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May 19, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-19

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Puoushed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Sessio by the Board in
Control of StudentPublications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
end the Big Ten News Service.
zsociuat d dll tate fir
133 CN A .OL a 1934 s-
The Associated PressIs enclusively entitled to the use
fir republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
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Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
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Telephone 4525
CITY EDITOR.....................BAACKLY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
VIGHT EDITORS: A.Ellis Bal, Ralph 0. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, John C, Healey, George Van Vleck, E. Jerome
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western.
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Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman,
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Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor-
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Telephone 2-1214
............................ CATHARINE MC HENRY
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FRESHMAN. TRYOUTS:'Willam Jackson, Louis Gold-
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Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohgemuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tomj
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Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson,. Dean Asselin, Lyman
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn
Independent Women'
On League Board...
"bones of contention" among Amer-
ican university undergraduates -that a so-called
caste system exists which divides Greek letter wear-<
ers from independent students -has now been
brought out into the open and will be given al
fair trial at Michigan.
A long dormant issue among the men, this argu-1
ment was of much moment in bygone days whenI
the editorship of campus publications, for in-E
stance hinged upon this basis. Now it is the womenc
who have brought the matter into the foreground<
and to tlhem must go the credit for a grand gesture1
and a sincere effort, whatever the outcome. t
Women students who hold the limelight in cam-i
pus extra-curricular affairs have decided that per-
haps, after all, Independent women are not being1
given a fair opportunity to take part in those insti-t
tutions which are, admittedly, a large part of col-t
lege life. And they have set about to provide suchI
an opportunity.I
Tlge plan, which was announced Thursday in The'
Daily, provides, simply, for the mapping out of a
zoning system which will make it possible for
Independent women to have the same representa-t
tion on the Board of Representatives of the League
as is now enjoyed by women belonging to sororities.
A new body, to be known as the Assembly, will be
organized to represent Independents and to look
after their interests. The head of this organiza-
tion, along with the president of the Panhellenic
group, will be a member of the League Council.
It was pointed out by somecampus leaders, at

the time the change was being considered, that
many Independent women were not seriously in-
terested in campus affairs at large or in repre-
sentation on the Board. The attitude shown by
this group in the past, it was claimed, indicated
that, even when the change was effected, little
active interest or participation would be shown
by the Independents.
It is to be hoped that this is not so. Certainly1
whatever basis there has been for the contention
that social equality has been non-existent on most
university campuses, will be brought out next
fall when the Independents are given their chance.
It is to be presumed of course that the Indepen-
dents do have a great interest in extra-curricular
affairs and that they will evince this interest when
given their opportunity.
The new plan will provide them fair representa-
tion, adequate chances for participation, organiza-
tion, and any moral backing or support which may

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of* communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confinln', themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
Since leaving school I have followed with in-
terest through The Daily the activities: of the
"radical" or "liberal" groups on campus. I have
been wondering that none of these agile minds
did not spot the inconsistency in the Anti-War
Resolutions, commission 1, parts f and g:
"We urge immediate discontinuance of the
practice of sending out pamphlets urging in-
coming freshmen to join the R.O.T.C.
"We urge the appointment of an editing
committee which will draft a summarizing
statement presenting the 15 arguments against
militarism in education, which will be sent to
incoming freshmen."
Why not a resolution for tolerance? Surely if
this conference intends to persuade the freshmen
to its way of thinking, then it should admit the
right of the enemy to present its case. No doubt
the anti-R.O.T.C. group will claim the arguments
of the opposition are false and wrong. That doesn't
bar them from speaking, however. The ultimate
truth in the situation will be made only that much
clearer and stronger by withstanding such an on-
It is this same spirit of intolerance which per-
vades their cries for freedom and independent
action that makes the actives of the so-called "rad-
ical clubs" ineffective. They practice the fallacy
of dividing every question into two sides, and all
who oppose their side belong on the opposite side
and are all wet. The sage who remarked that there
are two sides to every question was only empha-
sizing that there is more than one. I am sure he
didn't mean there were only two.
In the problem of war and peace, for instance,
I can think of at least four distinct points of view:
(1) Those who think allegiance to one's country
means a readiness to give one's life for it without
question; who regard war as a necessary step in a
nation's growth; who support a universal draft
and favor imprisonment of conscientious objectors.
(2) Those who dislike war yet will rally round the
flag every time, as part of their duty; who also
support a draft and imprisonment of objectors.
(3) Those who think allegiance stops short of giv-
ing their lives: who loathe war and declare they
will not fight on any occasion. (4) Those who
also think allegiance doesn't mean life; who loathe
war and yet who follow the custom of the Supreme
Court and refuse to announce their stand before
a case arises which can be judged on its particular
-H.P., '33.

