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March 28, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-28

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For Next Year
Is Announced
Five Series Of Talks Are
Scheduled To Be Given!
From Morris Hall

Arkansas Hell Week VictimBade.lyBrned

Ticket Sell-Out

Iii ii

Five series of talks were tentively
cet for next year's schedule of radio
programs by Prof. Waldo Abbot, di-
rector of the University broadcasting
studios located in Morris Hall.
The Michigan, My Michigan Series,
which according to Professor Abbot
has been most popular this year, will
consist of speeches such as the "Early
History of Michigan," to be given
by Fielding H. Yost; "Indians of
Michigan," by Carl Guthe, director
of the Museum of Anthropology; "The
Heaven's Above Michigan," by Prof.
Heber D Curtis of the astronomy de-
partment; "Michigan Fish," by Prof.
Carl L. Hubbs of the zoology depart-
ment; "Early Medicine In Michigan,"
by Dr. Frederick Coller of the surg-
ery department; and "University Ex-
tension Serves the State," by William
D. Henderson, director of the Univer-
sity extension division. This series
will be given at 2 p.m. every Tues-
Series Subjects
G~ography and travel will be the
subjects of the series tentatively set
to be broadcast at 2 p.m. each Wed-
nesday. This series will include such
talks as "North America," by Prof.
Kenneth C. McMurry of the geog-
raphy department; "Old Mexico," by
C. Longworth Lundell, research as-
sistant in the Botanical Gardens;
"Hispanic America," by Prof. Arthur
S. Aiton of the history department;
"South America," by Prof. Preston
E. James of the geography depart-
ment; "The Amazon," by Prof. Carl
D LaRue of the botany department;.
"Greenland," by Prof. Ralph L. Bel-
knap of the geology department;
"Iceland," by Prof. Frederick W.' Pet-
erson ' of the English department;
"France," by Prof. Michael S. Parg-'
iment of the French department;
"Spain," by Prof. Rene Talamon of
the French department; "Italy," by
Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the Latin
department; "Mediterranean," by
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the geog-
raphy department; "Egypt," by Prof.
Leroy Waterman of the oriental lan-
guages and literature department;
"Japan," by Prof. Robert Hall of the
geography department; "Asia," by
Benjamin March, curator of the Mus-
eum of 'Anthropology; and "Philip-
pine Islands," by Harvey V. Rohrer'
of the political science department.
Talks On History1
A series of talks on the most im-
portant events of history will be giv-
en on the broadcast at 2 p.m. every
other Friday. The great events of
America's history will be recounted by
Prof. Verner W. Crane of the history
department. O t h e r outstanding
events of history of other nations will
be told in the radio series by the fol-
lowing members of the history de-
partment; Prof. Arthur L. Dunham,
Prof, Arthur S. Aiton, Prof. Arthur
E. R. Boak, Prof. Arthur L. Cross,
Prof. Benjamin W. Wheeler, John W.
Stanton, and Prof. Preston W. Slos-
Two other series which are being
planned for the radio programs of
next year are "American History As
Told by American Artists," in which
Miss Adelaide A. Adams of the fine
arts department pictures painted
great events in American history, and
"Safety First Series," in which traf-
fic accidents, sanitation, fire hazards,
and safety will be discussed.
Conlin Gives Views
In Mayoralty Race
(Continued from Page 1
dent Roosevelt's program is passed
by Congress," he said, "but if it is
passed, and the money made avail-
able, I'm in favor of getting our share
and getting men to work immediate-
Mr. Conlin, a local attorney, was
graduated from the University Law
School in 192. In his senior year
in the literary college, Mr. Conlin was
circulation manager of The Daily,
and acted as business manager of

The Summer Daily.
Campbell Reveals
Election Platform
(Continued from Page 1)
necessitated considerable red tape and
trouble to have the matter changed
from PWA administration to the
CWA, in order that men might be
put to work immediately.
The schools, he pointed out, while
not in the best of affairs, are rela-
+ tively well off in comparison with
other communities, still having a 10-
month term.
"There are numerous problems that
arise from day to day," he said, "which
can neither be predicted nor solved
except as they come up, and these
problems require experience and time
to handle them, in order that they
may be properly settled."

Paul Myers, 19, may be permanently scai red by bur sufft red wIhten
his face was smeared with a siver nitrate Eolution during a fraternity
initiat'cn near Little Rock, Ark. Six other pledges were s milaiy treated,
and possible prosecution of members of the fraternity has been discui:2d.

