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March 28, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-28

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BriJliant First
Night Audience
Welcomes Play
Reception Honors Faculty
Following 'A Midsummer
Night's Dream
One of the most brilliant first night
audiences the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater has held in some time wel-
comed the opening performance of "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" last
More than a hundred faculty mem-
bers and students attended the recep-
tion after the performance held in
honor of the groups which had com-
bined to present the show. Represen-
tatives from the School of Music, the
physical education department, de-
partment of speech and general ling-
uistics, the civic committee and the
committee on theater policy and prac-
tice-thronged the Ethel Fountain Hus-
sey Room following the last act of the
Mrs. Alexander Ruthven who
poured at the reception, wore a simple
black gown, trimmed with a corsage
of roses. Light blue crepe was the
choice of Mrs. Charles A. Sink, who
acted as hostess.
Mrs. Edward Kraus and Mrs. Her-
bert Kenyon and Mrs. Earl V. Moore
assisted in the pouring. Sarah Pierce,
'35, and Harriet Kesselman, '35, were
students in charge of the reception.
Miss Marie Hartwig and Miss Emily
White represented the Department of
Physical Education. Miss White di-
rected the choreography of the play.
Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Hackett,
Prof. Hans Pick, Mr. and Mrs. E.
William Doty, and MissRuth Pfohl
were present from the School of
Prof. and Mrs. Bennett Weaver,
Prof. and Mrs. Earl Griggs, Prof.
and Mrs. Louis Hopkins were also in
the audience. Others who attended
the opening performance were Dean
and Mrs. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs.
George Stanley, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick and Maxine Maynard, '35.
There will be a performance of "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" this af-
ternoon starting at 3:15 p.m. Three,
more shows will be given, on Friday;
night, Saturday afternon and eve-
Prof. Reeves
Gives Address
On Philippine
Graduate Group Hearst
Talk On Significence Of
Signed Bill
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of
the department of political science,
spoke at the graduate luncheon at
the League yesterday on the "Inde-
pendence of the Philippines." Profes-
sor Reeves returned recently from a
trip to the Philippines, where he stud-
ied the existing conditions.
The question of the promised in-
dependence of the Philippines which
first arose just after the presidential
campaign of 1900, was again brought
before the public last Saturday when
President Roosevelt signed the meas-
ure eventually bringing complete
freedom to these islands.
Although this recent act of the
government was done under the guise
of merely fulfilling the old promise
for independence, the real reason for
the action was to rid the American
sugar market of Philippine competi-
tion, according to Professor Reeves.

Professor Reeves went on to ex-3
plain that the actual transaction nowa
completed, the Philippine people are;
beginning to be a little dubious and
to realize the trenendous effect it
may produce within the common-+
wealth. They will now encounter the
regular tariff duties on imports into+
this country, and after the next de-
cade must pay for their own defense,
a job heretofore performed by the
United States.
The general feeling of others on this
subject is that the United States has;
just bestowed a great boon on Japan,
he said. This country is now the only
available market for the Philippine
sugar, a fact which will make the
new commonwealth financially de-
pendent on Japan within a very few
years. From this dependence, Profes-
sor Reeves pointed out, the political
control of the islands is only a short
step further. This is only one more
barrier removed from the ever-ag-
gressive Japanese, he stated, who al-
ready have a vast sea power over an
immense territory in the South Pa-
cific Ocean.

May Festival Star Admires Rare Orchi4

lWIsr Helen Jepson, Metropolitan opera star who will be one of3
the guezt artists in the 42nd Annual May Festival, to be held here May J
15, 16, 17, and 18 in Hill Auditorium, is admiring this rare orchid. Ita
required eight years of cultivation to bring it to bloom and is being
shown at the International show in New York.
A ha Nu Defeated B Adelhi
In Debate On Munitions Control

The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives defeated Alpha Nu in a debate
last night, taking the negative side of
the question: "Pesolved, That the
Several Nations Should 'Establish
Government Monopolies of the Man-
ufacture and Sale of all Combat In-
struments. of War."
The debate was the annual affair
between freshmen of the two forensic
organizations. The decision was ren-
dered by Carl Robinson, Ann Arbor
High School debate coach.
The speakers for Alpha Nu, the af-
firmative, were Lowell Kreig, John
Clark and Clarence Kresin. Those
upholding the negative side for
Adelphi were Bruce Johnson, Eugene
Gressman, and Harry Shniderman.
The Alpha Nu team declared that
the manufacture of war materials is
closely allied with national defense
and as such, should be under gov-
ernment control. As the sale of mu-
nitions has a close relationship to
international affairs and diplomacy,
they cited this as another reason why
governments should have power in
the manufacturing of war materials.
"Munitions manufacturers promote
war," the second affirmative speaker
declared, "because war means profit
for them. They send secret plans to
governments in an effort to encour-
age the buying of guns. Private mu-
nitions companies must sell in order
to exist. This is not so in the case of
the government, because governments
do not have to make a profit."
The third speaker said that govern-
ment control of munitions would
greatly promote national defense andC
would do much to improve "inter-
national diplomacy."
First Concert
Will Be Given
ByGlee flub;
The first concern of the year to be
given by the Freshman Girls' Glee
Club will be held Sunday, March 31,
at Mosher-Jordan. The club was
started in 1920 by Esther Hollands,
the first president, and Bernice Nich-
ols, now Mrs. George Hall.I
Since that time the Freshman3
Girls' Glee Club has given one or
more recitals each year. Its purpose
is to offer the freshman women aj
musical activity similar to that of#
the Stanley Chorus, for which fresh-
man women are not eligible, and to
give some sort of preliminary train-
ing for the more advanced group.
However, membership in the
Freshman Girls' Glee Club does not
insure a part in the Stanley Chorus I
and is an entirely separate organiza-
tion, restricted to 60 members.

