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April 23, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-23

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SM Sn3a . Bulledtn Is oonstructive notice to all members of th,
op; received t the offie of the Assistant to the Psu en
unW1 3 :30 1 amt . Saturday.

Chester Arthar Wed To,
Strachey's Former Wife
NEW YORK, April 22-(P)-Ches-
ter A. Arthur, Jr., grandson of the
former President, tonight said that
he and Mrs. Arthur, the former Es-
ther M. Strachey, would leave within
the next day or two on a honeymoon
trip across the country.
They were married Saturday night
at Harrison, N.Y., by Justice of the
Peace Leo Mintzner, but only a few
of their close friends knew until to-
day. Mrs. Arthur was divorced from
Strachey, the English lecturer and
writer, in London in 1933. Arthur
was divorced from the former Char-
lotte Wilson in Los Angeles in 1923.
The marriage records give the bride's
age as 37 and Arthur's as 34.
Mark Twain Museum To
Be Dedicated Thursday
HANNIBAL, Mo., April 22-(-P)--
A Mark Twain museum will be dedi-
cated Thursday in this town where
the famous humorist spent an im-
ptid'ent, restless boyhood. It will be
a part of Hannibal's Mark Twain cen-
tennial celebration.
The museum will be dedicated by
Mine. Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch,
the writer's only living child. With
her daughter Nina, Mme. Gabrilo-
witsch, wife of Ossip Gabrilowitsch,
director of the Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, plans to visit the boyhood
haunts of Samuel Clenens, who
later was to convulse the readers the
world over as Mark Twain.
This Man Is Just Too
Average For Spectators
NEW YORK, April 22-0)-Just
because he is so "average," Roy L.
Gray, of Fort Madison, Ia., was the
center of wondering crowds today
at the Industrial Arts Exposition.
Gray was selected as the "average
man" by a magazine in 1927. He lives
in an "average" city in an "average"
state, has an "average" family of two
children, drives an "average" car,
and makes an "average" income from
a clothing store he runs with his
brother, E. H. Gray.
Convocation Friday
Will Honor Students
(Continued from Page 1)
scholarships, James L. Babcock schol-
arships, Paul F. Bagley scholarship,
J. T. Baker Chemical Company fel-
lowship, and the Board in Control
of Physical Education scholarship
The Bronson-Thomas prize in Ger-
man William Jennings Bryan prize
in political science, Henry M. Camp-
bell Case Club awards, Roy Bishop
Canfield Memorial fellowship in oto-
larynglogy, Carnegie Corporation
fellowship through the American Li-
brary Association, scholarship of the
Chamber Music Society of Ann Ar-
bor, and the Chicago Alumni Medal.
The Chi Omega prize, class of 1908
memorial scholarship, Howard B. Co-
1;lentz prize, Delta Sigma key award,
Cornelius D o n o v a n scholarships,
Charles Ralph Eckler prize for pro-
ficiency in pharmacognosy, Eleanor
Clay Ford testimonials in debate for
women, and the Robert Campbell
Gemmell memorial scholarships.
Avery Hopwood and Jule Hopwood
Awards, Intercollegiate Conference
Athletic Association medal, Italian
Government awards in Italian, Eita
Krom prize in sociology, Lehn and
Fink prize in pharmacy, Wee Kim Lim
key award, McNaught medals in
journalism, and the Simon Mandel-
baum scholarships.
The Marsh scholarships, Michigan
Law Review Board, Charles Lathrop
Pack Foundation prize in forestry,

Phi Lambda Upsilon awards, Phil-
lips classical scholarships, Pi Lambda
Theta scholarships, and Phi Tau Al-
pha classical scholarships prize.
The Irving K. Pond book award in
architecture, Rho Chi prize in phar-
macy, Rhodes Scholarship, Sigma
Delta Chi Recognization, Albert A.
Stahley medal, Sternberg memorial
medal, Tau Beta Pi fellowship, and
the John J. Weeks scholarship in

