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November 29, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-29

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--- - - - - - - - -


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.





Return Two Indictments
Against J. L. Steinmetz'
NEW YORK, Nov. 28 -(A')- Two
indictments charging first degree
murder andaa third indictment a1-
leging illegal possession of a pistol
were filed in general sessions court.
today against Joseph Lee Steinmetz,
22, alleged slayer of his 17-year-old
bride and a Catholic priest.
Consolidation Considered
For Washington Ofices
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.- (A) -
The capital heard today that the office
of comptroller of the currency and
the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
poration may be consolidated.
Leo T. Crowley, present head of the
FDIC, was mentioned as probable
head of the merged outfits. The pres-
ent comptroller, J. F. T. O'Connor,
has been offered the post of Federal
reserve agent at San Francisco, which
would mean a 100 per cent increase in
The merger, it is said, would elim-
inate duplications and permit a single
checkup on the nation's banks. Over
5,000 national banks now must submit
to examinations by both agencies.
Police And Discontented
Peasants Clash In Paris
PARIS, Nov. 28 --UP)- Hundreds of
discontented peasants, seeking to
march through the streets of Paris in
contravention of a government ban
on demonstrations, clashed with
heavy police forces today. They were
dispersed with some of their number
President Salamanca Is j
Held By Bolivian Troops
NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-- (P) -Re-
ports received here today from offi-
cial sources in La Paz, Bolivia, were
that President David Salamanca, of
olivia, had been seized by Bolivian
troops in the Chaco Boreal and was
not permitted to return to the capital.
The reports added that fighting was
expected to break out at any minute.
President Salamanca, who had gone
to the Chaco to change the high com-
mand of the Bolivian Army because
of its failure against Paraguayan
forces, was seized by the troops, the
advices said.
President-Elect Tamayo, President
Salamanca's two daughters, and the
minister of war were also reported
to have been placed under arrest.
Censorship was understood to have
been established and the cable offices
were closed. The report continued that
it was expected radio communication
also would hk stopped any minute.
People To Receive Aid
In Building New Homes
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 28 -
(R)-President Roosevelt has deter-
mined definitely upon a policy of
federal obligation to help provide
adequate, low cost housing for the
people whose standards of living make
it impossible to build.
Douglas Fairbanks IS
Named In Divorce Suit
LONDON, Nov. 28. - (A) -Lord
Ashley was granted a divorce decree
today from Lady Ashley and costs
of the action were assessed against
Douglas Fairbanks, named as ')orre-
spondent. The costs were estimated
at about $10,000.
The decree, which Sives the young
nobleman a final divorce after six
months if contvary cause is not
shown, was handed down shortly after
the case came before Sir Boyd Merri-
man. The suit was not defended and
services of a jury were not required.
Lady Ashley is the former Sylvia
Hawkes, musical comedy actress.

The court action today required*
exactly eight minutes time. Lady Ash-
ley was not in court but Lord Ashley,
heir of the ninth Earl of Shaftesbury,
was there, smartly attired in a gray
Three Desperadoes Hold
Up Bank At Woodbury
WOODBURY, Tenn., Nov. 28. - ('),
- The Woodbury Commerce Union
bank was held up today and robbed
of between $6,000 and $8,000 by three
men who entered with a sawed-off
shotgun, locked bank employees in a
vault and escaped in an automobile
driven by a fourth.

