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March 07, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-07

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Academy Sessions
Open To PuLie .
ence, Arts and Letters convenes here
today for its 40th annual session. Its meetings will
be attended by scholars from virtually every major
field of study. Its scope and organization have won
it recognition as probably the leading gathering of
its kind in the state each year.
The Academy has not achieved great popular
favor. In large part ttis is due to the extremely
technical nature of many of its talks. It is also
true that the Academy has not made particular ef-
forts at publicity, and that the nature of its meet-
ings does not lend itself to adequate coverage in
he press. "
The fact remains that the Academy sessions are
open to the public, and that they afford an added
educational advantage made available annually
to the University community. The program af-
fords sufficient variety so that somewhere there
should be an appeal to everyone. Some of the dis-
cussions, such as those on unemployment relief,
ztate fiscal and welfare policies in the economics
and sociology section, are of general interest and
vital concern. The presidential lecture by P. S.
Lovejoy and the address by Dr. Sapir of Yale are
other features designed to interest the Academy
membership as a whole and the public in general.
A careful perusal of the Academy program will
show the possibilities of this educational week-end.


Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonygous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as conidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Warnin' T' 'Callers'
Dear Mr. Editor:
Some o' the boys was pulled back from the dinner
table and had lit up their pipes, and turned on that
thar radio. Some right purty music kept a comin'
in at different times which was made up by two
fellers by the names of Shubert and Handel, but
evely 10 seconds 'r so, when the playin' would lull
a piece, that there "caller" what talks over the
radio would begin to talk about some fellers who
are a tryin' to get a judge's job at a 'lection which
is comin', or be past.
Wa'al, me and Zeke, bein' sort of full of grub
and enjoyin' our pipes would get right peaceful
as that soft sort of playin' kept a-comin' over
ihe radio. Then we begin to get kinder aggravated
when this here caller kept up tellin' us about
who to vote for when the 'lection day come round;
Ind all the time he was a buttin' in on this hyar
peaceful music.
We recollects that he musta been doing this
cllin' fer our own well-and-good 'cause he kept
a-saying that if we wuz to vote fer so-and-so we
would be a votin' fer th' good of what he called
citizenship, and not on account of any polytics.
This hyar party polytics business, he kept a tellin',
didt really make no difference as lng as we voted
fer what would do> best fer citizenship. 'Course this
f,ller said something about this pertickler lawyer
he was a boostin' being a member of the Republican
bunch, but like as not it didn't matter as this lawyer
feller didn't have nothin' but good citizenship at
That bein' the most of whut this caller was ravin'
about and all the time the orchestry gettin' more
and more cut off, why Zeke jest reached up and
throwed a book, a-lyin' beside him, plumb into
thet radio, and busted it up considerable like.
Makin' things worse, Mariah come in frum the
kithen and started a lookin' fer her Bible, to get
some thoughts fer meeting that night, which
she finally found layin' aslant that thar radio
whar Zeke had throwed it. And were she mad!
Me and Zeke had to clear out frum the house and
amble down to the corner machine shop which
Lemuel Smithers kept open on Sunday afternoons
fer jest fellers like me and Zeke who couldn't get
no peace at the house.
Me bein' the writin' feller of us two, I figured
to ask a sort of favor of the Michigan Daily news-
paper to print this here stuff so that these radio
man at the University, Prof. Abbott, might see fit
to tell them caller fellers jist how much aggravatin'
they be makin' fer me and Zeke and some of the
other boys down here at Vine Center. I reckon
that even some of them college boys could git along
without too much talkin' over the radio when the
music is a tryin' to git heard.
-Lum Tinker.
As Others See It
California Comes To Missouri
AN ITEM of news has appeared in the papers
which we purpose to discuss with restraint,
but also with the candor its significance demands.
We refer to the fact that the Oakland (Calif.) base-
ball team will do its spring training in Joplin,
That the Oakland team has chosen well may be,
and hereby is, stated unreservedly. No happier de-
cision could have been made. March will have
passed its meridian, let us assume, when the Cali-
fornia boys arrive in the Ozarks, and April will be
plumed with lilacs when they turn their faces to the
West, enriched forever by their beauty-drenched
experience. They will see, in their brief sojourn,
gray hills burst into a glowing green. They will see
stark trees burgeon into the rapturous confusion of

bud and blossom. It will be their privilege to catch
the flash of a scarlet tanager in the leafy emerald
and to hear the bright chatter of the orioles
swankily gowned in sable and gold. They will see
vast, sprawling mounds of granulated rock - the

