Second Annual
Lantern Dance
ColorfuI Affair
Ruffles, Frills, S o f t n e s s
Prevail; S he e r Crepes
And OrganzaPopular
A festive .atmosphere pervaded the
second annual Freshman Lantern
Dance held at the League last night.
Lanterns and baskets of spring flow-
ers,. together with the-light gowns;of,
the womep made the affair a colorful
Puff sleeves, pleats, ruffs, and sash-
es were much in favor, not to men-
tion trains. Billie Carr, general chair-'
man, accompanied by-Robert Kosit-
chek, '35, appeared in a white mus-
lin de soie creation with a lord Font-
leroy collar, full petal sleeves, and a
full skirt,. and white lace mitts. Jane
.Edmonson, assistant chairman, who-
attended with King Lewis, '37, also
chose white in sheer crepe with black
and white pleating at the neck. The
sleeves were full to the elbow and
tight to the wrist..
Finance Head In Pink.
Mary Jane Greenstone, accom-
panied by Theodore Barrash, '35,
wore a shell pink crepe"fashioned lin
clinging lines with a train and a wide
belt with rhinestone buckle.. Elaine
Cobo, chairman of finance and pub-=
licity, with Jack Edmands, was seen-
in pale peach chiffon with a drop-
shoulder line, pleated bertha collar,,
and huge bow sash. She also wore.
fliwers, in her hair to match those on
her dress.
Betty Kelley, social chairman, at-
tending, with Allen Dewey, '37, chose:
a brown organdie jacket with pleated.
balloon sleeves, to wear over a white
organdie dress. Saxon Finch, in
charge of decorations, accompanied:
by Tor Nordenson, '36, chose a ro-
mantic style muslin de soie in pastel
plaid, the square neckline in front
and back being bordered by a pleated
Organdie Is Popular.
Ann Fitzgerald was seen in a chart-
reuse and brown organdie, white and-
StairsIn 'The Shin Ong DouZ'0'nigh(
Miss Selena Boyle, beautiful New York star of the Theatre Guild
production of "Days Without End" by Eugene O'Neill and of "When
Ladies, Meet," opens tonight in the leading role of Mariella Linden in
Keith Winter's "The Shining Hour" at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre..
Co-starring with Miss Royle will be Rollo Peters. "The Shining Hour"
is currently playing at the Booth theatre in New York City to capacity
audiences as one of the outstanding successes of the Broadway season.
Color, Accents Lend Fashion
That More Nautical Appearance
With the coming of summer, fash-
ion seems to favor the navy. Dresses
and accessories have taken on a
nautical- air, and although they do
not necessarily follow the color
scheme of the navy, red, white, and
blue predominates. Many of the
white cottons are trimmed with blue
Alien Women
blue was the color scheme chosen by
Mary Jane Brotherton. Kate Lan-
drum wore plaid organzawith a short
peplum jacket and cartwheel sleeves.
The skirt had inset flares. Betty
Anne Beebe wore a pink crepe, close
fitting,, with a lei of royal blue velvet
flowers around the neck.
Pastels Predominant
Jane OFerrall chose peach organza
in princess lines with a square neck
in back, and wide taffeta straps which
continued. to the floor in a wide flare
to meet the short train. Charlotte
Hamilton preferred----flowered silk
crepe with- orange and brown pre-
dominating. The neckline was cowel
in front and in back was trimmed
with tiny pleats. '
Quiet Conservative
Taste In Clothes Is
Not Virtue In Men
It is high time for an authoritative
article on men's clothes on this cam-
pus from the viewpoint of a woman.
There is much to be said, both in
praise and condemnation on the sub-
ject. In the first place, why must
white shoes be dirty to be correct? It
seems very unnecessary to the average
girl. Casualness in daytime dress is
commendable, but sloppiness never is.
Most of the students are remark-
ably well dressed and on the whole
they present an appearance not by
any means devoid of grooming and
style. But in one particular especially,
they fall short, that of a quiet and
conservative taste. Too many young
men fall a prey to the idea that to be
well dressed is to be heard as well as
seen. Rainbow-hued ties, brilliant
shirts with contrasting collars,
checked coats differing strangely
from their accompanying trousers;
and the ever-present white shoe, meet
one's glance at every trun.
