Varsity Hockey
Leam Meets Essex Frontiers In Opener iere
Michigan Will
Meet Powerful
* Cappon Orders Gehrig Leads American League
Intensive Work In Batting, Total Bases, Homers
rb " n''tz-- #~ --.
. Qi i t F 1 k.LLA. reor ihis v eel4. Gehrig, New York.. . . ..363 958 runs, 1,644 hits, 2,321 total bases,
_________ Gehringr, Detroit.... .356 349 two-base hits, 124 stolen bases
Je l She, Be-Te Manush, Washington .. .349 and 872 runs driven in, also being
Jewel, her, erryman,Coach Dissatisfied With Simmons, Chicago .344 the only club in the league to bat
David, MacCallum, And' ., Te 's hVosmik, Clevelan . 341 300.
*-1 ART CARSTENS- 4I Cage Tams Showing VsiC}vln......1 '30
He 11 rer To Start *B RT CASTENS 4C age eam s OGreenberg, Detroit........339 Washington and Boston were tied
Y _Ag instCalvn Fxx, Philadelphia
_ aETROIT HAS, this year, compiled Axwith 70 triples, Philadephia led with
Helge oStr DTOT Athsyar ooie gantCavnTro ky, Cleveland...........30 144 home runs, Washington with 131
Michigan's hockey team opens the probably the most unque rec- Pr ndsr msrh elepi...330
1943 itrsot esna Ord in pro athletics. The Red Wings Prolonged scrimmages for the rest 1ignPil eha......sacrifice hits, New York by dra ing
1934-35 winter sports season at home ent to h Stanley Cup finals b of the week were ordered for the Var- WSt, St. Louis ...... .....326 700 bases on balls and the St. Louis
Foni e of Amhster Ont , Esst defeating Toronto in a tight five- sity basketball squad yesterday by Dickey, N9w York..........322 Browns with 631 strike outs.
8p.nlthe o lise. .tame series, only to be defeated by Coach Franklin Cappon. Werber, Boston............321g cae close to
.he Chicago Blackhawks. The reasons as given by Cappont Johnson, Boston he league recrd by gathering 63
Admission for students and faculty T are twofold: first, to cut down the o1hrane, Detoit ... . two-base hits while Ben Chapman of
mhebTrsrshurpresenthathseail T avisnWash:gdobyemberhihg reret anhthecAcupnsquad, and, secondly, to polish off the T.the Yankees topped his rivals with 13
books will be 35 cents. General ad- an League, forced the World Series squad's play which Cappon recog- triples. Billy Werber, the youthf i
mission will be 75 cents. ia ege ocdteWrdSre qa' lywihCpo eo- American League batsmen hit six Bso lswetdtebs u-
to seven games, but were trounced nizes as extremely ragged. American flash, wrested the base run-
Coach Eddie Lowrey is expecting by Dizzy Dean and Co., 11 to 0, in the Cappon plans to carry a Varsity points better durin the season of ning honors from Chapman by steal-
the customary close game with the rubber game. The Lions fought squad cf about 20, cutting it down 1934 than they did in 1933, accord- ing 40 bases, while being caught 15
Frontiers, who went under the name through the season on even terms from approximately 30 who are now ing to the official American League times. Jo-Jo White of Detroit stole 28
of Amherstberg Hockey Club last with the champion Chicago Bears and working out. batting averages released by the As- 'bases, being caught only six times.
year. In two previous meetings be- had a chance to take the Western Need for polish was forcibly shown sociated Press. American League Chapman was third with 26 stolen
tween the sextets, Michigan has won division title until the Bears handed in the Calvin College game Saturday baters hit .279 this year as compared bases in 42 attempts.
out in overtime periods, the scores them a 19-to-16 defeat on Thanks- night, which the Varsity cagers won with .273 in 1933.-
being 2 to 1 and 3 to 2. giving Day in what will go down in 25 to 22 after traling 17 to 8 at the Individual honors went to Lou Geh-
Fans can expect to see a low scor- the books as one of the greatest foot- half, Cappon said. "We were rotten," rig of the New York Yankees, who
ing contest tonight, for the Frontiers ball games of all time. was his terse and only comment on went through another season without
emphasize an air tight defense which thsgaecmissing a game, led the circuit in bat-
strongly depends for its effectiveness All three, Red Wings, Tigers, the game. ting with a mark of .363 in 154
upon the old head and quick eye of .and Liens, were great teams but Rudness Displaces Evans games, and topped hs rivals with 49
"Mike" Mayo, 43-year-old goalie. appeared to lack that ounce of Cappon did incate, however, that home runs and with a total base mark
coach and manager for the visitors. i eserve energy which a teammust George Rudness, reserve guard, would of 409. Before the campaign opened,
More Reserve Strength put forth after a gruelling season displace Dick Evans in the starting Gehrig declared he had three ambi-
to carry it to the championship. line-up. Rudness led the second half tions: to go through the season with-
Inasmuch as Mayo will have a large attack which barely sent the Wolver- out failing to play a game, to grab
squad of 17, the Frontiers should be The Red Wings shot their bolt ines to victory over Calvin. With the championship in batting and to
able to keep a fresh team on the ice against the Maple Leafs when they Rudness starting at guard, the revised make the most home runs. He cashed
throughout the contest. This is a won the first two games, dropped the lineup would have Captain Al Plum- :n on each effort.
