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December 04, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-04

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Bromage Notes
High Interest
In County Rule
Nationwide Attention Seen
At Meeting Of National
A widespread interest in the ques-
tion of reorganization of county gov-
ernment among the delegates to the
fortieth annual meeting of the Na-
tiohal Municipal League was reported
by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage when he
returned to the campus recently from
the convention in Pittsburgh.
Professor Bromage led a round-
table discussion of reforms in county
government at which reports were
heard from a number of states on
the progress of reorganization move-
ments. He mentioned a few of the
more interesting reports in an inter-
view yesterday.
Hon. Hugh Reid reported that sev-
eral counties in Virginia were operat-
ing successfully under the manager
plan of government which they adopt-
ed under an optional law. Other
counties in the state had failed to
adopt the manager plan because the
people were not properly educated
before the election, he said, according
to Professor Bromage.
In Nebraska, Douglas county, in
which Omaha is located, was the first
to adopt the manager plan of gov-
ernment under the optional law in
that state.
Professor Bromage noted the trend
toward the favorable attitude on the
prt of urban populations toward
home rule for counties when the re-1
port from Ohio showed that the coun-
ties in which Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Toledo, and Youngstown are located
have all appointed charter commis-
sions to frame home rule charters for
their counties. Other groups in the
state are at work to present an op- d
tional law to the legislature, Professor p
Bromage said.V
Residents of Pennsylvania, faced B
with the' possibility of waiting until c
1940 before they could have a new s
form of county government by consti- H
tutional amendment, are preparing to
bring about modified changes in the p
county government laws by means of i
statutes, according to Professor a
Bromage. a
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi- T
cal science department, who is ab- f
sent from the campus on leave this c
year, also attended the convention. a
Prof. James K. Pollock was chairman H
of a panel discussion on honest elec-
tions and Harold D. Smith of the t
Michigan Municipal League took part fo
in a discussion on model tax laws. g
New Issue Ofp
Advance To Be s
On Sale Today a
Featuring another story by Ken-f
neth Ratliff, the Advance, student e
proletarian magazine, offers its De-
ceMber issue on campus sale to-
morrow. a
Although previously announced for c
sale on Monday, inclement weather I
conditons caused the editors to post- e
pone the campus sale for today. e
This second issue of the magazine, t
which made its initial appearance t
last month, contains, in addition to h
student contributions, a poem first t
printed in the Barnard Quarterly.
"Young America Female - 1934," by a
Gertrude Epstein, former editor of o
the Barnard Bulletin, offered as re-
lating. to the discussion of the Uni- p
versity campus feminine problem as_
carried in the columns of The Daily.
Along with the feature article,
"Whitefolks," by Ratliff, sophomore

writer whose article on "Production"
was featured in the first issue, the
December Advance contains a dis-
cussion by Walter Ledgeworth on
"Novel and Movie," which considers
the relative merits of various media
for thetconveyance of'proletarian
art; a story, "The Key," by James
Randall, Negro student; a story, "In ti
a Delicatessen," by T. K. Cohen; a u.
discussion of Play Production's last n
offering, "The Royal Family," by J. C. co
Seidel; and selected bits of short
verse. S
Announcement has been made byli
J. C. Seidel, editor, that manuscripts D
for the enlarged Advance issue for
January-February will be due beforeFs
the close of the school year. ar
Prof. Dumond 7
To Lecture At m
Women's Club C
Prof. Dwight L. Dumond, assistant-
professor of history, will speak on
"Apostles of the Anti-Slavery Move-+
ment" at the meeting of the Ann
Arbor Women's Club at 2:30 p.m. to-
day in the ballroom of the League.
The department of American citi-
zenship with Mrs. Louise Hollaway as
head is in charge of the program. Mrs.
John S. Cummings and Mrs. George
Staffan of Chelsea will be hostesses

Snow Halts Missouri Traffic

Care Of Body
Called Essential
In High School
F. W. East States Need For
Physical Training In
Radio Talik
Stating that physical education is
practically an essential of modern
high school life, Frederick W. East,
head of the department of physical
education for boys at University INigh
School, gave the first of the series onj
extra-curricular activities in junior
and senior high schools, at 1:30 p.m.
Sunday over Station WJR.
The home today, according to Mr.
East, does not take care of the needs
of the child in his physical, mental,
and spiritual life as it did a half cen-
tury ago. We do not have the large
families, the space and facilities for
taking care of all those needs, he said
and added that the child must go out
from the home to get his knowledge
of play, and the school is the logical

