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May 19, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-19

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SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934



Siegel In Finals Of Big


Tennis Singles


Miehigan Leads
In Team Totals
With 1 1'/Points
Appelt And Kahn Forced
Out Of Doubles Play In
CHICAGO, Ill., May 18.--(P) -
Defeating their opponents today with
comparative ease in the semi-finals,
Davidson, of Chicago, and Seymour
Siegel, of Michigan, will clash for the
Western Conference tennis singles
championship tomorrow on the Uni-
versity of Chicago courts, with the
Maroon star a slight favorite to
Davidson, number two man this
spring, won his matches in the first
two days of play in straight sets. He
was an easy victor over Dan Kean,
of Michigan, 6-0, 6-3, in the quarter-
finals and defeated Dell Chambers, of
Ohio State, in the semi-finals, 6-1,
Siegel, an unranked player in the
tourney, had a difficult job in van-
quishing Paul Scherer, Minnesota
seeded player, in the quarter-finals,
4-6, 6-2, 8-6, but finished off Emmett
Lowrey, of Purdue, 6-2, 6-2, in the
semi-finals. Lowrey, captain-elect of
the Boilermaker football team, had
provided a smashing upset in the
quarter-finals when he eliminated
Captain Earl Tetting, of Northwest-
ern, top seeded player, 6-4, 7-5.
In the fourth quarter-finals match,
Chambers defeated Joe Appelt, of
Michigan, 8-6, 6-2.
Davidson and Trevor Weiss, doubles
champions 'and top ranking pair,
gained the semi-finals easily, defeat-
ing Wisconsin's Roy Black and Robert
Hose, 6-4, 6-1. They will meet Cham-
bers and Robert Hoyles, Ohio State,
who defeated Appelt and Howard
Kahn, of Michigan, 6-4, 7-5.
At the end of the day's play, Mich-
igan led in the team standings with
111/% points. Chicago followed closely
with 11. Other teams scored as fol-
lows: Ohio State 6/2; Minnesota and
Illinois, 5; Wisconsin and Purdue, 4;
Northwestern and Iowa 2.
Mickey Cochrane and his slugging
Tigers walloped the Yankees again
yesterday in a wild slugfest 10-8. The
battling Bengals outhit the New York
team both in the number of base
blows and in total bases. Detroit
pounded out 15 hits, including five
doubles and a triple, while the best
the Yanks could do was 13 hits with
four doubles.
Four pitchers toiled for the Tigers.
Big Freddy Marberry, who started
the game, was knocked out of the box
in the third inning when the Yanks
staged a five-run scoring spree. Elden
Anker succeeded him on the hill, but
was replaced by Chief Hogsett when
the situation got out of control in the
seventh. Hogsett received credit for
the victory although he was lifted for
a pinch hitter in'the seventh. Ruffing
and Smythe shared the hurling du-
ties for New York. Other results:
American League
Chicago 5, Philadelphia 4.
Washington 3, Cleveland 1.
Boston 6, St. Louis 2.
National League
Chicago 9, Philadelphia 5.
Pittsburgh 8, Brooklyn 3.
Boston 6, St. Louis 2.
Cincinnati 2, New York 1.
Sigma Nu will meet Chi Psi
and Alpha Tau Omega will run
up against Phi Lambda Kappa in
the semi-finals of the fraternity
soft ball tournament 5:15 p.m.
Monday, according to Earl Riskey

of the Intramural Department.
Sigma Nu, last year's champions,
are favored to repeat, because of
the phenomenal pitching of "Zit"
in all sizes.
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PurdueHandsMichiganNineSecond Straight Defeat, 10-7

