League Work
Will Be Filed
Standing Committees To
Be Chosen; Orientation
Program Enlarged
Petitions for positions on League
committees for next year are to be
submitted April 16, 17 and 18, the
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
following vacation, Jean Seeley, '36,
president of the League, announced.
yesterday. Regular application blanks
may be obtainetd in the Undergrad-
uate Office.
The standing committees are orien-
tation, merit system, house-reception,
theater and arts, social and publicity.
Women who are now members of these
committees must also petition, and
indicate whether they wish to remain
on the same committee or transfer
to another.
The League Council has also an-
nounced a new poster committee,
which will be a subdivision of the
publicity group, assisting at the same
time the other standing committees.
Petitions for either the chairmanship
or membership on this committee are
to be submitted apart from applica-
tions for the publicity committee.
Poster Contest
Rules Are Set
RU Frv-mi
In addil
-": 1 X u.xl.
ites, five co
Project Committee Is The! itsemO
Sponsor; All Students will pan i
May Compete 17. and 18
d Rules for the poster contest spon- for the fir
sored by the freshman project have year old A
been announced by Harriet Shackle- member o
ton, chairman of the arts committee. Associatioi
This contest is being held in connec- join in un
tion with the first annual Mardi Gras the third
and ball, to be held May 3. The dead- nowned tr
line for all posters is 5:30 p.m., Mon- the other
day, April 16. Lily Pons.
1Any University student is eligible.
A ticket to the Mardi Gras ball willB
be awarded to the winner, and all Helen Je
I posters submitted will be used. With the M
1Ygazet Hiscock, '36, chairman of In regard to the poster itself, the followed b
the League committee on orientalion, j standard size should be 15 by 20 further en
will irterview women applying for inches. The colors black and white august Op
positions in connection with that will be accepted; not more than three among the
work. colors, including the background, the day.
however, will be accepted. beauty," s
New Stars Will Be Heard
Ann Arbor Music Festival
IVID G. MACDONALD VNew York in January, and astonished
tion to the six old favor- the world of music by her attractive
onductors and three notable art.
groups, three new stars Wilbur Evans is a younger Amer-
cipate in the Ann Arbor ican artist of "the Nelson Eddy type,"
dal to be given May 15, 16, who has won distinction in many ca-
in Hill Auditoripm. pacities. As a concert and oratorio
the performers to be heard singer he ranks high. Studious and
rst time in Ann Arbor is 21 intelligent, he masters every detail
Mary Moore, the youngest of the roles allotted to him, and his
f the Metropolitan Opera renditions are true to the composer's
n. Critics and the public intent and the wishes of the conduc-
animously proclaiming her tor.
member of that world re- "Greatest Since Chaliapin"
gumvirate of coloraturas- Maxim Panteleiff, the last of the
two being Galli-Curci and <new" stars, is acknowledged to be
the "greatest Boris since Chaliapin
eauty And Talent was in his prime." "Stupendous" is
epson's outstanding success the term usually applied to his per-
detropolitan Opera Quartet, formances. Both the quality of his
y her brilliant debut and own voice, as well as his interpreta-
agagements in Broadway's tions and the breadth of his concep-
era House, has placed her tion, have carried him far. With
outstanding opera stars of such a "Boris" in the cast, the per-
"A queen of song and formance of this monumental work
-he represents a composite j promises to bring the Festival to a
is-ogi cal Society Hears
Speech On Plant Fossils
Dr. Ernest Miner spoke at the regu-
ar meeting of Phi Sigma, Biological
Society, last night. His subject was
nriFa~r rar11n ~miv1
The required lettering on the pos- ideal of what a great artist should be.
ters is. "Mardi Gras, May 3, afternoon Mime Schumann-Heink graciously
3:30 to 5:30 p.m., 25c; ball 9 p.m. to refers to Myrtle Leonard, another
1 a.m., $2.00; senior king and queen Festival newcomer, as "the other con-
crowned. The last item is not re- tralto." Miss Leonard, young, beau-
quired but desirable. tiful and possessing all the attributes
Contestants are asked not to put' of a great artist, has won success of
their signatures on posters since num- the highest order in concert and in
bers will be assigned to them. Posters recital, and more recently as an im-
are to be turned in at Miss Ethel Mc- portant member of the Metropolitan
Cormick's office in the League. -Opera
Svc. "s and Thneir Piant Remains.