VOL. XLV No. 145
To the Members of the University
Senate: At a meeting of the Univer-
sity Council on April 15 the follow-
ing resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, That the present
method of appointment of the Com-
mittee on Theatre Policy and. Prac-
tice be abolished and that the Presi-
dent be authorized to appoint a new
Committee on Theatre Policy and
Practice to be constituted as fol-
lows: The Director of Student and
Alumni Relations, the President of
the School of Music, the Dean of
Students, the Dean of Women and
four members of the faculty repie-
senting the Departments of Speech
and English, the Division of Fine Arts
and the College of Architecture, these
latter four members to be nominated
to the President by their respective
faculties. The President shall ap-
point the chairman of the committee.
The following action relative to
orientation period was aproved at the
same meeting:
1. The Orientation Period should
be continued at the University.
2. Changes in the organization and
administration of the activities per-
taining to the Orientation Period
should be made from time to time as
conditions and circumstances war-
rant, such changes being left to the
discretion of the Orientation Period
Committee. However, the following
possible modifications of practice are
suggested for the consideration of
that committee:
(a). Making attendance upon cer-
tain activities of the Orientation Per-
iod optional with each student rather
than mandatory.
(b). Encouraging the high schools
themselves to assume a somewhat
greater responsibility than at present
for acquainting prospective fresh-
men from their schools with some of
the more general adjustments which
must be made when they enter the
University. For example, the schools
can be encouraged to discuss with
freshman college organizations, soror-
ities, and in particular, the large de-
gree of personal freedom permitted in
college life, together with the result-
ing emphasis on individual respon-
. So far as possible, group leaders
should be chosen from those faculty
members who are vitally interested in
students and in Orienation Period.
H'eads of Departments are urged to
cooperate in the selection of such
group leaders.
Secretary, tJniversity Council.
Phi Beta Kappa Banquet Notices:
Last week the notices of this year's
Initiation Banquet were mailed to all
members who expressed a wish to
have them. It happens, however, that
last year no less than twenty reply
cards came back to this office checked
to indicate that the senders wished
notices but there were no names
signed to them. Naturally it was im-
possible to tell whose cards these
were. If you wish to have a notice
sent to you and do not get one, please
notify the Secretary as soon as possi-
ble, as it may be that your card wasI
among those that came back un-
signed. This is the only way in which
future errors can be prevented.
ORMA F. BUTLER, Secretary.
Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Ban-
quet: The Annual Initiation Ban-
quet of the Alpha Chapter in Mich-
igan will be held on Thursday, May 2,
at 6:30 p.m. Professor Robert D. Car-
michael, Dean of the Graduate
School, University of Illinois, will de-
liver the principal address. His sub-
ject will be "Number and Clear
Thinking: An Aspect of Human Cul-
ture." The banquet is open to the
husbands and wives of members.
Members of other Chapters are cordi-

ally invited to be present. Reserva-
tions or cancellations of reservations
may be made through the Secretary's
office up to 5 p.m., April 30. At that
time we must make our final arrange-
ments with the League. The price of
the dinner is $1.00., Tickets may be
gotten at the door. Please bring ex-
act change.
ORMA F. BUTLER, Secretary.

and $4 each, provided Festival coup-
ons from season Choral Union tick-
ets are returned, or without such
coupons, the prices will be $5, $6,
and $7 each.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information has re-
ceived notice of the following U. S
Civil Service Examinations:
Minor Laboratory Apprentice, sal-
ary, $1,020.
Immigration Patrol Inspector, sal-
ary, $1,800.
Announcements are on file i Room
201, Mason Hall.,
Senior Engineers: For the benefit of
the Seniors who were unable to se-
cure their announcements and per-
sonal cards last week, the deadline has
been extended to 2:30 Tuesday after-
noon, April 23. This will be your last
chance to secure any announcements
through your committee.
Sophomore Engineers: Class jack-
ets may be ordered at Masten and
Chase, 211 S. Main St. These jackets
must be ordered before April 25.
School of Education Seniors: Com-
mencement Invitations will be sold
in the lobby of the University High
School on Tuesday afternoon from
1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and on Wednesday
a.m. from 9:00 to 12:00. This is ab-
solutely the last chance for you to
get them.
Tau Beta Pi: Notice to all members
residing in Ann Arbor who are not
actively affiliated with the local chap-
ter: Please communicate with the
Corresponding Secretary at 715 Hill
St. and notify him of your present ad-
dress and telephone number.
Poetry Reading Contest: The final
time for entering this contest is 4
p.m. Wednesday, April 24. The name
and telephone number of each con-
testant and the list of poetry to be
used must be handed in to Professor
Hollister, or Professor Rich, or at the
,office of the Department of Speech
and General Linguistics, Room 3211,
Angell Hall. Contestants must be
eligible to take part in public activi-
ties. Each contestant will have 12
minutes in which to talk about and
interpret from memory the poetry
Contempirary: All manuscripts for
the May issue must be submitted to
the Contemporary office, Student
Publications Building by noon of Sat-
urday, April 27.
Students Interested in Spring Frolic
Those students who ae interested in
securing tickets for the Spring Frolic
can get tickets at the Information
Desk on the fourth floor of the Uni-
versity High School or by calling
Charles Emling at 7071.
Academic Notices
Geology 12: The first field trip in
Geology 12 for the Saturday section
will be held on Sat., April 27. The
same field trip will be taken by the
Wednesday section on May 1. The
list of field trip sections is posted on
bulletin board near Geology office,
please notice if correctly assigned.__
German 154 and 182: Dr. Diekhoff's
courses-Students in these classes are
requested to meet this morning, April
23, at 9:00 in 201 U.H.
German 32, Section 7: (Dr. Diek-
hoff) This class will meet this morn-
ing, April 23, at 11:00 in Room 201
U. H.
University Lecture:
Professor Malcolm H. Soule, of the
Department of Bacteriology, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Leprosy in An-
cient and Modern Times" (illustrat-
ed), Tuesday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Natural Science Auditorium.

