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November 29, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-29

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The Weather
mostly cloudy Thursday and
Friday; somewhat colder on

C, 4r

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Thanksgiving Interlude...
Almiost jTime For A Purge .. .



Find Body
Of Nelson
Iii A Ditch
Shots Of Slain Federal
Agents Cause I[eath Of.
Aides Of Dillinger -
Follower Escape
Authorities Believe Male
Companion Of Mobster'
Killed Officers
CHICAGO, Nov. 28 -(I)- George1
"Baby Face" Nelson, public enemy
number one, died today, a posthumous
victim of two gallant Federal agents
who lost their lives in an -attempt to
capture him.
The bullet riddled body of the crimeI
successor of slain John Dillinger was
found in a muddy ditch this after-
noon near suburban Niles Center.
Wrapped only in a blanket, his
diminutive form was stained with;
blood from 17 bullet wounds he suf-,
fered in the vicious battle in which
two ace government agents, Samuel
E. Cowley and Herman E. Hollis, were

His Career In Crime Is Ended

Students Are
Addressed By
C. D. Hurrey
Appeals For International
Understanding Made By
Foreign Students
Master Technique

Avenge Colleague
The Federal men had died, not
knowing their aim had been true
and that they had brought down the GEORGE "BABA
most widely-sought criminal in the
country, the slayer of their fellow-
officer, W. Carter Baum, last spring. Br '
Authorities at first believed that hitiii r s
in yesterday's battle at Barrington,
not far from the Niles Center prairie Reich To Drop
where Nelson's body was discovered,
Nelson fell before the fire of the men
he had slain. A
But at least one official, police s
commissioner Ambrose Brod of Niles ,
Center, asserted he believed Nelson Baldwin Says England Is
had not killed the officers. Their"
trigger fingers were too quick, he WatcfuNot Panicky
said, and Nelson had fallen before Over Present Crisis
they went down. He said he believedt
Nelson's unidentified male compan- LONDON Nov. 28 -(A)- A govern-
ion fired the shots which killed the ment statement before Commons
government men. made by Stanley Baldwin, lord presi-
See Hamilton In Battle dent of the council, in which he urged#
Various authorities have named i Germany to abandon her isolation
John Hamilton, surviving partner of ! and secrecy concerning arms was
the original gang, Tommy Touhy of communicated prior to the debate to
the notorious Chicago gang, and Alvin the United States, Germany, France
Karpis, one of the accused Bremer and Italy, Sir John Simon, foreign
kidnapers, as the gunman with Nel- minister, told the House tonight.
son in the battle at Barrington. Baldwin, speaking for the govern-
He and the woman companion, ment in reply to Winston Churchill
supposedly the widow of Nelson, ap- and other critics of the government's
parently had made good their escape defense program, asserted Britain was
tonight through the widespread lines watchful but not panicky over the
of government, state and local police European situation. He said Britain
thrown out in a huge net to cover all would not expect inferiority to Ger-
highways in this region. many in the air.
The department of justice at Wash-- The communications to the foreign
ington said there was no doubt that governments, Simon said, constituted
the nude body was the mortal re- a new development and created a
mains of the 25-year-oldcriminal new situation in which this govern-
who had dipped into almost every, ment had taken the initiative.
vestigation made i "pinerprt in- Churchill, former chancellor of the
The Department's statement added exchequer, demanded that the na-
that Nelson, who has served one term tion's security from attack by air be
in Joliet, Ill., prison for bank rob- assured by an increased air force,
bery, has been a criminal since he and Baldwin replied with the asser-
was 13 years of age, and had joined tion that the government considered
the Dillinger gang after Dillinger pan on foot for strengthening the
made his "wooden gun" escape from air force adequately. He also said
the Crown Point, Ind., jail last spring. the prevailing atmosphere of nervous
He had been identified as one of tension could be removed if Germany
the two machine-gun robbers who abandons her isolation and secrecy.
stole $32,000 from a Brainerd, Minn.
bank in Oct., 1933, as a member of NOTED GEOLOGIST DIES
the gang that robbed a Mason, City, f CHAPEL HILL, N. C., Nov. 28 -(P)
Iowa, bank of $52,000 and as the -Dr. Collier Cobb, professor of geol-
slayer of Theodore W. Kidder in ogy in the University of North Caro-
Minneapolis-last March 4, the Depart- lina and renowned for his work in
ment officials said. geological research in various parts
of the world, died here today at the
Band To Entertain age of 72.
At Annual Dinner Students Are Am

