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March 07, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-07

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Four Puckmen






(2* -

Four Men To Go To Big

Ten WrestlingMeet Bissell Is Out

Appear In Last [
College Game
Johnny Sherf, In Michigan
Uniform For Last Time,
To Try To Boost Total
John Jewell To Play
NMaceollum Ends Career
As Best Defense Man In
The collegiate careers of four Mich-
igan hockey players will end tonight
at the Coliseum, as a championship
Michigan puck team rings down the
curtain on a successful season with an
engagement with St. Thomas A.C., of
S. Thomas, Ont., the seventh Cana-
tian club to invade local ice this year.
The game will start at 8 p.m.
If Michigan wins tonight a new
record in Wolverine hockey will have
been set with 12 victories, 3 losses, and
2 ties - another honor to be added'
to the Big Ten and mythical Michigan
collegiate titles.
Co4Captains Johnnyw Sherf Sand
Johnny Jewell, Don (Red) MacCol-
lum, defensemen, and Walt Courtis,
wingman, are the four seniors who
will complete their services as Mich-
igan puckmen.
Sherf Saga Reached Peak
Chief among these is Sherf, who
leaves a great individual record for
later Wolverine stars to shoot at. The
Sherf Saga has reached its peak this
season with the scoring of; 26 goals,
a new high as far as Sherf is con-
cerned and there are no other Mich-
igan players who have scored more.
His average is 1.6 goals per game, and,
considering assists, 2 points per game.
Jewell's appearance at goal tonight
will very likely be little more than a
gesture. Unless he gains in strength
today, he probably will not play an
more than four or five minutes.
Yesterday was his first time on
skates since his operation, and he
stayedI on the ice only two or three
minutes. To those who have seen him
in action these last three years, Jew-
ell's appearance will be a mild close
to a three-year performance which
culminated in establishing him as the
best goalie in the Big Ten this year.
Outstanding Defenseman
MacCollum is the oldest in point of
extended service. What with the in-
eligibility bugaboo, he has taken four
years to get through his college hockey
career. He broke in in 1931-32, when
Sherf and Jewell were freshmen. His
play this year, with Larry David as
a mate, pushed l'im to the fore as the
ranking defenseman in the Middle
West. He was named on the second
team selections last year.
'Walt Courtis, for two years a re-
serve, found his way into the starting
lineup of the first championship team
in four years. He has shown con-
sistent improvement all season in ad-
dition to his usual aggressiveness.
The foe in tonight's battle is a re-
'rected one. With a win aver Lon-
don A.C., a club which defeated Mich-
igan early in the season 3 to 1, Coach
Eddie Lowrey expects no easy game.
Michigan will win, though, he be-
lieves, inasmuch as Point Edward de-
feated St. Thomas in the Intermediate
Ontario Hockey Association play-
offs. The Wolverines took Point Ed-
ward, 2 to 1, in mid-season.
Gelinas, Soo hne Lead
All-Campus Swimmers
Raymond Gelinas and Martin
Sookne, with 10 points, were high-
point men ii the all-campus swim-
ming meet held at the Intramural
pool last night.
Gelinas won the 50-yard free-style

anid the 50-yard back stroke events
for his 10 points, and Sookne took
both the 50 and 100-yard breast-
stroke races."
The summaries - 50-yard free
style: Gelinas, Ryan, Griffin. Time:
26.2; 50-yard back stroke: Gelinas,
Snyder, Kellogg - Time 34.3; 50-
yard breast stroke: Sookne, Jones,
Brumbaugh - Time: 34.4; 100-yard
breast stroke: Sookne, Brumbaugh;,
100-yard back stroke: Elsworth -
Time 1:17.0; 75-yard medley: Jones,
Snyder -Time 50.4; Diving: Griffin,
Ashe - 27 points.
Only five of Ohio State University'sj
205 freshmen football players have
been lost through ineligibility.