VOL. XLV No. 571
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
be at home to members of the facul-
ties, their friends, and other residentst
of Ann Arbor on Sunday, Dec. 2, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
University Broadcasting, Thursday,
Nov. 29:
10:00-10:15 p.m.-"Scientific Re-
search and Industry," 'Frank W.
Steere, Consulting Engineer with the
Department of Engineering Research,
University of Michigan.
10:15-10:30 p.m.-"The NationalI
Housing Act - The Owner and the
Architect," Ralph W. Hammett, As-
sociate Professor of Architecture.
Friday, Nov. 30:
9:15-9:30 a.m.-Laboratory Pro-
gram for University Speech Class.
Prepared and presented by students.
2:00-2:30 p.m. - Mental Hygiene of
Adolescence - Lecture II, Howard Y.
McClusky, Associate Professor of Edu-
cational Psychcology.
Faculty Meeting, College of Litera-
ture, Science & Arts:
The regular December meeting will
be held in Room 1025 A.H., Monday
afternoon, Dec. 3, beginning at 4:10.
It is expected that this meeting will
be a short one.
Report of Executive Committee -
Report concerning University coun-
cil - Pillsbury.
Report concerning Deans' Confer-
ences - Kraus.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Saturday, Dec. 1. More
cards if needed can be had at my of-
These reports are understood as
nriming those studenits, freshman
and upperclass, whose standing at
midsemester time is D or E, not mere-
ly those who receive D or E in so-
t called midsemester examinations.
Student electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University, should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
W. R. Humphreys,
Assistant Dean


Lecture I ____________
University Lecture: "THE TEN MILLION" Many of his stories are excellent
Dean James B. Edmonson, of the; By Mark Hellinger and most of them are competent
School of Education, will speak on Farrar and Rinehart, $2.50. examples of all that he was attempt-
the subject, "What Is the Crisis in By WILLIAM T.. BROWNSON ing to do. Occasionally he hits a
Public Education?" at 4:15 p.m., Wed- pretty flat note and again he produces
nesday, Dec. 5, in the Natural Science Here is a book which the admirer a touch of real artistry. He employs
Auditorium. This is the third of a of the short short' story will enjoy one very interesting and usually effec-
series of University Lectures by mem- thoroughly, the average reader will tive device with each of his stories.
bers of the University faculties, which find entertaining, and those who Above them is print ed a sort of prosz'
faculty members, students, and the demand "literature" will damn in overture, short, and not directly con-
general public are cordially invited its entirety. Mr. Hellinger is a senti- nected with the story. These may
to attend. mental cynic. Throughout, the story be an anecdote, an explanatory note,
is the thing and he has written it or an epigram, and some of them are
Michael Gold, well-known author with a considerable degree of compe-'! very good. Here is one of the best of
and critic, will lecture on "The Crisis tence. His philosophy is not compli- I them:
in Modern Literature," Sunday, Dec. E cated. He believes that women are "Did you ever see a little child stand
2, at 8 o'clock, Natural Science Audi- untrustworthy, men are irrational, at a window and clutch at a sun-
torium, sponsored by National Stu- and that society is a difficult and beam? And did you ever see the child's'
dent League. disappointing but extremely interest- face when the little hand is opened
ing place in which to live. Almost -and there is nothing there? - Well.
The Evolution of Man and Races: without exception his stories are brief, I haven't either. But it certainly is aE