-Associated Press Photo

Monday Will Mark
First AppearanceI
OF Popular Szigeti
When Olin Downes in the New York
Times first described Josef Szigeti as
"a violinist whose art is more than the
episode of a season," he foresaw what
a lofty, almost isolated, position this
"patrician artist" was to reach in the
musical life of this country.
Ann Arbor concert-goers will have
their opportunity to hear Szigeti when
he makes his local debut Monday in
Hill Auditorium. The program will be
the fourth on the 1934-35 Choral
Union series.
Of universal appeal, the Hungarian
virtuoso is in demand everywhere and{
by every type of audience -for col-
lege courses and for fashionable
morning musicales, for specialized
music groups and for concerts before
popular gatherings, as soloist with the
great orchestras to introduce new
and difficult works or to revitalize the
classic concerti.
More and more, in descriptions of
other artists, one finds in the press
such expressions as "Szigetian fin-
esse" or the "Szigeti of some other
instrument. These are just another
indication that the art of Szigeti has
become a criterion, by which other
musicians are judged.
Former Instructor
Takes Life In Ohio
The body of Dr. Robert Milligan,
30, former instructor on the neurology
staff of the University Hospital, was
found in his automobile yesterday
near Chardon, Ohio. Officers de-
clared he had taken his own life by
firing a bullet into his brain.
Dr. Milligan left the hospital last
July, intending to begin practicing
somewhere in the west. He returned
for a visit about a week ago, at which
time he appeared mentally and
physically healthy. He was graduated
from the University medical school.

Negroes And Orientals Are
Rising In Progressive
More than 350 foreign students and
members of the faculty and the stu-
dent body heard Charles D. Hurry of
New York City, general secretary of
the Committee on Friendly Relations
with Foreign Students make a call
for international understanding in
the interests of world peace and
friendship at the International Ban-
quet last night in the Union ball-
Before an audience that had come
from all parts of the world to attend
3 the University of Michigan, Mr.
Hurry, himself a graduate of this
school, said "that this is no longer
the white man's world, it has been
that way long enough," and then went
on to say that "the Negro and Orien-
tal races are rising up, not in arms,
but in progressive leadership and in-
Races do-Operate
He then cited the case of four
Negro students who were invited by
Hindu Universities in India to teach
in that country, as an indication of
the rapidly growing movement of
races to co-operate with each other,
at least in the fields of education.
Expressing the hope that foreign
students would take back to their na-
tive country all that is valuable in the
United States, Mr. Hurry made the
qualification that they should not be-
come too Americanized in the process
of their education here.
I "What this country offers in the
way of techniques," he declared,
''your own country can supplement
with background and stability."
Mr. Hurrey, in his address, paid
much attention to the work of for-
eign students in America who had
achieved success all over the world as
well as in their native countries.
These people, he pointed out, are
forces for greater understanding of
American institutions abroad, and are*
factors in the advancement of world
Cites Student Success
In respect to this he mentioned
W. C. Chen, a Chinese graduate of
the University in the class of 1910,
now Chinese consul-general of Great
Britain; W. W. Chen, graduate of the
University of Virginia, now Chinese
Minister to Russia; and 0. Matsuoka,
who graduated from the University
of Oregon, and who is now the chief
spokesman for the Japanese govern-
ment at the League of Nations.
In making what he called an "air-
plane tour" of the facilities offered
by different foreign universities in the
world in his address, Mr. Hurry
declared that he "deplored the execu-
tion of Carl Beck of the University of
Berlin by the present German gov-
ernment." The killing of this German
internationalist was a "ghastly mis-
take," he said.
Commenting on the Sino-Japanese
situation in respect to the relation
between education and politics, he
declared that "there were at one time
15,000 Chinese students studying in
Japan, but this number has fallen off
considerably in the last few years. I
am not here ,to debate why this has
happened, or who is right or wrong
in the present situation, but if a
peaceful settlement of the dispute is
(Continued on Page 5)
Farmer Admits
Killing Of Next
Door Neighbor
Because he wanted to marry Cer-
winka's wife, George Hawley, Jr., 24-
year-old farmer, confessed yesterday
to killing Michael Cerwinka, 36, a
farmer of Sharon township. Hawley
first shot Cerwinka with a rifle, and
then shattered his skull with rocks,