Soviet Leader Slain

Deaths Of Regents Clements And
Hubbard Called Library's Loss
Calling attention to the loss ex- his monmment. but Dr. Bishop also
perienced by the University, and the! caled attention to the less well-
library in particular through the re- known fact tht Mr. Clement worked
cent deaths of Regent L. L. Hubbard and planned for lhe General Library
and Regent William L. Clements, Dr. of the University to its lasting profit.
William W. Bishop, librarian of the While a regem, Mr. Clements for-
University, and head of the depart- mulated the policy of the segregation
ment of library science, termed the of rare books, and the provision of
library fortunate to have had guid- trained curators. His building expe-
ance and counsel of these two dis- rience, Dr. Bishop stated, was espe-
tinguished collectors. cially helpful in planning the Gen-
Any man of wealth, according to eral Library building which was dedi-
Dr. Bishop, could have given money cated 15 years ago. Attributing much
to the University for a library to be of the development in the last 20
formed by others, but only such years of improvements in the library
scholarly collectors as these two men service to the University to his wise
were could have bsostowed the fruits guidance and counsel in formulating
of their years of experience, watch- and carryout out the plans of the
fullness and continued zeal for gath- Board of Regents, Dr. Bishop praised
ering the best books in their respec- highly the late Regents full under-
tive fields of interest. In the fruits standing of library problems.
of their own selection of books and
manuscripts these men have endowed
the University with something more SCHOOL HAS 87466 VOLUMES
precious than money, Dr. Bishop said. The libraries of the University on
Regent Clements had been chair- June 30, 1933, contained in the ag-
man of the Library Committee of the gregate 874,666 volumes. The period-
Board of Regents for the greater part icals regularly received numbered
of the nearly 25 years during which 4,740.
he served on the Board, and as such
gave lavishly of his time, according to
Dr. Bishop, to the affairs of the li-
brary His own collection in Amer-
ican history here on the campus in
the building he built for it stands as

" .

-Associated Press Photo
Sergei Mirenevich Kiroff, one of
the nine members of the Communist
Pai ty's political bureau, was assas-
sinated at the party's committee head-
quarters at Leningrad. Later Soviet
police announced the capture of the
man who fired the shot.

.:: .r "..:

A typical mid-winter snowstor
schedule in Missouri and tied up mor
Highway No. 66 a few miles east of
could be rushed to the scene to op
motorists sought aid at the nearb
population of only 125.

"The people," he continued, "who
do not recognize a place for physical,
education in the high schools do not
realize the need of developing the
-Associated Press Photo nervous and emotional stability which
m arrived several months ahead of are necessary in children, because of
e than a thousand motorists on U.S. the ambitions, speed, and stress of
Springfield, Mo. Before snow plows modern life are proving disastrous
- +.- -.A nr~+ .4' 1- -4 r 3- to the unfit. The increase of labor-I-

Norton Claims
Teachers' Pay
Is Too Small'

