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January 27, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-27

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AY, JANUARY 27, 1935


Fiel Iouse

S e cene Of State A. A. U.

Track Meet eb. 9

,;,r _ _

Skaters ToFace
Hard Schedule
Next Semester
Meet Ontario Aggies On
Opening Day Of Term;
Title HopesHighI
Michigan's hockey team will re-
sume activities the first day of the
second semester when it meets Ontar-
io Agricultural College, of Guelph, j
Ontario, at 8:30 p.m., Feb. 11, in the
The following Friday and Saturday
Coach Eddie Lowrey will take his
team to{Houghton, Mich., for a two-
game series.with Michigan Tech, an
outfit which feli by the margin ofr
one goal to Minnesota last Friday,
2 to 1.
The Wolverines then will return
to the Coliseum Feb. 22 and 23 to
battle with the Minnesota Gophers
for the 1934-35 Big Ten title. One
victory is needed in this series to give
Michigan undisputed claim to the
Conference crown, an honor which
the Wolverines have held only twice
since the inception of the sport here
i 1Q9.1


in iz.
Haven't Won Since '30
Not since the season of 1929-30
when the Gophers temporarily relin-
quished the title, losing two games,
winning one and tying the other in
four engagements with Michigan,
have the Wolverines had such an
opportunity to subdue the Northmen.
Michigan broke even with Minne-
sota in 1926-27, and in 1922-23 when
only two game were played. But 1924-
25 is the only other season the Wolv-
erines have had a lone claim to the
hockey title. Warm weather and
rains which ruined the ice at the l
Coliseum when the Gophers came
here to play the return series prob-
ably accounted for the winning of!
the title that year. The games had
to be called off and as a consequence
the Wolverine team, which had an
identical record that the present club
has of two wins over Wisconsin and
a win and a tie with the Gophers,!
claimed the hockey crown alone for!
the first time.

