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January 27, 1935 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-27

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Plans Almost
Completed For
Annual J-Hop
Decorations And Patrons
For Affair Announced
By Morris, Roth
Arrangement for the decorations
and announcement of patrons nearly
complete the plans that have been
made for the 1936 J-Hop to be given
Feb. 8 in the Intramural Building.
Robert L. Morris, 36A, has an-,
nounced that the decorations will
consist of a midnight scene, trans-;
4orming the ballroom by the intro-,
duction of a dark blue ceiling with,
silver stars serving as reflectors for1
cover lights. Maize drapery will1
decorate the fraternity and independ-
ent booths. An artificial moon ist
to be placed at the end of the hall tot
serve as a background for a silhou-
etted tree.
Dorothy Roth, committee member,
announced the list of those who will
act as patrons for the annual affair:
Gov. and Mrs. Frank D. Fitzgerald,
and President and Mrs. Alexander
G. Ruthven are expected to honor
this formal dance with their pres-
once. Also accepting are Vice-presi-
klent and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-president and Mrs. Clarence S.
Yoakum, and Dr. and Mrs. James D.
Bruce; Regent and Mrs. Junius E.
Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy V. Cram of
Flint; Regent Edmund C. Shields of
Lansing, Regent and Mrs. Franklin
M. Cook of Hillsdale, Dr. and Mrs.
Richard R. Smith of Grand Rapids,
Regent and Mrs. James O. Murfin,
Regent and Mrs. Ralph Stone and
Regent Charles F. Hemans, all of
Detroit, and Superintendent of Pub-
2ic Instruction Paul F. Voelker and
Mrs. Voelker of Lansing.
Deans To Be Patrons
Prof. H. C. Anderson is expected
:o be present, also Prof. and Mrs. L.
M. Gram, Dean and Mrs. Henry Bates,
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean and Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, Dean
and Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dr.
and Mrs. A. C. Furstenburg, Dean
and Mrs. Clare E. Griffin, Dean and
Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dr. and Mrs.
Howard B. Lewis, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Dr. and Mrs. Chalmers J.
Lyons, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G.
Novy, Dean and Mrs. Herbert C. Sad-
ler, Dr. and Mrs. Marcus L. Ward,
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Dean and Mrs.
Wilbur R. Humphreys, Dean aigd Mrs.
Alfred Lovell, Dean and Mrs. Fred-
erick B. Wair, Walter B. Rea, Prof. I
and Mrs. Emil Lorch, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Sink, Registrar and Mrs.
Ira M. Smith, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher
and Miss Jeanette Perry.
Others who w make up the list
are Prof. and . Atrthur S. Alton.
Prof. and Mrs. Ralph Aigler, Prof.
and Mrs. Floyd Bartell, Prof. and
Mrs. E. N. Durfee, Prof. and Mrs. Ed-
ward L. Eriksen, Prof. and Mrs. L. K.
James, Prof. and Mrs. Paul F. Leidy,
Prof. and Mrs. George McConkey,
Prof. and Mrs. D. N. Mathews, Prof.'
and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Prof. and
Mrs. James K. Pollock, Prof. and
Mrs. Jesse S. Reeves, Prof. and Mrs.
Charles Remer, Col. and Mrs. F. B.
Rogers, Prof. and Mrs. Clarence D.
Thorpe, Prof. and Mrs. John E. Tracy,
Prof. and Mrs. John B. Waite, Prof.
and Mrs. John Worley and Prof. and
Mrs. Fielding H. Yost.
Rabbi Heller To Attend
Rabbi Bernard Heller is to be one
of the patrons, with Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Litchfield of Detroit, parents of
the chairman, Edward H. Litchfield;
Prof. and Mrs. John P. Dawson, Prof.
and Mrs. Ralph W. Hammett, Prof.
and Mrs. William McLaughlin, Prof.
and Mrs. Frank A. Mickle, Prof. and
Mrs. E. D. Mitchell, Prof. and Mrs.
Daniel L. Roth and Prof. and Mrs.

Jackson R. Sharman, Prof. Laurie
Campbell, Lieut. and Mrs. Richard R.
Coursey, Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., Prof.
and Mrs. Paul Jeserich, Prof. and
Mrs. Clarence Kesler, Prof. andrsr.
Wesley H. Maurer, Prof. Lawrence
Preuss, Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Sommers,
Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde, and
Prof. and Mrs. Bennett Weaver.
Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Blakeman will
be among those attending, also Mr.
and Mrs. Edward C. Pardon, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross T Bittinger, Dr. William
M. Brace, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dorr,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easton, Mr. and
Mrs. Abram A. James, Mr. and Mrs.
James H. McBurney, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert N. Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
N. Riskey, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Thorpe, and Mr and Mrs. Randolph,
OHRID, Jugoslavia, Jan. 26 -(P)-'
A pearly nail polish made from fish
which are found only in Lake Ohrid,
has been discovered by peasant girls.
Plans are being made to produce it
on a commercial scale.
Permanents $2. to $5.
Soft Water Shampoo
and Finger Wave.
d- T VANTTTTi 1'IA/TAT. ntbil

What The Well Dressed Male Plans For Church
Where To Go
Will Wear Ift Winter Season; ee Groups Announc

cial problems and the ideals of the
church. The discussion will be fol-
c.ed lowed by the morning worsh ip serv-
ice. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chosen
rches for his sermon subject "Living Pow-


