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November 09, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-09

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a_ .s _ . _s a s _ .. . _


i4l Jern's Suicide
Investigated By jury
LOS AN( TELES, Nov. 8. - (A') -The
enigmatic suicide of Paul Bern, sec-
ond husband of Jean arlow, was
brought suddenly back into the offi-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

LaFollette Brothers Wisconsin Victors


VOL. XLV No. 40
To Members of the University
Staff: The campaign for the raising
of the Ann Arbor Community Fund
for 1935 will soon 'be started. A new

uurities & Exchange Commisson,
Steel-plate Engraver, Bureau of
Engraving & Printing, $19.20 per.
Announcements are on file at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.


cial spotlight today when a county plan has been adopted this year English Conversation Classes forj
grand jury asked the District Attor- which, it is hoped, will expedite the l reign Students: Two new practice
ney for all records of Bern's death. raising of money and will cause less classes in English conversation will
Just a few hours before the jury's inconvenience to those who are solic-d T
request, Miss Harlow, in Hollywood, ited for contributions. In this plan Novr e xtyate 4 o'clock in Room 1209
announced she would divorce Hal the University is to be dealt with as N.1 at 4hsclo sses Room 1209
Ronson, her third husband, from a unit. The soliciting is to be done 1 Hll. These classes will af-
whom she has been separated for sev- by members of the staff and, with the fol'n frcdgn dents an opportunit
era mnts.aproalto nip'ovut. thir 'English idiom,.to,
eral months. approval of the Deans, Directors, and i
Superintendents, soliciting will be dc neirvpronunciation difficthl-
Four Men Missing After done on the campus rather than inl pnflish ieeih. These are non-
the homes. The drive will open on rdi uef hesenarepno-j
i.atn levator is Burt Nov. 12 and will be closed definitely
ontiO is required.
SPOR T NEWS, Va., Nov. 8-- nfN.22.J. Raleigh Nelson,
(P-Four men were missing after A Committee consisting of Pl'ofes- Counsellor to ioreign Students
flames destroyed grain elevator B, sor R. G. Rodkey, Chairmnan, Profes- -
owe d sy the Chesapeake and Ohio sor Wells B enrett, Dr. R. W. hunt- St liartnbr ta e
iwy he Caeake poping; Professor P,. A. Dodge, Dr. C. W. i Jmen Students Atenit
1ailway here late today. The prop- Ed drso-EindignnPFootfball Game:
gty les was estimated at aboutHdA. nesors . Eih Women students wishing to attend
HPw$00,000. the Ohio-Michigan football game are
Seven men were in the elevator Schorhing, and Professor J. E. Tracy required to register in the Office of
whep the fire started, presumably will be in charge of the work and this t Dear of Women.
from a grain dust explosion. Committee has chosen solicitors from
______each unit to wait upon the st aff ; A letter of permiission from par-
members. ents must be received in the Dean of
Seh. flord. Asks For it is not necessary for me to stress of Women's Omce nut later than
the seriousness of the need repre- Thursday, Nov. 15. If a student wish-
G.O).P. Renianization g i~ v's hnb rm
sented by the Community Fund this es to go otherwise than by train,
epar The conditions in Ann Arbor special permission for such mode of

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columpns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line
fc one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertio s.
10"jdiscount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line --2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........3c
2 lines daily, college year ........7c
4 lines E.O.D.. college year ........7e
100 lines tsed as desired........
3100 lines ued as desired........8c
1,000 lines used as desired.......7c
2,000 lines used as desired ... ""..
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
told face, upper and lower case. Add 100
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71, point

PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
611 E. Hoover. 2x
NASiH-Custom Tailored clothes.
Measured by C. Krug, expert tailor.
Office 214 E. Washington. Phone
2-1910 for appointment. Ox
VOCAL STUDIO: Grace Johnson
Konold, former instructor in Uni-
versity School of Music, announces
the opening of her vocal studio for
beginners and advanced students.
1908 Austin Ave. Phone 4855. 8x
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-3267. lox
LOST: Oct. 27: Large brown tiger
cat, named Bob~by. 409 E. Madison
St. Phone 8972. Reward.
CHEF: Experienced. Wishes. frater-.
nity job. Capable of taking chare
of kitchen. City references. Box 2A.