eii the road. Most of the stranded
y town of Strafford which has a

Health Service Pays Big Part
Of Student Hos pitalization Cost
Each week from two to three stu- ice itself, resulting, the physician
dents are sent to the University Hos- stated, in greater service for the ma-
pital for appendicitis operations, Dr. jority of students.
Warren G. Forsythe, director of the In case of withdrawal of a stu-
Health Service, stated yesterday; and dent while in the Hospital, the allow-
cost of the care of the student in ance is stopped. Consequently, when
uch an emergency is born by the students are faced with a long ill-
Health Service. ness, Dr. Forsythe advises them to
Dr. Forsythe said that the Hos- postpone their withdrawal until they
pital charges $3.50 a day for hospital- have used up their 30 days of allotted'
zation. The Health Service allct; } time.
once for students confined for an "In fact," Dr. Forsythe concluded,I
appendicitis operation is $4 a day. "if a student finds hospital care
That leaves 50 cents a day to pay necessary the day before Commence:
or phone calls, anaesthetic, and mis- ment, he is entitled to free care until
ellaneous expenses. The cost of the the middle of July. The same kind of
actual operation is also borne by the arrangement is worked out for Sum-
lealth Service. mer Session students as for those of
In the event a student is forced the regular session."
o remain the full 30 days allowed
or hospitalization, the $4 allowance ,
oes on. The balance of $15 is used
o pay the extras incurred by the
"We do not, however, pay for spe- * *
ial nursing and a private room," Dr.
'orsythe remarked. "When for per-
onal reasons on the student's part
special nurse, private room, and
xtra expenses are incurred, they JOSEF SZIGETI
:ust be borne by the patient. The A Review
egular fees for such must be paid
or student patients, but $4 a day is After the Don Cossack circus thank
redited on the bill." God for an artist. Josef Szigeti last
Under certain circumstances, such evening in Hill Auditorium gave a
s contagions, the Hospital regular concert of music. Unlike the vocalists
narge is $5 a day, Dr. Forsythe said we have been hearing recently he did
In such cases the Health Service not sit up and beg for applause. As
ays the full amount, and allows a consequence he did not "bring
xas, extephselaunng.allows down the house." But for those who
xtras, except special nursing.mr came with the very personal craving
Dr. Forsythe said that formerly for sincerity and perfection in musical
ihat students could run up at the performance that many possess and
ospital. However, in some instances, few will recognize or admit, he had
;here seemed to be evidence of "graft- much to offer.
ng," on a regular schedule of allow- The first part of hi# program made
nces for various ailments was worked no bow to the unserious listener.
ut. The money that has been saved Brahms as an opener is a severe
n this way has been used to ex- enough test of one's capacity for
and the services of the Health Serv- concentration. Few artists would risk
straining that capacity further
through a second sonata and a con-
Free A round certo. The fact that the audience
showed no flagging interest through
S h lCrsthe Brahms, Ysaye and Mozart, is the
cnooi Course highest judgment of Szigeti's artistry.
But it was more than a solo per-
( formance for Nikita de Magaloff is
To Be Offered more than an accompanist. He is an
ensemble artist of highest calibre.
A free ground school course in avia-
on will be'offered as one of the reg- Announce Two Junior
lar SERA night courses, it was an-
ounced yesterday. Completion of the Engieerig Committees
ourse will enable the student to pass
he written test required of all per- Members of two committees, fi-
ons qualifying for any type of pilot nance and executive, in the junior
cense issued by the United States engineering class have been an-
epartment of Commerce. nounced by Nelson Droulard, presi-
R. C. Schulte, '35E, will be the in- dent of the junior engineers.
tructor. He has had experience as The following have been appointed
rn army pilot and in the construe- on the executive committee, which


