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May 30, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-30

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memrneme noe- a .,.- - ~.
Puonshed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Contrdl of Student Publications.
IdMember of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
$soiat, Ollgite 'Prss
- 1933 NATIOAL cOERAGI 1934 ---
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
f=r republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
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Representatives College Publications Representatives,
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NIGHT EDITORS: PaulJ. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
A. Groehn, Thomas H. Keene, David G. MacDonald John
M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper,
Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Rosalie
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REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff,
Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley,
Allan Dewey, John A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney
Finger, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin
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Merchant, Fred W. Neal, Kenneth Norman, Melvin C
Oathout, John P. Otte, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman,
Bernard Weissman, Joseph Yager, C. Bradford Carpenter,
Jacob C. Siedel, Bernard Levick, George Andros. ?red
Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Fried-
man, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryana Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen
Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Saxon Finch, Elaine
Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, live Griffith, Harriet Hath-
a y MarionHolden, Beulah Kanter, Lois King, Selma
Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Mary Annabel
Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger, Dor-
othy Shappel, Carolyn Sherman, Molly Solomon, Dor-
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.............................. CATHARINE M HENY
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Florez, Doris-Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
fRESHMAN TRYOUTS: Willam Jackson, Louis Gold-
smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson,
Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Upson, Richard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn
Arms Embargo Bill
As A Peace Move... .
W ITH THE SIGNING of the arms em-
If V bargo bill by President Roosevelt,
two important considerations are brought to light.
In the first place, the President's action will prob-
ably bring the war in the Chaco to a speedy close,'
for it is generally agreed among experts that
neither Bolivia nor Paraguay has the equipment
to carry on a major war without help from outside
However, a more important consideration as far
as the people of this country are concerned is that
the President did not wait for the other countries
of the world to take action. These powers are
scheduled to meet today at Geneva and will un-
doubtedly be influenced in their final decision by
the embargo Whichthe United States has placed
on the sale of arms and ammunition to the warring
countries. President Roosevelt's action in not wait-
ing for the rest of the world powers is probably not
a gesture of unfriendliness toward the League
of Nations. On the contrary, it may be regarded as
a courageous step, taken at a time when there was
need for immediate action.

A further aspect of the situation tends to sub-
stantiate the idea that the President's action was
not unfriendly toward the League. President Roose--
velt has asked that Congress give him the right to
impose embargoes on the sale of armsto warring
nations as he sees fit. That is, he will decide which
country is the aggressor and place the embargo
on sale of arms to that country alone. This would
give him an opportunity to follow the decisions
of the League, which usually determines which of
two countries at war is the aggressor.
President Roosevelt's action is a definite step in
the direction of peace. It is to be hoped that the
other nations of the world will follow his example.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The.
nalr 1A-. ... rnmmi i. , R i. hA d1, AVaOrd