"The plan of the affirmative does
not strike at the fundamental causes
of war," the negative speakers as-
serted. The fundamental causes, in
their opinion, are economic expan-
sion, imperialism, and nationalism.
In fact, the second speaker for
Adelphi continued to say, "if the af-
firmative plan were followed, the pres-
ent system would actually be aggra-
vated. This is so because of the 66
nations in the world, only from three
to five of which can produce all types
of arms and armaments. A few na-
tions - will monopolize arms. Then
what will happen to the other 50
Mr. Robinson based his decision
on the following points: "better an-
alysis of the question and clarifica-
tion of position; superior argument;
more adequate rebuttal; and a more
forceful and convincing presenta-
Honorary Society
CGooses Members
A number of junior and senior men
were pledged recently to Tau Beta
Pi, honorary engineering fraternity.
Those honored were adjudged out-
standing scholastically as well as in
character and achievements on cam-
The seniors invited to membership
are William Goggin, Eugene Whitney,
Sam Bousky, Rodney Dore, and Oliver
Spark. The juniors admitteed include
Ralph Bodine, John DeYoung, Wil-
dam Eason, Kenneth Mosier, Rupert
Bell, William Chapman, Robert Stev-
ens, Joseph Newman, Robert Pekels-
ma, Robert Merrill, George Ather-
ton, Tor Nordenson, and Arthur Will,

Spring Fashion
Review Draws
Large Throng
League's Show Exhibits
Great Variety Of Formal
And Informal Gowns
Over 750 people crowded the sec-
ond floor of the League yesterday to
view the annual spring style show,
which was sponsored jointly by the
League and a Detroit apparel shop.
Campus and professional models dis-
played fashions for every occasion,
from sports clothes of the extremely
tailored type to formal evening gowns.
An echo of last summer's cotton
vogue was seen in the number of sport
and informal dress frocks in this
material. Ann Osborn, '35, displayed
a bright red and white plaid, and
Mary Garretson, '36, a blue and
white plaid, with navy blue belt and
buttons. Betty Ann Beebe, '37, ap-
peared in a gray linen two-piece frock,
accented by red buttons and blue and
red nautical kerchief.
Among the smart daytime en-
sembles was the navy blue dress-
suit, modelled by Jane Servis, '36,
with swagger coat and blue fox col-
lar. Harriet Heath, '37, displayed a
dark brown crepe frock under light
mixed tweed coat with belted back.
For formal wear Mary Stirling, '35,
exhibited a starched lace dinner gown
in periwinkle blue reviving the shirt-
waist mode of the '90's. Louise French
'36, modelled a yellow chiffon sum-
mer formal.
Miss Eilene Yeo, of Detroit, ar-
ranged the exhibit.
Mr. E. W. Doty
To Give Organ
Proram Here
Program To Include Many
Selections By Bach And
Other Great Composers
E. William Doty, instructor in or-
gan, will present a program of organ
selections at 4:15 p.m., March 31, in
J Hill Auditorium as a number in the
Twilight Organ Recital series.
Mr.'Doty is a graduate of the School
of Music, and studied under Palmer
Christian in his undergraduate work.
For several years, he was a member
of the organ staff of the University
of Illinois. At the present time he is an
assistant to Mr. Christian.
He will begin his Sunday organ
concert with "Piece Heroique," by
Cesar Franck. Continuing, he will
play another of Franck's numbers,
"Cantabile." His next three selections
will be from the works of Johann
Sebastian Bach including "Prelude
in C Minor," "Chorale Prelude 'O Sac-
red Head,'" and "Fugue in E Flat (St.
Ann's) ."
His next number will be one of
the Hungarian author's, Kodally com-
positions, "Praeludium." The Hun-
garian temberament will be continued
with "Fantasia and Fugue on Bach"
by Liszt.
Mr. Doty will conclude his program
with "The Sun's Evensong," by Karg-
Elert, and "Etude de Concert," by
Bonnet. "The Sun's Evensong," is one
of seven pastels inspired by Lake
Delta Alpha Epsilon has announced
the formal initiation of Francis Hul-
bert, '35E, Robert Rogo, '36E, William
Loughran, '36, Lawrence Kennedy,
'38E, and Gerald Stewart, '36E.

Theta Chi announces the pledging
of James Ashley, '38.

fl Where To Go


11 - -- it I


Motion Pictures: Whitney, "A Lost
Lady" with Barbara Stanwyck and
"Women Must Dress" with Minna
Gombell; Wuerth. "One Night Of
Love" with Grace Moore and "Bor-
deitown" with Paul Muni; Majestic,
"One More Spring" with Warner
Baxter; Michigan, "Mystery of Ed-
win Drood" with Claude Rains.
Play Production: "A Midsummer
Night's Dream," 8:30 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
at Moderate Prices.
Floer Department
13 East Washington Phone 2-3147







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