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April 23, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-23

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n_ -

Patehin Faces

Wildcats In First Home Game

,.. .

To Put Untried
Team On Field
Hillsdale, Michigan State
Hold Wins Over Coach
Stewart's Team
Fisher Is Confident
Northwestern Pitcher To
Be Either Toni Woods
Or Ray Kimbell
With Art Patchin after his first
Conference victory of the year. Mich-
igan's baseball team opens its home
season at 4:05 p.m. today at Ferry
Field against the hapless, but none-
the-less confident, Northwestern
Coach Stewart brings a band of ball
players who have not played as many
games to date as the Wolverine club.
Rained out of each and every one of
its scheduled tilts on the spring train-
ing trip, Northwestern returned to
Evanston to play a few games with
minor colleges with only fair success.
The Wildcats tasted their first real
competition against Hillsdale last
Friday and lost, 4 to 1. Michigan
State then took Northwestern into
camp the next day, coming from be-
hind to overcome a seven-run lead
and win, 8 to 7.
KALAMAZOO, April 22.- ()-
Western State Teachers defeated
Northwestern University 9 to 6,
in a free-hitting game here this
While Coach Ray Fisher has already
announced his pitching selection, it is
not certain who will hurl for North-
western in its first Big Ten engage-
ment. Tom Woods
the lone left-hand-
er on the staff, who
hails. from Pot
Huron, is likely to
start for the vis-
itors, with the ps
sibility that Ray
Kimbell, veteran4
..itcher, will get the ":: ;:.
job. Woods relieved
Kimbell in the
State game, pitch
ed the last four m-
pings and gave up __
but 3 hits, only to pAtCIN
be charged with
the loss. Fisher is expecting Patch
to be tough for Northwestern's hitte
Michigan broke even with the Wild-
cats in a two-game series at Evan-
ston last year, and it was Patchin,
working in the relief role in an extra
inning game, who was credited with
the Wolverine win.
It is likely that Michigan will give
Patchin better support at bat than in
the first Ohio State game, when the
Wolverines could get but one single
off Ronnie Peters' of Ohio. In the
second game with the Buckeyes Mich-
igan showed signs of gaining its bat-
ting eye, slapping out nine hits for
eight runs, and enjoying its biggest
inning of the season in the fifth,
when seven hits were combined for
seven runs.
John Regeczi and Kim Williams
have risen as Michigan's hardest and
most consistent hitters. Regeczi leads
his mates with a .500 average in Con-
ference games. He has hit two singles
and a double in six times at bat.
Following are the probable lineups
for both teams:
Michigan Northwestern
Ford, .... , ...3b Merrell....... ss
Lerner, ........rf Henikof ...... 2b'
Rudness ...... cf Arnquist ....... cf
Paulson,.....2b Pederson ......rf
Oliver ........ lb Shanahan ... .lf
Regeczi..... .lf Collins .......3b

Williams ....... c Walsh .......lb
Ieitelbaum .... ss Claborn ........c
Patchin .......p Kimbell or
Woods, ...... p
18 Freshman
Wrestlers To
Get Numerals
Numerals will be awarded 18
freshman wrestlers, it was announced
Those receiving numerals are:
Jack I. Berryman, Ferndale; Robert
C. Boebel, Snyder, N.Y.; Rowland
Bolton, Birmingham, Ala.; Cecil Cam-
eron and Earl Thomas, Cresco, Ia.;
Carl A. Clement, Jr., Rossford, 0.;
Harold Gandel, Buffalo, N.Y.; James
H. Lincoln, Harbor Beach; Malcom
Marks, Pottsville, Pa.; C. James B.