Ends College Play



Tonight Wolverine hockey fans will
see the last appearance of Johnny
Sherf as a college player. The All-
American forward ends his Big Ten
career against St. Thomas A.C. He
hopes to continue to play as a pro-
N. U. Keyed To
Stop Tankmen
From Victory
Kasley-Horn Rivalry In
Breast-Stroke Event Is
Feature Of Clash
The Wildcats of Northwestern, up
to this season a power in national
swimming circles, come to Ann Ar-
tor Friday night promising to throw
aff the lethargy that has made them
just another swimming team this year
and really throw a scare into the
ranks of Coach Matt Mann's champ-
ionship tank squad.
National champions in 1929, 1930,
and 1933, Coach Tom Robertson's
proteges have been spasmodically
powerful and weak in their meets
this winter. Although they have con-
quered most of their opponents,
;wamping Wisconsin and Indiana in
Conference encounters, they have
:hrown away many individual vie-
tories in careless fashion.
Captain Horn Erratic
Even Captain Don Horn,Inter-
;ollegiate and Collegiate record-hold-
r in the 200-yard breast-stroke for
M5-yard pools, has not maintained a
steady pace. In one meet he came
within 0.4 of a second of his national
:ecord of 2:29, and in others he has
finished close to 2:40 or else has
>olitely refused to swim at all.
Friday night he has promised to
'orget the gallery and really go after
Jack Kasley, Intercollegiate record
'older for 20-yard pools. Qualified
>bservers have it that Horn will be
.orced to break the world's record if
he is to defeat the Michigan sopho-
more sensation.
In Bill Rollinger, the Wildcats have
i free-style expert who was rated
third best in the nation last spring at
30 yards. Rollinger has not yet shown
his form of last year this season, but
.s determined to beat his old rivals
Co-captain Bob Renner and Ogden
Dalrymple in his last dual perform-
ance in college competition.
Hahn In Free-Style Events
The 1933 medley relay team of
Horn, Bernie Hahn, and Art High-
land, set a new world's record in the
National Collegiate meet of that year
and back-stroker Hahn of that trio
is back this season but is competing
in the free-style events.
In addition to the regular events
of the meet, Coach Mann will send
breast-stroke relay teams after the
American records at distances rang-
ing from 800 yards on up.
The Coliseum will close Sunday
at 5 p.m., it was announced yes-
terday by Eddie Lowrey, manager.
Sunday, from 3 to 5 p.m., will
be the last day for skaters. Low-
rey warns those who have skates
checked at the Coliseum to call
for them this week.

