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May 19, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-19

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SAY, MAY 19, 1934


Eugenie Leontovich Opens Today In James Fagin's 'And So

To Bed'

Matinee To Be
Held In Theatre
This Afternoon
E genic Leontovich Has
Lead In Show Featuring
Many Stars
Madame Eugenie Leontovich, fea-
tured in "Grand Hotel" and "Twen-
tieth Century," opens today with
two performances in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre in the second pro-
duction of the Dramatic Season,
"And So To Bed."
The play is a comedy of the Res-
toration by James Fagin and was
originally Miss Leontovich's starring
vehicle in this country. The Ann
Arbor production willalso feature
Rollo Peters, who has played in Rom-
eo and Juliet, and Katherine Wick
Kelly, leading lady of the Cleveland
The plot of "And So To Bed" is
centered about Samuel Pepys and his
wife. Mr. Peters plays the role of
Pepys, who is portrayed as a phi-
landering rake, and his long-suffer-
ing wife, Mrs. Pepys, is played by Miss
Leontovich. Miss Kelly has the part
of the flirtatious Mistress Knight of
the Royal Opera.
Ainsworth Arnold, popular char-
acter actor, who has already ap-
peared in previous Dramatic Seasons
here, will play an important part.
He will have the role of Prodgers,
keeper of the Royal Bedchamber to
Charles IL The part of the king
will be played by Donald Randolph,
while Robert Henderson will appear
as the fop, Pelham Humphreys.
The complete cast will also include
Margot Loynes, Richard Albert, Lud-
milla Toretzka, Oswald Marshall, Ed-
ward Ferguson, and Lois Maier.
"And So To Bed" will be presented
for seven i erformances, including to-
day's matinee and night through
Thursday evening, May 24, with the
regular Wednesday matinee on May
Womien Learn
Of Business
At Conference
The secrets by which young women
may learn to suport themselves, and
eventually become financially inde-
pendent, will be made known at the
North Central Regional conference of
the National Federation of Business
and Professional Women, to be held
from July 22 to 25 in Grand Rapids.
Miss Cora McClench, president of
the Ann Arbor branch, has received
details of the program from Mrs.
Louise Larzalere, general chairman
of the conference. The events sched-
uled for the program are as follows:
On Sunday, July 22, will be held
registration of delegates which will
be followed with a buffet supper, re-
ception, and musical entertainment
at the Blythefleld Country Club.
Monday, July 23, will mark the
opening of the conference, with sev-
eral addresses of greeting. The lunch-
eon meetings will be followed by oc-
cupationlal round-table discussions,
while the late afternoon will be de-
voted to recreation of various kinds.
Following a general session on
Tuesday, a panel discussion will be
conducted by a national officer, in
which well-qualified members in the
region will participate. The balance
of the day will be occupied with a
public relations luncheon, recreation-
al activity, and a cabaret supper.
An emblem breakfast will be held

on Wednesday, at which the national
legislative chairman will be in charge
of a discussion. The conference will
reach its grand finale in the evening
at a banquet, at which Mrs. Geline
MacDonald Bowman, national presi-
dent, and another prominent speaker
will give addresses.
it is anticipated that the confer-
ence will be attended by a thousand
prominent business and professional
women from the north central states.
All Races A tend
Dance AL Lane Hail I
A new note in campus dances was
struck at an affair held last night
in Lane Hall under the sponsorship
of the Vanguard Club and the Na-
tional Student League.nThe dance
was especially intended for, and at-
tended by, students of different na-
The success of the experiment was
assured by an attendance of almost
80 persons, representing many races.
A negro orchestra furnished the mu-
The purpose of this dance-of-all-
races was to promote closer relation-
ships and better understanding
among the diversified nationalities

President's Mothen Is Honored

-Associated Press Photo
Mme. Ernestine Schumann-Heink (left), noted singer, is shown as
she paid her respects to Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of the President,
at a Mother's day dinner in New Yori where Mrs. Roosevelt was the
guest of honor.
Many Fraternities, Sororities To
Hold Spring Parties Tonight