Behind Patchin, These Eight Seek Their Ffirst Big Ten Win Today








* *


baseball title this year much of
the credit will probably be due to
Berger ,Larson, 23-yeeV-old junior
from the sandlots of Chicago. Larson
set Ohio State down with two hits
last Saturday and has had only one
earned run scored against him in the
21 innings he has pitched.
Though few Michigan fans
heard about him before last Sat-
urday, the right hander is no
night-blooming eucalyptus whose
splendors appeared with the
morning sun to charm an unsus-
pecting world. Folks around Chi-
cago know him, and know him
well. He pitched the Ten Bruins
(no relation to the three bears)
to a Midwest League champion-
ship last year, losing only one
game all season.
BILL RENNER will be sorry to learn
that at least one present-day
Michigan athlete entered school here
when he did. Larson came here as a
freshman in 1930 and won numerals
in football and baseball, but was
ineligible in his sophomore year. After
that he dropped out of school, how-
ever, until 1934.
Now he is back again, a junior,
although most of the newspapers
refer to him as a sophomore. The
boys say he is better today than.
Whitey Wistert ever was, and
Wistert was one of the best in the
league last year.
Though Saturday's game was his
first appearance in a Conference
championship tilt, he displayed none
of the buck-fever characteristic of
rookies. His years of play in Chicago
have removed all traces of nervousness
from his work on the mound. In fact,
he is just a little bit disdainful of
the brand of ball played in the Big
Ten, saying that he was playing in
faster company in the Midwest
Dyed-in-the-wool fans are al-
ready looking forward to the
meeting of the "two best pitchers
in the Conference" here May 4.
On that day Illinois, regarded as
the strongest contender for the
title, comes in for a game with the
Wolverines. Pitching for the Il-
lini will be Hale Swanson. Pitch-
ing for Michigan will be Earl
Swanson, a sophomore just break-
ing-in, already has twotshut-outs in
two Conference games to his credit.
He has set down Ohio State with three
hits, and Wisconsin with six. He
struck out 15 men in the Buckeye
game and nine in the Badger tilt.'
He's a pretty good pitcher.
In 21 innings Larson has allowed
one earned run, and nine hits, only
two of which were really hard-hit
balls. He has whiffed 24 batsmen.
Maybe that will be a pichers'
battle May 4.
Mitchell, Cushing, Okla.; Howard A.
Nusbaum, Toledo, O.; Frederic Olds,
Lansing; Beach Pierce, Charleston;
W. Va.; Edward Reed, Marion, Ky.;
John Speicher, Reading, Pa.; and Hal
Wilson, Dearborn.

Ward To Run
In Penn Relays
This Week-End
Track Squad Votes For
Study In Preference To
Drake Relays
Willis Ward, who has been the
mainstay of Michigan track teams for
three seasons, will be the only Wol-
verine representative in competition
this week. Ward will make his first
Eastern appearance in the Penn Re-
lays Friday and Saturday at Phil-
adelphia, but the remainder of the
squad has declined to participate in
competition at the Drake Relays.
The squad, returned but a week
from its second cross-country trip to
meet the University of California,
voted against going to the Drake
meet, preferring to concentrate on
scholastic work. The squad's decision
was concurred in by Coach Charlie
Hoyt, who remarked that a layoff
would be beneficial to the team, which
opens the Conference season here
April 27 against Minnesota.
The decision not to compete will
probably eliminate the only chance
for Michigan's crack two-mile relay
team to appear in competition, al-
though it was suggested that a record
attempt might be made by the team
in the benefit meet for Neree Alix
to be held here April 30.
Ward will be entered in four events
at his own request in the Penn Re-
lays, the 100-yard dash, the 120-yard
high hurdles, the broad jump and the
high jump.
Gridmen Work
On Passing In
Initensive Drill
Coach Harry Kipke sent the spring
football squad through an intensive
passing drill yesterday afternoon at
Ferry Field. The session was marked
by the defensive work of a backfield
composed of Bob Cooper, John Smith-
ers, Cedric Sweet and Chris Ever-
The squad will be put through a
punting session today and tomorrow,
according to Kipke, and later on in
the week more attention will be given
to the other departments of the game.
A scrimmage is planned for Saturday
but the time is not certain as yet.
Kipke indicated that it would prob-
ably be held in the morning so as not
to conflict with the baseball game with
Wisconsin. If too many of the grid-
ders have Saturday morning classes,
the scrimmage will be held late in the
Kipke in his search for a center
is trying Fred Olds, freshman wres-
tler who has also been playing at the
guard and tackle positions. Olds was
used as a defensive center yesterday
and showed promise of bdr-jandls
and showed promise in breaking up
the passes thrown by Bill Renner, and
later in the afternoon, by Cooper, who
was replaced in the defensive back-
field by Stark Ritchie.
In commenting on last Saturday's
scrimmage at the Stadium, Kipke
said that he was particularly pleased
with the work of Sweet, Cooper, Ever-
hardus, Renner and Olds. Sweet had
gained in speed over last season while
Everhardus' extra weight should be
bene'ficial, he said. Renner's passing
looked good and is expected to be an
important weapon in the Wolverine
attack next fall.

