Girls Play
Four Trypes £
Dances WillBe
Given In JG
Final Se ec ioui Of Groups
Is lVMade fy Members Of
Ccintral Committee
Selections of those who will take
part in the dancing choruses of "Tune
In On Love," the Junior Girls Play
which will be presented March 20, 21,
22, and 23 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre was made yesterday. All
those interested in the dance groups
were tried out by Russel McCracken,
director, and members of the central
committee and later received train-
ing under Miss Marie Hartwig, of
the Physical Education Department,'
and Jane Fletcher, dance chairman,
before the final selection was made.
There will be four different chor-
uses, and each of them will present
a different type of dance, according
to Miss Fletcher. Those who will take
part in the tap chorus which ap-
pears against a background of Wash-
ington Square Park in the opening
scene of the production, are Barbara
Coventry, Adelaide Crowell, Virginia
Benedict, Mary Cullen, Mary Jane
Watson, and Miss Fletcher.
The group which will present the
rhumba in the scene which takes
place at Niagara Falls includes Mar-"
jory Kress, Janet McPhee, Mary Gar-
retson, Julia Ann Wilson, Josephine
Hadley, Barbara Smith, Dorothy
Roth, Rosanna Manchester, Lola
Campbell, and Alice Slingluff. They1
will portray the various types who1
come to the honeymooner's mecca.
The modern dance chorus will be
the group featured as entertainers ins
the charity ball scene, and will pre-
sent a dance of dramatic characteri-
zation. Members of this chorus are1
Phyllis Price, Edith Merickel, Louise1
Florez, Elizabeth Roe, Ruth Clark,1
Elizabeth Sinclair, Betsy Thoman,
Josephine Scott, Opal McCreadie,
Frances Redden, Dorothy Adams, Es-t
ther Greenwood, Ellen Brown, Kayt
Burgess, and Miriam Stark.t
In addition to these, there is the
chorus made up of the Timkin Broth-
ers, of the firm of Timkins Caterers.
These are led by Jean Fleckenstine, as
Horace Timkins, head of the firm.
Others are Jane Reed, MarsinahC
Pierce, Betty Sonke, Anna Henkel,
Elizabeth Long, Dorothy Linden,f
Mary Kunkle, Rosalie Steck, Eleanor
Bierkamp, and Mary O'Neill.I
Heads Dance Group
Jane Flctcher, '36, is chairman of i
the dance
committee for Junior Girls
To. Preside In
Women's Club
Officers Are Elected 'By
A.A.W.C. ; Mrs. Stanger,
Mrs. William C. Hoad was elected
president of the Women's Club of
Ann Arbor at its annual .meeting at
2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the League. She
will succeed 1Vrs. C arles H. Eaton,
who was president for two terms.'
Other ofncers of the executive staff
elected include Mrs. Nathaniel Stang-
er as first vice-president, and l rs.
Delmar E.* Standish as second vice-
president. The new recording sec-
retary will be Mrs. Otto R. dreschke
and the incoming corresponding sec-
retary is Mrs. F. C. Cahow. Mrs. Al-
ton P. W. Hewett was elected treas-
New department heads are: Amer-
ican home, Mrs. Wiliam M. Laird;
applied education, Miss Francis Han-
num; fine arts, Mrs. R. H. Davidson;
American citizenship, Mrs. Chester
G. Perry; international relations,
Mrs. Henry S. Curtis; and social wel-
fare, Mrs. Charlotte Rueger.
Delegates elected to attend the
State convention to be held here are
Mrs. R. B. Finley and Mrs. Stanger,,
and alternates are Mrs. C. O. Carey
and Mrs. J. Karl Malcolm. The new
officers will assume their places at
the annual luncheon April 29. 1
Reports of the different committee
heads were given at the meeting.
Special music for the program was
furnished by Mrs. Ava Comin Case,
instructor in the school of music, and
a one-act comedy was presented "by
the drama group.
Der Deutscher Zirkel, organization
of German students, met last night
in the League. Prof. Heinz Werner,
of the Psychology Department, ad-
dressed the group on Speech Psy-
Bridge Contest
Will Be Given.
F Q r Students
Campus Tournament Will
Be Sponsored By Union
And League
A student bridge tournament will
be held simultaneously at the League
and Union, according to an announce-
ment of the first plans made yester-
day. Duplicate contract games will
be played, beginning March 19 and
lasting probably until May 1.
