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November 09, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-09

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Criticism Of
New Dealers
Hit By Speaker

New Congressman

Student Need

Marlen Pew Tells
Convention Many
Measures Succeed


(Continued from Page 1)
ference in views of the business mar
and the "professor" on the question of
balancing the budget. The forme
thinks of an unbalanced budget as
government bankruptcy, but the lat-
ter, he stressed considers that there
is another kind of bankruptcy be-
sidnes the financial phase - social
'Shall we take a chance with gov-
ernment credit, or gamble with the
question of a breakdown in the struc-
ture of civilization, Professor Hand-
man asked. Government spending for
relief of the unemployed, which most
business men oppose, is absolutely
vital tto preserve the present system
and prevent social breakdown, he
stated, but it would be asking too
much, perhaps, for men engaged in
commerce to understand this, he
The present situation is extremely
unstable and the working class has
little to lose and much to gain by a
change in the existing system, he
maintained. At this point, however,
the economist finds himself in a
dilemma, he declared, for although he
knows that all these things exist, he
finds that he doesn't know what to
do about it. Even if he does, Professor
Handman concluded, he usually isn't
the man that is capable of putting
his plans into action, and finally if
the professor does enter into govern-
ment, his success as a "brain truster"
is extremely problematical.
Stason Talks
Professor Stason, who is secretary
of the Michigan Bar Association, de-
clared that the Bar Association here
stood for a judicial selection of ten-
ure, a constitutional amendment call-
ing for appointment of judges for life,
and an an integrated bar.
Professor Stason stressed the fact
that the bar should be bound together
by law. "In this way," he stated, "we
can take disciplinary measures with
unscrupulous lawyers, and be better
able to finance an educational pro-
"The press can help," Professor Sta-
son advised, "by disseminating these
recommendations and by presenting
them in a favorable light."
Elliott's Address
Discussing the NRA, Professor El-
liott stated thatsection 7A means "in
general terms, that workers are free
to organize and employers may not
interfere in such organizing activities.
"Threegyears ago, even the staunch-
est friends of organized labor were
admitting its collapse," Professor El-
liot declared. "With within the last
two year, there has been the most
rapid increase in trade union mem-
bership this country has ever seen.
The average monthly membership
now stands well in excess of 4,000,000
or a gain of more than 2,000,000 in
this brief interval.
"Undoubtedly the immediate cause
for this great increase trade union
membership has been the National
Recovery Act."
Professor Elliot said there has been
a rapid growth of independent un-
ions "which by choice or necessity
have remained outside the American
Federation of Labor."
Crane's Address
The purpose of the Michigan State
Planning Commission were described
by Mr. Crane in an address on "State
Planning" as a method in which data
on social problems can be studied in
preparation for legislative action
either by the State or Federal gov-
Problems such as unemployment,
he said, must be solved by fact-find-
ing bodies if recovery is to be effected.
This problem alone, he continued,
unless it is handled correctly, may
cause a breakdown of the economic
Speakers at this morning's session,
which will begin at 9 a.m. at the Un-
ion are Dean Henry M. Bates of the
Law School, Prof. Preston W. Slosson

of the history department, Prof. Ar-
thur E. Wood of the sociology depart-
ment, and Prof. Nathan Sinai of the
Medical School.
At the afternoon session, beginning
at 2 p.m., Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department will
speak on "Fascist Germany;" Mr. Pew
will speak on "Professional vs. Trade
Union News Departments;" and Wil-
liam E. Sweet, former governor of
Colorado, will discuss "The New Deal
Tonight at the League Henry Suy-
dam, special assistant to Att'y-Gen.
Homer S. Cummings, will deliver the
banquet address on "The National
Crime Problem."
Members of Groups II,III, and IV,
in the Union Opera are requested to
report this afternoon at the following
hours and places of meetings:
Group IH 4 p.m., Room 304.
Group 111 4pnm., Room 305.


-Associatea rress Photo
Arthur W. Mitchell (above) schol-
arly 37-year-old Chicago negro law-
yer who once was office boy to Book-
er T. Washington at Tuskegee insti-
tute, was declared elected as a Demo-
cratic representative in Congress from
the first Illinois district. He won by
narrow margin over Oscar De Priest,
negro Republican incumbent.
Wood Disease
.Described By
Prof. Baxter