This is the concluding lecture of a
series of University lectures by mtm-
bers of the University faculties, which
faculty members, students, and the
general public are cordially invited
to attend.
M. Guillaume Fatio, one of Geneva's
most distinguished citizens and a
member of the Comit6 of the Centre
of the Carnegie Endowment for In-
ternational Peace, will deliver an il-

lustrated lecture on the subject of
"The World Center," describing Gen-
eva, -the League of Nations, and other
international organizations at work
on Thursday, April 25, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Special Lectures in Constitutional
Law Relating To "N ewDeal" Poli-
Gilbert H. Montague, a distin-
guished member of the New York bar,
and an outstanding authority in mat-
ters relating to interstate commerce
and the Sherman Anti-Trust Law,
will deliver a series of three lectures
relating to current constitutional
problems. These lectures are defi-
nitely a part of the course in Con-
stitutional Law, for the present year.'
The dates and titles are as follows:
"NRA in Operation," Friday, April
26, at 4 pm., in Room 100, Hutchins
"Executive Law Making under the
Constitution," Friday, April 26, at 7
p.m. This is the annual Founder's
Day address and will be given in the
Lawyers' Club dining hall. It is open
to all law, students and invited guests,
jut is not open to the public.
"The Future of NRA," Saturday,
April 27, at 11 a.m., Room 100 Hutch-
ins Hall.
The first and third lectures are open
to the general public.
Dr. L. A. Mayer, Professor of Near
Eastern Art and Archaeology, He-
brew University, Jerusalem, and Hon-
orary Epigraphist to the Government
of Palestine, will lecture on "Sara-
cenic Heraldry" (illustrated) Friday,
April 26, at 4:30 p.m., in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall. All those in-
terested are invited to attend.
Events Today
Voational Series: Students in the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Meeting at 4:15 p.m., Room
Tuesday, April 23, 4:15 p.m., Room
1025, Angell Hall, for students in the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in future
work in music. The meeting will be
addressed by Professor E. V. Moore,
of the School of Music..
Dean Dana of the School of For-
estry will give the next talk in the
vocational series on April 30.
Botanical Journal Club meets Tues-
day, April 23, in Room 1139, N.S.,
7:30 p.m. Reviews of papers on var-
ious phytophysiological topics by Dr.
Gustafson, Miss Uhvits, Miss Hohl,
Miss Burckette, and Mr. Dunham.
Psychology Journal Club meets in
Room 3126 N. S. Bldg., 8:15 p.m.
Professors Morris and Hollister will
discuss certain problems related to
psychology and literary apprecia-
tion. All interested are invited to at-
Political Science Concentrates -
There will be a meeting of all stu-
dents concentrating in Political Sci-
ence at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Zeta Phi Eta: Regular meeting in
the League Grill Room, at 12 noon.
Engineering Council meets at 7:30
p.m. in the M. E. computing room.
Adelphi House of Representatives
and Athena will hold their annual
humorous debate at 7:30 p.m. in the
Adelphi Room, fourth floor Angell
Hall. The proposition is: Resolved,
that the desirability of women varies
inversely as to ther intelligence.nThe
public is cordially invited to attend.
Freshmen Men: The third in the
series of Union Freshman Forums will
be held at 4:15 in the north lounge
on the first floor of the Michigan'
Union. Prof. Bennett Weaver will
again lead the discussions. You are
cordially invited to attend.

Phi Tau Alpha, societashonorifica
Latina Graecaque ad congressum
festivum in honorem omnium disci-
pulorum litterarum Graecarum atque
Romanorum ante diem octavum Ka-
lendas Maias, hora 8:15, in hospitium

Tea For
Angell Hall.