All well dressed mcn studints need
an overcoat that will serve either
for dress occasions in town or for
ac' ual formal wear. The all-essential
'wlo coat or the equally practical)
:ogh-texurcd ukcter, may serve ad-
min:ably for daily wear or spectator
sports wear during the winter months,I
but both are much out of place for
dressier occasions.
The velvet collared chesterfield
will always be an acceptable coat for
this purpose, but those who are fa-
shion wise are swinging to the guards'
model of fine dark blue chinchilla or
other soft textured fabrics. The over-
emphasized popularity of the Ches-
terfield is undoubtedly the reason for
this change.
The guards' coat itself has a mili-'
tary background in so far as it follows
the lines, the pleated back, the length,
and the button placing that gives that
smart chesty effect of the uniform

Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Broad-
o r worn by the English Regimental way Bill" with Warner and Myrna
GuLards, Loy; Whitney, "Handy Andy" with
The most exacting care for correct Will Rogers and "Here Comes the
(ress must be exercised when the ccl-
tege man is making preparations to Navy" with Pat O'Brien and James

Student groups of local chu
have announced plans for prog

attend formal affairs such as the J-
Hop. For the truly formal occasion he
must don full dress tails and not the
"fcimal" dinner jacket.
It has long been the custom of
nany institutions that the tuxedo is
he correct foimal dress. The experts
ave long ago decreed that it should
ce worn only at the formal dinner,
and if you are well posted en what is

Cagney; Wuerth, "Judge Priest" with
Will Rogers: Majestic, "The Mighty
Barnum" with Wallace Beery and
Adolph Menjou.
Exhibitions: Paintings from exhi-
bition of Michigan Artists and Fifty
Prints, open from 1:30 to 5 p.m. daily,
Alumni Memorial Hall.

to be held tonight.
The Sunday evening service of the
Unitarian Church will be held at 5:15 "
p.m. tonight. It will be in the form
of a Family Service and will be fol-
lowed by a buffet supper. A meeting They gen
of the Liberal Students' Union will provide a
follow at 7:30 p.m., at which Prof. port- frog
John Brumm of the journalism de-
partient will read a one-act play strain ons
called "Scrambled Ego." under the
An informal discussion hour is
planned for the Wesleyan Guild De-
votionai Service, which is meeting at
6 p.m. at Stalker Hall. Supper and
a Fellwship Hour will follow the
mee lg.
At the Methodist Episcopal Church
the cla..ss for young men and women c
of college age will meet at 9:45 a.m.
This group meets for the purpose of Dial 3110
disc:ussing such topics as modern so-


con ect attire, you will not wear your Dancing: Chubbs, Hut Cellar.
°Axcdo at the formal dance.
The whiLe wasteoa t:hould, of the careful matching of the spread of
course, be worn with "tails," with the wing in a dress collar with the
?,he latest design in formal vests hav- width of the butterfly tie. The new
iug no back and pointed cnds. The dress collar, assuming that the butter_
lapels are cut square across the bot- fly is of proper length, has a wing
tom,, giving a "broadening" effect that spread (this sounds a bit aeronau-
is new and modern. tical) that goes out slightly beyond
Almost a iule heretofore has been the ends of the tie.

tly mold the breasts and
beautiful contour. Sup-
m underneath relieves
shoulder straps. No stays
breasts. $1 to $2.50
110 East Liberty

."-.". .
. tV
C '
C " t
. '' qtr
.... ' =- -

I I 11111,1111, -011 0 Im p

' .®

/ :

sTaon Sports Winner
7 Brown Reverse
Calf with

av 1

4w %A %9 ag %


A "dark horse" in smart
shoes to wear right now.
Young girls will like the dark

vamp and quarter that con-
trast so smartly with thewhite
pig grain saddle.

Many other styles in Beige
and Brown to choose from

Sold Exclusively at

for the
1 ' 5
4 G I4ID}
We can be "high .nd
,, ,, .
mighty or give you
-!. the low-down"... for
here are heel heights
to suit your fancy . .
your frock... or your
figure ... we have them
S all ... a more varied
and more complete
assortment than we've
ever had ....whatever
your type in sandals...
it's here!
. ;_*White ~tinted





FF7 .



pub iqkt

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S h eentered the crowded dance floor, assured, poised. Were
those glances for her? She caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror.
Her dress? Of course! It suited her. No need to wonder every little
while whether it was still on right. It was fun to wear a Jacobson
dress again instead of those unimportant things she and her friends
had gone in for. Gracious, how many had she bought in a season?
A half-dozen, and not one hacd she liked. "Cute" they called them.
They couldn't say "smart."
Shey were a sophisticated crowd, such as one usually sees
at exclusive places as the J-Hop. Accustomed as they were to
seeing smartly dressed women, many an admiring glance followed
her as she crossed the room. In a nearby corner, a co-ed and a male
were chatting gayly. "What a dress!" the co-ed thought a little
enviously. "What a striking looking girl!" thought ine male. Smil-
ingly he turned to his companion. As Gertrude Stein would say,
" ... when a woman is a woman is a woman."". . . "Not quite," she

laughed, "When a woman is a woman is a dress . .


'You too, would have noticed and admired hcr.. \nd you would
have realized as did thosenothers, that charming though she was,
it was her dress w'hich gave her an unusual distinction. It was a
dress of chiffon, with small, inverted tucks in the skirt and a
detachable cape held in place by rhinestone clips. A strictly formal
without the cape, touched off with rhinestone bracelets. There
are others, too, each an individual creation ... ombre nets and chif-
fons., pastel laces, brown and black taffetas, sophisticted crepes .
in robe-de-style . . . halter and cowl necks with revere backs. Not
just "cute" but smart! Smartly priced, too. $10.95 and $19.95 up



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