To My Colleagues...
The Columnist's Task..
Salve, Uirderstas!
* * *
EVEN NOW, AS I INDITE this final
effort, the Captains and the Kings
of the Board in Control of Publica-
tions are deciding the next year's fate
of the various editorial easy-chairs
and typewriters. I have faith in their
choice; I ought to have faith in their
choice since last year they chose and
lent endorsement to the appointment
of such efficient and pleasant col-
leagues as Mr. Connellan, Mr. Shaw,
Mr. Schaaf, and Miss Hanan.
There are other people whom I must
mention: the juniors who worked for
me made the sports editorial task
both easy and pleasant. At the begin-
ning of the year there were six: Mr.
Carstens, Mr. Baird, Mr. Frankel, Mr.
Bird, Mr. Martin and Miss Western.
Scholastic ineligibility was the fate of
Messrs. Bird and Frankel. Mr. Martin'
an outstandingly good worker was urr
fortunately taken ill several weeks
ago and was forced to withdraw from
the race.
Only Mr. Carstens and Mr. Baird
remained as candidates, and I feel
that the future of the sports staff
rests upon capable shoulders; there
will be a good sports page next year;
probably a better one than there was
this year.
Further, I desire to compliment
Miss Marjorie Western for efficient,
reliable, and intelligent work both
in her coverage of women's sports and
in her work on Varsity sports. Miss
Western has the honor of being the
first member of her sex ever to cover
a Varsity contest for the Daily-
the Illinois baseball game two weeks
ago today. Miss Western, too, in her
helpful secretarial work in the office,
has been one of those important un-
seen forces which keeps a newspaper
functioning efficiently.
In short, I congratulate the mem-
bers of my staff, and thank them for
their support.
IT IS NOT EASY to leave the col-
umnist's easy chair after occupying
it for a period of months. But if it is
not easy to leave it, it is impossible
to do so without advice.
To my successor, whoever he may
You will find the task of writing
a daily column an onerous burden but
a source of tremendous satisfaction at
times. There will be days on end
when inspiration and imagination are
at an extremely low ebb, and you will
be ashamed of your efforts as un-
worthy of your abilities. Maybe you
will try to inform more than I have.
My main object has been to amuse,
with an occasional attempt at in-
formation, an occasional. attempt to
satirize institutions worthy of satii-
zation, and attempts to defend per-
sons and institutions that I considered
worthy of defense.
A column is an intensely personal
affair. It cannot be otherwise. -It is
only natural that you, as an indivi-
dual, will be opinionated. That is a
characteristic of the human mind.
Your own opinion is boundtd creep
into your column, and as it does so you
will find many who agree with you,
and many who do not. The exact
number does not matter . . . with
amazing frequency majorities are
wrong. You will also be misread and
misconstrued and from these people,
together with those who violently dis-
agree with you, you will find criti-
cism vitriolic and vociferous while
your supporters will naturally be more

