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April 23, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-23

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The Weather4
Generally fair today with 1
showers at night; tomorrow s

onversation Pieece ...
upplying A Necessary

Faculty Is
Proposed Appropriations
May Force Reduction Of
Faculty Salaries
Ruthven Fearful Of
Schools' Abolition
University Staff Reputed
To Have Lower Salaries
Than Others
The possibility that an unprece-
dented raid on the membership of the
University's teaching staff may be
made by other institutions, if the
State Legislature passes the pro-
posed bill limiting the funds of the
University to $3,200,000 in each of1
the,. next two years, was strongly
Shinted at by President Alexander G.
Ruthven in a recent statement.
"Five of the best men on the faculty+
have told me within the last two
weeks that they will be forced to con-
sider other offers," President Ruth-
ven declared.I
He attributed this to the fact that,
"Other institutions and enterprises,
reflecting a general upward trend and,
enjoying an increase in net revenue,
have restored salary reductions in
whole or part," but not one salary
of a teacher or administrator at the
University has been increased. +
'Living costs have been mounting1
rapidly and there are few connected+
with the institution whoare not
feeling the pinch. Yet we demand+
that our instructors, many of them
with families, continue to live on sal-7
aries ranging from $1,380 to $2,160 a
year," President Ruthven said. .
Alternative Is Limited Scope 1
Inasmuch as "salaries cannot bear
further cuts," President Ruthven said
the only alternative of the University
is "to shrink the scope of University
instruction" by closing one or more
schools and colleges, or the elimina-,
tion of undergraduate instruction in
the major units.
"This will not be easy to do since
the several units are, purposefully,
closely tied together," President
Ruthven said. "It requires years to
build a competent, scholarly, inspir-
ing teaching staff."
"To close a college means a dis-
persion of this staff, deterioration of
equipment, impairment of morale and
destruction of prestige acquired so
slowly and painfully through the
years," he stated.,
President Ruthven said that he was
not prepared to say, at present, what+
"doors must close. It is my earnest
hope that some means may be found
to prevent that." '.
Fund Supplemented1
Discussing the present appropria-+
tion of the University, President
Ruthven said: "The University was
limited nominally, to $3,200,000 for
each of the last two years, but actually
it was not. An understanding" had
been reached whereby the University
was enabled to supplement the allot-
ted sum with funds due the hospital
by the several counties for the care+
of indigent patients. This amounted
to an additional $800,000 a year. I
"Even with $4,000,000 available, it;
was necessary to reduce salaries dras-1
tically. An attempt was made, of
course, to apportion the reductions.in
such fashion that the burden fell
most hdavily on those in the upper
salary brackets. The cut, however,I

ranged from 11 per cent to 27 per cent.
"For at least three major reasons,
the University did not suffer so greatly
as to impair the quality of its teach-
ing or reduce materially the 52 dis-
tinct services rendered to the citizens
of the state," he said.
Teaching Not Impaired
"First, the reductions were not out
of line with those taken by employes
in other educational institutions or
commercial enterprises. Second, liv-
ing costs were relatively low. Third,
few key men left the faculty because
positions elsewhere were not being of-
fered them," President Ruthven add-
The current budgets for the schools
and colleges were: Literary, $1,097,-
490; engineering, $448,764; medicine,
$397,025; law, $174,370; pharmacy,
$18,578; dentistry, $129,478; graduate,
$71,317; education, $174,472; business
administration, $80,759; forestry and
conservation, $62,286; music, $75,807;
and architecture, $60,029.
Independent departments and divi-
sions are operated at a total cost of
$654,277, the business department at
$102,211, buildings and grounds at

Hitler Blasts Powers

Law Club To
Feature Talk
On New Deal

Orient Study
Group Holds
Meeting Here


Annual Founder's American Oriental Society1
Celebration To Be To Gather In Ann Arbor
ir i'd- ar 'M" r e ssi r