The sporting note is admirable on
a college campus, but it can be, and
is, over done. -knickers are excellent
on a golf course, but worn on the
campus in connection with bright
green wool socks they are not quite
au fait. Bow ties hold a place high
in disfavor also. Especially polka-
dotted ones. There is really no excuse
for such displays.
The white "drinking vests" that one
sees occasionally are beyond words
ridiculous, anad "beer suits" .. , NO.
These examples of bad taste are prob-
ably due to a certain youthful exuber-
ance which may be calmec in time.
Honorary Sorority
Sponsors Musicale
The Xi chapter of Delta Omicron,
national honorary music sorority,
sponsored a benefit musicale Satur-
day afternoon in the League.
Music was furnished by Mona
Hutchings. violinist, and Mary Jane
Are Fellowship
Dinner Guests
Several women from Oriental
countries were the guests of honor
at the annual Barbour "fellowship
formal. dinner held at the League
Monday. Pins were presented, by
President Alexander G. Ruthven to
the new holder of the scholarship, for
which Katayun Cama and Theresa
Woo responded.
Guests in addition to the holders
of the fellowship were: President and
Mrs. Alexander Ruthven, Regent and
Mrs. Junius E.. Beal, Dean Alice
Lloyd, Frederick J..Jordan and Dean
Emeritus Jordan, Prof. W. Carl
Rufus, secretary of the scholarship
committee, Mrs. Rufus, Dean and
Mrs. G. Carl Huber, Dean and Mrs.
Frederick B. Novy, Prof. and Mrs. J.
Raleigh Nelson, Mrs. Beryl Fox
Bacher, Miss Ethel McCormick, and
Miss Jeannette Perry.
Among the guests of honor were
four women under this scholarship
who are taking graduate work in
medicine, Wan Hsi Feng, Florence
Hwang, Vahibe Remzi, and Theresa
Woo." The others honored were Mary
Kim, a graduate in the school of
music, and Rose Shon, '34Ed.
Other guests at the dinner includ-
ed: Adelaide Bendana, Rosario Reyes,
Pura Santillan, Piu-dji Chen, Idjen
Ho, Doris Hau, Edith Chu, Siao-Sing
Djang, Blanche Wu, Katayun Cama,
Masako Sato, Fumi Oi, Evelyn Koh,
Wada Mackdisi, and Faize Shevket.
( v'adiua esMarary
In Christ Church
The marraige of Miss Margaret
Wygant of Birmingham and Howard
Thomas Worden '32 of Miami, Fla.,
was solemnized at. high noon in
Christ Church, Cranbrook.
W. A. P. John, who acted as best
man, is also a graduate of the Uni-
versity. Assisting 'as ushers were
Malcolm Otis, '33 and Donald Bell,
Who was also in attendance here for
several years. Mr. Otis and Mr. Bell
are members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Miss Katherine Wygant was her
sister's only attendant.
Mr. and Mrs. Worden will motor
until early in June, when they will
be at home to their friends at the
Barbour Terrace, Bloomfield Hills.-
Dr. Woodward Plans To
Go To Zoology Station'
Dr. Alvalyn E. Woodward of the
zoology department announced yes-
terday that she will soon leave for
the experimental station at Wood's
T -- , A.._ T% 7 - - A A 'r
rope belts and halter necks are tied
together with a similar rope. Large
sailor collars of blue with several
rows of white braid are very popular
and appear not only on the sportiest
of clothes but'also on the crepe after-
noon dress. Buttons, too, have come
to the fore and are often placeo
down the middle of the collar.
, The nautical atmosphere has also
been accentuated in purses and
gloves. Bags are fastened with little
anchors or minature life preservers,
often made of cork, and several rows
of braid are being used on the cuffs
of summer bloves to complete the
nautical effect.
Evening clothes have departed
this year from ruffles and frills, and
tailored frocks have taken their
place. Formals have become more
sporty and have also borrowed much
from the sailors. Straight lined for-
mals of either blue or white with
large sailor collars of a contrasting
color are especially popular this
Committees Named:
For Annual MeetMg
Mrs. Ferd Bowdish, at preseht a
member of the federal jury in De-
troit, president of the Livingston
county branch of the international
order of sons and daughters of the
kins, will represent that branch at
the annual meeting of the federa-
tion to be held here Thursday morn-
ing and afternoon at the First Meth-
odist church.
