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November 29, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-29

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Courtmen Meet
Calvin College
Tall Varsity Team Ekes
Out 19 To 18 Win Over
Reserves In Practice
With only two more days to pre-
pare for the opening game, Coach
Cappon was pushing his basketball
squad hard yesterday afternoon, put-
ting the players through a two-hour
It is not probable that Calvin Col-
lege Knights will offer too much
competition, but Western State is
sure to put a strong quintet on the
floor in the season's second game
andthe Wolverines have to be ready
for them, too.
The first team, composed of Capt.
Al Plummer, Dick Evans, John Gee,
Dick Joslin, John Jablonski, and
Gerald Ford, scrimmaged yesterday
against the second five: Jack Powell,
Jack Teitelbaum, Chelso Tomagno,
George Rudness, and "Hi" Hill. So
far this season the second squad has
been outscoring the first reguarly,
and yesterday afternoon's practice
showed some of the reasons why this
has happened.
Second Team Faster
Despite the difference in height,
the second team was keeping posses-
sion of the ball and taking most of
the shots. They were alive and took
all of the loose balls as well as taking
the ball off the backboard. The first
teamwas slow and handled the ball
sloppily. They could not seem to
move as a team, but only as individ-
The second team held the lead
most of the scrimmage. However,
after trailing 18 to 8, the Varsity
started clicking and when the scrim-
mage ended was leading 19 to 18.
Rudness, despite his size, was receiv-
ing the ball and scoring most of the
points. He was the only man who
could hit fouls with any regularity.
Out of thirty-three fouls attempted
by both teams, only nine were good.
The seconds made six of the nine that
went through the netting.
Sink the Short Shots
The Varsity quintet, because of its
superior height, made most of its
points on short shots. Most of the
eleveiq points that they scored in their
final rush were of this type.
In the remaining part of the prac-
tice Cappon held to the plan that he
has followed -this year of maintain-
ing two distincts fives, of practically
the equal ability, the personnels of
which do not change. The result of
this should be two well-trained teams,
outstanding for their superior team-
work, each of which can be put into
a game at any time and be trusted
to turn in a good performance.
Gerald Ford Chosen
Most Valuable Player
Gerald Ford, center, has been chosen
the most valuable player on the 1934
Michigan football squad by his team-
mates. He will receive the Chicago
Tribune award which such outstand-
ing stars as Harry Newman and Her-
man Everhardus have received before
Ford's selection as Michigan's most
valuable player qualifies him for se-
lection as the most valuable in the
Western Conference. Newman re-
ceived this honor in 1932.
This was Ford's first year as a
regular, the All-America play of
Chuck Bernard keeping him on the
bench during his sophomore and jun-
ior years.
Ford came to Michigan from South
High School of Grand Rapids.

Wisconsin has won nine games,
lost eight, and tied two in her 19
games with Illinois.
Just Arrived!
with Skinners Satin Facing
at $22.50

w si




^ y

Lions, Bears
Battle Before
25,000 Today

Will Attempt To Lead Michigan From Depths


In The Year 1935...