Coming Events iMichigan Will HordeOf igLe
Saturday, Feb. 9 - Michigan * FwhtTFor co
State College at East Lansing. A.RF
Monday, Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m.-- _ M ile Relay
University of Minnesota at Yost UiNEW YORK, Jan. 26 -(m)- Scat-s
Field House. tered the length and breadth of the!
Indoor Track Many Of Mle es land, baseball's most celebrated groupd
Saturday, Feb. 9 - Michigan A. reof cripples is preparing to hit the
A. rlay a Yst ied Hus. ore' Prominent Teams
A.U.relays at Yost Field Housee n -- AR T CARsTENS-- comeback trail this season. Not in
Preliminaries -2:30 p.m., finals Have BeenInvited}ARTC20 years have so many one-time first
- 7Tp.m.Trank performers been faced with the
Ilckey Outstanding among the home ath- T TA ITf S anc n a moe necessity of regaining something akin
Monday, Feb. 11, 8:30 p.m.- letic events for the period between tof the inhaitants in this totheir former brilliance or being
Ontar.io Agricultural College of mot o naiat nti shunted off to the minors or to the
Guelph, Ontario, at the Coliseum. examinations will be the annual State! rcen section of the comtry, but baseball boneyard.
Swimming IA.A.U. indoor track meet to be held i14-hetrek outhward of the headliners
Frida, Feb. 8 - Ontaio A..U. Fb. 9in Yot ildHus.n Aerica's national1 pastime has TheBoston Red Sox have made
Friday, Feb.. 8 -- Ontario A.A.U. Feb. 9 in Yost Field House. a . As a result of the Dean fam- a big investment in young Joseph
swimming meet at Hamilton, On- I.stituted last year as a relays ' latcst ultimatum the next sos- Edward Cronin, as manager and
tai.meet, the program has been designed fl - <c liau h etss
tarioAit tie lat years beent d nd ion of the winter hot stove league shortstop. But they scarcely will
Saturday, Feb. 9 -Ontario A.A. to continue last year's events, andoms ril pobably have as its main topic figure to get anywhere in the Amer-
U. swimming meet at Toronto, prominent teams from the Mid-Westor discussion the possibilities of ;ican League pennant race unless the
Ontario. have been invited to enter, according Dizzy and Daffy winning 55 ball celebrated southpaw, Robert Moses
Wrestling to Lloyd Olds track coach at Mich- aes next summer. Grove, can shake the soreness out
Saturday, Feb. 9, 4 p.m. - Mich- igan State Normal College, who is ThCspairof prominentrighthanded of his arm and regain the effective-
igan State College at Yost FieldI chairman of the meet. 51apz fpoietrgthne
young men from the Ozarks who have ness of his days with the Athletics.
House. Relay Team Entered the ability to throw a horsehide cov- Ruth A Question Mark
Michigan will enter a team in the sred pellet some 60-odd feet with Grove, who cost Owner Tom Yawk-
rUniversity mile relay, according to amazing seed and accuracy won the ey about $100,000, won eight and lost
men r 1Coach Chuck Hoyt, but entries other last sevcn games in 1934 that the St. eight games last season while strug-
than of the relay team will be largely Louis Cardinals won, including the gling to get rid of the first sore arm
For Spartans left to individual squad members. four in October that considerably of his career. He has had some more
)Members of the Varsity squad have dulled the claws of Detroit's Tigers, teeth extracted, his tonsils removed,
B eFnot practiced regularly since the time Last year they figured on winning and believes now he will make a
trials held last week, and will con- a mee 45, keeping the figure low comeback.
tinue to p r a c t i c e individually as it was Paul's first year in the big Boston fans also will watch the at-
throughout the examination period, show. They did manage to eke out 49 tempted comeback of George Pipgras,"
Coach Cliff Keen is devoting all his Hoyt said. before the season was over, 30 of them former Yankee right hander, who re-
attention to preparing the Varsity Composition of the Wolverine relay by Jerome. tired last season after starting only
matmen for their meet against Mich- team, which last year defeated Illinois There are many bigger gambles one game for the Red Sox.
igan State to be held at 4 p.m. Satur- and Qhio State, will depend largely than betting that the Deans will cross Babe Ruth isn't exactly a cripple,
day, Feb. 9, at the Yost Field House at on examnation results and second the 5' mark in the coming campaign but the veteran slugger, who insists
the present time. From all appear- semester eligibilities. Stan Birleson, which opens April 16; and if you don't he is through unless he gets a man-
ances the meet should be very excit- sophomore quarter mile star, will be Lelieve it ask Diz, who is really not agerial job, is among a half dozen
ing, since the last one with the Spar- looked to as a nucleus of the team at all a braggart -- merely a young- question marks on the Yankee roster.
tans was decided only in the last bout if he maintains his eligibility, accord- ster out of the hills with a great deal The club has reserved judgment
when Gordon Reavely, Spartan cap- ing to Hoyt. of confidence in his and his brother's on glowing reports of the physical
tain, pinned Harry Wright in an over- Invitations in the University mile ability to heave a baseball past Na- condition of Earle Combs, who frac-
time period relay have been extended to the Uni- tional League sluggers. tured his skull last season; Bill Dick-
versity of Chicago and Northwestern,! ey and his broken hand; the bright
Wright's showing in the two Big according to Olds, and the Maroons T MIGHT BE ADDED that one of outfielder prospect, Dixie Walker, on
Ten meets, however, has given him have definitely indicated their ac- the biggest gambles of the year is the sidelines all last year with a bad
confidence and experience, and, with ceptance- r<king a. prediction on what one shoulder, and Pitchers Russell Van
these two impoitant factors on his Cellege Relays Outstanding George Herman Ruth will be doing to Atta and Johnny Allen, disappoint-
side, the outcome may be totally dif-
ferent. The college mile relay, which last keep himself busy these coming sum- ments of 1934.
Win or lose, the Michigan State year furnished the outstanding race mer months. He says that he will writes May Be Clark's Last Chance
of the program, will again attract a book if he doesn't land a managerial William Watson Clark, until two
meet is only a minor contest compared teams from Western State Teachers' lJob, and at the rate of speed the latter years ago one of the best southpaws
with the two other other dual meets College, Michigan State, and Mich- arc being offered him it looks as in the National League, probably will
ihanetate Normal College. euthough the Bambino will be in con- get his last chance to make a come-
Indiana, champions of the Western ignT A.A.A. Nrmeetas annuall ference with publishers many sunnyf back with the Dodgers this spring.
Conference, and Ohio State, Mich- iTe A.A.A. meet has annually at-i afternoons in 1935.
Cofrne adOiJtae ih tracted thme outstanding amateur ath- i r{n n 95 Hard-luck club of last year because
igan's traditional rival, are to be met f rdrThirty one players have been asked ofinjuiestkel stasteWass-
inFerayadifMcia ca lee from throughout the state, and Tit n lyr aebe se fijre osvrlsas h ah
eFebruary and, if Michigan can the program has included events for to report at the Detroit camp in Lake- ington Senators hope to shake off the
defeat them, the matmen will be able high schools as well as club teams lnd, Fla., next month and Manager jinx this year. They have traded one
to claim the title. and entries. Besides representatives Mickey Cochrane will there attempt of their casualties, Catcher Luke Sew-
Keen believes that the freshman from practically all the universities ,to mold a team that can successfully ell, but expect Jonathan Stone, the
wrestling team will give the Varsity and colleges of the state, a team rep- defend its American League title. The outfielder who broke an ankle last
a close fight in the meet which will resenting the Detroit Police Depart- Tigers' first opponent will be the Chi- July, to show complete recovery.
take place sometime next semester. ment will also compete. cago White Sox and practically the I Charlie Gelbert, idle for two sea-
In fact, he seemed to think that the _inosame team that opened against the sons after a gunshot wound in the
Varsity grapplers stood a very good Sox last season is expected to face leg, expects to do a real comeback at
chance of being defeated by Coach Swedish Racer Is them this April.
Otto Kelly's squad. Cleveland's young ball club has
ack For Revensye been made. the ;winter favorite to cod) i N 'S
the Arterican pennant by the ex
Intramural Hours pens, but Detroit and New York arci
NEW YORK, Jan. 26 -(i)- Ericbt rated highly with Boston, Philadelphia
The Intramural Building, with Ny, of Sweden, is back in this country and Washington listed as possible S P 0 R I S
w11 facilities, will be open from Sat-a to seek foot-ratdni revenghly wit


