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NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald.
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Par-
ker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton
B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Rich-
ard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W. -Neal, Robert
Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Donald
Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard
Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins,
Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein,
Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly
Solomon, Laura Winograd, Jewel Wuerfel.
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Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
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Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper, Marjorie
Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
as elsewhere in our modern world; but certain
problems that arise every now and then are indi-
cative of some misconceptions that have arisen
as a consequence of the concentration require-
Indecisive freshmen sometimes bemoan the fact
that choice is forced upon them. Perhaps there
are some who are benefited by the fact that their
vacillations are ironed out by the concentration
program. And the operation of the program is
sufficiently flexible so that this comment is di-
rected less at the program than at the spirit of
specialization that underlies it.
Such specialization has in back of it the theory
that the University's function is to prepare men
and women for specific niches in society, in fields
of learning as well as in vocations.
What seems to have become forgotten is that
the mere art of living requires a thorough educa-
tional background that is defeated by narrow
channeling of knowledge.
When a man is truly educated - to culture, to
understanding and wisdom-'the question of how
he is going to earn his living fades into com-
parative insignificance. The question of what he
will be is settled. When we forget that toler-
ance, wide knowledge and appreciation of art,
literature and all the forces of life ought to be
the possession of every man, we are allowing an
industrial society to usurp man's enjoyment of
his only certainty - the fact that happiness is his
only real goal in a world lacking the absolute.
It is true that this ephemeral Grail called social
progress is better advanced by men who confine
themselves as closely as do men in professional
schools. And the drive toward progress and utili-
tarianism has so blinded men that we frequently
read that college is "too impractical" as it is.
They are wrong. We must sweep aside the
false values that have obscured our vision, confused
our senses, and return to a sane appreciation of
the permanent values of our transitory life.
As Others See It
During a politeness survey at the University
of Illinois the question "Could you tell the
correct time?" was asked of girls from various
sororities. The following answers were re-
ceived :
Alpha Chi - "We're fresh out."
A.D.Pi - "Time for you to hang up."
Tri-delt- "What do you think this is,
Bulova watch?"
Alpha Phi - "Go jump in the lake."
Kappa Alpha Theta - "All right, what's the
Fifteen sororities gave the correct time.
* * , ,
The head of the botany department at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario stated that the aver-
age professor told from eight to 18 down-right
lies per lecture and that most text books contain
an average of 120 false statements oar mistakes.
Then he claimed that the students were suckers
or chumps for taking them all in. (What's the
poor student to do?)
Here's a statement coining from a dis-
illusioned junior at Ohio State University;
when a bee stings you, it dies; but co-eds just
try it again.
Marriage is the most crowded profession in the
world and the least prepared for, said a recent
speaker at Miami College. If there were more
preparation for it the results wouldn't be so
crowded, we think.
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Anyone Here
Read Chinese? . .
WE ARE IN RECEIPT of a postal
card and a copy of a Chinese news-
paper from Vice-President Shirley Smith, who is
having a fine-time-wish-you-were-here in San
Francisco, Calif. Mr. Smith has just four red
marks around an article in the paper, which, he
says, "comes as near solving the problems of the
day as much of the matter I have seen in print."
We got the card some few days before the paper.
It is a very nice sense of humor indeed which
Mr. Smith has, but, just for fun, we'd like to see
what the marked columns say. There's just a
rare possibility that we might turn the laugh back
on Mr. Smith. So then, does anyone here read
Chinese? If so, we'd like to get an interpretation.
The paper is in The Daily office, and there is
almost always someone here. And we're not fool-
Thanks And Turkeys
Mr. Rosevelt should be thankful for the
American Bankers' Association, for the United
States Chamber of Commerce, for his ambitious
fellow-attaches in the Army and Navy Depart-
ments, for William Green and John L. Lewis - all
of whom have helped to cement friendly relations
between government and business. He should also
be thankful that the popular resentment over
being unable to be thankful about anything has
not attained more dangerous proportions than it
has; and for the Democratic victory in the national
elections, which guarantees that friendly rela-
tions will exist for some time between the
employees of Mr. J. P. M. of Wall Street and
England and the representatives of the American
Adolf Hitler should be thankful that Herr
Thryssen still holds him in high regard, that
what is left of his Storm Troopers are still loyal,
and that the right arms of the German people
have not yet become worn out by continuous
saluting whenever a public officer is in sight.
He should also be thankful that the nations of thE
world have not disturbed him unduly, and that
in America there are so many people willing
to spread the good cheer which he brings toI
Signor Mussolini should be thankful that his
touring students did such a fine job in America,
achieving the dismissal of many students in
American colleges which they visited on their
good will tour. He should be thankful that the
great powers have not wished as yet to interfere
with his grand schemes for recolonizing Africa
at the expense of France, Egypt and Ethiopia;
that Italian industry and culture have not be-
come worse than they are at present, which is
several degrees below the standard prevailing
when the Fascist regime came in twelve years
Huey Long should be thankful.