Chicago Line Averag

es 225

4 NN ARBOR, Oct. 7. -Michigan's Varsity football team hopes to hit Pounds; Feathers Is
the comeback trail here this afternoon when it meets Michigan Offensive Threat
State in the 1935 opener.
State appears to be nearly as strong as they were last season when they DETROIT, Nov. 28 - UP) - The
walloped the Wolverines, 16 to 0, while no one, not even Coach Harry Kipke largest crowd ever to see a football
himself, knows the potential strength of the untried combination which game in University of Detroit stad-
will start for Michigan. ium - 25,000 - today was assured for
Green players in the center of Michigan's line will probably bear the the Thanksgiving day battle between
brunt of the 2hattering attack led by Jim McCrary which Coach Bachman the Detroit Lions and Chicago Bears
will hurl at the Wolverines, and it is this point which Kipke will be watching for the national football league
most attentively. championship.
Bissell, Rinaldi, Hanshue and Greenwald will all be starting their first All reserved seats, numbering
game for the Maize and Blue. Bissell and Hanshue are juniors who won 19,000, long since have been sold for
letters last year but had little experience. Rinaldi has beaten out two junior the game which will start at 11 o'clock
aspirants for the pivot post but one of these two, Stan Schuman or Bob Am- to morrow morning. On Monday,
rine, may be called upon to take his place if he does not come up toKipke's 3,000 general admission tickets were
rine ma upo K~kessold, and this morning the last of the
expectations.-13,000 remaining were sold quickly.
Greenwald started the season as an understudy to Hanshue at right Fans look for one of the greatest
tackle but the big sophomore has developed so fast that Kipke, wanting grid battles ever seen in Detroit. The
to use both, has sent Hanshue to guard. Bears, with a great line and a ver-
John Viergever will be back at the regular left tackle position he held satile backfield in which the once-
last year. The big senior will be attempting to duplicate the feats of Whitey great Red Grange no longer is a
Wistert who won All-American honors in that position two years ago. standout, have won 11 straight games.
Mike Savage and Matt Patanelli will be on the flanks. Patanelli won The Lions with a fine defensive team,
a regular berth as a sophomore last year while Savage has had two years' have won 10 and lost one, their lone
experience as a reserve end. defeat coming Sunday at the hands,
Captain Bill Renner, quarterback, will lead a backfield composed of acker by aootto 0 score. en Bay
Chris Everhardus and Norm Nickerson, halves; and Cedric Sweet, full, besides
himself. The Lions will face a Bear line,
hme p g ra.nequal to, if not surpassing, the
Renner's passing in early practice has been fully as good as it ever strength of the Packers' forward wall.
was and he has come through several hard scrimmages without the semblance The Chicago forwards average 225
of a limp. Ten pounds heavier than he was just before he suffered a leg injury pounds, while the Lions average 205.
two years ago, the Youngstown senior is determined to personally conduct The Bears have such weighty line
his team through every game this fall. men as George Musso, 268; Walter
Norm Nickerson and Chris Everhardus are the other two question Kiesling, 257, and Link Lyman, 246.
marks in Kipke's mind today. Nickerson has been having a daily punting But the Lions, to match this weight,
duel with Renner and Sweet. While Renner has a fine form and Sweet has have a number of lighter but faster
tremendous power behind his boots, the Detroit sophomore appears to have forwards who can both open holes
the combination of both of these attributes which made John Regeczi a great and leave the line to run interference.
punter. Nickerson has also revealed ability to pass which may make him Chicago's attack this year has
Kipke's ace in the hole when Renner is bottled up. been built around Beattie Feathers,
Sweet is back, heavier and faster than he was a year ago, to take up his former Tennessee flash. Feathers,
fullback duties where a leg injury made him leave off before the Ohio State leading ground gainer in the league,
game. Kipke has already praised the defensive ability the big fullback showed can t the line or skirt the t s,o
in scrimmage, this season.
Everhardus, Flying Dutchman II, is primed to go if he gets any sort of Detroit's offense offers Earl (Dutch)
blocking from his mates. The Kalamazoo boy showed uncanny ability to find Clark, one of the greatest all-around
what few holes his teammates could open up last year and behind a more players ever to compete in the league.
capable forward wall should be Kipke's running ace this season. A sound blocker, a fine passer and
On the eve of the first game Kipke reiterated his belief that Michigan ball carrier and a great direction
would lose half its contests this fall, intimating that Minnesota, Ohio State, punter, Clark is expected to furnish
Penn, Columbia, and Illinois would have little trouble with his inexperienced thrills Thursday.

Bill Renner, captain of the 1935 Michigan football team, is expected
to re-tore the punch in the Wolverines' passing attack that was so
sadly missing throughout the disastrous 1934 season. This year, for the
se;*nd time in his college career, Renner was unable to play in a single
game. This season it was because of a broken, ankle bone. In 1932 it was
illness. Renner will have experienced mates in the backfield with him
next year, but the team he will captain must find replacements for most
of this year's line.
Renner's brother, Bob, is co-captain of this year's Michigan swim-
ming team.