THIS AFTERNOON OPENS, as the second at-
traction of the Dramatic Season, "And So to
Bed," James Fagin's delicious comedy of the Res-
toration. It will include in the cast Eugenie Leon-
tovich, the Russian actress who made herself
world-famous as Grusinskaya, the danseuse in
"Grand Hotel." Also in the play will be the very
urbane Rollo Peters, and the inimitable Katherine
Wick Kelly. This gay comedy will tell you all
about the age of Samuel Pepys, playful civil officer
in the British Navy who made famous the old
sport of diary-writing.
A word or two about the restoration may be in
order here. When King Charles II, sick of being
bandied about from country to country, assumed
the English throne in the late Seventeenth Cen-
tury, playwriting ana producing again became
fashionable. And what plays! That they reflected
the genteel life of the times is very true; but
the reflection was even gayer than the original,
and that is saying something. Dancing with bril-
liantly immoral grace-notes, these plays gave the
history of the theatre an unparalleled chapter of
parlor comedy.
"And So To Bed," so far as I can ascertain, is not
by any means primarily about literature or the
theatre. But it does handle the sort of subject
matter that the Restoration plays dealt with. It
should be amusing in the last sense of the word.
running in one week at the Ann Arbor Dra-
matic season, Robert Henderson, director, is pre-
senting, tonight through Thursday, Lawrence Lan-
ger's comedy, "The Pursuit of Happiness" at the
Detroit Cass. Thus, amusingly enough, Mr. Hen-
derson appears to be competing against himself.
The other attractions are Doris Humphrey and
Charles Weidman, dancers; "And So To Bed"; and
"Meet My Sister," with Olive Olsen and Walter
Slezak. The two stars of "Meet My Sister" are ap-
pearing in the Detroit play.
Mr. Henderson explains it this way: the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre is really too small a house,
and the Cass show gives an opportunity to the
Detroit contingent of Season fans. Actually, "The
Pursuit of Happiness" is an auxiliary to the Sea-
son, and proceeds therefrom will go into the Sea-
son's sinking fund.
"The Pursuit of Happiness" is all about bundling,
that jolly old sport of our ancestors, who got
around pre-marital sex in most amusing fashion.
The lad and the lady were packed into bed together
with all their clothes on, and an annoyingly effi-
cient little fence was let down between them. It is
a tantalizing idea, and should provide good comedy.


COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES, covering all subjects,

The Theatre

In Two Weeks--Be Prepared

STUDENTS OUTLINE SERIES, covering all subjects ..75c each
OXFORD REVIEW SERIES, covering all subjects . ...68c each
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To the Editor:
That the Nordic race and Nordic race superior-
ity are mere figments of the mind, serving today
more especially the German Nazi demagoguery,
has been admirably set forth in a review by Profes-
sor Franz Boas of Columbia, one of the most emi-
nent anthropologists, whose books, by the way, were
burned by the German Nazi students! The review
referred to deals with a book: "The Conquest of a
Continent," by Madison Grant. Professor Boas
ridicules the idea of the existence of a Nordic race
and asks first of all, "What is the Nordic race?"
I quote a few extracts from Professor Boas, leaving
the reader to consult The New Republic of March'
7, 1934, for further details:
"As scientists we are not accustomed to accept
a confession of faith as proof . . . The whole book
("The Conquest of a Continent," by Madison
Grant) is based on the claim that the Nordics are
a superior race. That their intermingling with
Alpines and Mediterraneans is undesirable. Every
historical event, if it can be done by some twist, is
explained on this basis . . . Contradictions when
convenient, do not trouble the author . . . The1
author condemns the mixture of European races,
but the mixture of Nordics and Mediterraneans int
the British Islands" may possibly be one of the few
advantageous racial crossings.t
"Then why not in America? Nobody has ever
proved that blondness determines mental charac-
teristics. In fact Karl Pearson's elaborate attempt
to determine whether a relation between bodily
build and mental character exists in a population
has shown that there is no such relation
The author has traced with a good deal of trouble!
. . . the history of immigration and inner migra-
tion without giving any proof that would establish
the validity of his interpretation."
-M. Levi.
Editor's Note: The above is the second of two
articles written by Professor-Emeritus Levi on
the subject of Nordic Superiority. The first was
printed in The Daily several weeks ago.
Collegiate Observer
According to the University of Maryland
Daily; to a woman at 18, marriage is an adven-
ture; at 20, a career; at 30, a goal; and at 40, a
*- * * *
Here's a good negative tip. If you hold your
drink in your mouth for about ten seconds,
there is less chance of becoming intoxicated,
according to a professor at the University of
*. * * *
She was just a peach from Georgia,
A honey from the South
And the Campus called her "Rumor"
'Cause she went from mouth to mouth.

