an Is Found
French Fliers Land In New York After Atlantic Hop
Slain; Police
Without Clew
Victim Found In Cottage
By Women; Apparently
No Motive For Murder
victim of an apparently motiveless
murder, John J. Simmons, 30, Grand
Rapids motion picture sound expert,
was found shot to death in an un-
tenanted cottage near here early to-
day, his hands tied tightly behind his
back and the body covered with a
State police who investigated said
robbery was not the motive because
valuables on the body were not dis-
turbed, and they were without a clew
to point to the slayers.
Simmons, who had resided at a
Grand Rapids hotel for the last two
years, left that city Monday noon
to come north on a business trip for
the Electrical Research Co., of Chi-
cago and Detroit, and was not re-
ported between then and the hour
his body was found on a cot in the
cottage by four'young women who
visited the place intending to spend
the night there.
Grand Rapids police authorities
said Simmons was unmarried and
had been known in that city as a
business man of good character with
no known enemies.
The body was still warm when it
was found shortly after midnight
by four Charlevoix young women,
Mrs. Theodore Cooper, Mrs. John
Nordrum, Miss Eleanor Badger and
Miss Marvel Smith, indicating the
slaying occurred late Monday night.
The young women had attended
a wedding near Pellston and aft'
returning to Charlevoix, decided to
take ajivantage of a standing invita-
tion from, the owner of the cottage
to spend the night there. They drove
to the'cottage, owned by Fred Cartier,
and entered through a window. They
said the doors were locked.
Simmons lay face down on the cot,
his hands bounl tightly behind his
back with a black braided cord and
covered with Simmon's suit coat and,
an old mattress. Blood stains on
the mattress indicated he had been
shot as he lay on the cot. There
were no other stains about the room
and no weapon was found in the cot-
The investigators did not immedi-
ately discover any fingerprints or
clews, that might indicate who his
slayers were or how many of them
there were.
State Police Lieutenant Earl Hath-
way, in charge of the investigation. l
said he believed the man had been
compelled by some one to lie face1
downon a cot in the cottage and a1
bullet then was fired into the back
of his head from a small caliber pis-1
tol. Powder marks indicated the shot
was fired at close iange.
-Associated Press Photo
In this Associated Press picture, the French air aces, Maurice Rossi (left), and Paul Codos are shown as
they were surrounded by a welcoming crowd at Floyd Bennett Field, New York, after they had been forced
to land in their projected Paris-to-San Diego flight. Although disappointed at not reaching their objective,
the fliers nevertheless became the first to fly the Atlantic in both directions and the second to make the
westward crossing from Paris to New York.
Johnson Act Is
A New Threat
To Defaulters
diplomatic wires hummed with a
dun from Uncle Sam to European
war debtors, the administration
sought today an X-ray of the teeth
in the Johnson Act, the measure
banning debt defaulters from deal-
ings in the American money market.
Atty.-Gen. Homer S. Cummings,
acting on an Administration request,
was preparing a ruling on an offer
in this country of "Soviet Union 9
per cent gold bonds." He previous-
ly had listed the U. S. S. R. as a de-
faulter under the Johnson Act.
The State Department caused dip-
lomatic wires to hum with direct calls
on all war debtors to pay up not only
their coming installments, but als
all past non-payments. This was a
departure from previous practice and
was believed directly conected with
the Johnson Act.
The usual reminder was handed
to the envoys of 13 debtor nations,
notifying them of installments dut
June 15. The total, including ar-
rears, is close to $500,000,000
. Called Significant.
This action was believed to have
added significance in view of the
virtual completion by President
Roosevelt of his war debt message.
Its contents closely guarded, the
document may go forward to Cap-
itol Hill today.
,The attorney-general's study of
the Soviet bond offer was precipi-
tated by an advertisement appear-
ing in a New York paper which list-
ed the securities as a "direct obli-
gation of this nation (Soviet Union)."
Although no other nation has made
any public offering of securities since
the attorney-general handed down
his ruling on May 5, in which th(
token payers were not listed as amonmf
the debt defaulters, his latest decision
appeared likely to have wide future
Severe Penalty.
The Johnson Act carries liabilities
for those ,buying as well as selling
'securities of defaulting governments,
It is declared unlawful "for any per-
son to purchase or sell the bonds.
securities, or other obligations of any
foreign government in default in its
obligations, or any part thereof, to
the Government of the United
The act provides a penalty of
$10,000 fine, or imprisonment for not
more than five. years, or both.
State Department officials declin-
ed overnight to confirm reports from
Moscow that the Soviet government
had rejected an American proposal
for settlement of the debt problem.
The principal item in America's
claim against the Soviet government
rests in a loan of $187,000,000 made
to the Kerensky government beforeI
its overthrow.1
Delts Mournful As
Death Strikes A
Their Aged Mascot
Thor is dead! After several months,
during which time he became increas-
ingly feeble from the ravages of a
1 persistent illness he has passed on.