Basketball To Feel
Effect Next Year Of
Pivot, Tip-Off Rules
As yet no official definition of the
the "foul lane," which will be im-
portant in effecting that the desired
result of the new basketball rule to
eliminate the pivot play under the
basket, has been handed down.
Until Oswald Tower, editor of the
basketball manual, gives the word-
ing it will not be known whether the
lane includes that part of the foul
circle behind the foul line or not.
No matter what the final ruling is,
however, certain effects will be evi-
dent here next season. The pivot
play will not be eliminated. By the
new rule no man is allowed in the
pivot lane more than three seconds,
either with or without the ball. This
means that the pivot man will be
forced on the side of the lane, and
it will be more difficult for him to
make pivot shots.
Timing Will Be Affected
Timing will also be more compli-
cated in executing the pivot play. Of;
course, the new rule doesn't affect
the figure eight or any other play
which is based on a circling forma-!
tion around the pivot man.
In some ways the tall man will
lose his advantage but he still will be
valuable under the basket in fol-
lowing in shots, for players are still
allowed in the foul lane if scrambling
for a loose ball.
This piece of legislation comes at a
particularly inopportune time for the
Michigan basketball team for it was
hoped that John Townsend, star
freshman center, would be given an
opportunity to use his outstanding
passing ability under the basket next
scason. Now some changes will have
to be made in next year's plans.
Other Rule Result of Fight
The other important change made
by the rules committee was a com-
promise between the West and Mid-
dle West. It says that there shall
be no center tip-off after a success-
ful foul attempt, but in its place the
other team shall be given possession
of the ball under its own basket.
This rule is the result of a long
fight on the par, of the western uni-
versities to eliminate the toss-up at
center after each basket. During
the past season, the Pacific Coast
schools played under a very different
set of rules from those used by other
sections of the country, by practically
eliminating the tip-off.
When the Stanford five toured
this part of the country last season,
their rules were used and some of
the teams that they played were ex-
tremely satisfied. Marquette, espe-
cially, favored changes in their favor
following the game that they played
with the Indians.

Tigers Fail To
Hit, Losing To
Cleveland, 5-0
Hubbell Hurls Four-Hit
Game As Giants Go On
Batting Spree To Win
The Cleveland Indians defeated the
Detroit Tigers in the deciding game
of their three game series, 5 to 0, at
Navin field yesterday, behind the
three hit pitching of Willis Hudlin.
Hal Trosky led the Indian batting
attack with a single, double and triple,
while Joe Vosmik hit a homer in the
third inning with two men on base.
Tommy Bridges showed signs of his
last season form as he struck out six
Cleveland batters, but between strike-
outs he didn't seem to have much on
the ball.
Cleveland ......004 000 010-5 12 0
Detroit .........000 000 000-0 3 1
Hudlin and Myatt; Bridges, Sullivan
and Cochrane.
WASHINGTON, April 22. - (P) -
The Boston Red Sox won their third
straight victory over Washington to-
day, 4 to 2; giving Wesley Ferrell his
second victory of the year.
Boston ............000 012 001-4
Washington......... 000 001 0 10-2
W. Ferrell, Walberg, and R. Ferrell;
Whitehill, Russell, and Bolton.
The Browns took the odd game
of the White Sox series, 6 to 5, over-
coming the handicap of Bonura's
home run in the first inning, which
scored three runs.
Chicago ............302 000 000-5
St. Louis ............231 000 00*-6
Coffman, Walkup and Helmsley;
Tietje, Lyons, and Sewell.
PHILADELPHIA, April 22. - (P) -
With Carl Hubbell hurling four-hit
ball for his second victory of the
season, the New York Giants let loose
a 15-hit attack today to defeat the
Phillies 8 to 1 and get an even break
in their four-game series.
New York ...........300 014 000-8
Philadelphia..... ..000 100 000-1
Hubbell and Mancuso; Collins, Biv-
I in, Pearce, and Wilson.

in four styles at $3.50
English Boot Maker
534- 36 Forest Avenue



Looking Ahead!!

, /e

to Friday
for the

C-h-ji- --2Vah
The Stetson "Bantom" scintillates
among ordinary hats like a proud
game cock among drab barn-
yard roosters.
Air-light in weight, mellow in qual-
ity - as packed with
/ ;,f' stamina as itiswith style!

* * *


'i a 1 . :.__.




VT., 71 rr'tTnTĀ°t9k I-rrr r r


MR-1 k I-jl 41 fli

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