I ,

' 'I


1110 South U --Opposite Engine Arch

ague CripplesBLOOMINGTON, Ill., Jan. 6-(-1P)
g e rpp -Fred Parker, former University of
e 93'5 Michigan athlete, today was named
m ebacks In 19 5 basketball coach at Illinois Wesleyan
University to succeed Walter Roet-
1 tger.
short with the Cardinals. He worked Parker will take charge of the
out a bit last season and has been Wesleyan squad next week when
drilling in a gym all winter. I Roettger returns to the University
Rabbit Maranville insists he will of Illinois, his alma mater, as head
play regularly at second for the baseball coach. Parker, who came
Braves, but he is another gamble. He I to Wesleyan as baseball coach and
broke a leg in spring training last director of physical education, prev-
year and was out all season. If he iously coached at Albion, Mich., Col-
fails to make the grade as a player, lege, Mt. Morris, Ill., College, and
he will be retained as a coach. Arkansas State College.
1w. ,

CONCAVE GROUND Lengthwise of Blade - While You Wait!
MOE SPORT SHOPS - 711 North Univ. -902 South State

Ha~ircut -

A Few

s I
C K.
L fl-
I, ia :.ii:ii

' i
,Iii f
< <

$3.00 an Evening
TUXEDOES to retail at $27.50
FULL DRESS to retail at $32.50
We Carry a Complete Stock
in Formal Wear.