according to the details of the con-
fession as given out by Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp.
Hawley confessed to lying in am-
bush for Cerwinka, who was in the
habit of visiting his traplines early
in the morning, and shooting him in
the back. The victim's head was then
hstv,'c in wiith rocks ~found scartteredi

Informal Rehearsal
Ends In Disaster;
Cuppy StalowedI
Tragedy attended an informal and
unofficial rehearsal of a critical scene
of the Union Opera, "Give Us
Rhythm," held recently by members
of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity.
It all centered around a gilt-edged
edition of the piscatorial realm - a
"guppy" who was to have played a
very important character in the forth-
coming production but one which
meant little to the student who, ac-
cording to the plot, was endeavoring
to hide it in his mouth.
The unlucky little guppy was doing
a valiant job of "standing in" for
the guppy who will play the part of
"Challenger" when he found himself
caught in an alimentary rip-tide,
much to the mutual discomfort of
both the careless student and himself.
No amount of regurgitating could
bring forth the unlucky guppy.
Since the accident, guppies have
been at a premium for rehearsal pur-
poses, but regardless of unceasing
vigil by fish fanciers, several other
losses have been reported.
'Students Strike
At 'Kindfish's
Rule' Of Press
Louisiana State Objects To
Senator Huey Long's
'Youth Movement'

Nelson's Last Victim

BATON ROUGE, La., Nov. 28.- (A)
- A strike of journalism students at
Louisiana State University in pro-
test against "kingfish rule" of the
campus press formed another snag
today for Senator Huey P. Long's
"youth movement."
Classrooms were deserted at the
journalism school as the students de-
manded freedom of the collegiate
press from the Long censorship that
has caused suspension of the "Re-
veille," undergraduate newspaper.
Recently the Kingfish, riding on the!
tide of the state dictatorship he set
up through legislative enactment, said
the time had come to desert the "old
mossbacks" of politics and enlist the
support of the youth of the land.
He concentrated on youth enlist-
ment - many thought it was for sup-
port of his presidential ambitions -
and headed football caravans to
L.S.U. games and ballyhoo exhibitions
on the campus.-
But a student contributed a letter
critical of Long to the college paper'
and Long had the "Reveille" presses
stopped, killed the letter and invoked
a faculty-censorship on the paper.
And today the Louisiana Kingfish
was called upon not only to halt the
rebellious journalism students but to
back up the president of the Uni-
versity, Dr. James M. Smith, in his
suspension of 26 students who prc.
tested the gag rule or else accept
Smith's challenge to "get a new pres-
Student Activity Attack
Discussed In Meeting
An attack on radical student activ-
ities by Frederick Robinson, president
of the College of the City of New
York, contained in a recent article in
the Detroit Times, was discussed at
a meeting of the National Student
League last night in the Union.
The article followed the recent ex-
pulsion of more than 20 students
from. C.C.N.Y. as a result of disorders
attendant upon a visit to the college
by a large group of Italian students.
Leo Luskin, '35, opened the discus-
sion with a review of the course of
radical agitation at C.C.N.Y., and the
members of the organization then of-
fered arguments on questions related
to the article.