Sextet Holds M-0
Forward Line In
Impressive Style
Facing a forward line of two Mich-
igan-Ontario League pucksters and
one of the freshman stars in what

Hockey Sextet
Will Play First
Game Tuesday
Puckmen To Open Season
Against Essex FrontiersI


The starting line-up:
(Fill in your own, Dear Reader, if

you don't like mine.)

Pi Lambda Phi,
Theta Chi Win
An Swim Meet
The Theta Chi and Pi Lambda Phi
fraternity swimming teams moved in-
to the semi-finals of the interfratern-
ity meet Tuesday night with easy
quarter-final wins over the Phi Gam-
ma Delta and Beta Theta Pi teams
Tuesday's third swimming meet
ended in the first tie in intramural
history, Psi Upsilon and Alpha Kappa
Lambda both finishing with 21 points.
It is probable, stated intramural of-
ficials yesterday, that the meet will
be reheld the first of next week. The
winner will swim against Chi Phi
next week in the other semi-final
Two semi-finalists in the water
polo tourney were also decided at
the Intramural pool. Lambda Chi
Alpha defeated Phi Lambda Kappa,
4-0, and Pi Lambda Phi won from
Theta Chi, 3-0. The Chi Phi team
won its quarter final game earlier
in the week and will meet the Phi
Kappa Psi-Psi Upsilon winner in the
The annual interfraternity wrest-
ling meet will be held Wednesday and
Thursday, Dec. 5 and 6 at the Intra-
mural building. Already 22 teams
have entered to make the field the
largest to ever compete. Wrestlers
will weigh in from 3 to 5:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, with the bouts starting
at 7:30 p.m. The semi-finals and
finals will be held Thursday.

A.P. All-America Will
Be Announced Sunday
The 1934 All-America football
team, as selected by the Associated
Press, will appear on The Daily
sport page Sunday.
First, second, and third teams,
and those receiving honorable
mention have been named by Alanj
Gould, sports editor of the Asso-
ciated Press, with the assistance of
sports writers throughout the na-
Even Mirrors Used
Now In Grid Drills
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 28 - (P) -
Dana X. Bible, of Nebraska, uses signs
as part of his scheme to win football
games, so Lynn Waldorf, of Kansas
State, plans to do it with mirrors.
With the climactic Big Six title
struggle between Bible's Nebraska
Cornhuskers and Waldorf's Kansasf
State Wildcats one day away, Wald-
orf goes one up, at least, on the con-
ference's veteran "idea man" by calm-
ly introducing large mirrors as ad-
juncts to football rehearsal.
Last week it was too muddy to prac-
tice on the home gridiron, so Waldorf
and his men hied themselves away
to the sheltered tanbark arena at
nearby Fort Riley. Those huge mir-
rors before which the Army's crack
riders and school mounts preen them-
selves for championships caught his'
eye. Could they be put to practical
use in football?
The idea crystalized into'something
Bible never thought of before. Wald-,
orf has his punting delegation re-
hearsing their mincing two-steps be-
fore them. To improve their stance,
he says.
Ohio State gained 1,455 yards by'
rushing this year.

Navy Favored
To Whip Army
Team Saturday,
NEW YORK, Nov. 28 -(A')- It'sf
refreshing to note that Navy, for the
first time since 1921, is not the under-
dog this year in the annual gridiron
service clash with the Army.,
The service teams first clashed way,
back in 1890, with the Midshipmen j
submerging the Soldiers 24 to 0.
They've played 33 times since then
with the Cadets holding a decided
edge of 19 victories to 12 for the Sail-
ors. Three games were tied.
However, the Middies won't be thel
underdogs when the teams line up
on Franklin Field in Philadelphia
Saturday before an anticipated capac-
ity crowd of 80,000.
Today's Games
While the Army-Navy game fea-
tures the "dying swan" week of the
the wildest campaigns in the history
of college football, many teams will
get in their last licks on Thanksgiv-
ing Day.
Topping the program in the East
will be two traditional games. The
more prominent features Pennsylvan-
ia playing host to Cornell in Phila-
delphia, while Colgate's Red Raiders;
engage Brown at Providence, R. I.
Other eastern games will find New
York University and Fordham coming;
to the end of their gridiron trails in!
Yankee Stadium here; Pittsburgh's
Panthers meeting Carnegie Tech, "the
boys from down the street"; Temple
opposing Bucknell, and George Wash-
ington meeting an intersectional riv-
al in Oklahoma.
Alabama, generally rated the lead-!
ing eastern contender for the nom-

