ed to say and not what the administration wanted
us to say.
Result: The administration is as mad as all get
out at us and would like very much to get rid of us.
Conclusion: We still think we're right.
Champion For
Scottsboro .*.
A BRIGHT RAY of justice in the
Scottsboro cases shown through the
clouds of racial bias Monday when the Supreme
Court handed down recommendations of new trials
nor two of the convicted Negro youths, holding that
the trial in question was invalid because prejudice
had been shown in not allowing Negroes to serve
on the jury.
It is recognized that throughout the entire series
of Scottsboro trials racial bias has been shown.
And, since Alabama courts made it evident time
and again that the cases were being judged more
on prejudice than on evidence, the Scottsboro
youths are still hovering between acquittal and
It is encouraging to see that a fundamental
American principle, which has at times seemed
little more than a myth, is assured of one mighty
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regaded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Misplaced Sympathy?
To the Editor:
A few days ago there appeared in your paper
an article by Guy M. Whipple which presumed
to be an impartial analysis of the aims and pro-
gram of the National Student League. Actually
the article, under the cloak of impartiality, gives a
very incorrect picture of the National Student
League,. .
Time and again Mr. Whipple uses the time-
honored propagandist device of raising an argu-
ment that has its only basis in popular prejudice.
He advances these arguments appaiently for the
purpose of answering them, and he does answer
them, but he answers them weakly, leaving the
balance of prejudice still on the side of the argu-
Take as an example the accusation that the
National Student League consists mainly of "East-
ern semites." This is a very powerful argument
to the prejudiced mind, since both sectional and
national prejudices are involved. As a basis for
intelligent discussion it has no value whatever.
And how does Mr. Whipple, who had no good
reason for bringing the argument- up in the first
place, answer it? He shows that the majority
of the National Student League members do not
reside in Michigan. So what? Is Michigan a sep-
arate and distinct entity from the rest of the
Union? Are we Americans, or are we citizens of
sections of America? This is nationalism carried
to its extreme. What proportion of the mem-
bership is Jewish, Mr. Whipple does not say. Prob-
ably a majority is not Jewish, else Mr. Whipple
in his "impartiality" certainly would have pointed
it out. But again we ask, what is the point of
raising this question except to appeal to prejudice?
Fascists are fond of this sort of argument. We
do not believe Mr. Whipple is a fascist, but he is
keeping bad company.
Another example: Mr. Whipple says there is
"no evidence" that the National Student League
receives funds from outside sources. Of course
there is no evidence. If there were, does Mr.
Whipple think the enemies of the League would
scruple to use it? Mr. Whipple knows with abso-
lute certainty that the National Student League
receives no outside financial help. Why does he
mention the matter? Appeal to prejudice. It is a
common trick to say of a person that there is no
evidence to show that he is a thief ...
It would seem, from the article, that Mr. Whipple
honestly feels sympathetic toward the National
Student League. Hisssupport and sympathy should
be encouraged. It is gratefully received. At the
same time, it should be pointed out that many
acts most harmful in their effects are motivated
by friendship, and many of the greatest journalistic
crimes are committed in the name of "impartial-
ity." Mr. Whipple's article is an example of both
of these. -S.A.M.
AsOtherSee t
War Strike
(From The Indiana Daily Student)
What are these Western Methodist colleges com-
ing to? Here is an ad that appeared recently in
one of these small college publications:
"Women of the Church have cast off clothes
of all kinds. They may be seen in the basement
any afternoon between three and five."
A shot rang out on the University of Missouri
campus - a figure slumped to the ground, a bright
red spot blotting his shirt directly over his heart ...
"I killed a man! I killed a man!" screamed the
one holding the gun.
The University of Missouri student was thrown
in jail . . . and didn't get out until the "corpse"
came to the police station to prove that he hadn't
been shot.
And it was all a publicity stunt to make a fool out
of the Columbian Missourian, the student publica-
tion .. . but it didn't work.
A student at the University of Southern
California recently made the following state-
ment: "If brass ever becomes the popular ma-
terial for making ornaments, I know a number
of sorority girls who will be 100 per cent dec-
Sally Rand, who was once a student in the school
of Journalism at Columbia University, experienced
difficulties when she tried to change the Fourth
Estate into a nudist colony.
Make room for this one coining from the
Penn State publication about the scotch mur-
derer, who when entering the death chamber
complained to the warden that'he was being
Definition of a straw: Something which you
drink something through two of them.
Dean: Mr. Jones, I hate to tell you this, but
your son is a moron.
Mr. Jones: Where is he? I'll teach that
young man to join a fraternity without con-
sulting me,
Eight cows and eight co-eds provided the fun
last week at Ohio State in the annual milking
contest. The girl who won the contest finished
under great difficulty as her bovine became balky.