Montague, Famous
Lawyer, To Speak

Problems Of NRA To
Analyzed In Series
Lectures By Expert


Di tator Threatens
Censuring Powers
BERLIN, April 22.-- (P) - A new
blast from Adolf Hitler at the powers
which condemned Germany for re-
arming was promised soon by a for-
eign office spokesman today as the
Reichsfuehrer deliberated on it at his
romantically situated mountain home
at Hauswachenfeld, near Berchtes-
There was a growing impression
here that further action following
Saturday's brief note through member
nations of the League cannot be de-
layed much longer.
A holiday aspect still prevailed in'
the Wilhelmstrasse, where most offi-
cials are still absent on Easter vaca-
tions.rNo newspapers were published
on EasteraMonday, but copious tele-
grams reached the official German
newsragency from European capitals
describing the various reactions to
Hitler's brief note of April 20 reject-
ing the League council's arguments
concerning violation of the Versailles
Public Hearing
Seen For Anti:
Communist Bill
Baldwin States He Will
Attempt To Arrange For
Varied Representation
Possibilities that a public hearing
will be arranged on the Dunckel-
Baldwin anti-Communism bill for to-
morrow night were seen last night in
the state capital.
Sen. Joseph A. Baldwin, sponsor
of the measure, indicated that he
would try to arrange to have repre-
isentative drganizations both sup-
porting and opposing the measure
present, and if such arrangements
could be completed, he would ask for
a public hearing.
Although it had been expected that,
the bill would pass the Senate last
night and would not have a public
hearing until it reached the House
next week, a delegation of 185 people
who gathered at the Senate chambers
and voiced opposition to the measure
caused the deferred action to be taken.
A specially-formed student commit-
tee against the measure met Sunday
night at the Union and directed a
telegram to Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Read,
president of the State Senate, protest-
ing the measure and requesting a pub-
lic hearing. A delegation of promi-
nent students were sent by the com-
mittee to Lansing last night, and other
local organizations also participated
in the sending of delegations.,

The 10th annual Founder's Day
Celebration at the Law Club this
year will feature as guest speaker
Gilbert H. Montague, distinguished
New York lawyer and counsel in nu-
merous Federal and State anti-trust
investigations. The Founder's Day
banquet will be held Friday night,
April 26, at the Law Club.
During his visit here, Mr. Montague,
who has had wide experience in pres-
ent national politics, will give three
lectures on problems relating to the
New Deal. The talks, which are
sponsored by the Law School faculty,
will be held Friday afternoon and
night, April 26, and Saturday morn-
ing, April 27., The first and third of
the lectures will be open to the public.
Mr. Montague has been in great
demand as a speaker at learned so-
cieties throughout the country. He
received the signal honor of appoint-
ment to the Lowell Institute lecture-
ship for the year 1934. His talks,
which also related to contemporary
problems in law and economics, were
considered distinct contributions to
the understanding of present difficul-
Titles of the three talks are: "NRA
In Operation"; "Executive Law-Mak-
ing Under the Constitution"; and
"The Future of NRA."
Regent Ednund C. Shields will also
speak at the program and will award
the "billets" given each year to seniors
who have spent at least two years in
the club, according to Law School
Three justices of the State Su-
preme Court have consented to act
as judges of the finals of the Case
Club arguments to be held Friday
afternoon, it was also announced.
They are Justices George E. Bush-
nell, Henry M. Butzel, and Louis H.
Soule To Speak On
Subject Of Leprosy
Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, professor of
bacteriology in the School of Med-
icine, and an expert on the subject
of tropical diseases, will give the last
of a group of eight speeches by mem-
bers of the local faculty on the current
University Lecture series at 4:15 p.m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium.
His subject will be "Leprosy in An-
cient and Modern Times."
Dr. Soule recently had first hand
experience with his subject when he
was the first man to be sent to the
Cuilon leper colony in the Philippine
Islands by the Wood Foundation,
spending part of 1934 there engaging
in the study of the relationship of rat
leprosy and human leprosy.
He also spent three months in 1931
at the School of Tropical Medicine in
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The question: "Resolved, That the
Desirability of Women Varies Inverse-
ly as The Intelligence," will be decided
at 7:30 p.m. today by members of
Adelphi and Athena in their annual
,humorous debate.