In accordance with the more com- £ -
prehensive nature of the orientation! He also exhibited examples of fossil
program, this committee will be sub- e::rains and showed various slides.
divided into two groups, Margaret -
Hiscock, '36, chairman, announced. T
Women petitioning for orientation .at Is Nectar T
work are asked to indicate whether!
they prefer to act as group leaders il
in direct contact with the freshmen, -
or to assist with the administrative
phase of the program. Applicants for
both subdivisions will be interviewed By JOSEPHINE MCLEAN
between 4 and 6 p.m. on Friday, April Eat, drink, be merry and tomorrow
19, and from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and die of acute indigestion. Such would
1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 20. be the inevitable sequence of events
(To judge by the displays in the
The selection of group leaders will IPthnobotanical laboratory of the Uni-
be based on these interviews, accord- versity Museums) if the pale face de-
ing to a decision of the faculty-stu- cided to exist on the fare of the Pueblo
dent central committee on orienta- Indian.
tion. Miss Ethel McCormick, Missn ndan .
o The Pueblo
'ale Face Gastritis
Native Star
Ruth Posselt is another young
American whose successes have re-
futed the idea that all great musicians
must be foreigntborn. After winning
the Schubert Memorial prize a few
years ago, she spent several seasons
firp 7 a A 1 M,. F c1ii-'rrk w ,,ill nrv~ Ai
the interviews.
Applicants for leadership in orien-
tation are also asked to state on their
blanks whether they wish to work with
freshmen or with upperclass trans-
fers, since a definite program. is being
formulated for both groups. This
work necessitates presence on campus
the entire week before classes begin
in the fall.
There is a noticeable lull in the
social activities on campus this week-
end due to the approaching holidays,
but many houses have held elections
and initiations.
Alpha Kappa Lambda
Alpha Kappa Lambda announces
the election of the .following officers:
John Shannon, '36, president; David
Winkworth, '36, vice-president; John
Gordon Steel, '36, treasurer; Robert
Reinhart, '37, recording secretary;
Jarvis Dean, '37, corresponding sec-
retary; and Charles Zink, '36, steward.
Alpha Phi Alpha
Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha
fraternity announces the initiation of
Oscar W. Baker, '35L, James A. Ran-
dall, '36, and Willis F. Ward, '35.
Phi KappaDelta
Phi Kappa Delta fraternity held
its elections March 25, announcingI
Robert Merrill, '36, president; Donald
Stewart, '36, treasurer; and Foster
Campbell, '36, secretary.
Phi Lambda Kappa
The members of - the Phi Lanbda
Kappa medical fraternity wish to an-
nounce the election of officers for the
coming year. Louis E. Heideman, '36.
was elected president; Paul C. Stein
'37, treasurer; Carl M. Grossman, '37,
scribe; Morris Daitch, '37, steward;
Arthur M. Snyder, '37, house man-
ager; Frederick Zaff, '37, recorder, and
Norman Schkloven. '37, sergeant-at-
Tau Delta Phi
Tau Delta Phi entertained with a'
formal banquet recently. Several!
alumni from Detroit, {and Dr. Jacob
Sacks of the Medical School were
present. Leo N. Greenspan, house
president of the chapter, was in
charge of the banquet.
Theta Phi Alpha
At the recent election held by Theta
Phi Alpha sorority, the following offi-
cers were chosen: president, Dorothy
Jeakle, '36; vice-president, Mary Alice
McQuillan, '37; treasurer, Mary Es-
ther Burns, '36; secretary and pan-
hellenic alternate, Therle Wagner, '37;
and rushing chairman, Mary O'Neill,!
Serril Gerber, a member of the
executive board of the National Stu-
dent League who is spending a few
days in Ann Arbor, was entertained
at dinner at, Helen Newberry Resi-
dence last night.
These floods are part o a collection
of foods, fibers, and medicinal plants
vrhich have been sent here by archae-
ological expeditions to be identified
and classified.
"The laboratory acts as a service
station for all archaeologists," ex-
plained Mr. Volney Jones, assistant
research director. "At present we are
examining corn, produced in 1250 by
Lye Pueblos, a shipment made by the
State Museum of Northern Mexico."
Cleans Husks
Mr. Jones pointed out his colleague,
Alfred Whiting, a member of the bo-
tanical expedition to San Louis Po-
tosi, Mexico, who was cleaning the
husks and cobs by means of a blowing
Corn is today, as it was then, the
staple food of the Pueblos. It is to
them what rice is to the Chinese,
whale blubber to the Eskimo.
They do not, however, limit them-
selves to yellow corn, but raise many!
varieties. The corn grown by thel
Jamez, tribe, an orange and black
mixture, is the largest in the world
measuring over two feet in length.
There are, also, mulberry,blue, yellow,
white and black varieties as well as
mixtures of these.
"The Indians did not aim to com-
bine the types," declared Mr. Jones,!
"but rather made a conscious effort
Chinese Design
lalk Given By
Art Authority
"The Charm of Chinese Design" '
was the subject of the lecture given
Wednesday night by Miss Ruth C.