Coach Eddie Lowrey characterized as A
the best performance of the season, At Col1ielfl
the Wolverine sextet displayed a
brand of hockey that tied up most Michigan's potentially strong hock-
effectively the smooth passing, fast ey team opensits1934-35 campaign
skating trio of Keith Crossman, h next Tuesday night with two games
Gib James, and George David at last scheduled at the Coliseum for the first
night's practice in the Coliseum. week's competition. Two Canadian
The scrimmage was in the nature teams, the Essex Frontiers from Am-
of a homecoming for Crossman, herstburg, and the London Athletic
Michigan hockey player and co- cap- Club, will be the Wolverines' oppon-
tain of two years ago, and George ents.
David, captain of last year's squad. A squad of 17 players is expected to
Gib James, outstanding freshman make the trip from Amherstburg to
prospect on the present squad, who Ann Arbor for the opening battle Dec.
had his prep school experience at 4. The Frontiersmen, formerly known
Ottawa, filled in at the remaining as the Amherstburg Hockey Club,
wing position, while sophomores oc- have already met seven opponents
cupied the defense posts and Johnny and defeated the majority of them.
Jewell guarded the goal. They have been victorious in both
Vic Heyliger at center for the Var- their recent starts in Detroit.
sity turned in a good night's work London Club Follows
not only with his effective poke check The London aggregation will ap-
which broke up more than a few pear here on Dec. 8, after the first
enemy thrusts in center ice, but also home basketball game. ,This sextet
his finished performance as a play- is also a strong one, and will prove
maker gave numerous scoring oppor- a severe test for the relatively untried
tunities to his running mates, Johnny Maize and Blue squad.
Sherf and Dick Berryman. Heyliger Coach Eddie Lowrey of the Mich-
also exhibited a deadly sniping abil- igan puck team is impressed by the
ity and his shots packed lots of punch. showing of the Frontiersmen so far
Berryman showed improvement on this season. He says that they are all
eright flank, but still is weak coy- young players, with the exception of
therighsfmanknudefense k the goalie, Mayo, who also acts as
Johnny Sherf displayed the same coach and manager for the team. He
Jlashinginsherdspayedathet has been a member of four Ontario
flashing, finished game at left wing Hockey Association championship
which constituted practically the en-
tire Wolverine attack last year. Histemadhsevlpdagopf
solo thrusts were consistently effec- young players into a fast and formid-
tive. able sextet.
Meanwhile, Lowrey's Michigan
The star performance of the eve- squad has been devoting two hours a
ning, however, goes to Johnny day to intense practice, and it is rap-
(Butch) Jewell who turned in as good idly rounding into shape for the ini-
an exhibition in goal as has been tial encounter.
moon. He came out of the -net Injuries Not Serious
seen in the Varsity arena in many a Inuriescheros
SGilbert McEachern, who was out
time and again.to smother the shots for a few days due to an injury re-
of Sherf, Heyliger, and Berryman sulting in temporary amnesia, has
when they were in the clear. returned to the line-up and will prob-
ably be the. first of the reserve for-
ination to represent the "East" wards to see action.
against Stanford in the New Year's As for the rest of the team, they
Day Rose Bowl game, meets Vander- are in excellent condition. Captain
bilt in the standout game in the ( Johnny Sherf, left wing, received an
South. Other games in that sector injury to his back in a fall early this
include Kentucky-Tennessee, and week, but it is not expected to keep
North Carolina-Virginia. him from the starting line-up.


-_ -----



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