Scholarships Of
$1700 Open To,
Fund Is Part Of Ten Year
Program Of Michigan
Alulmni Association '
(Continued from Page 1)
Selected As Tutor
Enarne Andw
Ma de Known
Jose Iturbi To Appear IfHre League, Union Faculty Family Will
As Next Choral Uiiio " Artist Plan Dances TkTIEop
of the board of directors Friday in
the Leanue. Methods of raising
mc:cy fcr the scholarship funds was
the chief subject of discussion. The
announcement of the awards to be
given this year was made by Mrs.
Charles G ore, of Benton Harbor,
chairman of the fellowship commit-
tee, in the meeting yesterday morn-
ing. Maxine Maynard, '35, League
president, also addressed the group.
The sessions ended with a lunch-
eon yesterday noon, at which the
present holders of alumnae scholar-
ships were guests of honor. In addi-
tion to Miss Jennings, Miss Kess-
berger and Miss Ehrenfield, the wo-
men honored included seven senior
women who have been aided by
scholarships for four years. They are
Emma Jane Ross, Mary Burgess,
Elizabeth Kitchen, Lucille Alm, Bar-
bara Gene Owens, Elizabeth Lawry,
and Erma Schmidt.
The program following the lunch-
eon featured a summary of campus
activities. Women representing var-
ious activities talked briefly on each
project. Miss Ethel McCormick in-
troduced the speakers who were Bar-
bara Sutherland, '35, secretary of the
League. Hilda Kirby, '35, chairman
of Orientation, Betty Hill, '35, vice-
president of Assembly; Mary Sabin,
'35, chairman of the Undergraduate
Campaign Fund committee; Mari-
anna Chockley, '37, chairman of
Sophomore Cabaret; Julie Kane, '36,
chairman of Junior Girls Play; and
Dorothy Gies, '36, representing The
Daily. Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
also attended as a guest of honor.
At the close of the luncheon Miss
McCormick announced a gift of $25
to the Undergraduate Campaign
Fund. The sum was given by Mrs.
Stuart Baits, of Detroit, in memory
of Judith Ginsburg Colten, and as a
token of appreciation to undergrad-
ute women for their work in de-
creasing the League building debt.
Mrs. Seymour Beach Conger, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Alumnae
Board, said yesterday, in speaking
for the group as a whole, "The alum-
nae are most appreciative of the
friendly relationship existing be-
tween ourselves and the undergrad-
uate women. We hope this friend-
ship will grow and develop from year
to year."
Mrs. Edward D. Maire of Detroit,
chairman of the Board, presided at
the meetings. The other officers are
Mrs. Louis Feed, of Lansing, vice-
chairman; Mrs. Eugene Power, Ann
Arbor, secretary; Mrs. Theophile
Raphael, Ann Arbor, treasurer; and
Mrs. Conger, executive secretary.
Co-eds Wear Smart
Clothes Even While
Doing Final Study
With exams in the immediate off-
ing, the smart co-ed is concentrating
on whether or not she'll pass her
psych course, and not on her clothes.
Nevertheless, the fact that clothes re-
main in her subconscious mind was
evidenced by the number of smart
outfits seen at the library.
Sweaters and skirts were the most
popular outfits, though it's quite hard
to distinguish the fine points of style
when a co-ed is hunched over books.
Those who were seen struggling for
a higher education, dressed in wool
sweaters and skirts were Sue Thomas,
who combined a rust sweater with a
brown skirt and scarf, Mary Garvin,
who wore a brown sweater and a
green skirt, and Nancy Olds in a
brown sweater, worn with a checked
An unusual aquamarine sweater
was seen on Jean Shaw, and Doro-
thy Roth chose a white sweater. Mar-
garet Cowie, in brown, and Julie
Kane, in a blue knit dress, were seen
studying in the periodical room of the
for the J-HOP
of inter;st to staden ic of the Uni-
is the announcment of thes
'ecmt of Mary Edna Travis, ofj
nanAla. to _. and Bever-,
ley Eranch of Atlanta, Ga. Miss Travis
attended the University lKyear andIt
C:: ,na roy. Both she and Mr.