decided advantage over Michigan h, mer at the other guard, Gee at cen- Gehringer Leas
since Lowrey has but five spares to third and fourth on their home ice,meatheoergrdGeaten
but came back in the final game to ter and Jablonski and Joslin at for- Gehrig also was second in hits with
relieve his regulars. win on Goodfellow's lone goal. wards. 1210, Charley Gehringer of Detroit
Little is known concerning the rec- Chelso Tomagno, whom it is ex- leading with 214, and third in runs
ord of the Amherstberg players this r HE BLACKHAWKS. too, had to go pected will alternate with John Gee. scored. He crossed the plate 128 times,
season. Lowrey stated yesterday th_4r -the giant sophomore center, was six less than Gehringer and one less
they started out badly but have been gthrouh pan em ti es o nursing a bad knee yesterday and did than Werber of Boston. Averill of
goin beterin heirlas fe gaesget into the playoffs, but they showed
going better in their last few games, the strain less and came through to not practice. Trainer Ray Roberts Cleveland also scored 128 runs. Hav-
meeting special success in theirh d reported that Tomagno would be ing started the season with a record
win the third and deciding game of
matches in Detroit. Some who have the series with a lone goal in over- ready for the Michigan State Normal of having played 1,350 consecutive
seen the Frontiers in action claim home opener here Saturday night, games, Gehrig's mark now stands at
they have a young, well-balanced however. 1,504. He has not missed a contest
club with Mayo being the outsanding In October the Tigers displayed Oliver Will Report Soon since he started on his remarkable
player. alikeinblttogtithtfa, record, June 1, 1925.
The game will be in the nature of a inability to get in that final, Russ Oliver, letterman last year, Gehringer, the leader in hits and
crushing blow to the jaw which will report for the squad soon, Cap- runs scored, was second to Gehrig
Wolverine pucksters Vic Heyliger means a knockout a world s pon said. Oliver is recovering from with a batting average o .356 while
WolvenernpuckterrymVicHerige championshiip. Five times the an ear operation. Another letterman Henry Manush of Washington, suf-
at center, and Dick Berryman at right Tigers met the Cardinals and at from last year's squad, John Regeczi, fering with injuries the last two
ing, will e rit players feylig end f the five gaes the will not report. months of the season, was third with
acodn oalavneHyi- Detroit outfit was leading, 3 to(i
er, according to all advance indica- 2 Detroit was jubilant on the The remainder of the cagers from .349. Al Simmons of Chicago was
tions, should prove to be capable of blustery October day when the the football squad attended'practice fourth with .344 and Joe Vosmik of
filling the position left vacant by Bengals returned to their home yesterday. The gridders who have Cleveland, another player handi- I
Avon Artz, last year's center. Hey- town to put the finishing touches now come out include Matt Patanelli capped by injuries, fifth with .341,
liger, besides being nearly as fast as, as the fans thought, to the stub- and Ferris Jennings, guards; Chet two points ahead of Greenberg of
Johnny Sherf, is a good shot and an born Cardinals. Wasn't Schoolboy Stabovitz, John Rieck, Earl Meyers, Detroit.
excellent man on defense. His poke Rowe scheduled to pitch that Chris Everhardus, forwards; and The Detroit champions gathered
and sweep checks are especially ef- sixth game? Frank Lett, center. the most team honors, leading with
fective in stopping opposition thrusts
at the red line. You know the story. Detroit lost,
Cass Tech Star 4 to 3. At one time the tying and 60 V arsity r cien e tart
EP'iu ll Tic Vui-
i!OU, .
3.'ie~ciy, 800 pm. -The s~14
Notre Dame authorities dislike
the. name "Ramblers" which many
e s l have applied to the Notre
Damie football teams.
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Full line of Pipes, Tobacco,
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Dick Berryman, who received All-
City honors in his prep school days
at Cass Tech High, Detroit, is a steady
sort of player and should work in
well with his more aggressive mates
in the forward line.