Three Pitchers
Used In Trial
To Stem Defeat'
Boilermakers Are Outhit
As Petoskey Drives Out
Two Circuit Blows
LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 18.-- (Spe-
cial) - Purdue closed its Western
Conference baseball season with a 10-
7 victory over Michigan today. The
defeat was the second straight on
successive days suffered by the Wol-
verines, Indiana having defeated
them yesterday, 10 to 9.
The game was the most raggedly
played contest of the league season, a
total of 12 errors being committed by
the two teanis. Although Michigan
outhit Purdue, 15 to 12, 7 Wolverine
errors and as many bases on balls
given up by Tillotson, the starting
pitcher, Patchin, and Wilson, ac-
counted for the Boilermaker's win. As
a result of the victory, Purdue passed
Michigan in the Conference stand-
ings, shoving the Wolverines below
the .500 mark.
Ted Petoskey, Michigan's most dan-
gerous hitter went on a rampage to-
day, driving out two home runs, two
singles, and getting a walk in five
trips to the plate. Petoskey hit a cir-
cuit drive against Indiana yesterday
to give him a total of three home runs
in two days. His performance was
marred; however, by two costly errors
in the outfield. These were "Pete's"
first outfield misplays of the season.
The Michigan infield, after playing
brilliant ball in the last three games
before the current road trip, has
blown higher than a kite, committing
13 errors in two days. In an attempt
to steady the inner garden after it
made six errors against Indiana,
Coach Ray Fisher inserted Waterbor
into the lineup at short, for the first
time since he fractured his thumb
in the Michigan State game, three
weeks ago.
The Wolverines left for Champaign
after the game, where, they will en-
counter the league-leading Illini to-
morrow, in their last Big Ten road
game of the season. "Whitey" Wistert.
Michigan's stellar hurler who beat I-
linois two weeks agi, will be on the
mound for the Wolverines.
Michigan . .. .000 110 023- 7 15 7
Purdue ......111012 31x-10 12 5
chary'of comment because their views
have not suffered controversion.
In short I hand the column over
to you. It is both a responsibility and
an opportunity.
* * *
It has been a source of tremen-
dous satisfaction to find that faculty
opinion and teaching, together with
the political and social philosophies
of the country, have taken a marked
swing toward liberalism, toward an
emphasis upon less material values in
The age of rugged individualism
is over, and social consciousness and
an enlightened form of selfishness
will replace eventually the blind pred-
atory philosophy which led inevitably
to depression. International patriot-
ism rather than the violently unthink-
ing national variety will lead the
world to a new era of peace.
To the members of the faculty who
teach these new doctrines I extend
congratulations and thanks. Theirs is
the often thankless task of preaching
an enlightened gospel.
It is to be hoped that the University
goes on accumulating prestige by
keeping abreast of, or ahead of the
times. Certain it is that it will be
here, a source of enlightenment to
new generations when the last mem-
ber of the class of '34 shall be low-
ered into the grave. "Salve, Univer-



Ninie De f eats
Rt'gwrves, 9-7

The freshman nine made it three
in a row over the Varsity re-
serves, by beating them 9 to 7,
yesterday on Ferry Field. Errors
and very poor base running lost
the game for the reserves. Gee,
frosh hurler, pitched a nice game
after a shaky first inning. Ver-
beek, shortstop, led the freshman
hitting with a home run and a
In the ninth inning, with re-
serve runners on first and second,
one out, and two runs needed to
tie, both runners strayed off their
bases, and were caught in a hectic
rundown, helping the frosh out of
a dangerous hole.
Four Golfers
To Leave For
BigTen Meet
Kocsis, Sweet, Markham,
And Malloy Seek Third
Straight Title
A four-man Wolverine golf squad
will leave today for Chicago in quest
of its third straight Conference title
in the Big Ten meet to be held Mon-
day and Tuesday at Kildeer Country
Club, Chicago. Coach Trueblood has
named Chuck Kocsis, Woody Malloy,
Cal Markham, and Carroll Sweet to
make the trip. Milt Schloss, as alter-
nate, will be summoned if neces-
The team will be without the serv-
ices of Captain Eddie Dayton, con-
fined to the Health Service for the
past week. Dayton placed second to
Johnny Fischer of Michigan in the
meet last year as Michigan took its
second straight championship, and
has led the Wolverines to five straight
dual-meet wins during the current
Kocsis Number One Man
The two-day meet will be a 72-hole
medal championship, with the team
having low total taking the title. Each
team is limited to four men.
The Wolverine squad will be led
by Chuck Kocsis at number one, a
leading candidate to succeed Johnny
Fischer as individual champion.
Woody Malloy, the sophomore ace
who will play at number two, and
Carroll Sweet, will be playing in their
first Conference meet,
Cal Markham, who carded a 72-
hole total of 343 in last year's meet
over the same course, will be the only
Wolverine with Conference experi-
ence to make the trip, although Car-
roll Sweet was a member of the six-
man team that went to the National
meet last year.
Northwestern, Minnesota Strong
Michigan, winner of four Confer-
ence dual meets from Northwestern,
Illinois, Purdue and Ohio State, is
ranking favorite to retain the title,
but strong competition is expected
from the Purple team and from Min-
nesota, runners-up in 1933.
The Gophers will be without the
services of Earl Larson, who was de-
feated by Eddie Dayton in a plat
off for second place in the 1933 meet,
and will be led by Captain Bill Zieske.
The squad is expected to arrive
in Chicago today in time to practice
and will play tomorrow. Coaches T. C.
Trueblood and Ray Courtright will ac-
company the squad.
For Mene-