Bi auh are eniors at University of
A abama, Tuscalcosa, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nerton ef Ann
IA berrhave announced? th::E engage-;
yn'tof their cuher Mraret, to1
Claricce H. Yarrow,. Hadan, Conn.,.
sun of Rev. and Mrs. Erncs Yarrow.
The life story of Jose Iurbi, noted
Spanish pianist, who will give a con-
cet Tuesday. Feb. 12, in Hill Audi-
torium u tnder the auspices of the'
Cboioal Union, clearly illustrates the
genius which has been the driving
force behind his rise to fame.
Born in Valencia, city of warmth,
color and charm - qualities which
later vvcre to characterize his music-
! mak :-~ Iturbi was early known as a;
child prodigy. At seven years of age
black-eyed little "Pepe" knew the
growing pains of public life, studying.
teaching piilils three and four times
his age, and giving concerts before
amaed, excited Spanish audiences.
Fiom ihe local conservatory Jose!
M s Norton is a former student of Iturt)i was next sonT to Barcelona toi
the University, having srudied for wcik uncr Joao uin Malats. A purse,
-Associated Press Photo.
Miss Mary Kearny Hill, socially I'
prominent girl of Richmond, Va., who
has been chosen as instructor and,
religious supervisor for 10-year-old
Gloria Vanderbilt, New York heiress.
Miss Vanderbilt's custody was the
subject of a long court fight recently.
The J-Hop committee members and;
their guests will hold a breakfast af-;
ter the Hop at the League. Dorothy
Roth, '36, is in charge of arrange-
M1iss Humphrey
"I'm first the artist and secondly;
the teacher," declared Miss Doris!
Humphrey. "My dream is a Theatref
of the Dance. I would like to perform
every night for six months and create
modern dance compositions the other
Miss Humphrey, surrounded by aj
group of admirers, stood behind the
drop curtain of the Lydia tMendel-'
ssohn Theatre. Her golden hair falling
over her pointed, delicate face blendeda
with the cinnamon of her velvet gown.
Mr. Weidman, acclaimed as the1
leading male dancer in America, has-
tily threw a robe over his black jer-
sey and descended the steps to theI
dressing room, leaving his partner
with the crowd. Voices of the youngt
men and women accompanying these
artists echoed from below.I
Trams Studecnts
teachin g the el ments ry field. During
the past year she has been teaching
at Fenton and is leaving for Hig-
ganum, Conn., to assume a similar po-
sitcn there.
Mr. Yarrow received hi's bachelor's
degree at Cornell. He hold:; the Cowles
wised by native Valencians later sent
him to Paris where he studied at the
conservatory all day, played in the
cafes of the boulevards at night to
earn money for his room and board.
As seventeen he graduated with first
fcllowship at Yale, and is a fellow of Taught In Switzerland
the National Council of Religion and Jose Iturbi was destined to remain
Higher Education. No date has been for only a short time as a cafe per-
set for the wedding. former. He received an offer to take
The marriage of Be tty Stillman, '29, the position of head of the piano fac-
to Edward Jamieson Fisher, Jr., took ulty of the Conservatory of Geneva,
place Thursday night at Parkersburg, a post once held by Liszt. He stayed;
'V. Va. Miss Stillman is the daughter in four years, then left:
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stiliman. Mr. to embark on the life he had chosen.
and Mrs. Fisher are both e =aged in the life of a virtuoso which was before
social relief work in Columbus, O. very long to bring him international
While on campus, Mrs. Fisher was af- fame.
filiated with Alpha Gamma Delta sor- The Spanish pianist arrived in this
ority. country for the first time in October,
..._..__ ; 1929, and sailed again for Europe in
January, 1930. In that little period of
Is om f ed.three months, he made his name a
hcusehold word in musical America.
Returning for his second American
.. dimOu Ui''1 tour the following October, he played
77 concerts from coast to coast. Since
then he has come back every season
a design in opposition, a-d since time and since his debut has played more
pa'Ees, it is a design in time." concerts in this country during that
The characteristic rhythm and the time than has any other pianist ex-
conducted an orchestra fcr a doren
Ecif ormances.