And finally, poultrymen throughout the United
States should be thankful that the consumption
of turkeys this year will not be less than half
of the production. That leaves a good num6er
of turkeys in the stocks which can reproduce their
kind for next year; thus the production may be ex-
pected to increase and increase until the turkey
market becomes so glutted that the millions of
unemployed will at least have clothes of turkey
feathers when the squawking begins in the ranks
of fowls and of men.
-Columbia Daily Spectator.
Campus Opinion
Stein, Stein, Stein, Stein, Stein.
To the Editor:
After reading the Gertrude Stein story in The
Daily Saturday morning, I reached for one of a
popular brand in order to get a lift and consumed
so many that I got a hoist instead. Then grabbing
a blue pencil I allowed the Spirits to direct it
over the front page of a recent issue of the
paper. The stuff, which this method of literature
detecting, selected was gosh awful and suggests
neither poetry nor prayer. But please, Mr. Editor,
think what it might suggest to a select reader
audience of 500 only curious and senile admirers
of "pure, straight English"-a mass production
method for outsteining Stein.
Here is the composition :
that has her she
raw materials
feeling guppies
Here's some advice coming from M.N.B. on
To thee, you co-ed who thinks thyself wise,
Who trods this campus in disguise,
Take off thy disguise of paint and powder,
And some some good old-fashioned water.
.* .* *~ *
Some (practical) joker placed a large canon
firecracker under the hood of a North Carolina
State professor's car, and connected it to the
starter. When the savant stepped on the starter,
the firecracker went off. According to reports.
some choice, fancy and unadulterated language
Another Daily sophomore sends in the fol-
lowing contribution:
Although we pay to go to college,
Bolts? Nuts!
Ostensibly to gain more knowledge,
Bolts? Nuts!
When teachers gyp us lads and lasses,
By drawing pay and skipping classes,
Then we all yell like damn jackasses,
Bolts? Nuts!
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On War**
W AR, LIKE LIVING, is the ultimate
result of a collection of inevitabil-
War changes everything and transforms noth-
War is the price a nation pays for brass bands,
shiny uniforms, big ships, marching men.
War reproduces war.
War makes the souls of even little men play
the living game at a high, grand, fierce, dreading
War is man's outlet for the rstraining steels
of civilization and convention; the more civilized
the nation, the rottener and dirtier it will fight.
War indicates ,the insignificance of the indi-
vidual man in the grand crescendo of marching
War is a human emotion -like love, hate,
anger, jealousy, lust - and men want to live
through a war period just to see what it is like.
War is hell.
ington showing an undiminished liking for
tilting at windmills. He joined Senator Vanden-
berg, that Michigan dark horse of Republican pol-
itics, in trying to blast "Big Jim" Farley either
out of the postmaster-generalcy or out of the
Democratic national chairmanship.
Farley will step out as chairman, probably fair-
ly soon. But it certainly will not be as a result
of anything Norris, Vandenberg or any other Re-
publican of any sort has to say. They both know
that. If the air mail contract cancellation row
failed to make Farley a useful campaign issue,
certainly his numerous official and unofficial party
jobs will not afford anything for Congress to chew
Nor does the Norris contention that Roosevelt
handling of the ticklish business of administra-
tion support or non-support of various Roosevelt-
Republican senatorial candidates seem to have
much meat in it. There are a number of consid-
erations which may have dictated White House
policy which the Norris thesis that Cutting should
have had White House backing quite overlooks.
Mr. Farley could tell the senator a lot about that
if he were so disposed.
IN ANY EVENT, Senator Norris did not advance
on his return to the Washington political
broadcasting studio any such substance for future
excursions and alarms as did his Idaho colleague,
Senator Borah. The blast at alleged wasteful meth-
ods and procedure of the Federal Relief admin-
istration Borah let loose has started echoes that
will be long subsiding. There is political value in
that for the otherwise dispersed and seemingly
discouraged Republicans. Borah has afforded them
a rallying ground of which they will not be slow
to take advantage.
Relief Administrator Harry Hopkins apparently
is in for a double attack this winter. That the
Borah blast must of necessity bring on a Con-
gressional inquiry into relief expenditures seems
certain. The Administration itself may find it
highly desirable to invite such action and also to
seek a careful rewriting of the statutory authority
for its vast relief activities in order to stop the
BY THE SAME TOKEN, that program, whatever
its proportions are to be in the next Roosevelt
budget, is certain to be vigorously assailed as too
modest by a considerable group in both parties
We don't have any Huey Long to harass
our publication or do we have any Yale
men to swipe our entire issue. But we still
Telephone 3814
South State Street
Values In
put out a real college
magazine which
doesn't insult the intelligence of Univer-
sity students.
many years ago, were allowed to
ramble unhampered through the fields of erudi-