Rare Collection Of
William Clements
Is Left University


-Associated Press Photo
Samuel Cowley, Federal agent who
died yesterday as the result of wounds
received in the machine gun battle
with "Baby Face" Nelson, was the
last victim to be sacrificed in the
naition-wide man-hunt to 'capture
Dillinger's henchman.
Joint Holiday
Service Is To
Be Held Today
aThe-customary Union Thanksgiv-
ing Service, sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Ministerial Association and at-
tended by its member churches, will
be held at 10:30 a.m. today in the
Bethlehem Evangelical Church, 423
S. Fourth Ave. The sermon will be
delivered by the Rev. William L. Le-
mon. on the subject "Thanks Living."
The service will be jointly conduct-
ed by the Rev. Theodore R. Schmale,
of the Evangelical Church, and the
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, of the First
Baptist Church, who is president of
the Association. The proceeds of the
collection will be donated to the Com-
munity Fund.
"Give Us Our Daily Bread" is the
subject for the Rev. C. A. Brauer's
sermon in the Thanksgiving service
to be held at 10 a.m. in the St. Paul's
Lutheran Church.
TherRev. E. C. Stelhorn's sub-
ject for the holiday sermon, to be
given in the service at 10 a.m. in the
Zion Lutheran Church, is "Why a
National Thanksgiving."
New Deal Subject
Of Remer Address
A review of the New Deal and some
of its important problems was given
by Prof. Charles F.rRemer of the eco-
nomics department in a talk before
a meeting of the Michigan Vanguard
Club Tuesday night in the Union. 1
Prof. Remer outlined the chief
phases of the NRA and raised several
questions concerning the interna-
tional and monetary complications of
the program.

To Library

Provisions Of Will
Told By Executor
Trust' Funds Are Left For
Widow And Children Of
Late Regent
A $400,000 collection of early Amer-
ican maps, manuscripts, and books
has been donated to the William
Clements' Library in a special bequest
of the late William L. Clements, Bay
City, regent of the University for 24
years, and donor of the William
Clements library, it was announced
today by the Detroit Trust Co.
Mr. Clements died Nov. 6. The Trust
company stated that negotiations for
the transfer of the collections to the
University had been under way at the
time of the late regent's death. The
negotiations will be continued in order
to carry out Mr. Clements' wishes.
Mr. Clements was considered at
one time to be several times a mil-
lionaire. The estate is estimated to be
worth approximately $550,000 at the
present time.
When the terms of the will were
made public, it was discovered that
the late regent's home in Bay City
and the contents, except the histor-
ical material and a few other items
specifically given to other members of
the family, were left to the widow,
Kathrine F. Clements. The trust com-
pany stated that bequests in cash and
in trust aggregating $150,000 were
provided for a son, William Wallace
Clements, New York City, and a
daughter, Mrs. Harry S. Finkenstaedt,
Detroit, and four grandchildren. A
sister, Mrs. Ida Clements Wheat, was
given an annuity and the use of a
homie in Ann Arbor for life.
The remainder of his personal prop-
erty was left in trust to pay the in-
come to Mrs. Clements, and after her
death, to the children of Mrs. Fin-
kenstaedt, his daughter. The value of
the real estate was placed at approx-
imately $50,000 and the value of the
personal estate at about $500,000.
Harry S. Finkenstaedt and the De-
troit Trust Co., were requested to be
appointed as executors.
A.S.M.E. Group
Elects Colwell
To Fill Vacancy
Engineering Society Votes
To Include Aero Branch
In Council
Lester Colwell, '35E, was elected
secretary-treasurer of the student
branch of the A.S.M.E. at a meeting
held last night in the East Physics
Building. The election of Colwell filled
a vacancy in the post.
Members of the group also voted to
include a member of the Aero Branch
of A.S.M.E. on the Engineering Coun-
cil and supported a move to include
the vice-president of the Union from
the engineering college as a represen-
tative on the Engineering Council if
the proposed Men's Council is ad6pt-
ed. Approval of this move by all en-
gineering societies will place the en-
tire college behind the new attempt
at self-government, it was said.
The announcement of a banquet
to be jointly sponsored by the aero
and mechanical branches of A.S.M.E.
was also made at the meeting.
Prof. Floyd A. Firestone of the
physics department was in charge of
the latter part of the meeting ,giving
demonstrations of sound apparatus.
He also told his audience about some
of the work now being carried on in
industry to reduce noise.