Mrs. Julio del Toro, president of
the local organization, appointed
committees to assist at the meeting:
Mrs. Helen Robinson, director of the
credentials committee; will have as
her assistants, Mrs. George Gill, Miss
Eleanor Lamberston, Mrs. Jeanne
Thurber, Mrs. Clifford Van Horn,
Mrs. Nellie Taylor, Mrs. Jennie Heil-
man, and Mrs. Lawrence Darling.
Mrs. Raleigh Blouch will be in
charge of nominations for next year,
assisted by Mrs. Sidney Schenk, Mrs.
D. B. Steptoe, Mrs. Bowdish, Mrs.
John S. DeTar, Mrs. A: A. Snowman,
Mrs. Amos Luckhardt, and Mrs.
George Lockwood. The courtesy
committee under Mrs. G. L. Laskey
consists of Mrs. Frank Staff an, Mrs.
Peter Boehm, Mrs. O. S. Thompson,
Miss Myra Spafard, Mrs. Raynor
Scudder, Mrs. Wayne Atlee, and Mrs.
W. A. Merritt.
Mrs. Deon C. Greene, matron of the
Ypsilanti chapter of the Eastern Star,
is chairman of the memorial com-
mittee, for the service which will be
conducted by her group of Ypsilanti
Complexion Brush Used
.To Banish Shiny Nose
Hot weather! It had to .come and
now we're all wondering what to do
for that school-girl complexion. After
that wide-awake tennis set or that less
vigorous class, when one's nose looks
and feels verily like a mirror, we seem
to think that we'll never be the same.
However there is a remedy, and it
comes 'in the form of a complexion
brush. With lots of soap, warm water,
League Plans
Full Sehedule
For Summer
To Hold Weekly [Dances;
Union To Greatly Curtail
Social Facilities
Operation of the League under a
full schedule of social activities this
summer was announced recently by
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, and Dean of
Women for the Summer Session. At
the same time Mr. Stanley Walz,
manager of the Union, announced
that entertainment facilities there
would be greatly curtailed this sum-
Dances Friday Nights
The League will sponsor a dance
in the League Ballroom every Friday
night, with Al Cowan's Michigan
League orchestra furnishing the mu-
sic. In addition there will be a con-
tinuation of the Wednesday Stunt
Night, under the direction of the
League's social committee, with
Creighton Coleman, '36L, as master
of ceremonies, assisted by Al Cowan.
This feature was added to the pro-
gram originally planned for the sum-
mer in the hope that the students
here for the Summer Session would
help by offering their services for
The second Friday night of the
Summer Session will be the occasion
for the annual reception, which will
be combined with the regular League
dance at that time.~.
In addition there will be a series
of student-faculty teas,- to be held
outdoors on the front lawn of the
League, if weather permits.
To Hold Dance Classes
Dancing classes for advanced and
beginners' groups will be given as
usual under the direction of Rolland
Fulton, '36, while John Mathes will
continue to give contract bridge les-
sens. The Student Art Exchange will
be open during the summer, and the
League's Dining Room and cafeteria
will offer full service.
At -the Union the pool will be open
daily from 1 to 7 p.m. for the use of
men students, while the women will
have its use from 9 to 11 a.m. every
day except Saturday and Sunday,
and on Tuesday and Thursday nights
from 7:30 to 10.
The Taproom and Dining Room
will be open, but the billiards room
and the bowling alleys will be closed
for the summer. The library will be
open daily from 1 to 10 p.m.
There will be no dances at the
Union this summer, and the last'
dance of the regular season will be
held Saturday night.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Honors Chicago Organist
Robert Meggison, Travis City, Piof.
Joseph Brinkman, and Mr. Dalies
Frantz, were present at a dinner
given Friday', by Phi Mu Alpha-Sin-
fonia in honor of Leo Sowerby. Mr.
