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March 07, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-07

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R.O.T.C. To Be
Given Medical
University To Collaborate
With Army And Navy In
One-Week Program
The Medical School of the Uni-
versity of Michigan will collaborate
with the United States Army and
Navy in a one week course of clinical
and military medical study for Re-
serve Medical and Dental officers,
April 14-20, at the University, it was
announced yesterday.
The tentative program announced
by the department of post-graduate
medicine of the Medical School will
provide for clinical study in the de-
partment of internal medicine, surg-
ery, and oral surgery during the
morning hours, utilizing the facilities
of the University, according to the
announcement. The afternoon hours
and several evening periods will be
devoted to discussion and solutions of
problems, and to lectures,call on mili-
tary and medical subjects in which
the reserve officers must be versed
if called to duty in case of a national
As reserve medical officers are sub-
ject to call by the Federal govern-
ment in case of disaster as well as
military emergency, it has long been
felt by medical experts of the War
Department that there was a need of
a definite active course of training to
supplement occasional tours of active
duty, and correspondence work. Lack
of sufficient appropriations for an
intensive training with government
facilities being used caused Colonel
Skinner, former Surgeon of the VII
Corps Area, to ask the assistance of
several lpading medical centers in the
training of officers residing in their
This "Skinner Plan" is regarded by
the War Department as offering the
practicing physician and dentist an
opportunity to refresh his knowledge
in clinical study, and to improve his
familiarity with his wartime or emer-
gency duties and probable problems.
The course to be held here in April
will be the third annual session at the
University of Michigan.Similar in-
struction has been given in the
past, and will continue at various
medical c e n t e r s of - importance
throughout the country at large, ac-
cording to the announcement. The
school here will be open to reserve
medical and dental officers of the
Sixth Corps Area, Fifth Corps Area,
and Ninth Naval District.
Officers attend at their own expense,
although they are credited with hours
proportionate to the length of their
attendance here which may be used.
against the required theoretical duty.
*Officers' of the Regular Army and
Navy will be detailed here to instruct
in military subjects.
Faculty Members
Back Ship Subsidy
(Continued from Page 1)
department of mechanism and engi-
neering drawings, stated that while
the President's proposal wouuld pro-
vide a needed stimulus to qur ship-
ping industries, it would amount to a
replacement program instead of an
increase in the number of ships, an
increase which Colonel Miller believes
is not to be desired under present
economic conditions.
"Although the American people will
never submit to paying for the con-
struction of ships that would remain
idle during times of peace merely to
supply an auxiliary force in times of
war," he maintained, 'a definite pro-
gram of replacement for old and
worn-out vessels, such as is implied in

the President's request for direct sub-
sidies, would prove to be a highly
valuable measure."
Bust Of Goddard
A bronze bust of rof. Edwin C.
Goodard of the Law chool was pre-
sented to the University at the week-
ly meeting of the Ann Arbor Rotary
Club yesterday, the gift of an "anony-
mous admirer."
Professor Goddard, who is the re-
tiring president of the club, was guest
of honor at the meeting as well aE
the senior officer. The presentation
was made by Roscoe 0. Bonisteel,
past president of the club. The bust
was accepted for the University by
Dean Henry B. Bates of the Lav
School, long a colleague .and friend
of Professor Goddard.
Shirley W. Smith,* vice president
of the University, also spoke, apply-
ing quotations from Wordsworth's
-Character of the Happy Warrior" to
Professor Goddard.