For more than ten years Thor was
the official pet and watchdog of
the Delt house. He was six months
old when the 'fraternity moved into
its new house on Geddes Ave. in 1924
and he found the arboretum an ex-
cellent place to get his exercise.
The distinctive blue-gray color of
his lanky body was well-known to the
campus. The story is told that Thor
was the only dog that many profes-
sors would allow in their classes for he
never was lknown to have disrupted
any discussions or lectures.
In his later months, anyone living
within a few blocks of Geddes Heights
would have agreed that Thor was
well-named after the god of thunder
for his husky bark often reverberated
ever the hills.
Physics Head
Announces New
Summer Forum
The Physics Symposium will be
changed this summer to include dis-
cussions in experimental physics, ac-
cording to Prof. Harrison M. Ran-
dall, head of the physics department.
The Symposium will be held during
the last part of the summer physics
session, which will extend from June
25 to August 17. Emphasis will be
placed upon the problem of the
atomic nucleus' and its artificial dis-
The physics department has always
obtained the best of the nationally
and internationally known physicists
for its symposiums. Six Nobel prize
winners in physics have been included
in the list of former lecturers. Prob-.
ably the best known 'of these is Prof.
P. A. M. 'Dirak, ,of Cambridge Uni-
versity, England.
The lecturers for this year are:
Prof. George. Gamow, Polytechnical
Institute of Leningrad; Prof. J. Rob-
ert Oppenheimer, University of Cali-
fornia; Prof. Ernest 0. Lawrence,
University of California; Prof. George
E. Uhlenbeck, University of Michi-
gan; and Prof. David M. Dennison,
University of Michigan.
In addition to the regular lectures
on experimental and theoretical
physics, Prof. Arthur H. Compton,
University of Chicago, and Dr. Thom-
as H. Johnson, assistant director of
the Bartol Research Foundation, will
give a series of special lectures on the
problem of cosmic rays.
CORNING, N. Y., May 29. - (/P) -
The two-thirds point was successfullyI
passed today in the cooling of 5,500c
pounds of glass which will form the:
81-inch mirror of the new telescope ofI
University of Texas.I
Report Finding
Burnt Body Of
Girl InGarage
Believe California S t a t e
Treasurer's D a u g hit e r
Committed Suicide
SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 29-( 'P)
-Mrs. Claire Fitzgerald sister' of
twenty-two-year-old Virginia John-
son, who was found burned to death
in a garage here last night, told Dis-
trict Attorney Neil McAllister and
Police Chief William Hallahan today
that she saw her sister write a suicide
note shortly before she disappeared
from her home.
Mrs. Fitzgerald said that she grab-
bed the half written note from be.
neath her sister's hand and threw
it in a garbage can "so that members
of the family would not see it."
Although investigators said she ap-
parently was dead before fire was
applied to her kerosene-soaked cloth-
ing in a garage three blocks from
her home, they hesitated to say she
had been murdered.
The body was found Monday night
in a garage, one of five in the rear
of an apartment house owned by
P. E. Mahoney, former county super-
visor. Mrs. Mahoney made the dis-
covery when she was showing some
prospective tenants about the place.
She said she had taken her car
out of the garage about 2:30 p. m.
and did not put it back when she re-
turned. The doors of the building
were closed but not locked.
Near the body police found five
burned matches and six that had
not been struck, and a jug about
one-third full of kerosene.
First examination of the body, the
coroner said, 'showed no marks of
violence on the girl, 9nly the scars
left by the flames. The district at-
torney, who took an active hand in
questioning friends of the girl
through the early : morning' hours,
said his mind still was open and he
was unable to say whether Miss
Johnson had been slain.
A block of cement used to prop
open the garage doors was probably
the murder instrument, if the girl
was slain, police said, Hair reported
to be similar to Miss Johnson's was
found on'it.
Small, delicate fingerprints "on the
kerosene jug furnished the only clew
to aid investigators . Experts said
the prints were made either by a
woman or a man with long tapering
Mrs. A. C. Weibel, curator of tex-
tiles in the Detroit Institute of Arts,
gave an illustrated lecture yesterday
afternoon at 4:15 in the west gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, on the Saga
and Legend in Gothic Tapestry, The
lecture was sponsored by the Ann Ar-
bor Art Association.
Old-Time Michigan Buildings
Described By Professor Lorch
(Continued from Page 1)'
ried by settlers from the earlier Amer-
ican states.
The only church shown is the bas-
ilica SS. Peter and Paul in Detroit.
Of particular interest in this connec-
tion is a photograph of the original
perspective drawing by a French ar-
chitect of the exterior showing a high
steeple which was unfortunately never
The old Detroit Arsenal at Dearborn
is a simple cubical brick structure and
has a well-designed wrought iron
stair rail and other interesting de-
The drawings and photographs were
made in connection with the Historic
American Building Survey as a CWA
project. The state director of this
project was Mr. Branson V. Gamber.
There was an Advisory Committee,
the members being Mr. George G.
Booth, Mr. J. Bell Moran and archi-
tects Marcus B. Burrowes, Wirt C.