P turning to Now York following
his first Mexican .o)n Jose iturbi
;a invited to officiate as guest con-
ductor of the Philharmonic Symphony
Orchestra for two concerts at the
Stadium. The result of these perform-
ances was a series of engagements
which took him to Philadelphia twice,
to New York, and finally, in the sm-
iner of 1934. tc Los Angeles where he
c onducted the Los AngeU Philhar-
mom ic Orchestra at the Hollywoon
The January meeting of the Facul-
ty Women's Club will be held at 2:30
p.m. Thursday at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater. The program for this
meeting will be given by the various
sections of the club. There will be five
parts to the program. Each member
may bring a guest.
CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 26 -ti) -
Crooning conductors may be in de-
mand here if the street car company
takes to heart some of the sugges-
tions its patrons are making.
Despite Exams1
Despite exams, campus social func-
tions will be continued throughout1
next week-end, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday byt
League and Union officials.
There will be dancing in the Silver
Giill of the League next Friday and
Saturday as well as both evenings'
of J-Hop week-end. Al Cowan's or-
chestra will provide the music, as
usual, and the League trio, composed
of Maxine Maynard, '35, Mary Morri-
son, '35, and Jean Seeley, '36, will
sing. A cabaret arrangement is car-1
ried out there, and the admission
charge of $1 includes 50 cents forj
Regular membership dances will be
held in the Union ballroom Friday
and Saturday, Feb. 2 and 3, and there!
will also be one the night after the
J-Hop. It has not yet been decided
as to whether or not there will be a
dance held J-Hop night.
Special Prices
Shampoo & fingerwave Mon. 35c
3 Shampoo & Marcel ... . ....75c
M nicure..........c
Eyebrow Arch . . . . . .......
E b Perimanents, Complete... $2.75 v
Phone 2-2813
< --
$2.00 and $2.95
Prof. and Mrs. Ora S. Duffendack,
with their daughter, Geil Harriet, '37,
and their son, Mtanley, plan to leave
Wednesday for an extended trip to
Europe. They will sail from New
York on the Rex and will land at
Naples, and will remain on the con-
tinent until September.
They will spend about a month in
Italy and then will go to France
where Miss Duffendack will remain
studying piano and French at the
Sorbonne in Paris. Stanley Duffen-
dack will also stay there in school.
while Professor Duffendack, a mem-
ber of the University physics depart-
ment, works in the laboratories in
King's College, London, and also
studies at Cambridge University.
$1.00 Each
HOS I ERY 69c to $1.25 pr.
BEADED BAGS $1, $2.50
dynamic movement of the body isj
studied. Movement can either be slow
and even or accented.
Distorts Mc yen en t
"Once the student has masteredI
natural movement," explained Missl
Humphrey, "she is qualified to distortI
or stylize the movement. The fact that
cept Paderewski.
Appeared As Conductor
An interesting and significant
of Jose Iturbi's career has been his
recent and extraordinary appearances
as a conductor. Napoleon said a field
marshal's baton was concealed in the
knapsack of every soldier. Jose Iturbi
_____ _
i - -__--- ___- - - F 1
. ,, -,, 4,r,
movement has been distorted does not has long contended that there is a
indicate ugliness or grotesqueness. i conductor's baton up the sleeve of
"The composition develops from n- every musician.
tural movement. The movement is So far as he himself is concerned,
varied so as to eliminate monotony for years he has been studying the
and music is added after completion great symphonic scores, attending the
of the dance." ?chearsals of famous conductors, and
"Dance today" declared Miss Hum- analyzing and memorizing the vast
phrey in an emphatic tone, "is not in- orchestral repertoire. Jose Iturbi took
terpretative, not aesthetie, and not his initial step in this field in the
romantic. It seeks to reveal con- spring of 1933 in Mexico City where,
temporary life rather than to escape
from it."
"My primary purpose in teaching
last summer at the Bennington A C C -r 3
School of Dance, Vermont," continued
Miss Humphrey, "was to train persons "AA'
for my group. When a student dis- d e f
tinguishes herself, she is advanced
to the understt dy group and thence U uLsua Jewelry
to concert work."