Fraternities, Oats Ups
90 Years Ago, It Is
By DAVID G. MACDONALD cord, which
Ninety years ago the faculty of the withdrawn.
University was opposed to frater- The "crim
nities. Th reason for its attitude lay fraternities<
in a long-standing distrust of secret was formed t
societies, which were considered to be by one the s
potential breeding grounds and me- to testify, b
diums for the dissemination of subver- discovered e
sive doctrines. The resulti
The reverend professors were natur- ternities and
ally jealous of their prerogatives in the vindicat
this regard and sought to find an op- ment of the
portunity to do away with the fra- campus, but
uernities. The chance came, accord-
ing to old records, in the year 1845 as
a result of a prank perpetuated by
students at the expense of their not-
very-much respected pedagogues.
A line was affixed to the clapper ay
of the college bell, which was on top
of a high post, probably 30 feet high, l
in the University campus. In those
days the campus was called a yard
and a more utilitarian use had been
found for it than that of being mere- Says Ad
ly scenic. It was sown to oats. (It is In Rem
queer how far one has to go to find
the origins of popular practices). Ai rplan
The oats had ripened, had been
harvested, and were gathered in little Aviation h
mows over the forty acres of the Uni- which existe
versity grounds. The bell started ring- of Icarus an
ing at midnight of a very black night. now attracts
The professors and instructors ap- especially yo
peared one by one, but all through A. Stalker c
the grounds not a student was stir- partment po
ring, talk on th
In their efforts to apprehend the series broadc
offenders, the faculty members ran tion WJR, d
all over the 40 acres, stumbling over studios in M
the mows and colliding with each "The maj
other in the darkness. Finally some- Professor St
one procured a ladder and cut the enough equip
_____--they seek so
30StudentsTO have little c
field." He en
in aviation b
"s the proper t
Inspect Stinson be placed ag
several years
Aircraft Plant fneoers
ne stated
for ordinary
More than thirty members of the pendent onI
Aeronautical Division of the A.S.M.E airplanes ex
will visit the Stinson Aircraft plant anyone enter
in Detroit Saturday on an inspection Professor Sta
tour which has been arranged by Carl fected by ho
Sorgen, '35E, chairman of the inspec- fects in the a
tion trip committee. In answer
Of particular interest to the stu- soon this wo
dents will be the new Stinson Air- swer is neces
liner, a recently developed tri-motor I think that
transport ship of the low-wing mono- torergoing ei
plane type. Another feature of thecare
plant to be closely observed is the pn sn in t]
highly-developed modern welding of aircraft qu
equipentof aircraft in
S hurpose of the inspecoti tours are planning
time, officials stated, is to acquaint cuethe be
students' of aeronautical engineering ment will on
with industrial operations and to af- having the
ford them an opportunity to see their ground."
theoretical learning practically ap-
The Stinson assembling plant is one S
of the largest and best equipped in A Compl
the country. Only recently its six 95e ea
hundreth plane was turned off the
production line. Stinson has pioneer- Chas. Doi
ed in the development of cabin and 1319
transport planes.

et Faculty Dr. Bishop To
Revealed Attend Meeting
was then mysteriously Of Librarians
le" was laid to the secret International Congress Of
and a court of inquiry
o find the offenders. One Libraries To Be Held In
tudents were called upon .
ut the culprit was never Madrid And Barcelona
ven by the fraternities.I
ing war between the fra- Dr. William W. Bishop, librarian
the faculty ended with of the University and head of the de-
ion and irm establish- partment of library science, will rep-
t ~ rp sri tia n thiI ... _ ., _



rdinance Of Ann Arbor' is 'National Body
Called Masterpiece Of Humor Of Pharmacists


rsecr et soc~e es on ns
this is another story.
er Points
To Entry
o Aviation
Ivancement Lies
ledying Defects In
has a certain romance
d long before the days
Ld his aerial flight and
great numbers of people,
ung people, Prof. Edward
of the aeronautical de-
inted out in his radio
e Vocational Guidance
cast yesterday over Sta-
direct from the campus
Morris Hall.
ority of these people,"
alker said, "are not well
Aped for the work which
that the vast majority
chance of entry to the
couraged those interested
saying that people with
;raining are beginning to
ain in the industry after
s of no opportunity for
that the opportunities
advancement are de-
how rapidly the use of1
pands. "The future of
ring the industry," said
i"ker, will be greatly af-
w soon the present de-
irplane are remedied."
to the question of how
uld be, he said. "The an-
sarily a speculation, but
some of the schemes now
investigation in labora-
ult in a very marked ex-
-e next five years - for
adrupling of the number
Stalker advised those who
to enter aviation to ac-
t general education, be-
est chances for advance-
the whole come to those
best educational back-
ete New Line Selling at
ch - 3 for $2.70
ukas - Haberdashery
South University

resent the University at the Secondj
International Congress of Libraries
and Bibliography to be held in Madrid
and Barcelona, Spain from May 20
to 30. Dr. Bishop is president of the
International Federation of Library
Associations which is calling the Con-
gress and besides presiding over the
organization and closing sessions will
deliver the address at the opening
The congress is meeting in Spain at
the invitation of the Spanish govern-
ment and the opening session will be
presided over by the Minister of Public
Instruction and will be attended by
the president of the Spanish republic.
Also, a reception at the Presidential
Palace has been arranged for dele-
gates to the congress, according to
According to Dr. Bishop, a large
and widely representative attendance
is expected. Librarians in many na-
tions are planning to attend, and out-
side of the customary large delega-
iions from this and European coun-
tries, it is expected that persons will
be present from other countries scat-
tered all over the world such as Ja-
pan, China, the Philippines, Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa, Mexico,
Brazil, and Peru.
Librarians from the United States
will have active part in the meetings
of the congress. Besides his duties
as president of the International Fed-
eration of Library Associations, Dr.
Bishop will serve as chairman of the
section devoted to discussing profes-
sional training. Other Americans tak-
ing prominent parts in the activities
of the congress are Mr. C. H. Millam,
secretary of the American Library
Association who will act as chairman
of the section on popular libraries,
Mr. Milton E. Lord of the Boston
public library, who will participate in

