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February 26, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-26

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P"LJcation In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Uhveraity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

History courses will be held at 9 a.m., r
Saturday, March 2, in Room C, Haven.
All students who have to take such0
an examination must make arrange-
ments with their instructor before
Wednesday, Feb. 27.(
________-I -r A 0(1C IFrn

. ,








t7 97 4_L

VOL. XLV No. 1051
President and Mrs. Ruthiven will
be at home to the students on Wed-
nesday, Feb. 27, from 4 to 6 o'clock.j

cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
i angcmn7ts made with the instructors
are not official changes.
Studnts Colegeof Literature,
,.'i:ri s , 'h r' : " No course
mnay be elected for cecdit after the
end of +he tuird tweek. Satuirdayv

University Scholarships In Thei March 2, is therefore the last date
Giraduate School The Board of e on which new elections may be ap-
gents of the Uiversity of Michigan proved. The willingness of an in-
have established certain University dividual instructor to admit a stu-
of Michigan Scholarships to be dent later would not affect the op -
known as University Scholarships inI oration of this rule.
the Graduate School aid have di-
rected that these Scholarships shall;
be. available to students in the Ufli.~ University Bureau of Appoint-
versity who are residents of the mns&Ocptoa nomto
State of Michiqn and who enter up- has received notice of the following
on graduate work in the academicI U."' Civil Service Examinations:erimdalyfloxngtir,1stSaitclCek,$60
undergraduate curricula and the re-' Director of Typography, Govern-
ceiving of the bachelor's degree. The ment Printing Office, $3600.
Scholarships carry exenmption from' Dietitians, $1800 to $2900.
fees in the manner of existing Uni- Announcements are on file at the
versity Fellowships in the Graduate! office, 201 Mason Hall.
School. Application blanks for Uni-1--


Re adiing Requirenients in German
for Ph.D. Candidates:
Candidates in all fields except those
of the natural sciences and mathe-
matics must obtain the official cer-
tification of an adequate knowledge
of German by submitting to a written
examination given by a committee!
of the Department of German. Such
examinations will be held once each
semester and towards the end of the'
Summer Session. For the secondse-
smester the examination will be held.
Wednesday, March 20, in Room 203,
University Hall. Students who intend
to take the examinations are re-
quested to register their names at!
least one- week before the date of the
examination at the office of the Ger'-
man Department, Room 204, Univer-
sity Hall, where detailed informa-
tion with regard to examination re-I
quirements will be given..
English 154, meets Tuesday, 7-9, 1
315 Haven Hall.

C'L S 1,1' Eye I
P' c: c in O;'tW.1. xiti ( . ie
(3o:.n ly s s m bef t(ci0I.fo
10chinpaeanc li1e or r:dttine o
ore n. scrio iveaeag sist
lir ne or Oi two insertions.
M~c per reading line for three or
fliore insertions.
10<;, discount if paid within ten dlays
from the date of last insertion.
MJinimum three lines per inse rtion.
By couztmaf't, per lire ---2 lines daily;,, one
4 licies, E.O.D., 2 m n-.h:- .........3c
2 lines daiily', college ye r .....7
41 lines E.O.D.. college ye.r ........7c
100. lines used a.; desiredt..........9e
300 sines usedas](ei red..........8c
1,000 lines used ... des ired ........7c
2.000 lines used (J-"i-dl.......
he above rates vre^per ireading line,
based on eight raiglnsper inch.
Zoeis etype, upper .and lower ie e.Add
be oper line to ib-i,,r<<e, for all capital
letters. Add 6e p:er line to above for
bold face, upper and lower ease. Add
l.0c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71,' point

L OS f: Tehpin, .wc :hie'
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sity. R"wa rd. E. Henks, 2-3225.