Sowerby is organist and choir master
at St. James Cathedral in Chicago,
and is a member of the American Con-
servatory of Music. Among some of
his better known compositions are a
suite for orchestra entitled "Prairie,"
"Symphony for Organ," and an ar-
rangement of "Irish Washerwoman."
Mr, Sowerby was appointed to the
Prix de Rome in 1921 and was the
first American to receive this honor.
Where -to Go
Dramatic Season: "Meet My Sister"
with Walter Slezak and Olive Olsen
at 3:15 p.m. and "The Shining Hour"
with Selena Royle and Rollo Peters
at 8:15 p.m. at the Lydia Mendels-
Mo'tion Pictures: Michigan, "The
House of Rothschild" with George
Arliss; Majestic, "Bedside" with War-
ren William and "Day of Reckoning"
with RichardDix; Whitney; "Moon-
light and Pretzels"; Wuerth, "Henry
VIII" with Charles Laughton.
Dancing: Den Cellar, The Tavern,
Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes, League Grill
Canoeing: Sanders on the Huron.
Exhibition: Exhibition of historic
photographs and drawings of Ann
Arbor and Michigan houses in Archi-
tectural Building open daily excepting
Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
until June 2.
Thdored ciiin dini
id Piq? It-Style
For Campus Wear
Tailored things for both day and
evening wear are predominate this
year. Gone arc the days for frilly.
iuffly frocks; a sleck appearance is
much more to be desired. The popt-
uarity of trim, tailored clothes for
evening has increased noticeably in
the last year. Smart cut ginghams
and piques are appearing everywher.
Plaids, checks and stripes with fin-
ger-tip length coats are outstanding
on any dance floor.
Shirtwaist dresses are back in
vogue again. They are seen in in-
creasing numbers on and about
campus. They combine the utmost
in practicability and style for class
wear. Their chic severity is well
adapted to a season of tailored lines.
The free and easy cut of shirtwaists
makes them infinitely more desire-
able for summer when comfort is one
of the first considerations. Seer-
sucker and broadcloth are the most;
favored fabrics.
If you must be "ingenue" at night,I
wear tailored clothes in the day time.,
The contrast will be very much to1
your advantage.
urry To Tall
At Rotary Club
June Meeting
The foreign students of the Uni-
versity are invited to attend the in-'
ternational Rotary Club convention to'
be held June 25 to 29 in Detroit as
the guests of Charles Hurry, chair-
man of friendly relations committee.
The committee, which is located in
New York, provides national head-
quarters for national organizations of
foreign students in all American uni-
The one important objective of the'
convention is to develop international3
goodwill. Mr. Hlrry, who will be one
of the principal speakers extended the
invitation to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counsellor to foreign students. Pro-'
fessor Nelson will select deputations
from various groups on the campus to'
attend the session which is to be de-
voted to a discussion of international
brotherhood on June 28.
The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor will
provide transportation for the stu-
dents who are able to attend the
Faculty Members To
Assist In New Plun
Nine members of the faculty and a
'student committee will meet Thurs-
day noon to make final plans for the
orientation project to be instituted at
the League next year.
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean
Alice Lloyd, Prof. H. C. Anderson,
Miss Ethel McCormick, Prof. Philip
-Bursley, Miss Gertrude M. Muxen,
Miss Elizabeth Lawrie, Miss Catherine
C. - Dawson,--and .Prof. Charles F.
Remer are the members of the fac-
ulty who will meet and discuss this
new League project.
Maxine Maynard, president of the
League, Barbara Sutherland, secre-
tary of the League, and Hilda Kirby,
chairman of the orientation project,
will present the student plan and re-
ceive the suggestions of the faculty.
The plan involves the recent se-
lection of 26 student advisers, who
will return to school early and assist
in orientation week, and as many as-
sistants who will perform various du-
ties in connection with the project
during the year.
Each Wednesday of next semester
will be devoted to a program for new
women students. At this time both a
member of the faculty and a student
will present interesting facts about
the University which every student
should know.
Lutheran Student Club
To Hold Picnic At Lake
The Lutheran Student Club, under
the leadership of Alton Hewett, '37,
will celebrate by giving a picnic at
Patterson Lake today. All .those in-
interested in attending are to meet
at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hal!
promptly at 4:00 p. m. Transporta-
tion to the lake will be furnished.