Miss Humphrey staged her group Whoever first made that much
in "As Thousands Cheer," "Revenge quoted remark about there being
for Music," and "Life Begins at 8:40," nothing new under the sun, grossly
Two members of the group presented I exaggerated the situation, This seasonI
their own compositions in yesterday's has brought more new and clever ac-
demonstration. cessories than have been seen in many{
The rigorous training demanded of months, and they have made their,
her students before they become ac- appearance at the very psychological{
complished in the modern dance was moment to freshen the winter ward-j
made known by Miss Humphrey in robe.
a lecture preceding the recital. Belts are in the fashion limelight
Studies Movement as never before and are appearing
"When the body becomes sufficient- in various new styles, suitable for
ly coordinated as a result of prelim- sports or dress. When sallying forth
inary exercises, we make studies in i for a day in the wintry wind the smart
natural movement. Every motion is college woman girds herself, and herj
characterized by a design in space most charming wool frock, with a dog
and time. collar belt. These are of leather,.
- "Such a simple movement as walk- studded with colored stones and fin-
ing illustrates this point. The position I ished with a gold or silver name plate.
of the arm which swings forward while For evening there are belts of a new
the opposite foot is back makes forEshimmering fabric, said to be woven
---of spun glass, that lend a sparkling
General Library. Eloise Moore was note to an otherwise subdued formal.
poring over her books dressed in a Other accessories for evening are
wine-colored knit dress, accented with diamond shamrocks or constellations'
a wine velvet bow, with a matching of tiny diamond stars which may be
hat and a swagger coat of gray cara- worn in the hair with a matching clip
cul. to hold the corsage in place. There
Alison Tennant and Janet Jack- are new bracelets too, made of great
son both chose knitted dresses, which lumps of crystal studded with silver
are both practical and stylish for or massive gold chunks which are
library wear. Miss Jackson's was linked together and centered with
green, and Miss Tennant chose beige. bits of lapis lazuli.
Shall I go to the
of course -but how?
I) dashing.
0 d sinsophisticated?
- demure ?
Demure chiffons and nets,
dashing prints and satins,
sophisticated crepes and
laces-. and I
You'll find all of these to
choose from at With shampoo
and finger wave The
i75included one
I rt and Upwards a to
after a series of piano recitals, he
Housekeeping Director
Will Speak On Menus
Miss Mabel MacLachlan, director
of dietitics and housekeeping at Uni-
versity Hospital, will speak at the
meeting of the home-making division
of the Michigan Dames at 6 p.m.
Tuesday at Stalker Hall. She will
speak on "Menu Planning."
A potluck supper will be held pre-
ceding the talk. Members are asked
to take their choice recipes for an ex-
change. The hostesses are Mrs. Earl
Fohl, Mrs. John Vos, Jr., Mrs..Donald
Miller, and Mrs. Cornelius Beukema.
Mrs. Frank O'Bierne is chairman.
300A South State Street
For the p
97 1.5E Y
97c $1.15
All eyes will turn your
way when you make a
triumphant entrance in
one of these
} H* -*
Beauty of
E KNOW that the night of February 8th is going
to be the most important event of the campus
social season. We also know you will want to look as
lovely as you possibly can on that special occasion.
Now, here's a collection of evening gowns that will
make you gasp with admiration - gowns with, a
iight-hearted charm and freshness that heralds
spring in every line. Gowns of swirling net . . . flat-
tering matelasse . . . smooth sophisticated satin ...
dull laces or brilliant fiorals.
Whether you're a sophisticated lady, a feminine
charmer or just a sweet" Miss Simplicity" THE gown
is here for you,
Glowing Jewel Tones, Pastels
Whc cand 3lack.
92.9 to $ 9.75
Wear Gl cming sondals
to twinkle under your gown.
Sandals of all-over gold or silver cut-
cut in attractive filigree designs, black
satin ones and white satins to be
tinted. Each style a scintillating bit
of flattery for your formal.
$6.00 and $7.50
Sheer, ringless skintone hose $1.15 pr.
Sheer black Evening Hose, at $1.65 pr.
JEW EL-RY- bracelets, earrings, clips
and fobs of sparkling rhinestone with
gold and silver metal. S1.0O and up
EVEN INGi BAGS - of pearls, pearls
with rhinestone and glimmering se-
quins. $2.50 to $3.50
special "Chez Raymond" is
of the few waves that adhere
the J-HOP coiffure trends.
- . . Ill
,-v r - T T1 /Y T1 ('Y T T r\ Tmr(