All Classes To
P articipate In
Lantern Niwht
Annual Festivities Will Be
Held Wednesday Evening
At Palmer Field
Lantern Night, given in honor of
the senior women, will be held at
8:30 p.m. Wednesday at Palmer Field:
Although prospective graduates are
invited to attend in unlimited num-
bers, only 24 members of freshman,
sophomore, and junior classes will
march. Selection of these women
is based on activity points.
The four students in each class
with the highest number of points
will act as leaders. Two will head the
group and two will follow, thus main-
taining an orderly line. The office
of aides, eight women active in class
affairs, has been abolished.
Lantern Night is marked by a re-
vival of Field Day which is now re-
ferred to as Play Day. The last Field
Day was held in 1925 by which time
it had taken the form of a pageant.
The following year the pageant be-
came the freshman project.
Play Day will honor the six mem-
bers of each dormitory, sorority, and
league house who. have shown great-
est interest in intramural sports dur-
ing the year. These women will com-
pete in tennis, bridge, archery, golf
pitching, horseshoes, and relays, from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Following these sports the finals
of the intramural baseball tourna-
ment and the finals of the women's
double tennis matches will be run
off. W.A.A. will entertain the 137
participants in the afternoon activi-
ties at supper on the porch of the
Women's Athletic Building.
The new W.A.A. will be installed
and Billie Griffiths, '35, out-going
president, will speak. The proces-
sion will begin at 8:30 p.m. with the
Varsity band playing. The march
will end with a block M formation.
Dean Alice Lloyd and Dr. Margaret
Bell will be introduced by the new
W.A.A. president, Ruth Root, '35. Miss
Lloyd will announce the members of
Mortarboard, Senior Society, Wyvern,
and Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
honor society. Dr. Bell will present
athletic cups and W.A.A. awards for
NEW YORK, May 17.- (Al)-Cass
Gilbert, the famous architect and de-
signer of the Woolworth Building,
died today in Brorkenmurst, England,
his office here was notified.

Alpha Phi'I
Alpia Phi sorority will entert ain
with a formal buffet suuper and dance
tonight. Prof. anct Mrs, John S.
Worley and Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Bas-
set will act as chaperons. The house
will be decorated with spring flow-
ers. Al Cow ans orchestra will pro-
vide the music. Alison Tennant, '36,,
is in charge of the arrangements.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
The Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority en-
tertained last night with a spring
formal. Helene Lindenbaum, '35, so-
cial chairman, was in charge. To
suggest a spring garden, trellises were
twined with apple blossoms and pur-
ple lilacs. Wallace Gail furnished the
Alpha Kappa Lambda
The closed spring formal dance
held at Alpha Kappa Lambda last
night was planned by Joseph Steiger-
wald, '34E, and chaperoned by Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Sampson. The
guests were: Ruth McDonald, '37;
Shirley Berner, '35; Ileene Peters,
"34; Dorothy Shappell, '37; Esther
Theurer, '35; Constance Drysdale;
grad.; Marion Anderson, '36; Mary
Andrew, '37; Kathryn Bishop, '37;
Margaret Austin, '35; Lenore LeGen-
dre, '34; Alice Banting, Toledo; Ma-
ian Higgins, Ann Arbor; Elizabeth
Turnbull, '37; Maxine Sheppard, '37;
Emma Schmid, '36; Althea Mindley,
'36A; Barbara Bullard, '34; Eleanor
Meade, Betty Sprague, Betty Ronald,
June Bert, Mary Louise Sturner, and
Jeannet Beck from Monroe.
Alpha GammaDelta
Mrs. F. Tennant chaperoned the
closed spring formal which was held
at Alpha Gamma Delta last night.
Martha Cook Will
Entertain Faculty
The annual faculty May party giv-
en by residents of Martha Cook will
be held from 3 to 5 p.m. this after-
noon. Sybil Spencer, '34, is chair-
man in charge.
The party is to be in the garden,
with refreshments served on the ter-
race. In the receiving line will be
Mrs. Delos Parker Heath, Mrs. Stuart
G. Baits, Detroit, and Mrs. James D.
Bruce, Ann Arbor, members of the
Board of Governors. Miss Spencer,
Miss Margaret Ruth Smith, social
director, Miss Sara Louise Rowe,
house director, Celia Gunthrup, '34,
house president, Lucille Alm, '35,
president-elect, will also assist in re-