Each sorority wishing to compete
will be represented by a team. Non-
affiliated women will also enter the
tournament with teams. Games will
begin as soon as the enrollment starts,
and continue until all save the win-
ning sorority team and the winning
independent team have been elim-
inated. At the same time fraternity
men and independents will be playing
at the Union. In the final contest
the .two winning women's teams will
play the two winning men's teams.
The games are to be played on
Tuesday night, the same night as the
regular League duplicate bridge
games. The prizes are individual
loving cups, one going to the winning
sorority team, and another to the
winning zone team. If the two in-
dependent women winning are from
different zones, each will be awarded
a cup.
A similar student tournament was
held two years ago, from March 6 to
May 6. Marie Metzger, '35, chair-
man of the League reception commit-
tee, will arrange the women's games,
assisted by Jane Brucker, '35, Betty
Ann Beebe, '37, Helen Schmidt, '37,
Helen Gram, '35, and Harriet Hath-
away, '37.
Sioma Delta Chii
T o Initiate 7
At Union Today
Seven students will be initiated into
Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary
professional journalistic fraternity, in
ceremonies at 5 p.m. today at the
Union, it was announced yesterday by
Ralph Coulter, '35, treasurer.
The students to be initiated are
Thomas Groehn, '36, John O'Connell,
'36, Arthur Taub, '36, George Andros,
'37, Richard Hershey, '37, Robert Pul-
ver, '37, and Marshall Shulman, '37.
The initiation ceremony will be pre-
sided over by W. Stoddard White,
president, and he will be assisted
by William Brownson, Spec., vice-
president, Arthur Carstens, '35, secre-
tary, Coulter, and Guy M. Whipple,
The initiation of the new members
will be followed by a banquet in the
Union at 6:15 p.m., at which H. C. L.
Jackson, Detroit News feature writer,
will address the gathering.
May Festival Will
Feature Iimison' s
New Composition
A new work by Dr. Howard Han-
son will be given its first public per-
formance at the Ann Arbor Music
Festival to be held May 15, 16, 17, and
18 in Hill Auditorium, according to
an announcement from the office of
President Charles A. Sink of the
University Musical Society and the
School of Music.
The work is by title "Three Songs
from 'Drum Taps'" for chorus, bari-
tone solo, and orchestra, the text by
Walt Whitman and excerpts from his
poems of the Civil War. The subtitles
are "Beat, Beat Drums" written for
four-part chorus and orchestra, "By
the Bivouac's Fitful Flame" for bar-
tone solo, accompanying chorus and
orchestra, "To Thee, Old Cause," for
eight-part chorus and orchestra.
This will be the fourth Hanson
premiere at the Ann Arbor Festival.
The first was the "The Lament for
Beowulf," the second of "An Heroic
Elegy," composed on request by the,
executive committee of the Beethoven
anniversary, the third concert per-
formance of "Merry Mount" which, by
consent of the Metropolitan Opera
Company, was given before the oper-
atic premiere in New York.
The Ann Arbor festival chorus, con-
ducted by Dr. Earl V. Moore, musical
director of the School of Music, is
well known. The orchestra is the
Chicago Symphony with Frederick
Stock as conductor and Eric DeLa-
mnarter as associate conductor. The
previous Hanson premieres have been
conducted by the composer.
Dr. Hanson has said that sketches
for this work were made before the
score of "Merry Mount" was written
and that he has spent approximately
two years in completion of this new
composition. There have been printed
rumors of Dr. Hanson's absorption in
a new opera score, but his new work
is choral.
(hiurch To Conduct.
Series Of Lectures
The First Presbyterian Church has
announced a special program for the
Lenten season. The Rev. William P.
Lemon will speak on the general sub-
ject of "Religion in Great Literature"
at six suppers to be held in the church
The topics and the dates of the
talks are: "The Plays of Aeschlyus,
March 6; "Dante's 'Divine Comedy'''
March 13; "Shakespeare Our Contem-
porary," March 20; "Milton's 'Para-
dise Lost'," March 27; "Goethe's
'Faust'," April 3; "Browning's 'Ring
and the Book'."
A candle-light Communion Serice
will be held on Maunday Thursday,
April 18.
The topics for the six Sunday serv-
ices during the Lenten period will be:
"The Revelations of the Obvious,"
"The Happiness of Misery," "The
Survival of the Udit," "The Ignor-
ance of the Educated," "The Suprem-
acy of the Servant," and "The Dan-
gers of Safety First."
Luncheon Club 1
Addressed By
Prof. Pollocek
Saar Plebiscite Is Topic
Of Speech; Tension No
Terminated, He Says
The Saar plebiscite resulted in the
solution of one of the most serious
European problems, Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science depart-
ment, said yesterday in discussing
"The Saar Plebiscite And After" at a
graduate luncheon held yesterday at
the League. Professor Pollock was
chosen as president as one of the elec-
tion districts in Saarbreucken.
