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March 28, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-28

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It Must Be
Repeated ...

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woemm mm me~~m.-- .
PubliAied every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the ;Big Ten News Service.
$550CI~ ~OV$$d C 019 i ts
-- 1934 1935 -
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CITY EDITOR. ....................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR....................EILANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas F. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPOR'1S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
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!:ond Goodman, Keith H. ,Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
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Hlen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Marjorie Langenderfer,
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Bentley, Anne Cox, Jane Evans, Ruth Field, Jean Guion,
Mildred Haas, Ruth Lipkint, Mary McCord, Jane Wil-

T(, [EEP OFF THE GRASS" is an old
story. But as old as it is, it seems
necessary to repeat it again and again. Repetition
is especially necessary at this time of year when
spring rains and warmer weather soften the ground
cven under a thick carpet of grass.
The careless winter habit of cutting corners is
ruinous to lawns in the spring. And of course
lawns trampled now will never fully recover, even
if reseeded.
Those who are not interested in preserving the
beauty of the campus for their own enjoyment
should have some consideration for the feelings of
others. We don't think it too much to ask of a
college student that he or she keep off the campus
lawns during spring soft spells.
Let's leave romping on the lawns to the dogs.
As Others See It
Mr Hoover Speaks Again
(From The Detroit News)
EVEN IN CALIFORNIA, the land of perpetual
summer, one may have spring fever. Herbert
Hoover is no exception. He has issued another at-
tack on the Roosevelt administration;' and while
the voice is the voice of the former president, the
hand is the hand of Ogden L. Mills.
All the ancient, misunderstanding Mills' argu-
ments are appropriated by Mr. Hoover. "The cur-
rency has been rendered uncertain." We thought
it was in the Hoover administration that the wise
boys began hoarding gold. "The nation is faced
with the greatest debt ever known to our country."
True; and the alternative was starvation and
ruin for millions. "The most solemn government
obligations have been repudiated." We should give
the bondholders an unearned present of 69 cents on
the dollar.
"We stand on the threshold of a great forward
economic movement, if only the paralyzing effects
of mistaken government policies and activities may
be removed." In what country is Mr. Hoover liv-
ing? "We stand on the threshold," indeed! In the
Saturday report of Dun & Bradstreet, covering 11
key cities, all but one reported wholesale and retail
trade better than last year; all but two reported
manufacturing "active," while of the two excep-
tions one reported it better than last year and
the other equal to last year's business. Collections
in 10 of the 11 cities were better than a year ago;
in the other they were just as good. Government
reports show business 34 per cent better than it
was in 1933. And all this in spite of "mistaken
government policies and activities," it would seem.
Mr. Hoover reiterates the parrot-cry of "a na-
tional economy based on scarcity." There was once
a time when it was based on scarcity; a time when
Americans barely wrested from the soil a subsist-
ence living. That time is past. Our national econ-
omy is now based on plenty, and in Mr. Hoover's
administration it was based on too much; on a
production that we could not absorb because no
means had been invented of distributing it among
the people who could use it. That failure of dis-
tribution carried over into the Roosevelt era; and
nothing better was thought of as a remedy than the
curtailing of production until surpluses could be
consumed or destroyed. This was not an ideal solu-
tion, but it was practical and it saved many a
Before Mr. Hoover criticizes what he calls "a
national economy based on scarcity," we wish he
would solve the distribution problem; show how
a surplus can be marketed without loss to the
producer, show how factory workers thrown out
of jobs because the farmer can't buy goods can
consume the too-great production of the farms.
Twelve years of Republican administration in the
height of the machine age did not provide the
answer. Has Mr. Hoover discovered it in California,
where Mr. Sinclair was going to end poverty? Or
has he merely an acute attack of spring fever?
(From The Wisconsin Daily Cardinal)
'rHE DAILY CARDINAL, in common with all in-
telligent Wisconsin fraternity men, gives its
whole-hearted support to the interfraternity
board's recent action in outlawing Hell Week and

in putting teeth in the illegal rushing legislation.
For some time feeling against fraternities has
been mounting. Most of this antagonism has been
directed at the superficial things in fraternity life
such as brutal initiation practices; as is true in
so many cases, the finer phases of the fraternity
system - good fellowship and social development
-receive no publicity whatsoever. Therefore, the
intelligent approach to the problem of re-insti-
tuting fraternities in the good opinion of the
public lies in the elimination of the discrediting
factors of which Hell Week is the most prominent.
The Wisconsin campus has seen the gradual re-
duction of the initiation period in length and
severity. Most of the reform has come from within
the ranks of the fraternities themselves although
cccasional campaigns by the dean of men and this
newspaper have, perhaps, helped in some measure.
Now the fraternities, through their representatives
have voted to give long and unduly harsh initia-
tions the final blow by regulating them to 24 hours
and restricting the duties which may be imposed
upon candidates to work around the house. It is a
wise step which the fraternities have taken and
all the more praiseworthy because they took it on
their own initiative and without the application
of external force by university administrative offi-
Rural mail boxes at a crossroads near Hohen-
wald, Tenn., bear these names: William Green,
Frank White, J. Brown, N. Black, and Brown Cof-
fee. What one might call local color.I

