventh week at the Cameo The-
atre in New York City.
The purpose of the Art Cinema League is to
show the best available from each of the major
film countries of the world. We were pioneers in
this endeavor but now there are many similar
organizations, at International House of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, Michigan State, University of
Pennsylvania, Columbia, Harvard, and University,
of California, as well as in many of the larger
cities throughout the nation. Because of our'
early start we have been confronted with many
difficulties. It has been difficult to obtain films.
We have been accused of having the most diverse'
of ulterior motives. We have had difficulties with
sound equipment and even met with NRA inter-
ference temporarily. With a full realization of our
many shortcomings, we cannot refrain from point-
ing to our record for the past two years, with a
feeling that it represents an activity deserving of1
support in a cultural community.1
We have shown: "Le Million," "Zoo in Budapest,"
"China Express," "Be Mine Tonight," "Poil de
Carotte," "Road to Life," "Der Hauptman von1
Kopenic," "No Greater Glory," "I Was a Spy," and
"The Good Companions." Two of these were Amer-]
ican, three Russian, two French, three British,
and one German.
The Detroit Cinema Guild is exhibiting a series!
of six programs at The Detroit Art Institute at1
a price of $4 for the six or of $1 for a single guest
ticket. The features on three of their programs arei
"Poil de Carotte," "Le Million," and "China Ex-]
press." The sponsors of this Guild are leaders in
the support of the many cultural organizations{
in that city. Because they are unable to show
"Chapayev" this spring, a number interested in
this group are planning to come to Ann Arbor
for our showing.
We are simply trying to render a cinema serv-
ice to Ann Arbor such as will not be undertaken
exc'ept by some such group. We believe that there
are values other than mere entertainment to be
had from the cinema. We are attempting to obtain'
and to use the advice of our most interested
patrons. On a questionnaire passed out at a
screening, "Chapayev" was voted fourth place in
a list of 15. "Man of Aran," "Catherine the Great,"
and "Three Songs About Lenin," preceded it. The
first two cannot be shown at this time and the
latter was rejected as unsuitable.
Cornell University happened to come into a bit of
t money, as is the custom at those times. Being a
prudent lad and thrifty, he decided to lay in a
t supply of choice liquors, etc., against a rainy day.
t This was duly done. A week or so afterwards the
student came back to his room from a lab and
found his room in rather a mess. All his hoarded
liquor was open and done away with, and the
bottles were lying all over the place. On his desk
was the following note:
"Dear Bill: I was just passing through and
dropped in to see you. Sorry you weren't in, but
I'll call around sometime next week. Yours. Jack."
On the sofa in the corner, Jack was lying very
much asleep.
They are talking about the student at Ohio
State University in a public speaking class,
who when he was required to make a convinc-
ing talk to his class and to the instructor too,
teok the subject, "Why I Should Be Given an
'A' On This Speech." He talked 20 minutes and
got the 'A.' What is his power?
A freshman at the University of Maryland
submitted a theme on "Why I Didn't Join a Soror-
ity." It went:
1. I want to think for myself and not be
led around by a bunch of sisters.
2. I never went in for women's organiza-
tions at home.
3. I didn't want a lot of fraternity men
looking in at me at night.
4. I have never danced with a man in my
life and I don't want to start now.
5. Too many men are in the habit of slap-
ping me on the back and hitting me in the
itomach for the benefit of the sorority sisters.
The Daily Illini submits this as the proper
line to pull when complaints arrive from home
about your grades:
"The primary purpose of education is man-
hood, not scholarship. What do you think?"
The Rhode Island Philosophical Society meet-
ing at Brown University heard a professor there
berate the cosmetic craze. Said he:
"Women of today stain their nails in such a
,",ay as to resemble the claws of a tiger rjpping up a
sheep. If the reason for staining the nails is to pro-
vide decorative spots of bright color in such hues
as red, as well as green, or blue or golden, why not
have likewise green or blue or golden lips, eyebrows,
cheeks or ears? Especially with the addition of
colored wigs to match, some wonderful effects
would undoubtedly be achieved."
The Daily Jilini tries to explain some recent
song hits:
"Am I to Blame" - Flunked.
"Sophisticated Lady" - Co-ed.
"Lost in a Fog" ---Finals.
"With Every Breath I Take" --- Halitosis.
"Blame It On My Youth"-- Slapped.
Just So We May
Coll It Our Feb-
Issue, The
Garg Will Come
A Washington
sage informed Congress that on that "pattern"
a new order of industrial relations "is definitely
taking shape," the question of the permanent sta-
tutory form it is to take seems deferred.
No bill to crystallize what nearly a year of ex-
perience with the complicated code mechanisms
has taught is sent to the hill for signature on the
dotted line. On the contrary, a two-year exten-
sion with modifications of the original recovery
act is asked. The implication is that not only
has 11 months been too short a time, as the
President said, to create a "great code of law, of
order, of decent business," but that it will take
perhaps another two years - and another presi-
dential election - to reach that goal.
IT SEEMS a fair assumption that the President
has been unable to glean from the study of
the probably conflicting views of his NRA lieu-
tenants any conclusive and final judgment on de-
tails. He has placed all these recommendations and
studies at the disposal of Congressional commit-
tees; but with the warning that they do not pro-
vide "anything like a finished draft" of either a
permanent NRA act or even of the proposed two-
year ad interim extension.
Outside of a broad statement of principles to
guide legislation, the whole NRA problem goes
back to Congress. That represents a change of
Roosevelt method. Probably it represents also the
general conception of his message that NRA has
passed its emergency status and proved itself suffi-
ciently to justify immediate extension, but that the
drafting of permanent law can be left to normal
and more deliberate legislative processes. It does
not call for Congressional rubber stamping of an
administration bill.
rTHE NRA message quiets finally all the whisper-
ing back stage for months that the adminis-
tration was just about ready to wash out that
phase of its original recovery and reform plans.
That construction was widely placed on what hap-
pened when General Hugh Johnson stepped out of
Recapitulating the part NRA played in the big
show and in the face of cries of "failure" so loudly
raised against it, the President now ranks it as the
"biggest factor" in stemming the depression tide.
There is a direct, if belated, presidential award
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