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World's Tennis Stars Prep
Arain For Quest Of D4
By JOEL NEWMAN has the right to ch
The world-wide campaign for the champion and thec
Davis Cup is on again. Approximately the defender's terri
thirty-five nations are after the When one gets d(
trophy, and each country is eager to as the U. S. team i
be the one to twist the tail of the are bound to be dif
British lion, defending champion. of the choices of
Each year, the various squads start Association invaria
practice early in April and continue year is no excepti
their quest for the prize until late in Lester Stoefen, C
the summer. Johnny Van Ryn
From the time of its donation by nominees of the c
the American statesman, Dwight F. the inhabitants of
Davis, the cup has changed hands quite incensed. "Bi
only four times. Through the early was left off the tea
decades of the present century the Grant has defea
United States and Australia took of the cup team thi
turns in annexing the trophy. Then all indications, sh
Britain stepped in only to relinquish His play was simpl
it once again to the Americans. Sup- "highly commenda
ported by its two great stars, Tilden that. Every souther
and Johnson, the United States re- justice, but it wo
tained its tennis honor and resisted good.
the efforts of a new nation, France, Shields rates the
until 1927, when the combined skill tion, but Stoefen i
of Cochet and Borotra, and Lo Coste unknown. The dou
was too much for the aging veterans Ryn and Lott shoul
from the States. foreign competitio
The tournament is run in the form singles men will do
of world zones. Each continent pro- of the type they wi
duces a champion in a preliminary Perry, Crawford, S
elimination. Then the champion of remains to be seen.
Europe plays the winner of the Asian
tournament. The American continents CRICKET PLAY
produce a survivor and the two win- University of Ca
I ners meet in what is known as the geles has added cr
zone final. The zone winner then intramural sports.

ivisCup SPORTS
allenge last year's
duel takes place on Annual Horse Show Today
tory. The annual Horse Show sponsored
own to cases as far by Crop and Saddle, the new riding
s concerned, there
ficulties. Criticism club, will be held today at the Fair
the Lawn Tennis Grounds. Participants and specta-
bly crops up. This tors will meet at 2:15 p.m. at the
on. Frank Shields, League where a bus will be waiting to
.eorge Lott, and take them to the show.
are the present President Alexander G. Ruthven,
:ommittee and all Captain Arthur Custis, Dr. James
Atlanta, Ga. are Bruce, Dr. A. C. Furstenburg, Mr. Guy
itsy" Byran -Grant Mullison, will act as judges. Mrs.
m. Ruthven will present the ribbons.
ted every member Elizabeth Cooper, '35, is chairman
s season, and from of the committee on arrangements
ould rank highly, and is being assisted by Jane Brucker,
y marked as being '35, Elizabeth Kanter, '35, and Ada
ble" and let go at Moyer, '35.
ner may shout in- Events included in the program are
n't do them any mixed pair riding, haute ecole for
number one posi- privately owned horses, horsemanship
nusmbetr o P0V for three gainted and five gaited
is something of anho
ubles team of Van horses, jumping, trick riding and a
d go places against class for men.
n, but what the Dr. Ruthven, Dr. Bruce, Dr. Fur-
against opposition stenburg, Mrs. R. G. Greve, Miss
ll get from Austin, Anita Alexander, Miss Jean Baldwin,
atoh, and Borotra Miss Ruth Arner, Miss Hilda Burr,
and Guy Mullison are entering
(ED AT U.C.L.A. In case of rain the affair will be
lifornia at Los An, postponed until the following week.
Ticket to its list of Guy Mullison will supply the horses.
Cost for transportation is 15 cents.

-- ;
--- --

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