urday, Jan. 26, to Monday, Feb. 11,
between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
The pool will be open daily from
3 to 5:30 p.m.
The large gymnasium will be
closed for cleaning, redecorating,
and refinishing from Saturday,
Feb. 2, to Wednesday, Feb. 13.
i On the day of the J-Hop, Feb.
8, the building will be closed for
all activities after 12:30 p.m. Visit-
ors may inspect decorations untilj
6:30 p.m. that day.I
On Wednesday, Jan. 30, the
night of the President's Ball, the
main locker room will be closed at
noon and the gym all day.
Clifton (Red) Wright nitching star C

The lithe middle distance star, con-
querer of Luigi Beccali, Italy's Olym-
pic 1,500-meter champion las sum-
mer, will run in four meets in New
York and Boston and confidently
expects to make a much better show-
ing than he did on American board
tracks two years ago.
Ny will make his first start in the
Wannamaker Mile of the Millrose A.
A. Games next Saturday night.
The A.A.U. meet has annually at--
A. Games next Saturday night, facing
America's crack trio of Bill Bonthron
Glenn Cunningham and Gene Venzke.
Later he will run in the New York
A. C. and Boston A. A. meets as well
as the National A.A.U. championships.
Last summer Ny set up three new
Swedish records, forced Ben East-

SHIRTS - $2.50
VESTS - $4.50 to $5.50
Hose 35c & 50c -- Ties 75c to $1
Collars 35c
Studs & Links - $1.00 to $2.50
- ' -e to Seve 7/un

In the senior lcop the Cardinals.c
paced by the Deans, are counted on
to repeat their successes of 1934, but
it is rnot expected that they will have
to gain seven games on the Giants
in the closing half month of the sea-
scn to win again. Incidentally, Bill
Terry has changed his opinion about
Brooklyn from a year ago and is very
much aware of that club's presence
in the league.
Charlie Hornbostel recently re -
turned to the Indiana campus fo
training under Coach E. C. Hayes.
Wisconsin's 12-to-9 victory over Il
linois in 1931 is the all-time scorin
low in Big Ten basketball competition
Prcgr'mls, Bids, Evps., Letterheads
Our Price: are never high
206 N. Main - iDowntown
(Next to Postoffice)
?6 Yw TJ R!'. 2*_nR4_".~i. _X...Y. Ru~ li -

The Union pool is to be opened for
women from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday and on Saturday morn-
ing during examinations. This will
allow time for relaxation from exams
as well as a chance to practice up for
intramural swimming which starts on
February 12.
A Red Cross life-saving class is to
start at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Union
Pool. Miss Laurie Campbell is to be I
in charge. Anyone interested in trying
for senior or examiner certificates iE
invited to join this class.


h ____ _______ ____


of Indiana's 1932 baseball team, will j man to do 1:50 for 800 meters and'
play with Indianapolis of the Amer-- carried Bonthron to a new world's
ican Association this year. Irecord of 3:00.8 for three-quarters of
a mile.
Coach Frank Pond of the Minnesota NOT VERY MANY KILLED
hockey team has one of the largest 3 Three boys were killed playing high
freshman squads in the history of I school football in Ohio this year out
the school working out under him this of the 15,000 who participated in the
season. sport.

. ( ,.
::/I l

* The demand for flowers
will be very great about
the time of the

' J
{: :.
" . \ :
1 J :
SSA.:::. , }M .f :: t::;_;:>: ._ ;.:._......;

i f

Call Be sure your girl friend Call
9055 won't be disappointed. 9055
- a L * = N nm amm "iee n,


(i r

-but he looked like a
BUM compared to YOU!


SURE, he was some lover! - did it up right, too - moon-
light and all. And no wonder! He couldn't buy new
clothes., so he let the moonlight cover up his sin of looking like
a. RI TM iin n-1A lity ln.. - nA 1nt d lrnp v tm + c Aff ..







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