Co-captains Johnny Sherf and
Johnny Jewell will probably be the
bulwarks of the Michigan offense and
defense, Sherf, at left wing, and Jew-
ell, as goalie. Larry David and Don
MacCallum, at the defense positions,
are two veterans from last year who
fill out the remainder of the starting
line-up. MacCallum, named at de-
fense on the second team of the All-
Star Midwestern selections last year
and Larry David, who proved to be a
capable defense man as a sophomore
last season, should give the Wolver-
ines a good defense line.
Gil McEachern, Walt Courtis, Jack
Merrill, and the Chase twins, Bill
and Ed are the spares who will be
on the Michigan bench. The Wolv-
erines will open the season wearing
new blue and gold uniforms.
Following is the starting line-up
for Michigan:
Jewell ........... ...... Goalie
David ............ Right Defense
MacCallum .......Left Defense
Heyliger .... . ........... Center
Berryman.. .......Right Wing
Sherf..............Left Wing
Ref eree - TraubI
winning runs were perched on the
bases where a long fly to the outfield
would have scored them, but Detroit's
mighty hitters could only whiff or pop
weakly. The series was lost that day.
The two teams went through the mo-
tions again on Tuesday, but Dizzy
Dean was master of the occasion,
while he and his mates were col-
lecting 11 runs off the entire Detroit
pitching staff.
The finish was almost equally close
in the pro football battles just ended.
Though the Bears still have to play
the New York Giants in the cham-
pionship game, authorities agree thai
the title was virtually decided that
perfect Thanksgiving morning last
week when the Lions played inspires
football before a record crowd to lea(
for 50 minutes, but were beaten b
the Bears' superior passing attack an
Jack Manders' educated toe.
There is no cause for any De-
troit fan to complain about the
c~atccime of these three sports.
Detroit is certainly back on the
sports world's map again after a
lapse of 25 years, and maybe next
season will bring better fortune.
Psi Upsilon Swimmers
Win Over A.K.L., 26-15
Psi Upsilon, defending champion,
To Defend Their Indoor Title
A squad of 60 Varsity trackmen,' points, in each meet.
headed by 14 lettermen who will form Taking firsts in the 60-yard dash,
the nucleus of the team, began prep- 1 70-yard high hurdles, and the high
arations in the Feld House yesterday, jump against Ohio, State in the first
to defend their indoor championship indoor meet last year, the colored star
during the oncoming season. set a precedent which he equalled in
The schedule of meets for the 1935 the three indoor ensuing meets. His
season will be arranged at a meeting 15 points in the Conference meet
of Western Conference coaches Dec. enabled Michigan to dethrone In-
8, in Chicago. Idiana as Big Ten Indoor Champions.
If the exploits of Willis Ward dur- In addition to Ward, Michigan is
well fortified in running events. Neree
ing the indoor season last year can IAlix, Big Ten Indoor Champ, leads
be used as a basis for speculation, the the two-milers, with Rod Howell,
Wolverines are assured of at leasttwo-lesfi theoCoee,
'he irtpaes os1ttn 15 who placed fifth in the Conference
.hree first places, constituting last year, and Walter Stone, sopho-I
-----more, also strong contenders.
Wrestlers Will Invade Boyd Pantlind, who won a letter
in 1932, but was ineligible last year,
East February 16 To 18 returns to bolster the hurdlers.
Other lettermen and their events
The annual Eastern invasion of the are: Hunt, hurdles; Patton, Serakos,
vrestling team will take place Feb- and Ellerby, quarter-mile; Captain
uary 16-18 this winter, according to Harvey Smith and Gorman, half-
';'oach Cliff Keen. The matmen will mile; Hunn, pole vault; Schell, broad
tackle West Virginia on the 16th and jump; Stone and Kositchek, javelin.
Washington and Lee, perennial ---- ---
hampions of the Southern Confer-- -
mnce, on the 18th. Winter Means a Heavy Coat.
The team received a blow yesterday Heve Last Year's Altered
when it was learned that Ralph Nea- I' d ned at
fus, 175-pounder, and one of the three John's Tailor Shop
letermen on the squad, would not Amn Arbor's Popular Tailor"
be able to compete this season. 609 Packard
INS-__ - tl
won its way to the semi-finals of the
NO HIGH-POINT MAN fraternity dual meet swimming tour-
GREELEY, Colo., Dec. 3. - {,P) - nament by defeating Alpha Kappa
For four years - one year on the Lambda, 26 to 15, yesterday at the In-
freshman team and three on the tramural pool in the re-swim of their
varsity - Fritz Brennecke has played recent meet which ended in a tie.
in the Colorado Teachers College Psi Upsilon will meet Chi Phi in
backfield and never once carried the one semi-final meet, while Theta Chi
ball. is opposing Pi Lamda Phi in the other.
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