S selection in the country. Associate l
Motor Services,. Inc. 317 W. Huron.
Ph. 2-3268. "'Let's. get acquainted,"
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dal-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chii-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main . 7x

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C rdci' now frs~igc'iey



F or Introduction t Bl~ls 1 versity Schaolarshinps in the Gradu- Ac ,ieinic uottes
ate School may be obtained from theastcst etr
LANSING, Feb. 25. - ('P - The office of the Graduate School and jlEconomics 51: The make-up final Unvriyretr
possibility of an investigation to de- should be filed not later than March examination will be held Thursday, DriFFrederick A. Coller. Professor
+ I Feb. 23, frorn 3 to 6 o'clock in Room of Sttv-ery't n edclSho
nteMeiaScal11termnine whether bills have been in- 9 accompanied by a transcript of + ;ill lecture on the subje.ct "The. Pro-{
troduced in the Legislature for un- thInegaut rcr.27 cgld._____1tress of Surger'y in Re;ent Years"
ehalo maiiu prpssa-C. S. Yoakum, Dean. iFnlEaia ion llustrated), at 5:15 p.m., Thursday,
- -Seciolegy51lnaEx iainI Feb. 28, in the Natural Science Au-
peared today. University Broadcasting: M1ake-up: Students who did not take,
Attorney-General Harry S. Toy said' 9:15-9 :45 a.m. - A Class in Ele- the final examination in this course This is the sixth of a series of Uni-
he had heard reports about measures mentary Singing, Joseph E. Maddy. for the first semester may take the ,,,
I zversity .lectures by members of the
whih vtean egslaorsdecried 2:0{!-2 :30 p.m. - Michigan, M y make-up examination on Saturday, LUn versity faculties, which facut
as "sandbagged" bills, He. said no Michigan Series - Topic: "Mica-Mac 2 rm :0=o1:0 n!om members, students, and the general.
direct complaints had come to his igan's Recreational Resources," Ken- U,1Maven Hall. This is the only make-j (Continued on ;'age 5)
office. neth G. McMurry, Professor of Geog- up that will be given in this course. -~------_.._- --.- _
Legislative investigations have been raphy.1
held in the past to determine whether History Make-up Examinations:TH ART CINEMA
certain bills .we'rc submitted for the School of Education, Changes of The make-up examinations in all
purpose of "making someone pay" to of Elections: No course may be elect- _ ACN
have them killed. ed for credit after Saturday, March - SCA ACN nI
2. Students enrolled in this school . Adult class ev=ery Thur
evecx.at8pm iv Friday and Saturday
I must report all changes of elections . a iym.10itoe
DedoIOviW r at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Uni- j MRCE ADNAl et e eN
Relief Bill Continues versity Hall., This includes any change TERAL 35RcN Lyeats tesevE -
of sections or instructors. Wuerth Theater Bldg.35Lyi
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 -(A')-The Membership in a class does not rPone 9695
rnrlnl tn +- Q. 411A AA Ft;.,. n nr - I..- -----------

GRAPHING promptly and neatly
{done in our own shop byexri
enced operators at moderate rate(s.
0E . D, Morrill's Typewriter' and Sta-
tionery Stor'e, 314 S. State Street.
Read The Classifieds

Evenings, March 1 & 2
-Box Office opens Friday





t 'rI
r . - .s 47" E tU
l.. .i " "'',**~-
Others may disappoint. I never do. I'm alwvays mild, always

:' ..
" , ::. ,
F r r: . "
;;'ti; 1 ". a .
sty' y , ,:
t.}. .., :. r_ ,} r
S ..... .... a _ J ..: .t .. .Y..r

fine to taste-because inmade of fragrant, expensive cente;r
leaves, only. Turn your back on top leaves. 1I(1o. They're raw,
bitter, stinging. hI'ir your Nick on bottom. leaves because these
coarse, sandy, grimyi bottotiilIeaves dint belong in your smoke.
Before I conside r it worthy, every leaf must be a center leaf,
mild, fine-tasting, fragrant. Thlat's w~hy J'nz your best friend.

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