saving devices and the consequent Wagrticle In NatiSays
1 lack of big muscle activity have made Wages Less Than Paid Screen Reflectons
their contributions. Nervous stabil-
ity is founded in a strong, enduring, To Unskilled Labor
properly developed physical body. A AT THE MICHIGAN
need for skills, responses, and coor- "A quarter of a million teachers, "THE LEMON DROP KID,"
dination essential to an active life to whom is intrusted the education i and STAGE SHOW
and accident-prevention has devel- of 7,000,000 children, are scheduled Lee Tracy, Helen Mack, and Baby
oped since many of our present adults this year to receive wages below the LeRoy are the chief characters in this
were children. The best safety de- minimum fixed for unskilled factory melodrama about a race track crook
fense lies in the education of the workers by the blanket code of the who would gyp anybody until he falls
senses, the nerve-muscle skills, the NRA. Even these meager salaries in In love with a demure country girl.
reflexes, and the mental reactions." many cases will not be paid in full." He marries her, becomes a clerk in a
Mr. East stated that a game is Thus does Dr. John K. Norton, of dry goods store, a father and con-
nearly a perfect democracy. In the I the faculty of 'Teacher's College of sequently a widower. Then he goes
game, boys and girls find that money, Columbia University, writing in this to prison and eventually decides that
clothes, family, prestige, or "pull" are i week's issue of The Nation, survey i life is not worth living until his son
as nothing - that they do not help the breakdown of public education in is brought in from the orphanage. It
them to play good ball or make a this country, ends like a fairy story and altogether
team. They stand or fall absolutely Obsolete methods of financing edu- has about as much effect on an adult
by what they are and can do, and cation are as responsible for the con- mind as does a fairy story (only the
realize that the game makes all eqial. dition as is the depression, says Di. jatter is less offensive). Lee Tracy
"General education and physical Norton. In his analysis of local meth- is quite himself, and you will either
education," Mr. East concluded, "are ods of raising school budgets Dr. Nor- like or detest him in this. The other
complementary, each being necessary ton finds that we are still using those characters add nothing except the
to complete the whole life. Together developed soon after the 'Jacksonian fact that they must be there to pro-
they move across the human scene revolution,' when "the battle was won duce some sort of a plot.
toward the same goal - the universal to make the schools free and to sup- "Harlem Rhapsody," the stage
I cultivation of abundant living. port them through taxation" in the show, takes up most of the time
form of local property taxes, although on the program. lit is an all-negro
this "method of financing schools is review featuring all sorts of dancing,
obsolete as the ox cart." singing, comedy, and music; narpely,
"One-fourth of the cities in the several tap dancers, a novelty aerbat,
United States have closed their night a singing newsboy; a tall baritone, an
* *schools and part time classes for even taller bass, a little ha-cha girl,
s ic adults and youths. Special provisions a comic drummer, a ventriloquist, and
for physically and mentally handi- a snappy group of chorines - all ac-
capped children have been drastically (Continuec on Page 8)
reduc edor entirely eliminated by -
More credit to Szigeti for allowing many communities. Badly needed
him that scope. The obscurity and school buildings, 80 per cent com-
ponderousness so often forced upon pleted. have stood for months de- T E ORATOR ICA
even such lyric Brahms as the opus teriorating in the open weather for
100 was completely avoided by the lack of funds to complete them." Presents th
superb artistry of these two. The Dr. Norton contiines : A century *
Mozart concerto was pure spontane- ago land made up most of our wealth,
ous delight, one of those breathless and land ownership was a fair meas-
moments when performer and lis- ure of ability to pay taxes. It is not b
tener cease to exist in the light of re- so in 1934. A man may enjoy a large
created genius. The audience sat income but own no property. He
openly entranced. therefore does not pay a local prop-
The Ysaye sonata, though superbly erty tax for schools. He may own a
played, was rather unsatisfacto'ry.I house and a lot or a farm, but have -
Solo violin music with the exception little ability to pay for schools. He
of Bach seems either strained or thin. may lose his job but this 'does not--
Anything beyond two voices loses its lower his school tax. If he is a farmer,
four dimensioned quality and becomes his sales of produce may approach
astimgatic. zero. He still receives a tax bill for the
The second group managed to be support of education."
light without being too trival. The Pointing out that "the situation,
rich rhythmic imagination of the I calls for a radical reconstruction of
Hungarian Szigeti found in Bloch, American educational finance," Dr.
Ravel, Scarlatesco, Scriabin and Norton suggests abolition of most of
Stravinsky a medium for a colorful the local school districts, since, "mod-
individuality which his reverence to- ern methods of transportation and-
ward the music in the first half of the communication have removed the
program had suppressed. only excuse they ever had for exist-
-Marian Lundquist. ence," and replace them with a much:
smaller number of local districts, ade-
ARTS AND CRAFTS GUILD j quate in size both as to territory and
The Arts and Crafts Guild will meet population.
rfrom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday .
in its new studio room in the Nickels I U. OF M. FOUNDED IN DETROIT
Arcade. Angus Babcock will be present The University of Michigan was
throughout these hours to give as- founded in 1817 in Detroit, moving
sistance with the lessons. to Ann Arbor in 1837.

e brilliant
ture Lecture



To Buy Your Standard ROYAL Portable
at the Old Price of $45.00

on of airplanes. is headed by William Eason: David
Those interested should meet at Walker, Richard Joslin, Nelson Shap-
:30 p.m. Thursday in Room B-4, Ann ter, Robert Harnden, and Robert
rbor High School. Days and hours Heusal.
ill be arranged at the Thursday Frederick King has been chosen
meeting. Classes will begin next week. chairman of the finance committee.
urther information may be obtained Others on the committee are Vernon I
rom Milo Oliphant, 2-1295, or C. C. Peterson, Robert Warner, Arthur Will,
rawford, 5293. :Francis Bell, and Anson Raymond.

was the first standard
portable made to sell at
less than $60.00. Now,
because of rising costs
for labor and material,
ROYAL reluctantly an-
nounces a price increase.

(Tabulator Model $50.)
On December 15 th, the
price on all "Standard"
model portables will go up
$5.00, we are told, Buy
Now and Save $5.00.
Our convenient Time-

"H uNm T I 7 L ES
n T he el F5ea
A Romantic Story of Early New England
Seafaring Men
THE NEW YORK AMERICAN -- Vivid, tremendous, exciting and
remarkable! From the moment the majestic square-rigger sails
into the rising sun, until, after eighteen months, she returns
storm-swept and staggering, the sp.ectator is spell-bound."
THE NEW YORK JOURNAL-" the finest film of the sea
that this writer has ever seen inescapably powerful **sa
far more vivid conception of the life of a sailor than even the
genius of Dana, Melville, Conrad or any other writer of the sea
has been able to create." -

Payment plan with a low
:arrying charge is availa-
le. Liberal allowance for

I - - -11





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