Prof. White of the department of third person yarns with little concern pretty thought."
Anthropology, will speak under the for characterization and an invari- Those lines are lar above mere
auspices of the Hindustan Club, Fri- able trick ending. In this book are newspaper hack writing. Mark hell-
day, 8:30 p.m., Lane Hall. The lec- sixty-four short stories and seven pre- inger has written a rather acceptable
ture will be illustrated with slides. factory pieces which expand upon the book. Although he has no particularly
All are invited. thesis of the sections under which the striking style, the person who enjoys
stories are grouped. short stories should be well satisfied
Academic Notices Like its predecessor, O. Henry's with these. Those who have been
"The Three Million," most of the readers of Mr. Hellinger's column
English 201: The mimeographed stories in the book are concerned with can easily judge for themselves. Away'
sheets for the next assignment will New York and its heterogeneous pop- from the rush of the newspaper dead-
be distributed at the English Office ulation. The author is a New York line, he is attempting to present his
and not in the Graduate Reading newspaper man who syndicates a work at its best. Most readers will
Room as was previously announced. short story each day to newspapers agree that he has done so.
Albert H. Marckwardt. in various sections of the country.!
Many of the stories in the collection
English 31, Mr. Litzenberg's Sec- are reprinted from his daily column.
Lions: Make-up examination for the He knows the after-dark life of New Paper Before Society
mid-semester will be held Monday York, the show business, the cab-
afternoon, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. in 3226 arets, the gangsters and the "easy Prof. G. E. Uhlenbeck and E. J.
Angell Hall. money boys." He knows all the types Konopinski leave today for St. Louis
Ange__H__.that the newspaperman gets to know, where they will present a paper before
and he likes most of them even when the American Physical Society.
Coming Events he disapproves of their instincts The paper is on the "Comparison
Aeronautical Engineers' Division and manner of life. One feels that With Experiment of the Fermi Theory
A.S.M.E. Meeting: Monday, Dec. 3, he is very fond of the exciting and of Beta-Ray Disintegration." The
7:30 p.m., Room 316 at the Union. somewhat sordid undercurrent of life Fermi theory, dealing with various
Capt. C. V. Burnett, manager of the in the big town, that he enjoys emo- phases of radio-activity, came out
Detroit City Airport, will talk on Air tionalizing the human interest inci- only recently. Professor Uhlenbeck
Transportation. dent. and Mr. Konopinski have borne it
Trasprttin.Mr. Hellinger has an eye for good out in principle with their experi-
Freshman Pre-Foresters are re- fiction material, an excellent snap nents, but find minor deviations.
quested to meet in Room 304 of the ending technique, and an engaging - -------
Michigan Union on Sunday, Dec. 2, frankness. He is given to superficial
2:30 p.m. philosophizing about life and an oc- THANKSGIVING DINNE
:3_._i casional bad pun. Apparently he has Fruit
CosmpoltanClub: Meeting Sat- no0 illusion about the literary quality!Ef
urdaysDec.1,8p.m., Lane Hall, "Con- of his work, nor any conviction that Roast T urkc
tributions of Negro to Our Culture," he is infallibly original. His first per-
by John Cottin, Graduate. son interludes are excellent conversa- Mashed White and Candied S
'__ tional bits of writing in which he Creamed Pegs, Cranberry Sauc
U-M Outdoor Club is holding a scoffs at nearly everything and every-
mi swimmingrt fs members abody, particularly at Mark Hellinger. Cherry Ice Cream.......
mixed swimming party for members 1:00 - 1:45 P.M.