LAUNDRY2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.



suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 7x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006

CI-{ICACTO Nov. 8. -(OP) - Senator
William E. Borah, Idaho Republican,
tqealy prescribed an overhauling of I
e Republican party to save it fromj
political death.
"I should like to see the Republican
party reorganized," the Idaho vet-
ern said in an interview, "and I be-
lieve it can be done and should be
done, and, further, that if it isn't done
the Republican party will die like the
old Whig party when it showed polit-
cal, cowardice *
"I don't think there is any room in
(his country for an old conservative
party. If the Republican party is re-r

are very distressing. Every citizen,
regardless of his opinions as to the
relative importance of the local wel-
fare and relief activitiest should con-
sider it his duty to assist the com-
munity to the fullest possible extent.
It is my hope that we may have the
co-operation of the staff in handling
this social obligation promptly andI
Any detailed information needed
may be secured from the solicitors or
the members of the central Com-
Alexander G. Ruthven,

travel must be included in the par-
enm's letter.
Graduate Women are invited to
register in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women
Physical Education for Women:
Registration for the indoor season
will take place in Room 16, Barbour
Gymnasium on Friday and Saturday
of this week from 10-12 and 1:30-5:00.
All work books must be turned in
at the time of registration.3
Students desiring to elect physical
education at this time should register
on one of these three days.
Academic Notices
History 11, Lec. II: Midsemester at

--Associated Press Photo
The new Pro-ressive Party of the La Foll;. e br heis triumphed
in the Wisconsin election with the result that Roiwrt M. La Follette, Jr.
(left), was re-elected to the United States Senae, and Philip La Foliette
was named to his former job as governor.. The two are shown exchanging
mutual congratulations.

Coming Events
Mechanical Engineers: The A.S.
M.E. will hold a meeting Wednesday,
Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Professor Young, of the For-
estry Department, will speak on Con-
versation. There will be important
business to discuss. All mechanicalE
engineers are urged to attend.
Outing for Graduate Students: The
Graduate Outing Club is going on an*
n.ft--n walk Sundia leavingl An_-

Report Shows
JumpIn Calls
Increase Of 1,171 Cases
Over October, 1933, Is
Described By Forsythe


organized, it will take a more liberal Honorary Campaign Chairman
course. If not, it won't.
"Under Theodore Roosevelt the Re- Observation of Armistice Day: In
public.n party was the most liberal, order that faculty and students may
and there is plenty of opportunity take part in the observance of Armis-'
for that kind now. It is the only kind tice Day, classes throughout the Uni-
of Republican party that can versity will be dismissed between the
exist * * *" hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 m.,
Monday, Nov. 12. Hospitals, clinics,

1933; five less hospital patients; 89
more X-rays taken; 1323 more lab-
oratory examinations; 11 more ensi-
tization tests; 11 less nose and throat
operations; 18 more eye refractions;
308 fewer mental hygiene interviews;
221 more prescriptions filled; 22Q
more physiotherapy treatments; 408
less cQlds; and two less acute ap-
pendicitis cases.
"In general," Dr. Forsythe remark-
ed, "we were quite a put busier than
last year. We inaugurated dietitian
conferences, and there were 123 of
The doctor said that there were no
more pneumonia cases, both periods
having six, and no contagious cases.
Twenty Years-Ago
From the Daily files of
November 9, 1914