T omorrow iornin
Students Welcome
To Hear Readings
Library and Museums Will
Display Exhibitions For
University Guests
The American Oriental Society will
hold its annual meeting in conjunc-
tion with its Middle West Branch to-
morrow, Thursday, and Friday in
Alumni Memorial Hall, Prof. Leroy
Waterman, head of the oriental lan-
guages and literatures department,
announced yesterday.
The society will convene at 10 a.m.
tomorrow for a business meeting.
President Alexander G. Ruthven will
address the nearly 100 members at a
luncheon in the Union Wednesday
noon, and he and Mrs. Ruthven will
tender a reception for them that
Henry K. Schock will be host to
the society at luncheon on Thursday.
There will be several exhibits
planned for the members of the So-
ciety which will be of special interest
to them. In Alumni Memorial Hall
will be exhibits of Tibetan art, Per-
sian miniatures, Islamic calligraphic
specimens, and old Japanese road
maps. Finds from Karanis and Se-
leucia on the Tigris will be shown in
the Museum of Classical Archaeology.
There will be illuminated Islamic
manuscripts and Arabic mathematical
manuscripts in the Library. The priv-
ilege of seeing the collection of Greek
and Coptic papyri, also in the Library,
will be extended to individuals. Mem-
bers of the society are at liberty to
see the Far Eastern collections in the
Museums Building.
The Union will be the center of their
activities, most of the members stay-
ing there.
Students are welcome at the fol-
lowing paper presentations:
The first of the paper presentations
will be at 10 a.m., tomorrow in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. They are
as follows: (The numbers in paren-
thesis representing the number of
minutes assigned for the presenta-
tion): A new version of Sennacherib's
Campaigns (20); A Chinese Machia-
velli (15); The Recently Discovered
Revolutionary Mathematical Attain-
ments of the Babylonians (25).
At 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall the following
will be given: The Problem of Gender
in the Semitic Languages (20); The
Date of the Hebrew Conquest of Ca-
naan (20); New Light on the Semitic
Background of the Greek Alphabet

Modern Buffalo Bill
Invades Campus In'
Afternoon Attackl
A pocket-sized Buffalo Bill, bran-
dishing a little bow and arrow and
twirling a toy pistol, put on a man-
sized Wild West Show yesterday
in front of the library.
Sporting a pair of blue overalls, and
topped by a tousled mass of brilliant
red hair, the apple-cheeked lad, only
about a yard tall, royally entertained
his numerous watchers for several
Prancing with him through thick
and thin was "Butch,"- a wiry little
mongrel who was almost as tireless as
the self-styled Buffalo Bill himself.
Included in the repertoire of the
cocky, strutting youngster were whiz-
zing arrows past the patient "Butch's"
stubby ears, scaling parapets in the
best Douglas Fairbank's fashion,
dragging, de-collarizing, and generally
belaboring "Butch" (who began to
froth), trotting fearlessly along the
tops of high walls, running several
miles in all during the afternoon,
bragging of his Indian fighting ex-
ploits and interspersing his antics
with confident and classy repartee.
House Recess
May Endanger
Future L a w s
Attorney-General Looks At
Constitutionality Of Four
Day Vacation
LANSIDIG, April 22. -() - The
Legislature reconvened Monday night
with the constitutionality of its future
deliberation in question.
The House last week passed a reso-
lution adjourning from Thursday
until Monday on account of Good FTri-
day. The Senate refused to approve
the resolution but the House ad-
journed regardless. Today Attorney-
Genera] Harry S. Toy, Emerson R.
Boyles, legal advisor to Governor
Fitzgerald, and others said the House
action may result in litigation to test
the validity of laws passed from now
The constitution provides that
neither house may adjourn for more
than three days without the consent
of the other. When the House re-
convened tonight it was the fourth
calendar day since adjournment. Tile
constitution does not sp:ecify legis-
lative or working days but says simply
"three days."
The House had before it a resolu-
tion proposing to resubmit to the
voters the so-called county home rule
amendment to the constitution. On
its calendar for consideration in com-
mittee of the whole were appropria-
tion bills for the University of Mich-
igan and Michigan State College,
carrying sharp cuts attached by thel
ways and means committee. The
Senate was ready for final action on
the Dunkel-Baldwin bill prescribing
penalties for acts or teaching or ad-
vocating the overthrow of government.
A bill to assure premanent employ-
ment for public school teachers was
introduced into the legislature by Rep.
T. Thomas Thatcher.
Dr. Harold M. Dorr of the politi-
cal science department told The Daily
early this morning that probably no
serious results would be brought
about by the four-day vacation of
the House. "I do not see how it can
have any effect on the remainder
of the session," he said.
BOWLING GREEN, Ky., April 22.
- () - J. C. Justice, 20, freshman
student, was struck in the chest by a
javelin and fatally wounded late today
at Western Kentucky State Teachers