'Contemporary' Story
Deadline Announced
All entries in the short story
contest conducted by Contempo-
rary, a new campus literary mag-
azine, must be placed in the Eng-
lish office not later than this Sat-


used At Dean's
are For Her Doo

The annual dinner and football
bust, sponsored by the Detroit Uni-
versity of Michigan Club, tomorrow
night at the Hotel Statler, will be en-
tertained by the Varsity-R.O.T.C.
The band will leave for Detroit to-
morrow noon, will be entertained by
a free show at the Michigan Theater
in the afternoon, and will play for
the dinner in the evening. A Ger-
man band, composed of Varsity Band
players, will furnish music and stunts
for the after-dinner bust.
The football team, coaching staff,
and Varsity cheerleaders will also
make the journey.
The featured speakers of the eve-
ning will be Frank D. Fitzgerald, gov-
ernor-elect, and Ralph Cannon of the3
Chicago Daily News.n n
Tickets for the dinner and -bust,

Rules On (
(By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 28.- Miss Vir-
ginia C. Gildersleeve is a very popular
dean of Barnard College, but her stu-
dents could not refrain from de-
lighted chuckling last week when they
picked up the New Yorker, and were
told that the dean has the following
rules for students she hires to exer-
cise Culag, her Cairn terrier:
c1. The dog is to be exercised for
an hour in the morning, generally
from ten to eleven. I allow a few min-
utes leeway at the beginning or end
of the hour for class purposes, but
think he should be out at least fifty
minutes. In the afternoon he is to be

Modern Dance Compositions To
Be Used In 'Give Us Rhythm'

other arrangements. Do not send a
"4. If I cancel the engagement
for any day, I will pay you for the
usual time. If you stay away for any
reason of your own, however, you do
not get paid.
"5. I pay at the rate of 50 cents per
hour, which I understand to be the
usual rate for taking children out. My
secretary, Miss Minahan, settles the
"6. Be sure to keep the dog on the
lead while on the streets, because
there is very great danger of his being
run over.
"7. Please take him down into Riv-
erside Park, and there let him run

The dance work for this year's
Michigan Union Opera, "Give Us
Rhythm," is to be in accord with the
more vigorous forms of modern dance
composition, according to Russell
McCracken, director of the Opera.
"Dancing with a good physical punch
is needed in popular musical com-
edies," he said, "and the dance direc-
tors for the Opera are capitalizing
on the fact that they have all male
choruses, by stressing everywhere pos-
sible in the compositions a strength
and vitality of movement," McCrack-
en said.
"Working along lines and in forms

movements will be anything but fem-
inine and they will keep to the pace,
set by their trousered partners. In
one of the ensembles, all the dancers
will be costumed as men. In one, the
short men will have skirts and the tall
trousers; in another, the tall will
have the skirts and the shorts the
pants." . I
The student directors of the dance
work in the Opera are Robert L. Slack,
'35, chairman; Richard Morairty, '37,
and Truman Smith, '35. They have
made their dance formations from
the mood and dramatic ideas con-
tained in the piece of music danced

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