itls1 C'onservativsI
Prepare For Election
LONDON, Nov. 9. - (P) - Socialist
and Conservative principles are in
cear-cut conflict as the campaign for
Qreat Britain's next general election'
gets under way.
The vote is still a long way off, and
pay be deferred to the spring of 1936,
but already there is evidence of theI
bitterness with which the campaign I
will be waged.
Platforms adopted by the Conserv-
aive and Liberal parties at their con-
ventions defined the issues.
Labor has pledged itself to nation-
alize banks, industry and land. It aims
tq abolish the House of Lords, even-
Senior Robinson To
Fight His Extradition
4ASfIVILLE, Nov. 8.-(P)-Or-
dered to Louisville for trial in con-
nection with the Alice Speed Stoll
kidnaping, Thomas H. Robinson, Sr.,
9ern ined jin Nashville tonight while
s attorneys prepared to carry their
fight against removal to the United
States circuit Court of Appeals at
611cinnati. Bond was fixed at $25,-
Republican Party Is
Through, Says Farley
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.- (AR)-
Chairman James A. Farley, of the
Democratic National Committee, said
today that the Republican party was
"positively through" as a result of!
the Democratic landslide Tuesday.
Farley asserted that President
Roosevelt's re-election in 1936 would
be "practically unanimous." He said
that the President would have opposi-
tion in 1936 adding, "but it won't be
a L

laboratories, libraries, arnd offices will
remain open.
To the Members of the University
Council: The next meeting of the Uni-
versity Council will be held on Mon-
day, Nov. 12, in Room 1009 Angell
Hall at 4:15 p.m.
Louis A. Hopkins,
University Broadcasting:
9:15-9:30 a.m. -Laboratory Pro-
gram Speech Classeq. Talk on stu-1
dent life at the University prepared
and presented by students.
2:00-2:30 p.m.- The first of a
series of talks on "Mental Hygiene
of Adolescence, Howard Y. McClusky,
Associate Professor of Educational
Faculty, School of Education: A
special meeting of the Faculty of the
School of Education will be held in
the Michigan Union at twelve o'clock3

Y °"~ ,,'°" ° , a ernoon 1wat iut ay, a ug n
10, Tuesday, Nov. 13. Mr. Reinchen- gell Hall at 3:00. All graduate stu- An increase of dispensary calls forc
bach's Sections will. meet in New- dents who are interested should meet the month of October as shown by
berry Aud.; M. Wheeler's section in on the steps at that time. The group the monthly report of the Health
G Haven Hall; all others in 103 Ro-' will be back in time for supper. There Service released yesterday was due
mance Language Building. will probably be a ball game of some to no particular cause in the opiniont
sort as part of the outing. of Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director.
Exhibitions "The increase of 1,171 calls for
daig Swimming Test - Women Stu- this month over the coresponding
An exhibition of Pastel drawigs dents: The Average Swimming Test month of 1933 is for various things
by Elizabeth Telling will be shown, will be given at the Union Pool Sat- handled by general physicians," Dr.
unAer the auspices of the Ann Abor urday morning at 9. Girls interested Forsythe stated, "and indicates that
AtAssociation, inAlumni e, riin trying the test, sign up in Bar- we have not yet reached a level which
Hall, Nov. 8to 25, inclusive, 1:30 p.m bour Gymnasium, Office 15. might be regarded as complete and
- -- adequate care.' One wonders wheth-
Lutheran Student Club : On Nov. er or not there is such a limit."
Events Today 11, at 6:30 o'clock, President Alex- Dr. Forsythe said the method of
sander Ruthven of the Umversity will handling freshman hygiene lecture
Se r be the guest of the Lutheran Student series through regular education sec-
senior class of the School of Educa- Clubn
tion will holds its elections from 2-3 Tetl ilflo upra tions organized during Orientation
in ois - The talk will follow a supper at week was, in his opinion, an improve-
p.m., in Room 1431, University Ele- 5:30 o'clock in the Zion Lutheran ment over that used a number of
mentary School. parish hall. years ago.
The report showed that there were
English Journal Club meets today Congregational Student Fellow- 29 more infirmary patients last month
in the League. Business meeting at ship: A dance will be given in the than for the corresponding period of
4 p.m. Program open to the public Church parlors, Saturday, Nov. 10, --------- -- -.
at 4:15. Subject: "The Economic from 8:30 to 12:00. All Congrega- tend all of these servIces.
Interpretation ofLiterature." The tion students are invited.
discussion will be led by Samuel t
Kliger and Morris Greenhut. Grad- i~rni f Chrifl Eagle Scouts, Sea Scouts: Mr. Watt