"I finished with one hand," she said.
What the Daily Illini said about the contest:
"She owes it all to udders."
Idaho and New Hampshire probably justify the
retention of their old state speed limit of 25 miles
an hour on the grounds that every state has an
inherent right to be seen by the passing motorist.
A great many students missed the opportunity of
attending the strike against war yesterday because
they had classes.
Off The Record
having an effect on "Cactus Jack" Garner.
There is no trimmer figure in the Senate now than
the vice-president.
He always wears a perfectly-pressed dark suit, a
gleaming white shirt and a meticulous black tie
- tied in place every morning by Mrs. Garner.
For the old spring fever, Mrs. Roosevelt pre-
scribes a re-reading of Alfred Noyes' poem, "Go
down to Kew in lilac time, in lilac time. It isn't
far from London."
'THE "alphabetic government" had Sen. Ernest
W. Gibson of Vermont confused for two days.
He was walking down the street when a stranger
stopped him.
"Can you tell me if 'WRC' is in this building?"
asked the stranger.
Gibson rummaged around his mind for a few
seconds, "FHA -NEC - NRA - ." He couldn't
place any "WRC," and said so.
Two days later he remembered it was a radio sta-
Sen. Pat McCarran of Nevada never makes a
speech without digging in his pocket for a
charm he carries - a little silver horseshoe.
PERHAPS no church in America has such an
unusual gifts on its records as the one listed
at Washington Cathedral.
One day akman who saidhis name was Robert
F. Biel, walked up to Bishop James E. Freeman
and said:
"Are you the boss here?"
"Yes," said Freeman, "what can I do for you?"
"I want to give the cathedral something," said
the man, "and I have no money. Could you use
a month of my time?"
Freeman could, and for 30 days the man worked
happily with shovel and wheelbarrow.
all his 72 years to get as mad as he did when
he sent his now famous letter telling a constituent
to "take two running jumps and go to hell!"
The constituent had berated McGroarty for not
having the Sierra Nevadas reforested although he
had been in Congress only two months.
Young eyes need the best of care in early years . . . because at this stage a
child's inquisitive mind is leading him into -the realm of books. More and
more time is spent in reading-and because of this fact, there is danger of
permanent injury to eyesight if proper lighting is not provided. Abuse of
the eyes through poor lighting results in eyestrain and near-sightedness.
Figures show that one out of every five school children has defective vision.
You can easily make sure that you have good home lighting by following
these five simple rules. (1) Use correct size lamp bulbs-"WATTS." In
table and floor lamps with three sockets, use 40 watts in each socket; with
two sockets, 60 watts; with one socket, 100 watts. (2) Have at least one-
tenth as much light in the rest of the room as you have on your book, news-
paper, sewing, etc. (3) Use SHADES on all lamp bulbs to prevent GLARE.
(4) Use shades with light-colored linings to get the most light. (5) Have
enough lighting fixtures or portable lamps to insure the proper intensity of
light throughout, the room.
These 5 principles will assure reasonably good lighting and will provide
proper seeing conditions for every member of your family.
IN SHARP CONTRAST to the stories of howling
mobs of European students who express their
displeasure of political acts by making as much
'.rouble and affecting as much destruction of prop-
erty as possible, representatives of 17 organizations
at the University of Michigan meeting the other
night to consider a strike against war and fascism,
"unanimously vetoed the proposed strike and took
definite steps to conduct a more conservative dem-
A university or college is above all a place for
sane, constructive thinking. Mere yielding to the
spirit of the mob never has advanced the cause
of any worthwhile project. While the proposed
strike against war does not imply property de-
struction, it must of necessity be regarded as a
futile step. Opinion against war cannot be raised
merely by demonstrations or public exhibitions by
various groups that, unlike the general public,
;elieve they have solved the problem. The only
way to insure the outlawing of armed conflict
is by educating the public to its fruitlessness and
Activitie s
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor
:30 A.M. - Lenten Service in Ger-
man. "Calvary's Miracles."
10:45 A.M. - Morning Service- Ser-
mon by the pastor.
5:30 P.M. - Student Walther League
sulnner a~ndi fellowsrhin hour-,
First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
L. LaVerne Finch, Minister
A. Taliaferro. Music
9:45 A.M. - Class for young men and
women of college age. Dr. Roy J.
Burroughs will lead the discus-
sion. Meet in the balcony of the
church auditorium.
Zion Lutheran
Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School; lesson
topic, "The Heavenly Father."
9:00 AM. - Service in the German
10:30 A.M. - Service with sermon on.