One of the bright boys in the Civil Engineer-
ing College at an eastern school was grad-
uated last June with honors and consequently
got a pretty nice job. lie was put in charge
of a certain section of a new concrete highway.
As this was his first position, he worked hard
to make a good impression, and by the time
for the final inspection by the chief, he
Ihought that his work would elicit nothing but
praise. The chief, however, was in a bad mood
during the inspection, and could find only
fault with the section of the road. The crown
was to high, the culverts weren't placed
properly, the shoulders were soggy, the ditches
were too deep, and so on, and so on. As you
c n imagine, all this censure put the young
fellow in a rather morbid state of mind. Wasn't
there anything right with his road? He
thought the inspector's attitude was distinctly
unfair, to say the least. Finally the chief gave
him a chance to speak as he turned and
"Well, young man, have you anything to say
for yourself?"
The engineer thought and thought. Finally
scmething popped into his mind. With a smile
cn his lips he indicated the expansion of
pavement with a generous gesture, accom-
panying it with these words:
"How do you like it for length, sir?"
Two Theta Delts at Northwestern University
lacked the necessary cash to purchase flowers
for a formal function. A violent storm was raging,
so they prevailed upon a brother to call their dates,
informing them that this was the florist, and
that the flowers could not be delivered because of
the storm. Then the gentlemen arrived and ex-
pressed their deep indignation at the lack of
When a playful March wind lifted part of the
chimney on the Delta Gain house at the University
of Maryland and crashed it noisily on through a
skylight, the girls never even jumped. One of them
later remarked that she thought it was one of the
student waiters dropping a tray again.
The University of Washington carried a column
on correct dress in forms of letters and answers,
and the boys and girls who are in doubt, as to
what is the thing -to wear can write in and get
the dope. The letters, according to many, may be
authentic and really sincere, but others have the
idea that they are planted there by a bright co-ed
who takes this subtle way of telling the men about
some of those terrible combinations in sweaters,
suits ,and ties. It wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
A Washington
F ALL JOBS he has undertaken since he joined
up with the New Deal, Donald Richberg may
find his ad interim command of NRA the most
perplexing. He is undertaking direct responsibility
for administration of this most badgered and con-
troversial New Deal agency with no certain assur-
ance that by mid-June there will be anything to
administer but a liquidation of NRA affairs.
Yet, the circumstances of Richberg's appoint-
ment to succeed Clay Williams, resigned, strongly
suggest that the White House is supremely con-
fident that its two-year extension for NRA will be
ratified on the hill. The rapprochenent between
Richberg and the American Federation of Labor
accomplished by President Roosevelt looms as a
highly signifficant move.
Labor gains a major point for which it has been
contending, equal representation with industry o z
the reorganized board. That there will be redoubled
labor pressure on Congress to carry through White
House recommendations for a further two-year
test of NRA with only necessary modifications
based on practical experience is as certain to fol-
low as night follows day. That probably was the
controlling reason behind White House policy in

setting up the new ad interim high command.
fERE IS a significant time sequence: The Borah
rider on the work relief resolution, proposing to
knock the props out from under all NRA codes
by repealing any suspension of anti-trust laws
contained in the original recovery act, went down
in the Senate by 10 votes perhaps an hour before
the White House announced the new NRA organi-
zation. The immediate press reaction was that
NRA had escaped virtual immediate decapitation
by so narrow a margin that whether it would sur-
vive at all beyond the June expiration date of the
original act was highly doubtful.
The White House did not seem to share that
view. On the contrary, it appears to have viewed
that 10-vote margin as ample to insure two years
more of NRA. The test on the Borah rider flank
attack involved the most critical point at issue
as to NRA's immediate future.
LEN. PAT HARRISON, whose finance committee
. blue-printing the new NRA and still in the hear-
ing stage, led the fight against the Borah rider.
He twitted the Idaho senator and Senator King of
Utah, an equally implacable foe of suspension 'of
the anti-trust laws, over the fact that they were
concerned with starting a judiciary sub-committee
investigation of monopoly practices under the
The Borah rider would be "the death knell of

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The Freshmen
Come Through.

. .

(10 c or 3 or more insertions)
Toii yourselves of the proven
Resltsof aily Classified Ads.

an error in judgment when you
hoped all the time that you were wrong.
The freshman representatives of fraternities far
exceeded any expectations in the decisive action
they took Tusday night as regards the modification
of Hell Week, although they did waste a good
deal of time heckling over minor details and rem-
iniscing -some bitterly and others facetiously-
on their experiences during the hazing period.
With the action of the freshmen it is now defi-
nitely established that the fraternities must modify
their Hell Weeks. The upperclass activeswant it,
the freshmen want it, the faculty members ex-
pressed themselves even more decisively for modifi-
cation, and the University administration wants
it - which last point alone is usually enough for
But the University hals not interfered, except
to offer opinions in modification action. It has
been the Interfraternity Council's show through-
out, and they can either establish themselves as a
responsible group with power, or stay as they were
last year, mired by petty differences.
The freshman meeting also indicated what the
attitude on the enforcing of Hell Week regulations
will be, if and when they are passed. They will be
strictly carried out, at least by the class of '38,
which is important as practically every house
provides that the second-year men put the first-
year men through their paces during the proba-
tionary period.
The only disappointing aspect of the discussion
at the meeting was that little mention was made
of the futility of Hell Week as it is now practiced
by many houses. The stress was placed on the pos-
sibility of physical injury. Granted that danger
of injury is of immediate importance, it is equally
as important that practices which serve no end
be abolished.
The principle end of Hell Week activities, as
expounded by the majority of fraternity men, is
to put the pledges in a receptive mood for the
initiation. Better authorities on fraternity history
and activities than we, have reiterated our state-
ments that the only end a Hell Week, as commonly
conducted, could serve is a negative one.
One freshman, who impressed the meeting
throughout with his intelligent suggestions, did not
take this into consideration, however, and said
he believed that the process of putting a pledge

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