Matt Mann yesterday added his
words of wisdom to the current dis-
cussion about "unbreakable" records,
limiting his field to swimming marks
and mark-makers.i
The famous mentor refused to com-
mit himself at all on "perfect" swim-
ming marks, saying that no one can
tell what they will be a decade hence.
Physiological considerations, as he
thinks, are only secondary to a men-'
tal conditioin which defies any pro-
"It's absolutely a mental
thing!" Matt shouted in his con-
vincing way. Changes in tech-
nique have made a difference but
they canot explain the modern
records as compared to those ex-
isting just a few years ago.
Of course, he pointed out, there
are some things, like the butterfly
stroke in breast-stroke swimming
which make for better times but the
main thing is that modern swimmers
"just don't get tired as easily as they
used to." He did not mean that physi-
cal stamina has improved, only that
swimmers refuse to admit that they're
He thinks, incidentally, that the
butterfly stroke which Jack Kasley
uses with such deadly effect should
be made illegal. It is, he says, es-
sentially an over-hand stroke, not a
breast-stroke, but as long as it is of-
ficially approved it would be foolish
to ask Kasley to go back to the old
The two things swimmers need,
Matt says, are rhythm and
"floating power." Rhythm, he
says, is essential for the proper
coordination of arm and leg
strokes while "floating power"
is just a characteristic some men
have and some don't. Light, hol-
low bones are the prime factors in
making a "floater." This is one
of the chief reasons why young
boys, still in high school, have
been such successful swimmers.
Most high school boys are "float-
ers" because their bones are still hol-
low and light. Often, by the time
they enter college they are pounds
A floater has an original advan-
tage over a non-floater in that he
can expend all his efforts in forward
motion while the latter has to waste
strength keeping himself afloat. Matt
used the examples of Taylor Drys-
dale and Charlie Salie of Ohio State
to demonstrate his point. Drysdale,
he says, is a natural floater and sails
effortlessly through the water, while
Salie is a good backstroker but has
to work like a horse keeping himself
Distance swimmers like Jack
Medica and Tex Robertson are
almost always floaters, accord-
ing to Matt, because conservation
of every ounce of available energy
is most important there.
In his wandering but always ex-
Alamation-pointed way Matt finally
returned to the matter of records. In
1902 when Matt was junior champion
of England (having won the title in
a non-stop swim around the British
Isles, it is rumored) the 100-yard
free style record was held by one
Ralph Derbyshire in 59.5 seconds. Ex-
perts wrote reams proving that mark
would never be bettered.
Their predictions held for several
years, at least until Jack Daniels, of
the N.Y.A.C., invaded England and
lowered the mark to 54.4 seconds to
the consternation of a lot of pedagog-
ial predicters.
Daniels was clearly far ahead of his
time, however. For six years swim-
mers shot at his mark in vain, until
Duke Kahanomoku camecalong and
lowered it to within a second of the
existing mark.
It is evident, Matt says, that
swimming records are far behind
those of track, 20 years or more
behind the cinder sport. A rec-
ord of some sort is smashed at
almoet every meet in which two

good tank teams get together.
The converging lines of existing
marks and "perfect" records are
still far apart.

Heavenrich is
Picked To Win
In '135' Class
Injuries Keep Levile And
Bissell Out Of Big Ten
Meet At Chicago
Michigan's wrestling contingent of
our Varsity men will leave today for
Chicago, scene of the Big Ten wres-
tling meet tomorrow and Saturday.
Coach Cliff Keene is entering only
those men who have a chance to win
or place. Injuries are keeping two of,
his ablest grapplers out of action. Abe
Levine, who battled Cramer of Ohio
State. the man favored to take the
165-pound title this week end, to a
draw last Saturday, despite a broken
rib, is in no condition for strenuous
Frank Bissell, originally expected
to compete at 155 pounds in the Con-;
fcrence meet is nursing a cauliflower
ear among other injuries, and will
not enter the show at the Windy City,
but will be in shape for the Nationals
at Lehigh University later in the
Heavenrich Is Favored
Success in the Conference meet will
act as the determinant of Michigan's
squad of entries in the Nationals.
Capt. Harrod leads the Michigan
squad and will wrestle at 145-pounds.
Wally Heavenrich will endeavor to
bring home the Big Ten title in the
135-pound division. Seymour Rubin
will represent the Wolverines at 126-'
pounds and Bill Lowell fills out the
list at 175-pounds.
Heavenrich has defeated four Con-
ference opponents and is not expected
to meet any tougher opposition. Har-
rod has returned to form, and al-
though he was defeated last week
against Indiana, he was leading his
rival during the greater part of the
match and lost it only by working for
ja fall and letting his opponent get the
Rubin Has Edge
Seymour Rubin, has been consis-.
tently good in all his matches this
season and while he will run up
against tough opposition, he has a
better than even chance to win.
Coach Keen stated thattbeginning
Monday, spring wrestling practice will
be held for three weeks. Anyone who
is interested in learning the funda-
mentals will have an excellent oppor-
tunity to do so and will also have a
chance to gain a position on next
year's Varsity mat team. This prac-
tice is especially open to men in the
lighter weight divisions. The unsuc-J
cessful season which the grapplers
have experienced was due in a great
measure to the scarcity of substitutes
in the 118 and 126-pound classes.