Candidates Are
Approved By
Trades Council
The Ann Arbor Trades and Labor
Counc~il last night publicized its en-
dorsement of candidates running in
the final state election April 1. The
actual determination of approved
candidates was vested in the hands
of the executive board.
Candidates endorsed include : Paul
V. Voelker, for superintendent of pub-
lic instruction Walter Bergman and
Charles M. Novak, for regents of the
University; George W. Sample and
William H. Murray for judges of the
circuit court; Henry W. Reading, for
justice of the peace; Cora L. Haas, for
county school commissioner; for
county supervisors from the city,
Fitch D. Forsythe, first ward,tHerbert
L. Kennett, second Ward, Fred H.
Sodt, third ward, Samuel Hammial
and Jay C. Herrick, fourth ward;
Adolph Schleede, fifth ward, Harold
D. Smith, sixth ward, and James N.
Galbraith, sevent ward..
John W. Conlii, for mayor; Walter
C. Sadler and Orlando W. Stephen-
son, for president of the city council;
for alderman, Redmond M. Burr,
first ward, Donald J. Mayer, second
ward, Carl W. Esslinger, third ward,
Max Krutsch, fourth ward, Phares
E. Winney, fifth ward, Roger L. Mor-I
rison and Gertrude Norris, sixth ward,
and Glenn L. Alt, seventh ward.

Contemporary Sale
To BeginMonday
The April issue of Contemporary
will be placed on campus sale Mon-
day, it was announced yesterday by
Donald B. Elder, '35, editorial direc-
The winning poem in the contest
sponsored by the magazine will ap-
pear in this issue. Judges in this
contest were Prof. W. G. Rice of the
English department, Prof. C. N. Wen-
ger of the English department, and
Walter Donnelly, editor of Museums
Other features will be a scene and a
review of "Unfinished Picture" 'by
Theodore Cohen, a Hopwood prize
play, which was produced recently
by the Hillel Players, and a story
and two essays which won prizes in
the Freshman Hopwood contest.
"Lightfrom Arcturus," a new book
by Mildred Walker, '33, whose first
novel, "Fireweed," won a major Hop-
wood award in 1933, will also be re-
viewed in this number.