BOR. Compiled by Carl A. Lehman. City
Attorney. Published by City Clerk Fred
C. Perry. Ann Arbor. 1930. Free.
Without doubt this edition of the
City Ordinances is one of the most
instructive volumes ever to roll off
the local presses.
Really a monumental work, pre-!
pared with skillful scholarship, it
covers such things as the carrying
of lighted lamps and candles into hay
barns and the licensing of Turkish
Coffee Houses.
Several of the chapters suffer from
obscurity, one of these being that en-
titled Fence Viewers. It states that
"it shall and may be lawful for the
Common Council annually to appoint
one Fence Viewer in each ward," but
it omits to mention just what a Fence
Viewer is; one's mind runs rife at the
possibilities. This reviewer is inclined
to the 'rail bird' theory, although
equally plausible alternatives are sug-
gested in abundance to the reader's
Fully two pages of this enlightening
work deals with the regulations gov-
erning street cars. For instance before
Itarting a street car the motorman
shall give timely warning by sounding
the gong, nor may a street car cross a
boulevard without first coming to a
complete stop.
Both quick and dead horses and
other dumb animals are well provided
ficr by this interesting collection.
Registrar Ira Smith will head the
Michigan delegation to the annual
convention of the American Associa-
tion of College Registrars to be held
at Raleigh, N. C., April 16-18. Plans
of the Michigan representation are as
yet tentative, but a group 4f two or
three yearly attends from the Uni-
the section on cooperation between
libraries and Dean Wilson of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, who will take part
in the section on professional train-
ing. and Mr. Charles Compton, presi-
dent of the American Library Asso-
ciation, who will help in the section
on hospital libraries.

When a horse-drawn vehicle is backed
to the curb in pursuance of Section
28, the horses shall be turned in the
direction in which the traffic is pro-
ceeding with their heads at right
angles to the vehicle.. It is unlawful
to drive any horse faster than six
miles an hour except that the Com-
mon Council may by resolution desig-
mate a street within the limits of this
city to be used as a place for the
Ispeeding of horses in the winter. It
must have been a sad day for the
social climbers of yesterday when the
Council passed an ordinance that
hitching posts could not be over 12
feet high.
Such sport as chasing squirrels is
explicitly forbidden, nor may any per-
son fire any cannon within the city
If any criticism or an adverse na-
ture is to be levelled against this
priceless gem it must be on the ground
of style, not content. Redundancy is
its greatest fault; the Gertrude Stein
influence is clearly discernable in
such passages as: "No person shall
permit or cause any- stones, brick,
sand, gravel, lumber, building ma-
terials, coal, wlood, boxes, barrels,
bundles, ice, paper, wire, glass, tacks,
rubbish or any other thing, article
or substance to be dropped, delivered,
left, scattered, or piled up in any
street, alley or other public place ...
Rumor is being bruited about in the
publishing world that since this edi-
tion of the Ordinances the Common
Council has been busy making the
book even funnier. And devotees to
American humor must surely await
the next edition with a keen anticipa-
tion of pleasure.

Honors Glover
Prof. Clifford C. Glover, secretary
of the College of Pharmacy, was ap-
pointed last week for 10 years to the
Committee on U.S. Pharmacopeoia
of the American Pharmaceutical As-
sociation by its president, Robert P.
Fischelis, it was disclosed yesterday.
The appointment to the 10-man
steering committee of the organiza-
tion, whic his the national profession-
al organ of pharmacists, is the first
ever granted to a University of Mich-
igan professor, according to reports.
The functions of the committee
are mainly in connection with the
formation and revision of the U. S.
' Pharmacopoeia, the United States
government standard of medical
preparation. Work on the Pharmo-
copoeia, which is published every 10
years, is constantly going on, and it
is the duty of the committee to facili-
tate and aid the work of the National
Committee of Revision of the U.S.P.
and also to correct any errors in it.
Besides, according to Professor Glov-
er, "it is the function of the organi-
zation to ascertain the general wish-
es and requirements of the profession.
throughout the country in regard to
any desired changes or improvements
in the making up of medicines."


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