A Washington

WASHINGTON, May 18. - Silver bloc senators
who participated in the White House confer-
ences on the subject must have indulged in wry
grins when they saw press interpretations of a
Whatever they had to say publicly, they hardly
could have regarded the result as much of a com-
The White House defined the suggested silver
legislation as being "mandatory-permissive" in one
respect. That implies a compromise between the
silver bloc demand for mandatory nationalization
and White House willingness to accept a permissive
grant of authority. But very clearly the permissive
bill would wag the mandatory dog.
While Congress would declare a policy for na-
tionalization of silver, it would become effective
only when, as and if the President saw fit to exer-
cise the authority conferred upon him.
As long as the White House can be sure of one-
third of the votes in either house there is nothing
anyone can do about it.
THE FORMER senator and ambassador, Walter
Edge of New Jersey, contributed a shipside in-
terview on "nationalism" on his return from a three
months' European jaunt that hardly helped Re-
publican senators work out strategy for curtailing
presidential authority under the impending trade
barter bill. He was bristling with resentment at
"arbitrary" exclusion of American goods abroad.
Edge said he was opposed "as a matter of prin-
ciple" to granting "dictatorial" tariff powers to
the President, but was quoted as adding:
"If it has to be done, let it be done right. If
Congress surrenders this right, at the same time let
the President be armed with all the tools. Let him
have power to lower tariffs, settle the debt ques-
tions and contingent powers involving quotas and
"European countries are all doing these things
against us. I see no reason why we shouldn't do
something equally vigorous to protect ourselves.
Washington gossip to be the probable Repub-
lican choice for national chairman in succession
to Everett Sanders. His shipside remarks hardly
sounded like a bid for that job any more than did
the surprise support of former Secretary Stimson
for the administration trade agreement negotia-
tions plan. I
Both those Republican declarations illustrate
the difficulties of the Senate Republican conference
in mapping a course of action.
acuteness; that red. angers bulls; and that the
sight or smell of blood will frighten cattle.
* * * *,

Reig'ious Activities
First Methodist
Episcopal Church Hillel Foundation
ACStt and WasHn nA Corner East University and Oakland
M NIT Dr Bernard Heller. Director Church
Frederick B. Fisher Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
Peter F. Stair 11:15 A.M. - E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
"Can A Modern Believe
10:45 - Morning Worship. In Revelation" 9:00 A.M. - Bible School -Topic:
"Nietzsche Reproaches "The Work1Of The
C ~ris Shavouth sermon by Dr. Bernari
Christ"Heller. Holy Spirit"
Sermon by Dr. Fisher 9:00 A.M. - Service in German
Jew P Et. c Men M the class hn language.
No evening service. Hwioodkiils.
10:30 A.M. - A Confirmation Service.
STALKER HALL 7e:1s.M n Clishs Drmaic Mo- 5:30 P.M.- Student Fellowship aind
For University Students , Rabbi Bernard Heller.Supper
6:00-Guild--Prof. A. E. Wood, 6:45 P.M. - Men's night, E. J. Willis
speaking on "Sociology's Function in 8:15 P.M. - Open house. in charge.
Religion." Fellowship Hour and sup-
per following.
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod) The Fellowship of
West Liberty and Third Sts. DO NOTTie Rel igio
May 20, 1934 D O
May 20 1934Liberal Reigion
9:30 A.M.-Sunday School and N EGLECT(Unitarian)
Bible Class.
Bible Cl .Y O U RState and H uron Streeta
9:30 A.M. - German Pentacost Serv-
ice --Rev. C. Strasen will speak. RELIGIOUS
1045 AM -
10:45 A.M.-Reception of members ACT IVITI ES "Crocuses For Children"
by the right of confirmation and
by baptism. -A discussion of child-training by a
panel of women, Dr. Katherine
7:30 P.M. - A reunion service of all Greene, chairman.
confirmed. Sermon by the pastor.
-~ -
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