Tends Last Goal

Although the Michigan track team
will be top-heavy favorites for the
Conference title in Saturday's meet
at Chicago, competition for other 1
places will be bitter, according to the
dope sheet of Phil Diamond, whichi
predicts a close fight for second place t
:etween Ohio State and Indiana, with
'he other schools stringing along be- l
Michigan entries are favored to take
five and possibly seven firsts, and the
remaining schools spliting the other
The leading representatives of the
other Conference teams and their pos-
sible points are given here according
to their dual meet records and pre-
dictions as in the dope "sheet."
OHIO STATE - Led by Jesse
Owens, who will enter the dash and
probably the high hurdles, the Buck-
eyes are picked for second place. John
Wonsowitz, who has vaulted 13 feet,
5 inches this winter, will also be fa-
vored to battle for a first place. Mel
Walker, sophomore high jumper who
has done 6 feet, 4 inches, is favored
to offer Willis Ward of Michigan his
first serious competition.
INDIANA -Don Lash, another
sophomore, will be favored in the
two-mile run. His best time of 9:35.9
is not as good as he registered as a
freshman, but is the best turned in by
a Big Ten distance star. Marmeduke
Hobbs, with 1:58 in the half-mile
should finish high in that event, as
well as in the mile, although his per-
formances during the season have
been erratic. Indiana's relay team has
registered 3:26.9, the second best time
of the season.
IOWA -Picked by Phil Diamond
for third place, the Hawkeyes will be
led by the brilliant Jimmie Owen who
has been credited with the world's rec-

Johnny Jewell, out of 'the hospital
only two weeks after an appendec-
tomy, will make his last appearance
on the ice for Michigan tonight. He
skated yesterday for the first time
since his operation and hopes to be
in the nets for at least a few minutes.
Coach Claims Net
Teams s Strongest
In Recent Years
"The strongest and most balanced
team to represent Michigan during
my coaching career here is just lucky
enough to come the year that the
Big Ten has more individual stars
than ever before," said Coach Johnny
Johnstone while discussing the Wol-
verine's 1935 tennis squad.
There has never been a year, at
least in recent times, that the Mich-
igan net squad has not had a glaring
weakness in at least one department,
but with such veterans as Seymour
Siegel, Howard Kahn, Ted Thornward,
Johnny Rodriguez, and Bob Anderson,
'eady for another successful season,
to say nothing of Milt Eskowitz, Bob
Edmands, Miller Sherwood and Jarvis
Dean there is every prospect to think
that Michigan will have a particularly
formidable combination, lacking per-
haps in individual stars, but making
up for this in team competition with
points in all matches.
An innovation in the playing of dual
meets will be made when the Ohio
State and Northwestern tennis teams
come here the same week-end to- play
the Wolverines and one another, thus
saving the extra railroad expense.
Michigan will do the same thing later

? i

1 416 West Huron Phone 8270


'in the season when they journey to
Michigan Seeks Cup In Chicago to play Northwestern and
Minnesota. The latter will be in the
Collegiate Billiard Meet Windy City to engage the Purple net-
Mihgns .iladte1 wl tern

Michigan's billiard team will be
playing for permanent possession of
the cup awarded to the annual win-
ner of the Intercollegiate telegraphic
billiard meet in the Union billiard
room today.
Full title to the cup is given to the
school which wins the title three
times. Michigan has won twice.
Michigan's team is composed of Al-
len, Sherman, Jeyner, Jones and
Fourteen other colleges are com-
peting in the tourney, each repre-
sented by a five-man team. Results
will be wired to Michigan State Col-
lege which will serve as headquarters.




109-111 E. Washington
Dial 8132

Because the regional basketball
tournament will be held on the
Intramural Building courts Fri-
day, Saturday, and Sunday there
will be no tennis on those days.
The Intramural swimming pool
will be open only until 5 p.m. this
week because of Varsity practice.
Red Lucas always steps over the
foul line with his right foot first when
on the way to the pitcher'sbox. It
gives him luck, he says.

', i



- _ _ _ _ i f




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