-Associated Press Photo'
Charging mental cruelty, Elissa
Landi, actress, filed suit for divorce
against John Cecil Lawrence, London
barrister. She said her husband de-
clined to move to California and "Ire-
fused to submit to any situation that
might entail his being called 'Mr.
Elissa Landi."
Bombshell' Coats
Are Popular For
As in recent years, the swagger coat
holds its imperial domination over
summer styles with a few new and
intriguing touches. White linen is still
popular for sport wear, but pique is
recognized for all occasions. For smart
afternoon swagger, there is the pique
"bombshell coat," seven - eighths
length, with a wide belt and flare
skirt.:A velvet bow-tie at the neck
is just surprising enough to be styl-
ish. The black and white striped swag-
ger in linen takes a tall wearer, with
just enough dash to put it across.
Corduroy in white or ' yellow, when
worn with proper accessories, holds its
own in the swagger world.
The very practical miss looks to the
dress with the three-quarter coat to
match, as a compliment to her budget
and good taste. We fashion followers
were much impressed by a novelty
white silk crepe dress with three-
quarter coat sporting the popular
three-quarter sleeve. The striped
blouse of many colors, blues, reds, and
sleeves and.a novel high neckline. Al-
though one-piece, the white skirt had
the effect of buttoning onto the
SeseFor Divorce
Plan For- Last
Various 'Progr a.ms Are
Scheduled.For The Week
Before FinalsStart
Last minute entertaining before
finals is being held in sororities and
Installation of officers and an.in-
formal senior banquet was held last
night at Alpha Gamma Delta sorority.
The table decorations consisted of
lilacs and green tapers. The new..offi-
cers are: president, Kathryn Kirn, '35;
first vice-president, Virginia Frink,
'35; second vice-president, Helen Doris
Young, '35; treasurer, Gladys Draves,
'36; and rushing chairman, Betty Mer-
rell, '35.
Kappa Delta
Kappa Delta sorority will entertain
this morning at a .breakfast-dance, a
traditional affair at which breakfast
is served, followed by dancing from
9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Summer
sport clothes are to be worn. After
the dance the party will break up into
smaller groups, to spend the afternoon
canoeing or pienicing. Edna Dalby,
'34, is in charge of the arrangements,
and Mrs. Helen Master will act as
chaperon. The music .will be fur-
nished by Wally Gail's orchestra.
Several out-of-town alumni, in-
eluding Eleanor Riker and Dorothy
Cummings, Detroit, are expected as
guests of the chapter house over Me-
morial Day.
Kappa Delta Rho
Kappa Delta Rho entertained the
following alumni returning last week-
end for the annual Founders' Day pro-.
gram: George B. Ahn, Jr., '29, Harold
E MacLean, '32, Stanley J. Hyman,
'32, Abe Hange, '32, Glerin Edmonson,
'32, Franklin L. Everett, '25, Donald
W. Magoom, '32, G. Ronald Innes, '32,
John L. Brackett, '33, Louis W. Veen-
stra, '33, Robert W. Rockefeller, '31,
James U. Piper, '29, Harry Chese-
brough, '32, Kenneth G. Benton,.'31,
Harry E. Zuck, '257, Lawrence J. Van-
derberg, '32, Kenneth G. Wigle, '24,
Charles R. Nelson, '30, Earl E. Klein-
schmidt, '27, Wilbur J. Myers,''32,
Wayne W. McClow, '33, Truman
Steinko, '33, Byron C. Coats, '32.
Activities started with dinner Sat-
urday. The "Blue Collegians" played
for the dance Saturday evening.
At 7:00 o'clock Sunday morning an
outdoor breakfast was followed by a
baseball game between the actives
and the alumni, which carried - on
an old tradition. The game terminated
with the final score, 13 to 9 in favor of
the actives.
The annual Founders' Day Banquet
Sunday concluded the program for
the week-end.
A Swagger
. Leather soles for wom- Thursday Only
en and children; com-
position soles for men,
with regular rubber
heels. Thursday only.
Put On
While You
or Shop
To fit you without marring their appearance-
Sport Shoes Cleaned.