'Blue Stain,' A Condition
Of Discoloration Caused
By Fungus,_Explained
There are many problems connected
with the staining and rotting of wood
which are of great concern to the
timber exporter, according to Prof.
Dow V. Baxter of the School of For-
estry and Conservation, who has re-
cently returned from a several
month's period of study abroad.
While abroad, Professor Baxter
worked in the laboratories of the
Naturhistorika Rikmuseet in Stock-
holm, at the University of Uppsala,
and was also privileged to study at
Helsingfors, Finland, and Leyden,
Holland. He examined material in the
Botanical Institute in Leningrad, Rus-
sia, and interested himself in the de-
cay and other defects of lumber such
as blue stain, paying particular at-
tention to what has been done about
the control of such conditions in lum-
Cheapens Value
"Blue stain," explained Professor
Baxter, "is a condition in lumber
brought about by certain fungi which,
inhabit the wood. The durability of
the wood itself is not affected by the
presence of the stain causing organ-
ism, but because of the discoloration
produced, the lumber is seriously de-
graded, and therefore brings less
money in the market."
"It is particularly abundant in the
southern regions of the United
States," Professor'Baxter continued,
"and control of this stain consti-
tutes one of the more important prob-
lems in handling lumber."
Professor Baxter said the study was'
of particular interest to him not only,
because many of the agents which
bring about the defects in lumber and
wood used for pulping are similar to
those in ou-r country, but also be-l
cause of the opportunity to inspect
the studies which are being made on
these fungi by many of the eminent
scholars of Europe.
Visits Largest Plant
In connection with his observations
of blue stain and other defects caused
in wood products by fungi, Profes-
sor Baxter visited the world's largest
pulp and paper plant, where he was
able to study its scientific work.
While he was in Sweden the pro-
fessor also attended the Norrlands
Skogsvardsforbunds Exkursion, the
annual field convention of the Swed-
ish Forestry Society. It was here that
he and the delegate from Finland,
Forstmastare E. Appelroth, were ac-
corded the honor of being le only;
two delegates present to receive with
appropriate honors the Book of the
Swedish Foresters.
Sees Special Surveys
On the excursion Professor Bax-
ter was able to visit sites bordering
Norway and Sweden where the condi-
tion of the timber was not unlike
that of many regions in our own
country. An opportunity was afforded
him to go over the special surveys
being conducted by Prof. T. Lager-
berg of the Forest School at Stock-
Professor Baxter expects to publish
the results of the studies on his trip1
in conjunction with the work he is
doing at the University.
GLASGOW Scotland, Nov. 8. --(P)
-In a few years rocket mail will be
whizzing across the channel between
England and France in 50 seconds
says Gerald Zucker, who has been
conducting experiments off the coast
of Scotland.

Of Religious
Outlook Told
The Rev. H. L. Pickerill,
Campus Minister, Tells
Utility Of Church
(Continued from Page 1)
tain academic courses and in the re-
ligious institutions about the campus.
We recognize that this classifica-
tion is not complete. However, we
believe that these are the main groups
which are most obvious. The trag-
edy is not that religion suffers butl
rather that many miss the opportun-
ity to multiply their own personal
powers and also to develop skill in
human engineering.
Religion Quality Of Life
Support for this conclusion is found
in the very nature of religion. At its
best religion not only conserves and
unifies our highest values but it also
creates values. Religion is not a
compartment of life set alongside of
the social, economic, ethical and aes-
thetic aspects of life. Rather, it is
a quality of all of life. Such a viewI
causes religion to function in criticis-
ing and rebuilding personal habits,
in discovering resources of the ma-
terial and spiritual world about us
that will enrich personality, in awak-
ening new desires which when fol-
lowed will bring rewarding expe-
riences. Some older views of religion
would stop at this point. Religious
persons today are restless unless they
are intelligently and co-operatively
engaging their best efforts in rebuild-
ing society.
If this seems theoretical, an illus-
tration might assist us. A student
who finds himself inefficient in meet-
ing the social or academic demands
of his environment should find in re-
ligion both motivation and guiding
principles for the solution of his prob-
lem. We are not suggesting that
this can be easily done by any emo-
tional exercises. Rather, it must be
accomplished by a very intelligent
procedure in which all available re-
sources of the universe including the
findings of science are utilized.
Explains Social Implications
An illustration of the social impli-
cations of this functional view of re-
ligion can be found in our present
world situation. For generations we
have pursued assiduously certain ma-
terial ends in our western world.
Thereshas been an obvious lack of
interest and effort in applying our
gains to the betterment of society.
Consequently wars result. Our ma-
chines are idle, men are hungry and
social and political disintegration are
under way. Religion should function
both in the creation of more efficient
machines and also in their employ- I
ment for the good of all. Such a func-
tion of religion demands the exercise
of the highest intelligence in using
the findings of science and the ap-
plication of the highest principles of
conduct wrought out in the long his-
tory of the race.
Living Religiously
G. Bernard Shaw said that folk
have tried Christianity and found it
difficult and then let it alone. The con-
ception of religion we have attempted
to state places severe discipline upon
one who would seek to make religion
effective in personal and social living.
To acquire skill in living religiously is
as difficult as developing skill in any
profession or in mastering the knowl-
edge in any field of thought. The
exercise of this skill when gained will
bring immense satisfaction because
it will be seen as the only way by
which human society can be inte-,
grated on a higher plane.
Doty To Lead
Musical Work

In 'Tolanthe'
E. William Doty, instructor in or-
gan in the School of Music and as-
sistant director of Choral Union, has
been chosen as musical director forI
"Iolanthe," the operetta to be pre-
sented by Play Production and the
School of Music, according to an an-
nouncement made by Valentine B.
Windt, director of the operetta.
A tentative cast has been selected
and regular rehearsals are now under
way. There stillnremain a few parts
in the chorus and cast which have'
not been chosen and all those desir-
ing to be in the opera are urged to
see Mr. Windt immediately.
Mr. Windt will be in his office in
Laboratory Theatre all afternoon to-
day and will be able to see those in-
terested in parts in the operetta


I, _,F1

Why Give T


Inthe Face of' the



Relief P-rogram?





Even in the relief field local social
service must:
. Care for the marginal family.
2. Provide for the extra needs of relief
3. Maintain morale and spiritual health in
these families.
4. Provide organized leisure time activities
for their childreni.
In addition to these urgent cases, Com-*
munity Fund Agencies must provide:
1. Citizenship training and character building
2. Nursing and health protection.
3. Caere of the aged.
4. Family welfare service.
5. Custody and care of children.
The government relief program has neither the
intention nor the facilities to perform these
sovial services which are being supported by
your Community Fund Agencies. They are
but are dependent upon your gift.

In Dairy Products
Is Important
RI I.TTrrr -f-rn 1rrc


$60,000 Is Needed to Maintain
This Cnommunity Service for 1935
y7T ['7 TT7T.1 T Th





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