This story seems old to me but a columnist
at Cornell University claims that it really hap-
pened at that university.
On. of the freshmen at a well-known fra-
ternity house failed to close the door as he
came in. A sophomore was right there and
yelled, "Hey frosh, shut the door. Where do
you think you are? Were you raised in a
The freshman breke into tears and the soph
feeling that perhaps he had been too hard on
the sensitive freshman came over to apologize.
"Say old man. don't be like that. I know you
weren't brought up in a barn."
Then the surprising frosh answered, "That's
just it. I was brought up in a barn, and I get
homesick everytime I hear a donkey bray."
About 3:00 a.m. of the day of the Minnesota-
Wisconsin basketball game, five bleary-eyed Min-
nesota students pulled into Fraternity Row at Mad-
ison seeking the Alpha Delta Phi house. They
walked up to a building that looked like the
place, went in and settled themselves on the sofa
and chairs for the rest of the night. About 6:30
they were roughly awakened, and shoved out,
protesting, by an elderly house mother, who then
slammed the door in their faces. Looking back as
they moved slowly away, one brother saw above the
door the emblems and initials of the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority!
* ** *
There is a wrestler at the University of Min-
nesota who is going to amount to something
some day.
He was assigned to the health service for
measles about a week before a big meet. As the
day grew near the boy grew more fidgity,
afraid he would be in poor shape, even if he
did get out in time. So one morning he locked
the door of the ward, hauled other measle suf-
ferers from bed, threw the mattress on the
floor, and then got them to wrestle with him.
He kept in shape all right and was released in
time for the meet. But the other boys - well,
all of them went back to bed with increased
temperatures, and could not leave for a long
* * * *
A certain economics instructor at the University
of Maryland was putting his class to sleep reg-
ularly three times a week. The procedure was un-
varied. He would drone on to the accompaniment
of assorted snores. Every now and then he would
stop to ask a question, but never got an answer
except from one little brightie named Jones who
was always there to save the day. After a month
of this one-man monopoly, the instructor's patience
snapped. He delivered a stinging lecture to his sec-
tion and concluded by saying, "I don't quite see
how this class would get along if it weren't for
Jones and myself." There was a moment of dead
silence. Then came a voice from the rear. It was
Jones, "And I could probably do better without

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Cash Rates
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The Michigan Daily
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Read The
The Daily maintains a
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for your

Bell System engineers long ago began to work out
a way to clear city streets of overhead wires. The
first telephone cables were crude affairs-a few wires
drawn through a pipe. Continuous research brought
forth improved designs, better manufacturing
methods, cables of smaller size yet far greater capac-
ity. The cable with the greatest number of wires
today--3636--is 2Tin

More than 94% of the
Bell System's wire mile-
age is now in storm
resisting cable-one of
many developments to
improve service.


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* WASHINGTON, March 6.
bor Relations Department, Madame Secretary
Perkins' field contact man in most emergencies to
date, takes a more optimistic view of the double
constitutional unhorsing of Section 7a of the re-
covery act than any legal spokesman of the admin-
istration to date. He is quoted as having told a
Boston labor audience:
"We are to appeal these decisions to the highest
court and will have them reversed."
The legal New Dealers, from Attorney General
Cummings down, would not go beyond the appeal
mart of that. Too many Supreme Court rulings
":ending to sustain the constitutional outlawing of
7a so far as a Federal effort to intervene in reg-
ulation of labor conditions in a manufacturing
plant on the theory that manufacture is a part of
interstate commerce were being dug up to make
lawyers want to go out on a limb.
N ANY CASE, filing of appeals in all of the
cases challenging, constitutionality of the New
Deal acts was the essential thing. That serves to
stay proceedings. Presumably, except for the en-
couragement to political opponents and the added
uncertainties that might complicate the general
recovery drive which the trio 'of New Deal court
setbacks entailed. things were destined to go along
as they were. At best, legal determination of such
questions is a slow process.
In perhaps a fourth of the states the NRA code
program, including its 7a labor clause, goes march-
ing on under state police power regardless of what
..ny Federal court, even the Supreme Court, has
done or might do about it. Those states have "little
NRA" acts of their own that do not rest on even
state commerce control powers. How many more
states with more than 40 legislatures sitting may
be in process of such enactments, no one seems to
know. A shift of organized labor influence to state
capitals might expedite that movement to imple-
°nent the national recovery act with closely paral-
leling state legislation.
ASSUMING that the states generally had such
enactments, challenge of their exertion of po-
lice power to regulate labor conditions in plants
turning out goods of interstate commerce on the
ground that Federal jurisdiction alone extended to




.. ...









; . 1
: i : r
j 1.: N
.S' "
' 1.

Ev ls 4 the w4 istheU4
Event . . ..
of the wee s the UNION'S ANNUAL
to be held this Friday evening from

rine until one.

Of course the regular
is furnishing the


There will be a regular

Membership Dance Saturday from
nine until twelve, as usual. $ 1.00 per
Five free tickets good for any future
membcrship dance will be attached to
the balloons.



11 l



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