But as is so often the case in our peculiar social
order, the man who got the money wasn't the one
to give me value for it. The real teachers in this
remarkable course were many, many workers and
union sympathizers and some soldiers, not to men-
tion a few policemen with whom I had a midnight
seminar on social problems.
My main aims in taking this course were:
(1.) To determine how capital treated labor in
a high-pressure situation.
(2.) To determine how labor treated capital
under a similar situation.
(3.) To see at first hand how "law and order"
are maintained under these conditions.
(4.) To come into living contact with a "mob"
of the downtrodden mhasses and to catch, if even
for a brief moment, its attitudes and psychology.
My teachers must have been well trained, for
the aims were well fulfilled. What I learned was:
(1.) That capital in order to safeguard its in-
terests uses the violence of the state ruthlessly.
There were numerous policemen and soldiers,
fully armed, protecting the private property and
profit of a few men. Blood had flown freely - even
that of women and little children.
(2.) That labor returns violence for violence -
but there are no police or soldiers to protect their
interests. They are the mass and it is neither for
property nor profit in the main that they hurl
stones and insults-it is for life itself, a chance
to earn and to live a bit better than the beasts of
the field.
(3.) That the State Militia, called to preserve
"law and order," was actually and dangerously fer-
menting unlawfulness and disorder. Their contin-
ued presence in this working class section, with
their armament of war, is creating a highly satur-
ated delinquency area. Hundreds of "trouble-
makers" and young delinquents were capitalizing
the situation. However, as unfortunate as this is,
it will continue to go from bad to worse until the
troops are withdrawn. The plant is closed now and
it need fear no further destruction of property.
Martial law and violence on the scale it is being
used there will have but the one effect of calling
forth violence and vindictiveness from the other
side. The present policy will lead only to further
bloodshed and fury.
(4.) That these mob situations are impercep-
tibly leading to fascism or civil war. That as long
as the masses are downtrodden, rebellion shall be
That the very foundations of this democratic Re-
public shall be torn out if the underlying economic
and social causes which call these mobs into being
are not speedily solved.
(5.) That as a Christian Socialist and one who
loves his country and believes in its ultimatenworth,
I must dedicate myself more fully to the task of
building a more just social order, and this must be,
done at once lest my country and its highest ideal-
ism and aspirations are lost.
Would that more of you, my fellow students,,
should take a course in life - as it really is for the1
masses. May I recommend it?
-Gordon B. Halstead.
To the Editor:
Looking forward to the production of next year's
Junior Girls' Play, we have an improvement to
suggest. We propose the participation of men in
the heretofore all-feminine opus, not only in the
production phase where they have always beenj
prominent, but also in the cast.
Anyone who saw the. last J.G.P. could not help
but recognize that it could have been immeasurably
improved by substituting male actors for the
women who performed the supposedly hard-boiled
parts in such an effeminate manner.
The 1934 J.G.P. reached the heights of technical
perfection in an amateur production. The script
was good, the staging was good, and the acting,
in so far as the actors were adapted to their parts,
was excellent. However, when they deserted their
own sphere and attempted to portray hard-boiled
producers and cruel gangsters, they encountered
Would it not have been better to substitute
real men in the male parts and to make for added
realism even at the expense of tradition. The im-
provement in- the acting and the added interest
throughout the campus would doubtless make for
larger box-office receipts, and for greater success
in the eyes of the students as a whole.
There would be difficulties, of course, concerning
the management of the project, but they could be
solved by forming a joint committee, which move

might make for more co-operation all the way
round in campus affairs.
It seems to be a question of tradition versus
practicability and technical excellence. It will be
interesting to see whether campus opinion will
cause a worn-out tradition to stand in the way of
further advancement in next year's J.G.P.
-A Sophomore.
To the Editor:
That discrimination against Negro students on
the Michigan campus exists may have been sur-
prising and disconcerting news to the average stu-
dent. It is not surprising to anyone who has taken
the trouble to investigate the situation. The essen-
tally cruel and unfair treatment given Willis Ward
in return for his great work on Michigan's football
and track teams is but a sample of what the average
Negro student faces daily.
A clear-cut example of discrimination occurred
in connection with the Military Ball. On the after-
noon of April 25, two days before the ball, two
Negro students attempted to purchase tickets for
the affair at the main desk of the Michigan Union
where these tickets were officially on sale. The
writer of this article had called the Union desk
a few moments before and had been assured there
were still "plenty of tickets left for general sale."
The Negro students were refused tickets imme-
diately afterwards on the ground that none were
available, that all the tickets had been sold. There
were three white students who will testify as eye-
and ear-witnesses to these facts.