Mulierum Michiganensium vos liben-
ter invitat. Vestitus cotidianus satis
Assembly: Important meeting at
4:15 p.m. at the League.

Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel
of the Women's League Building. Stu-
dents, alumni and faculty members of
the University are invited to attend.
Mimes: Important meeting of
Mimes members 4:30, Union. All,
members please be there promptly.;
Crop and Saddle-Supper ride to-
night. Meet in the lobby of the League
at 7:45. All members must have
heart and lung check up before rid-
Tuesday Afternoon Play Reading
Section, Faculty Women's Club-The
section will hold its last meeting of
the year at 2:15, in the Alumnae
Room of the League.
Coming Events
A.S.M.E. meeting Wednesday, April
24, Union, 7:30 p.m. All members are
urged to be present for election of
A.S.C.E. meeting oi Wednesday,
April 24, 7:30 p.m., Room 311 W. En-
gineering Bldg. There will be slides on
-the "Conowingo Hydro-Electric De-
velopment." All members please be
Electrical Engiftei's: Meeting of
the student branch of the A.I.E.E.,
Thursday evening, April 25, 7:30 p.m.,
room 248 Viest Eng. building. Mr.
Swartz, of the Detroit Edison Com-
pany, will speak. Refreshments.
Alpha Epsi1th Mu Meeting Wednes-
day night at Morris Hall, 9 p.m.
TransportatiCn Club - Meeting
Thursday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. Michi-
gan Union. Talk, "Recollections of
a Long Time Railroad Man." Memo-
ries of the Past, Comments on the
Present, Predictions of the Future,
(Continued oil Page 6)

Classified Directory

Graduate Students In
at 4:00 p.m., room 3001

Place advertisements with Classified
Adv ertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clocknprevious to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
r elepnone rate- 15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discountr Ifpaid within ten days
fro the date oflast insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month.......... .Be.S
4 lines E.O.11.,''months' '' .c
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired.........9e
300 lines used as desired.........Sce
1.000.lines used as desired. ...7o
2,000 lines used as desired.......6
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Tonic type, upper and lower case. Add
Be per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The abovesrates are for 7% l>oint
WANTED: Students with selling abil-
ity. Apply The Fair store, 200 N.
Main St. Good Wages. 192
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main 7x
Walt Disney's Cartoon Creation
A Silly Symphony in Color
25c Matinees and 35e Nights on
Balcony Nights Maii Floor
Double-Feature Program
S.S. van Dine's Detective Story
of Philo vance

A.M.S. Inc. 311 W. Huron
Phone 2-3267
LOST: Pair of gold oxford glasses, in
or around Michigan Theatre. Re-
ward. Phone 8817. 193
LOST: A white gold swiss watch. Lost
on E. University between League
and Oakland Ave. Reward, call 5785.
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY 2-1044.1 Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x



Adult class every Thur.
eve, at 8 p.m. Private
lessons daily. 10 to 10.
Wuerth Theater Bldg.
Phone 9695

25c Balcony Evenings
Gene Stratton Porter's
("The Little Minister")
Siecial Attraction
Latest Pictures of the
r"Dionne Quintuplets"
'sHoW KIDS" Musical Comedy
Another Swell Double-Feature
r"It's A Small Wor'dld "
Spencer Tracy
Wendy Barrie
Carole Lombard
Chester Morris
OF 1935
Read The Classifieds



17W V I RT H I

E4 ds Tonight
Ronald COLMAN Loretta YOtNG
Wednesdav - Tnrsday
- Plus



"Over the Counter" SALE
Wednesday, April 24, 9 A.M.
Season Tickets Reduced to $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 if Festival
Coupon is returned; otherwise $5.00, $6.00, and $7.00.
Single Concerts $1.00, $1.50, $2.00




May Festival Tickets: The "over the
counter" sale of May Festival tickets,
will begin at 9 o'clock Wednesday
morning, April 24, at the office of the
School of Music on'Maynard Street,
and will continue indefinitely. . At
this time albseason tickets which have
not been ordered by mail will be of-
fered to the general public, at $2, $3,


The mysterious future. What is hidden behind
that veil? It holds the secret of our hopes, ambi-
tions, career. It holds set-backs too. We cannot

DAILY 15c TO 6 P.M.
Judith Allen
Norman Foster
Behind The
Green Lights
____ ____and
Ralph Bellamy

foresee but we can provide against reverses by
starting a savings account immediately.

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