College athletic field.I


Cite 725 Students
For Scholarship


Publications Control
Board Issues Notice
The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting
for the appointment of managing
editor and business manager of
The Michigan Daily, The Summer
Michigan Daily, the Michigan-
ensian, and the Gargoyle, and
business manager of the Summer
Directory, at 2:30 p.m., May 17,
Each applicant for a position is
requested to file nine copies of his
letter of application with the Audi-
tor of Student Publications not
later than May 10, 1934, for the
use of the members of the Board.
Carbon copies, if legible, will be;
satisfactory. Each letter should
state facts as to the applicant's
experience upon the publication or1
elsewhere, so far as they may have
any bearing upon his qualifications
for the position sought, and other
facts which the applicant may
deem relevant.
Business Manager, Board
in Control of Student ;
Family Banquet
To Be Held At
UnionMay 18
Planned As Part Of The
Home-Coming Week-End
Preliminary plans for the family
banquet to be held at the Union at1
6:15 p.m., Saturday, May 18, as a1
part of the three-day Homecoming
week-end being sponsored jointly by
the Union and the League, were out-
lined last night by Douglas R. Welch,
'35, chairman of the committee and
recording secretary of the Union.
Dean-Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley,,
now a state engineer for the PWA,
wrote Welch that "if it is at all pos-
sible" he will be in attendance at the
family dinner as guest of honor.. "I
am particularly interested in being
there," he said, "because of the open
house of the engineering college on
that week-end."
The program for the evening,, ac-
cording to Welch, will include a prom-
inent speaker whose name dill prob-
ably be announced within a few days,
and entertainment provided by stu-
dents which is now being arranged
by Jean A. Seeley, '36, assistant chair-
man of Homecoming and newly-elect-
ed president of the League. The din-
ner will be terminated in time to per-
mit guests to attend the May Festival
concert that evening.
Moore To Lecture
TodayOn Music
Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School
of Music will give the eighth of the
vocational lectures arranged by Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the Literary Col-
lege at 4:15 p.m. today, speaking on
the requirements and opportunities
for work in the field of music. The
lecture will take place in Room 1025,
Angell Hall.

Classes To Be Dismissed
On Friday Morning For
Honors Session
President Ruthven
Will Open Meeting
Henry S. Dennison, Noted
Manufacturer, To Give
Main Address
More than 725 students in all
schools and colleges of the University
will receive public recognition for
scholastic achievement at the 12th
annual Honors Convocation, which
will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in Hill
Auditorium, Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
chairman of the convocation commit-
tee, announced yesterday.
Classes in all schools and colleges
will be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. and all
students are invited to attend.
Henry Sturgis Dennison, president
of the Dennison Manufacturing Com-
pany, Boston, Mass., has been selected
as the principal speaker for the occa-
sion, and President Alexander G.
Ruthven will serve as presiding ofi-
Instituted in 1924 by the late Mar-
ion LeRoy Burton, former president
of the University, the Convocation has
been held annuallysince that time in
)rder to give the University the op-
portunity to honor publicly those stu-
dents who have shown outstanding
scholastic ability and achievement.
To Wear Caps And Gowns
All seniors and graduates in the
honors groups have been asked by the
ommittee in charge to wear the tra-
ditional cap and gown at the Convo-
cation, and a section of the Audito-
rium will be reserved for those receiv-
ing honors. Special invitations to at-
tend the Convocation have been sent
to parents of students in the honors
At the same time as the honoring
of recipients of scholarships, fellow-
ships, and prizes, announcement will
also be made of elections to Phi Beta
Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, and
other honorary campus scholastic so-
Mr. Dennison, who received an
honorary degree in business adminis-
tration from this University in 1929,
will arrive in New York today from
Europe where he has been attending
the International Labor Conference at
He received his A.B. degree at Har-
vard in 1899 and his Sc.D. degree at
the University of Pennsylvania in
1927. During the World War he was
assistant director of the Central Bu-
reau of Planning and Statistics at
Washington. He was executive direc-
tor of service relations of the United
States Post Office department and in
1934 was appointed a member of the
National Labor Board.
Attain 'B' Average
Students who will receive senior
honors recognition are those who have
attained at least a "B" average and
hold rank in the highest 10 per cent
of the senior classes in the various
schools and colleges of the University.
Junior, sophomore, and freshman
honors will go to those students who
have attained an average equivalent
to 'at least half "A" and half "B."
In the Graduate School those who
have been awarded the following
scholarships and fellowships will be
Special pre-doctoral fellowships,
University scholarships in the Grad-
gate School, Frances Farrand Boyn-
ton Alumnae Council fellowship, fel-
lowship in Aboriginal North American
Ceramics in the Museum of Anthro-
pology, and the Institute of Archae-
ological Research fellowship.
The Carl Braun Fellowship, Buhl
Classical fellowships, Emma J. Cole
fellowships in botany, Earhart Foun-
dation fellowships, Fisheries Research
fellowships, William P. Harris, Jr., fel-
lowship in the Museum of Zoology,
Edwin C. Hinsdale scholarship, and
the Margaret Kraus Ramsdell fellow-