Rowland and Emil Lorch, the latter
being chairman. There was also a
state-wide consulting committee of
laymen and architects. Projects were
selected through inspection of the
buildings by members of the Advisory
Committee, drawings and photographs
then being made by other architects.
Photographs, the original draw-
ings, and collected historical data are
all to be deposited in the Library of
Congress as a permanent record of
our early. architecture. The project
was national in scope, approximately
4,000 drawings having been made. The
results have been so satisfactory that
efforts are being made to continue
the project so as to record in some
form all early American buildings
worthy of study.
In April much of the material from
the various states was hung in. the Na-
tional Museum in Washington, a por-
tion of it being again shown last week
during the convention in Washington
of the American Institute of Archi-
tects and the organizations pertain-
ing to education and registration in
Many of the fine early buildings in
Michigan have been destroyed and
others have undergone disfiguring al-
terations. It is to be hoped that some
of those which remain may long be
preserved. Their beauty and excellent
construction shame much later work
and as historical documents they are
Warn Fraternities
A warning to fraternities to be more
careful in locking doors and windows
was issued yesterday by police as a
result of a fraternity robbery Sunday
The robbery occurred in Alpha Rho
Chi fraternity, 608 E. Madison street.
Almost $50 was taken by the thief,
Who, the police reported, apparently
entered through the unlocked front
Police scored fraternities for their
extreme carelessness in safeguarding
New Head Of
Haskell Will
Be An Indian
LAWRENCE, Kan. May 29. - (W) -
Under its first Indian superintendent
- Dr. Henry Roe Cloud, a full-blooded
Winnebago - Haskell Institute, Uncle
Sam's biggest Indian school, is being
given back to the Redmen.
Born in a wigwam on a reservation
in Nebraska, Dr. Roe Cloud is a
graduate of Yale, a member of the
Elks, Rotarians and Masons, and an
ordained Presbyterian minister. He
has been active in' Indian education
more than 20 years.
As dean of men at Haskell Dr. Roe
Cloud has Charles Starr, a Cheyenne
and a graduate of Oklahoma A and
M College and Cornell University. The
assistant dean of men is J. Russell
Hunter, a Winnebago, graduate of
Wichita University, where he starred
in athletics and captained the foot-
ball team.
The new chief clerk at the school
is Harold E. Bruce, a Winnebago,
Other Indians are expected to be given
administration posts, especially in the
vocational training departments.
Gus Welch, who succeeded William
H. (Lone Star) Dietz as head football
coach, also has been made director of
Cuban Teaty
Will Bar U. S.
United States and Cuba were ex-
pected to sign a new political treaty
today in which the Platt amendment
is entirely eliminated.
The treaty, in the course of nego-
tiations for several months, will re-
place the 1903 pact.
The Platt amendment to the 1903
treaty is the one giving the United
States the right to intervene in Cuba
if such action should be considered
necessary for maintaining order and
protecting American lives and prop-
The amendment has long been
bitterly attacked by all Cuban fac-
tio'ns, and has been considered in
many quarters 'an outstanding bar
to complete amicable relations be-
tween the two republics. Announce-
ment of the pending agreement came
after attacks against the lives and
property of two American diplomats
had created widespread tension and
caused the. government to launch a
drive an terrorism.',
Homes of Jefferson Caffery, Am-
bassador from Washington, and H.
Freeman Matthews, first secretary
of the embassy, are being guarded
by police as well as the chancellory.
Matthews' chauffeur was threat-
ened yesterday by four gunmen in
the heart of town. Caffery's resi-
dence was fired upon -Sunday and
he revealed a similar occurence had
taken place three weeks ago.
A search is underway for Dr. An-
tonio Guiteras, former secretary of
war, and Fernandez Velasco, former
secretary of labor. Authorities said
bombs and arms were found in Vel-
asco's home along with documents
implicating them both.
HAVANA, May 29-(,P)-Cosme de
la Torriente, Cuban secretary of
state, announced today that the
United States would retain its rights
in the Guantanamo naval base for
Staff lenirr Of
Technic Are Named
Junior staff appointments on the
Michigan Technic were announced
last night by Joseph C. Wagner, '35E,
managing editor of the magazine.
The men who are to serve as as-
sistants in the various departments
are as follows: Hillard A. Sutin, '37E,
managing editor's assistant; James H.
Walker, '37E, editor's assistant; Noble
Ashley, '36E and Robert H. Baldwin;
'37E, publications assistants; Maurice
Taylor, '37E, articles assistant; Fred.
A. Jennings, '37E, professional notes
assistant; Vincent C. Trimarchi, '37E,
Harold Weggel, '37E, and Joseph V. T.
Kempton, '37E, college notes assis-
tants; Newton C. McFayden, '37E.
alumni notes assistant; John W.
Shorter, '37E, assounts assistant; Don
P. Reynolds, '37E, sales and publicity
assistant; Allen Meisenheimer, '37E,
circulation assistant.
Philip R. Ewald, '35E, was appoint-
ed Humor Editor to replace Charles
A. Duerr, '34E; who graduates this