11h en Doris Young, '35, was in charge1
of the dance, and Berr Mulig and his
orchestra furnished the music.
Tonight, a Founder's Day banquet
will be held at the local chapter
house. It is to be a formal dinner,.
and it was plannedaby Helen Doris
Young, '35. Miss Emily Butterfield,
Farmington, one of the founders, and
various alumnae are expected to at-
tend .
Kappa Nu
A birthday dinner was given for
Professor Emeritus Joseph H. Drake
by the Kappa Nu fraternity last night.
Kappa Sigma
Guests at the spring formal given
last night included Louise Sprague,
'37; Billie Griffiths, '35: Pauline
Brooks, '34; Gladys Margraf, '37; Es-
telle Standish, '35; Helen Barr, '35;
Anne G. Laub, '37; Emma Luening,
'34; Barbara Otte, '37; Grace Ben-
nett, '37; Josephine Cavanagh, '37;
Barbara Hahn, '36; Beatrice Baker;
Jean Hatcher, '37; Jean Ewalt and
Jeannette Nilson, of Warren, Ohio;
Mary Claire Rice of Ypsilanti; and'
Helen Richiert of Detroit. Vaudie
Vandenberg, '36, was in charge of
the arrangements for the dance.
Phi Kappa
The members of the Phi Kappa fra-
ternity wish to announce the pledging
of Robert Bergin, '36E, of Detroit.
Where To Go
Dramatic Season: "And So To
Bed" with Mme. Eugenie Leontovich;
3:15 and 8:15 p.m. in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "You're
Telling Me" with W. C. Fields; Ma-
jestic, "We're Not Dressing" with
Bing Crosby; Whitney, "One Year
Later" and "The Intruder"; Wuerth,
"Kennel Murder Case" with William
Powell and "Big Moment."
Dancing: Union, Chubb's, Preke-
tes, Den Cellar, Tavern, Hi-Hat Inn.
Canoeing: Saunders on the Huron.

Chapter House Activity Notes

Days Of Ginghams
Mud-Pies Return
In Fashion's Favor
Remember the little gingham
frocks you used to wear for mud-pie
making? Well, that isn't so far in
the dear dead past as it seems. Today
gingham is back with a vengeance,
not only for baking, or whatever the
grown-up equivalent of mtud-pie mak-
ing is, but for much more sophisti-
cated wear as well.'
If you are continuing your pur-
suit of mud-pies on the beach, ging-
ham is definitely the thing. Wear it
for shorts or slacks or for blouses to
go with either one.
For sports, of course, gingham is
very good. It is shown in sleeveless
tennis frocks and in almost any va-
riety of simple one or two piece frock.
Checks are very popular, all sorts of
vivid shades being good. The sim-
ple school girl note is carried out in
the gingham dress with the little
round white collar and almost any
frock of this kind has some sort of
white accent.
One very clever two-piece frock
was of red, white, and blue checked
material and its only trimming con-
sisted of big white buttons straight
down the front. Another brown and
white check made an ensemble with
a solid brown jacket.
If gingham is your favorite ma-
terial you don't have to limit it to
sports wear this season. It's the very
smartest thing to be crisp and tail-
ored in the evening, and the gingham
formal creates the desired effect.
Cercle Francais To Give
Super DaneAt League
The Cercle Francais will end its
program for the year with a supper-
dance Friday, May 25, in the League
Grill. Bertha Carry, '34, president, is
in charge, assisted by Harold Barnes,
'35. Prof. and Mrs. Rene Talamon
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koella will
chaperone. The tickets are 80 cents
a couple.

With the end of the semester ap-
proaching very rapidly the social ac-
tivities of both fraternities and so-
rorities seem to increase each week-
end. Nine houses have planned par-
ties for tonight.
The Chi Phi, house will entertain
with a closed summer formal forj
which Wayne Andreae, '37, is mak-
ing the arrangements. Mr. and Mrs.
Al Healde are chaperoning the party.
A closed formal dinner dance will
also be given by the Acacia fraternity.
Charles Swartout ,'36, is chairman of
the dance at which Marvin. Cline's
orchestra from Detroit will furnish
the music. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawley
Tapping will be guests of the fra-
Dexter Goodier, '35, is making the
arrangements for the closed summer
formal which is being given by Delta
Upsilon tonight. Ray Harrison's or-
chestra from Battle Creek will play
and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Titus will
A closed informal will .be given by
by Phi Kapa Tau. C. J. Davis, '34, is
chairman of the party and Mr. and

Mrs. R. R. Nette, Detroit will attend
as chaperons.
Delta Gamma is entertaining from{
5 to 8 with a tea dance. Al Cowan's'
orchestra will furnish the music and
the arrangements have been made by
Betty Aigler, '35, and Kay Carpen-
ter, '35.
The annual spring formal of Alpha
Omega fraternity is being held to-
night at the Huron Hills Country
Club. Among the chaperons are Dr.
and Mrs. L. A. Galin, Detroit.
Pi Beta Phi will hold their annual
summer formal at the chapter house
tonight. The dance, which is closed,
is being planned by Mary Jane Cum-
mings, '34. Bill Marshall's orchestra
will supply the music and garden
furniture will be placed about the
lawn. The chaperons will be Mr.
and Mrs. G. Carl Huber.
A closed formal will also be given
by Phi Sigma Delta. Ken Lunsford's
orchestra will play.
Delta Sigma Delta will entertain
with a closed spring formal. Stuart
Swanton, '35D, is in charge of the
party at which Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Kingery will attend as chaperons.