HE Victor company has two recordings this
month which should be of great interest to local
music lovers and record collectors. The two releases
are Verklarte Nacht, Schonberg; and Rapsodie Es-
pagnole, Ravel. The first recording is one by the
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra with Eugene
Ormandy conducting and is a transcription for
string orchestra instead of a sextette, the original
version. In this recording Mr. Ormandy gives fur-
ther proof, if proof be needed, that his orchestra
must be considered as an organization of first rank.
He has given a careful and kindly interpretation
to this musical tale of two lovers. From the most
quiet, tranquil and almost idyllic moods to the
highest pitches of frenzied passion, Mr. Ormandy
has adequately reproduced Schonberg's musical
picture so that it leaves a complete satisfaction to
the listener. The Victor company and Mr. Ormandy
may be justly proud of this recording. It is in eight
parts on four Victor records.
The second is a new recording of Ravel's "Rap-
sodie Espagnole." This is in four parts and features
Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Symphony
Orchestra. This recording is a remarkable improve-
ment over the old recording in that it is excep-
tionally clear, passages featuring the softer wood-
wind instruments are brought out and a balance
sustained throughout that makes this a musical
experience well worth listening to. Mr. Stokowski
has long been known as one of the most faithful
interpreters of good music and this is a good
example of his marvellous ability. In Feria, the
fourth section of this work, he has especially cap-
tured the festive spirit and the gayety that
abounds. The Prelude a la Nuit is well balanced
and the delicate shadings so necessary to this sec-
tion are carefully observed and brought out.
-Sally Place.
The The %a tr e
WE HAVE WAITED for years for a good melo-
drama in which polite convention is not of-
fered a sop to the detriment of the action - in
which the amenities of Mrs. Grundy are junked
in favor of convincing reality. It would seem that
this is the case in "The Shining Hour" of Keith
Winter, whioh openstonight as the Dramatic Sea-
son's fifth presentation. There is, we understand,
nothing sensational about it, in the sense of lurid
scandal put together for the sake of the box-office;
the play is, according to its notices, sound drama,
and good to look upon.
"It tells an exotic love story that nearly ends in
unhappiness and tragedy," says Percy Hammond,
writing in the New York Herald-Tribune. "Mr.
Winter has a brilliant gift of writing simple, every-
day speech in a way that is both natural and hap-
pily theatrical. The characters of "The Shining
Hour" live in an Elizabethan farmhouse in York-
shire. They meet in the ordinary relationship of
family life, and in a few highly extraordinary ones.
They talk of houses and horses and dogs and
stables and food and love, realistically always, but
to just the length and speed and sound that
the stage can absorb." r
This play will feature Rollo Peters, Selena Royle,
Audrey Ridgewell, and Frances Compton. It will be
the last play to be reviewed in The Daily before the
newspaper suspends publication; the remaining
two plays will be criticized in the early issues of
The Summer Daily.
Colleglate Observer
A professor at the University of Pittsburgh
was trying to teach his Latin class how to read
Roman numerals, so he wrote "LXXX" on the
board and asked one of the freshman co-eds
to tell him what it meant.
"Love and kisses," she sighed deeply.
A student at the University of Rochester, after
'spending an hour of mental anguish over a com-

pound interest problem, gave up the struggle and
wrote, "The bank failed. Nobody gets any interest."
-* * * *
A squib coming from the University of Dela-
'37 - Wishes he knew women like a senior.
'36 - Wishes he kept track of all the women
he had dated.
'35 - Wishes to gosh the women wouldn't
hang around him so much.
'34 -- Wishes he knew what he is going to do
with the ONE he's acquired after three years of
wishing for it.
* * * *'
A group of men students at the University of
Washington which just returned from a course of
study at the University of Edinburgh states that
the "girls not only have to pay their own carfare
when you take them home from a dance, but they
always pay for their own tickets when you take
them to a show." Gentle hint?
on this "liberal" campus for a long time. Those
who cry shame at the Hitler government for its
persecution of Jews should spend a part of their
spare time investigating the vicious Negro dis-
crimination that prevails on both sides of the
Mason-Dixon line.
This is the first of several articles that will be
given the Daily for publication in this column in
the near future. Definite cases of other types of


Musical Events



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