For Jamboree THE STAGE
Is Pr edict e d
AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN with a great deal of dexterity; Vir-
Program For All-Campus "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM"' ginia Frink, whose Hermia is possibly
-A Review too mature and not sufficiently spir-
Aff air Almost Completed ited; Fred Staffmaster, presenting a
Officials State ply C. BRADFORD CARPENTER self-conscious Demetrius, and Charles
Shakespeare in the combined hands Harrell portraying Lysander roman-
A cnior ef s 41-n of f iokets for of Play Production, the School of tically, adequately, and vivaciously.
r- 'wnu.l ail- ampus iamboree to be Music, and the department of physical The comedy parts reach remarkable
'reld Aril 2. wac nredicted yesterday education virtually takes on a new heights, and Bottom, as acted hilar-
ly Student Christian Association offi- meaning. Such a sprightly, colorful, iously by William Halstead, is Shakes-
Cils. .finished "A Midsummer Night's
The jamboree program. which is Dream" as this is commendable with- pearean slap-stick at its best. The
headed by such well-known radio out reservation. other roles, those of Flute, Starvling,
stars as Tony Wons, philosopher and All the effort put forth in this pro- Snout, and Snug deserve all sorts of
humorist, and Sylvia Clark, impor- duction is well repaid in the results. A praise. Their dance, their play, and
Ionator and comedienne, is almost most effective and serviceable set their superb handling of low comedy
complete. J. Fred Lawton,'11, will creates a strongly imaginative and ar- in general is one of the most enjoy-
aga act as master of ctistically reserved bckgound for able elements of the whole produc-
se veral short skits by groups of play- what takes place on the stage, and tiori.
S flalso in the orchestra pit. Mendel- Frank Funk, as Oberon, is disap-
The Ann Arbor High School band ssohn's incidental music is deftly ex- pointing in view of the ability he has
and chorus will present several num- ecuted and aids immeasurably to the shown in other productions. He misses
offer the finale from the first act of necessary light, airy atmosphere of the essence of the role, lacking the
the Gilbert and Sullivan opera fancy and romance. On the stage are ( thereal qualities necessary. Mary
"H.M.S. Pinafore.,, capable actors who give almost pro- Pray is a gracious Titania but not suf-
The Glee Club and League Trio, fessional performances. ficient. Puck, as done by Goddard
which is composed of Jean Seeley What characterizes this particular Light, is graceful in pantomime but
'35, Mary Morrison, '35, and Maxine production, in comparison to others, weak in delivering his most important
Maynard, '35, are also scheduled to are the following features; the play lines. The work of Dr. Moore, Miss
appear on the program. moves rapidly, taking advantage of White, and Mr. Windt is to be com-
The entire proceeds from the jam- the most entertaining parts of the mended in every respect.
boree will go to the support of the plot, and .scampering over the least
University Fresh Air Camp. Described dramatically interesting; there is a
by Alexander G. Ruthven, as a "great prominence of pep and realism in the Ever D
project in human engineering," the execution of the roles; and there is
camp has helped more than 5,000 color - of the sort which enlivens "A
underprivileged boys enjoy six to Midsummer Night's Dream" as noth- at the CAMPUS C
eight weeks of camp life, during which ing else can. There is, however, an LOWEST PRI(
time they have been carefully guided unfortunate absence of a feeling of
and shown how to live a "more abun- unreality, the element of fantasy; for 60c CIGA
dant life." which some regret must be expressed. O DO RONO Camels - L
Starting from a small group of tents This fact may be accounted for To Banish that Chesterfield
13 years ago, the camp has grown somewhat in the execution of the roles perspiration Ral
until it has many cabins for the boys themselves. In the four principal 49c
and now a new main building is partsearesVirginiahChapman Goetz, .n. $
being constructed which will provide Evening-m-Paris
who does a soft, appealing Helena
eating facilities for the camp. The Combination 2 packs
new structure will also be available ------ - includes Rouge,
for the use of organized University Powder & Perfume 500 SHEE
groups during the winter months. VACATION FARES $ 98cU mLEA
More than 300,000 meat animals have Dandruff Remover 35c
been destroyed in Denmark since G e yhoE u nd S AM' 60c fo
1932 in an effort to keep beef and 60c4T o
pork prices from slumping, accord- 49C Tooth
ing to a newspaper survey. ROUND TRIP RATES 50c Extra Spe
- - _- .. _. . --- - - - L ow P
C H ICAGO ... $5.40 Tooth Paste 3
Squibbs - Kolynos
$1000 BUFFALO ... $9.50 Ipana IMPORTE
34c each TENNI'
SN EW YORK . $9.a5 3 for$1.00 3 fo
Special Student Buses These Specials Available Thursda
Michigan Union Parrot Campu u
h2 3 8116 Hours 12-8 218 So. S'tate St. (Goldman Bldg

Wood Prepares
'Celluloid Fish'
y New Method
Preparaitor Terms It An
'Outstand ing A dvance'
In rTxiermyV
An entirely new method of prepr-
ing fish for exhibits is being worked
out by James E. Wood, Zoology Mu-
seum preparator, it was nnounced
The new method, the essentials of
which Mr. Wood learned from Le-m
L. Walters. noted taxidermist of the
Field Museum of Natural History in
Chicago, consists in making celluloid
models of the fish. ie called it 'n
"outstanding dvance in tlhe field
of t axidermy."
Two fish have ben completed and
are now at the Museums. They a
life-size models of a hybrid sunfish-
blue gill and a rainbow troul Mv.
Wood asserts that they look mch
more like the real fish than any
stuffed model.
The celluloid models, which art
constructed by a long and difficulL
process, succeed in getting iridescent
colors into the body of the fish, mak-
ing it appear life-like.


s Sale'sDa

ucky Strikes
s - Old Golds
a Carton
for 25c


with reg. 50c size
Williams Shav. Crm
a buy at
85c Value
72 Sheets and
50 Envelopes,
All for 49c
Two 25u .ubes
Tooth Poste
West', Williams',
and Woodbury's
$1.25 ABBOTT'S
Holiver Oil
50 Causles for

ecial at the
Price of

y, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at
Rate 939. Ce .
g.) Phone 9392 (We Deliver)



"Remember how I brought you two together
I am a friend indeed. A better. a single coarse bottom leaf to
friend than others, because I am mar my good taste or my uni-
made only of mild, fragrant, ex- form mildness. I do not irritate
pensive center leaves. I don't your throat. I am a soothing
Is permit a single sharp top leaf nor companion, the best of friends.

:": :::

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