Merrick at a meeting of the junior
branch of the A.A.U.W. in the League. G
Miss Merrick who has travelled ex-
tensively in China, pointed out the
excellent use of pure design and con-
ventionalized forms in Oriental art. f
Tinted slides were shown to illustrate
the lecture. Miss Merrick also re-
viewed briefly the history of this
phase of Chinese culture.
Mrs. Karl D. Malcolm, president of
the junior group, presided at the
meeting. Miss Merrick was intro-
duced by Miss Mildred Weber, pro-
gram chairman.
The nominating committee, includ-
ing Miss Lurene Prouse, chairman,
Miss Hazel Spedding, Miss Fadelma
Hoffstetter, Mrs. M.' G. Underwood
and Miss Dorothy Malcolm, will re-
port at the next meeting. The book
group of the club will meet April 10
with Mrs. Marianna Smalley on
Brockman Blvd.
to separate them, cultivating them concertizing abroad. Returning to
in different fields." America with a wealth of European
"That we eat only yellow corn," atmosphere and tradition supple-
he continued, "is a matter of custom. menting her American "pluck and
The Indian introduced the yellow dent energy," she made her re-debut in
to the white man and he, satisfied, - ------_ - - ~~ ----
varieties, although the northern cli- t r e ic
did not attempt to cultivate other "Easteralhog te orhrncl-ervice
mate is well adapted to raising them.".!
If the white man was all too happy! And 'B'kf s
to borrow corn from his neighlbor, he I i PO1 I~
preferred starvation to eating Indian I
bread, a substance that is as tasteless
as fish food.
Colored With Ashes
Any aesthetic experience the casual! A special sunrise service has been
observer might have had, vanishes announced for Easter morning April
when he is informed that the ashes 21 by the Wesleyan Guild of the Meth-
are responsible for the gray shade. odist Church. The program will be
The chille-peppers are as spick given by the Guild in conjunction
as the bread is flat. These red vege- with the local chapter of Kappa Phi,
tables are strung across the mud a sorority for Methodist university
adobes for three weeks in the fall giv- women. The service, to be given in
ing them a festive appearance. They the auditorium of the Methodist
are used to season foods in the winter Church, will be built around the topic
months. ; of Christ's last week on earth, the acts
The only other foods of importance of each day being presented in speech
to the Pueblo are the bean, the sun- and song.
flower seed, and the pumpkin, a can- An Easter breakfast will be served
ary yellow variety with a fancy stripe, at 7:30 a.m. following the sunrise
service and again at 9:30 a.m. follow-
ing the early church service. It is be-
rTing sponsored by Kappa Phi and will
VTbe held at Stalker Hall. The second
breakfast beinL' served after the early
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "All the
King's Horses" with Carl Brisson;
Whitney, "Great God Gold" with Sid-
ney Blackmer and "Flirtation Walk"
with Dick Powell; Wuerth, "Baboona"
with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson
and "When a Man's a Man" with
George O'Brien; Majestic, "Let's Live
Tonight" with Tullio Carminati and
"Grand Old Girl" with May Robson.
Exhibitions: Prize and medal draw-
ings of the Collaborative Competi-
tion of the American Academy in
Rome, open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily, Ar-
chitectural Building.
Dancing: Union Ballroom, Hut Cel-
FALL RIVER, Mass,, April 4. -(IP)
- Mrs. Leuella Packard McHenry,
said today she had no stage or mov-
ing picture offers under consideration
for 10-year-old Alyce Jane, convalesc-
ing at Truesdale Hospital after an
operation which rightedl her mis-
placed stomach.
She referred all queries concerning
her petition seeking the guardianship
of her daughter to John P.. Cummings,
of Fall River, her counsel, who said
the petition had been filed "to pro-
tect any rights that may develop later
UU ai Uig 6 VUau 1UVly
service is a special feature this year.
All students and their friends are in-
vited to attend the functions.
Faculty Members
Will Address Club
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English
department and Prof. Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky of the department of educa-
tional psychology are to be the speak-
ers at the dinner meeting of the Ann
Arbor Writers' Club, to be held April
24 at the League.
"Modern Poetry" will be the sub-
ject of the program. Professor Weav-
er's speech will directly develop this
theme. Professor Mc~lusky will ad-
dress the club upon "The Psychology
of the Urge to Write."
The club will have as its guests at
this meeting, 12 students whose work
in the creative writing of poetry hasI
won distinction.
hr. ____ _____________
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British Isle s- Norwegian Fjords -
Paris tour July 5 - Aug. 26 - $435.
third class - $495 tourist class. Other
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Before You Go-
Your vacation trip! Where will it be this year?
That's a decision that is always hard to make.
Wherever it is, though, make sure of one thing-
that your travel funds are in a safe, convenient
form. We recommend
' P
l ill