been found necessary to add nine
more chairs and their complement
of instruments.
Although the size of the junior
pharmacy class in previous years has
never warranted its organization, this
year's class will violate the custom,
and will elect their officers today.
- "Regis- G


noon, Monday, Nov. 12. Reports wil
be made on proposed changes in plansI
for the work in Education in the 19351
summer session.!
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Instructors are
requested to send their "Freshman
Report Cards" to Room 4, University
Hall, not later than Saturday, Nov. 3.1
It should be noted that the reports
are not due this year until the end
of the sixth week.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments & Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service Examina-
Junior Parasitologist, Bureau of
Animal Industry, $2,000 (open toI
seniors -- major in zoology or medi-
Junior Financial Statistician, Sec-

i scipies uuu ruurc ox rist)~
uate students in English not now Atppintments: Sunday Morning Wor- is scheduled to speak. Constitution
members of the club are asked to ship Service at 10:45 am. with ser- and Rules of the Road will be pre-
give their names to a member, or to nmon by Rev. Cowin. His sermon sub- sented. Officers are to be nominated.
the secretary, Prof. H. M. Jones, 3218 ject is "Patriotism Is Not Enough." Banquet is formulated. All Sea Scouts
Angell Hall. Upper Room Bible Class, led by Rev, and Eagle Scouts are invited to at-
Pickerell, meets at 12:00. The dis- tend the regular meeting Tuesday,
Phi Lambda Vpsilon: Annual cussion meeting of the guild is held Nov. 13, at 7:45, in Room 302 of the
Bridge Smoker occurs in the Seminar at 6:30 o'clock. This week the topic Michigan Union. Old members and
Room, East Eng. Bldg., 7:30 p.m. is "World Peace Among the Nations newcomers are both cordially invited.
Members from other chapters are Today." A half hour before the dis-
invited to attend. cussion is given to social activities. All Pre-Forestry Freshmen are
The regular evening Church service requested to meet in Room 304 of the
Freshman Rendezvous Club dance is held at 7:30 p.m. and Rev. Cowin's Michigan Union at 2:30 p.m., Sunday,
tonight at Lane Hall, from 9:30 to Sermon subject will be "Things Of Nov. 11. Professor Ramsdell will be
12:30 with music by Rendezvous or- Others." All members and friends of present and a trip to one of the Uni-
c:hestra. All freshman invited, the guild are cordially invited to at- versity buildings has been arranged.
h str . l r sh m- n m d. _ _ ___. _- I I

Before the Pennsylvania-Michigan
football game, Michigan's new bon-
crete stand on the south side of Ferry
Field will be dedicated. The stand
was built at a cost of $55,000 and will
seat 13,200 spectators.
Thirty freshmen have been placed
in the new backward section of the
rhetoric department.
So comppletely have the facilities
of the dental clinic been taxed with
the present equipment that it has
See Saturday's Daily
Ends Tonight
- Two First-Run Features -
Russ Columbo June Knight
Showing at 2:00 - 4:31 - 7:13 - 9:47
--and also-
Jean Muir George Brent
Showing at 3:28 - 8:28

T9day and Tomorrow
Millions to throw Away,
but she thought she
had nothina to live for!

Matinees Nights
30c 40c

I Oc

S~ I

Nillel Foundlation: Montague '.
Modder will conduct a class on "The
Jew in English Literature," at the
Foundation from 4-5. This class will
be held every Friday at the same

John Lewis Brurn's
Amazing Coinedy of a Little Girl
with BI Ideas !

Come over to the
The wiggs have moved
In - they haven't
money but do they
have fun!!
Caba e Mc
: A olh ukorprsets :

F A Ye R A lf
A new type of travelogue in
beautiful color, that will be-
come as famous as Walt Dis-
ney's cartoons.
Football Pic}ures
"Man's Mania for Speed"
Cameraman Novelty









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