"Although much of the tension has
been relieved," he said, "the trouble
is not yet over, since Germany,
through her persecution of many
French supporters, may cause a dis-
contented minority."
Professor Pollock termed the pleb-'
iscite one of the fairest elections he
had ever witnessed. The first step
consisted in the appointment of a
commission of neutrals by the League
of Nations, which began work last
July in preparing a registration list
of voters. Only those who were resi-
dents of the Saar in June, 1916, were
allowed to vote. Every person on the
list was checked, and all objections
and complications carried to a neutral
court to be settled.
SWhere T o Go
Motion Pictures: Whitney, "Six-
Day Bike Rider" with Joe E. Brown
and "There's Always Tomorrow" with
Binnie Barnes: Wuerth, "Spitfire"
with Katherine Hepburn and "365
Nights in Hollywood" with James
Dunn; Majestic, "Student Tour" with
Jimmy Durante and "Limehouse
Blues" with George Raft; Michigan,
"Crime Without Passion" with Claude
Rains and "Charlie Chan in Paris'
with Warner Oland.
Drama: "Dr. Knock" presented by
Play Production, 8:30 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Exhibitions: Exhibition of Persian
miniature paintings, open from 2 to
5 p.m. daily except Sundays, South
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Col-
lection of fabrics showing modern
trends in textile design, open from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sundays,
Architectural Building.
Dancing: Hut Cellar.
Czps, Gowns To fo On
&hde3'J'" U'And, 19
Caps and gowns will go on sale
March 18 and 19 in the League,
according to Virginia Morgan, '35,
chairman of the caps and gowns
(Qinmittee. The total cost vill be
86.25, goxjns' costing $4.50 and
laps $1.75. A $2refund will be made
when the outfits are returned
after graduation. The sale date is
set early in preparation for J.G.P.
which will honor the seniors
March 20.
Bader To Speak At
]Black Quill Meeting
Black Quill, women's literary so-
ciety. will hold an important business
meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the
League. At this meeting, which is for
old members only, the officers for next
year will be elected.rB
At 8:15 p.m. Dr. Arno Bader of
the English department will speak
to the group on "The Poetry of Edith
Sitwell." Guests of members are in-
vited to attend this part of the meet-
I -
The FIR.'
ST Time
in Shoes!
*Connie is causing a sensation
with it! Simply trimmed with calf
.lightweight...and WASH- $
ABLE it deserves every bit of its4
future popularity! You'll notice
erspeciall1y the unusual quality.
N avy, Brown, Grey or Beige.
Delta Sigma Pi
Delta Sigma Pi fraternity an-
nounces the initiation off Donald
Rohn, '38, Leon Kercher, '36BAd.,
Rolland Gallagher, '36BAd., ?loyd
Monowich, '36BAd., Kenneth Kilgore,
'36, and Stanley Kilgore, '36BAd. An
initiation banquet was held March 1,
honoring the new initiates. Prof.Leroy
Waterman of the business adminis-
tration school was the main spealer
of the evening.
Jordan Hall
Jordan Hall is entertaining today
with a tea in honor of all former
residents of the dormitory. Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and Dean Alice
Lloyd will pour. Those who are in
charge of the arrangements are: Mar-
ion Brooke, '35, Virginia Keddy, '35,
Helen Sprague, '35, and Lucille John-
ston, '36.
ThetaPhi Alpha
The members of the Theta Phi
Alpha sorority entertained at a tea
Sunday in honor of their chaperon
Mrs. Nan Riggs. Guests at the affair
included the chaperones and house
presidents of the sororities on the
campus and patronesses of the Theta
Phi Alpha chapter, Mrs. George Burke,
Mrs. Allen Sherzer, Mrs. W. W. Wede-
meye, Mrs. Frank De ine, and Mi's.
William McLaughlin.
A centerpiece of daffodils and
white-stock, and ivory tapers decorat-
ed the tea table. Arrangements for
the tea were planned by Mary Alice
McQuillan, '37, and Helen Gillespie,
Kappa Sigma fraternity chose the
following officers at their recent fra-
ternity elections: Jack Stein, '36E,
president; Tage Jacobson, '35E. vice-j
president; Robert Eckelberger, '37,
rushing chairman: Edwin Eckert, Jr.,
'35, treasurer; and Willard Jones,
'37E, secretary.
The fraternity wishes to announce
the pledging of William Burke, '36E
' #
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