ship in religion.
Lawton Fellowship Included
The Lawton fellowship, the Michi-
gan Gas Association fellowship in
gas engineering, Michigan Juvenile
Delinquency Information Service fel-
lowships and scholarships, The Rev.
John Henry and Helene Moehlman
Momerial Research fellowship in ed-
ucation, F. C. and Susan Eastman
Newcomb fellowship in plant physi-
The Parke, Davis and Company fel-
lowship in pharmacy, Albert B. Pres-


Oriental Science and
(Continued on Page 6)


Education Bulletin Tells Of
Fight For Agriculture School
The story of the University's at- the additional unit, the article re-
tempt to induce the Michigan Legis- lates, but despite his efforts the Legis-
state agricul- lature in 1855 established the new
lature to establish the g I school in Lansing.
tural college here about 80 years ago P'.i.n
is told by Prof. George L. Jackson of chairman of the Committee on Grad-
the educational school in the new uate Study in the School of Educa-
School of Education Bulletin, which tion for the Summer Session, tells of
will be issued tomorrow. . several innovations in the coming ses-
The Bulletin also includes a des- sion, including a course on "Current
cription of "The 1935 Summer Ses- Studies of the Educational Problems
sion," by Prof. William Clark Trow of Unemployed Youth" and another
of the educational school, a plea for on "Problems of Social Adjustment,
"A Needed Research in the Preven- Mental Hygiene, and Health of School
tion of Delinquency,", by Prof. Wil- Children."
lard C. Olson of the educational Another change discussed by Pro-
school, and a review of a survey of fessor Trow is the arrangement made
"Codes of Ethics for Teachers" by by Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
Lee M. Thurston, assistant superin- the Summer Session, in collaboration
tendent of the Ann Arbor public with the School of Education faculty,

Construction Of
New Addition To
$75,000 To Be Expended
On New Section For Use
As Storerooni
Construction of an addition to the
University Hospital valued at $75,000
was begun last week under the direc-
tion of the buildings and grounds de-
The new section, which is to be
used as a storeroom for supplies,
equipment, and provisions, is being
constructed to make room for the new
therapeutic pool in the part of the
main building, now being used as a
storeroom. The pool is made possible
by a $20,000 gift to the University
from the Rackham Fund.
The storeroom will be two floors in
heighth, and will form a wing on the
east side of the Hospital. The financ-
ing of the project is being accomp-
lished entirely out of University funds,
and with the exception of a few work-
ers from the local welfare rolls, the
addition will be constructed by reg-
ular employees of the buildings and
grounds department.
The addition will be of reinforced
concrete construction, with a brick ex-
terior to match the brickwork on
the Hospital proper. Designs for the
storeroom were submitted by Albert
Kahn, noted Detroit architect.
Prof. Weaver Will
Lead Union For u


Dean Edmonson Praises Work
Of State Schoolmasters' Club

Characterizing the M i c h i g a n
Schoolmasters' Club as an organiza-
tion which has greatly furthered the
efficiency of educational institutions
in the state, Dean James B. Edmon-
son of the School of Education yes-
terday commented on the past ser-
vices of the Club to .the field of edu-
More than 1,000 members of the
association are expected to come to
Ann Arbor Thursday and Friday for
the three-day convention of the Club
here, celebrating its fiftieth anniver-
sary with its seventieth meeting.
"The Schoolmasters' Club has ex-
ercised a very large influence in
Michigan especially in the direction
of promoting a high degree of under-
standing between the higher institu-
tinn,. S of pmminra nd 4-ha cnanrv

ucators. A number of other states
have since organized similar groups
based on the Schoolmasters' Club as
a model, he said.
The formal reception Friday eve-
ning will be followed by the annual
banquet, held in honor of Louis P.
Jocelyn, retiring secretary-treasurer,
and a member of the organization for
more than 25 years. Also at the
banquet will be Joseph H. Drake and
Levi D. Wines of Ann Arbor, and
Benjamin, L. D'Ooge of Ypsilanti
three of the four living charter mem-
bers of the Club.
Toastmaster at the banquet will be
Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the Law
School. Incidental music will be fur-!
nished by "the four men of note,"
Herbert Goldsworthy, Robert Mont-
gomery, Stewart Cram, and Max

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