' r

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11c per reading line
on basis of five averge words to
line) for one or two ins=ertions.
1Oc per rending line for three or
rn "_ llin t'Itions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
'o, ne or two inser'tions1.
14cpepr reading line for three or
more insertins.
010 discont if paid within ten days
from the date of list insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion-
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months...... ..3c
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7
100 lines used as desired.........9
300 lies used as desired ........$c
1.000 lines used as desired.......'7c
2.000 lines used as desired ......6c

Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6328. ix
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
Dec. 3, Passenger wanted. Phone

based on eigwt reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, tper and lower case. Add
I6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71% point
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox

suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 7x
CHICAGO, Nov. 28.-(P - Nicholas
A. Schwall, fugitive bank cashier who
was brought back to the bar of jus-
tice after two years of hiding in a
cabin in the Wisconsin woods, was
sentenced today to two years in the
Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary for
embezzlement of $57,000 from the
closed First National Bank of Wil-
Adults 40c Children lOc
Shows Continuous 1 30-11:00
Your Perfect Holiday



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and friends Saturdav evening at 8:00,

_ i

Faculty, School of Education: The in the Intramural pool. Bring your
December meeting of the faculty of own suits and towels. Twenty Years ago
the School of Education will be held
at the Michigan Union on Monday, Outing for Graduate Students: From the Daily files of
Dec. 3, at 12 noon. The overnight hike announced last November 29, 1914
Sunday for this week-end has been
Students, College of Literature, postponed a week to permit a num- Before a crowd which filled every
Science and the Arts: ber of those going home this week available spare in Hill Auditorium
Students are instructed not to apply to attend. Instead the Graduate last night, William Jennings Bryan,
at any office for their ten weeks re- Outing Club will have a fish fry at secretary of state of the United States,
ports. Any student who is reported the Washington scout cabin Sunday delivered the main address of the eve-
at the end of the tenth week as stand- neon. Maurice Whittinghill will leawd ing. His topic was "The Making of
ing D or E in any course will be sent the group, which will melt at Lane a Man."
a written notice. Hall at 12:30 p.m. f any graduate !
student who would like to attend can- Belgian garments, modeled strictly
College of Engineerig: There will not be ,here at that time or would after Belgian, fashions, are being
be a meeting of the S.P..E. at Mich- like further information, call Mr. or turned out at the rate of 800 per
igan State College, Lansing, Saturday, Mrs. Whitaker - 5745. The cost will week, by the "garment factory" re-
Dec. 1. The program will start in be 20 or 25 cents. cently organized at the Church of
the afternoon and be followed by a I Christ.
dinner. It is hoped that as many as Hindustan Club: Regular meeting , : :.
possible will attend. Friday, 7:30 p.m., in Lane Hall. Several books on Christian Science
by Mary Baker Eddy have been re-
Mentor Reports: The .second Men- Lutheran Student Club: Professor ceived recently by the general library
tor Reports will be delayed, like the Preuss, of the political science depart- from the trustees, under the will of
first reports, by one week. The sec- ment, will speak at the meeting on Mary Baker Eddy.
and reports will be collected during Sunday evening, Dec. 2, at 6:30
the week Dec. 3-Dec. 8, and distrib- o'clock. Walter I. McKenzie, '15L, has writ-
uted in the week following. This ap- The talk will be preceded by the ten to friends that he is recovering
plies to engineering freshmen. usual supper in the parish hall of the from his injuries received when he
A. D. Moore, Head Mentor Zion Lutheran Church at 5:30 p.m. fell from an Ypsilanti interurban
All Lutheran students are invited. car.
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper-
ons, Househeads, Undergraduate Michigan Dames: The Athletic harles D. Wiley, '17, was fined
Women: group will meet at Palmer Field I$3.48 by Justice W. G. Doty for dis-
The closing tour for those girls House, Friday evening, Nov. 30, atributing handbills in violation of
V/io are attending the Panhellenic 8:00. There will be bowling, ping the city ordinance.
Ball will be 3 a.m., Saturday mnn- gand practice golf. For further Harvard will be on the Michigan
information call Mrs. Joseph Gast, football schedule next fall if the Wol-
telephone 6138. Husbands are in-verine board in control of athletics
Phi Beta Kappa: Next week the vited. vare boarrangcontr fathletin
I cares to arrange another battle in
local Chapter is to have the pleasure 1 --Cambridge.
cf entertaining Dr. W. A. Shimer, I ,tr
Secretary of United Chapters. The i actVT Members
date cannot be fixed until we hear *Aing, which will be held in connection
more definitely in regard to Dr. Shim- To)Attend. I'eetiug with the AEA meetings.
er's schedule of visits to other Chap- I Prof. Z. C. Dickinson, also of the 1
ters in the neighborhood. If there Three members of the economics economics department, is to give a
are any members of the Faculty who department, Professors I. L. Sharf- paper on 'Suggestive Systems' at a
would like to meet Dr. Shimer, the I man, Max S. Handman, and Charles meeting of the management division
Chapter will be glad to do all it can f F. Remer, will attend the American of the American Society of Mechani-
to arrange such meetings if those in- tEconmics Association's annual meet- cal Engineers, Dec. 5, in New York
terested will send in their names at ing to be held Dec. 26-29, in Chica-
once to the Secretary, O. F. Butler,' go.
3233 Angell Hall. Professor Handman and Professor
Remer will both speak on subjects col of Social
Phi Beta Kappa: The local Chap- pertaining to the industrial revolu-1Dancing
ter will be glad to have any members tion, the former giving a paper on its Taight daily, 10 to 10,
of Phi Beta Kappa who have recently connection with economic national- wuerth Theater Bldg.
come to Ann Arbor leave their ad- ism, and the latter on economic na- Phone 9695
dresses at the Secretary's office, 3233'I tionalism in China.__
Angell Hall. In this way we can help' Robert P. Briggs, of the economics --youct i dl kn
you to keep in touch with the nation- Idepartment, will take part in the-
al organization. meetings of the American Association
O. F. Butler, Secretary of University Instructors in Account-
case: 15c to 6 P.M., 25c after 6 1
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