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II he


. . -


Although dark glasses are being
seen, still nothing really'counter-
acts the glaring sun that hot days
bring. So "doctor" Elizabeth Arden
provides all the necessary medi-
cants for eyes that ache and burn.
For daily use the best is Venetian
Eye Lotion, and if the orbs are irri-
tated and inflamed Crystalline Eye
Drops do the trick. The Quarry
Inc. handles these preparations.
But how can that "come-hither"
operate without the proverbial
fringe of eyelashes. For long thick
ones and for mascara in the day
time hours make an experiment
with Arden's Eye Lash Grower. We
beseech you!
.* , * *
At last the shampoo that con-
quers even the A. A. water and does
what the hair needs for sheen and
fineness. That is why La Gerar-
dine, carried by
er, has received
a rush of popu -_
larity and de-
serves every bit t;
of it.Not only is 'r
the hair bene-
fited but it will
help to wave the locks if they be
unruly, with its assistant, La Ger-
ardine wave lotion. The latter is
sprayed on and honestly truly, it
dries in no time at all. The set
can be obtained for your vacation
travels in a water-proof bag with
the atomizer for ease in applica-
In spring in a college town the
gang goes hoydenish with a capi-
tal "H." Matching the informal
dress, one isn't in the swing with-
out low-heeled white brogans such
as Jacobson's carry.- The modes
Jacqueline and Connie, in the price

Hail the king cotton, queen cot-
ton, and all the princes cotton!
The reign supreme
for this summer.
That's displayed in ,I
the frocks at the.- t
Elizabeth Di 11 o n
S h o p which are
"right" for all occa- r°
sions and all cotton
at its gay best. We're
mad about linen,
seersucker, piques
and prints for sports 1
and street, and tom- l
boyish and frilled organdies for
evening. Among them there's a
thrilling yellow organdie with
pleated touches, and a goo-little-
girl collar that does things to one
and is ultra-vogue. Cotton is the
practical way to summer style as
shown at the Dillon Shop.
Dining out, in these days of ris-
ing mercury, -is apt to prove almost
as wearing on the nerves as stay-
ing in and facing the same people
you've disliked all winter. The
Fingerle's, at this point, enter the
picture. .. and provide the really
Ismart places . . . which add so
much zest to this everyday matter.
Whether your taste runs to the
quaint wayside inns of Merrie ...
and usually cool . . . England, or
the delicious dignity of Early
American pine .. . you'll find that
better food. . . served very rea-
sonably .. .is a constant certainty
at the two delightful Fingerle cafe-
terias . . . the Den and Tavern.
* * *
House parties! That implies the
gala time of the year when borish

Everything Safely
We are making up part
loads of furniture to the
folfowing points:

for Comfort. .
Convenience ....beauty
I N YOUR HOME, lighting is designed for beauty
as well as for utility. With good taste and a
little care in selecting and arranging lighting
fixtures and lamps, a decorative touch can be
achieved which may transform a room magical-
ly. And, the practical end of home lighting-
to provide adequate light for easy sight - is ob-
tained by placing the right lamp in the right
-Jome lighting begins on the front porch.
A pleasant, well-lighted porch makes for a
cheery welcome when guests arrive and creates
an impression of modernity and cleanliness. As
a general rule, 60-watt la ips in either ceiling
or wall bracket will provide most suitable il-
luminating for the average front porch.
The exterior of your home - the part peo-
ple see first and mSost often - can be given
charm and distinction by good lighting. To
complete your porch lighting, a genuinely prac-
tical service is rendered by an illuminated house
number, supplied with a 40-watt lamp.
Your eyes cannot tell when lighting is not
adequate. Only the Sight Meter can tell. To
make certain that each room in your home is
properly lighted, call The Detroit Edison office
near you. Our Home Lighting Adviser is at
your service, 'without extra charge.

1 17 N. First

Phone 4297 (N ights 2-3811 )

Thosc who mnake a habit of saving need never
worry about the uncertainties of the future.
RDgular and wise saving leads to a scAure life.
A small account, started now, will sond grow
to a formidable amount.


exams are over and
done. But putting
blue thoughts aside




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