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May 08, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-08

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'roduction To Present Dance Recital At Mendelssohn


72 People In I
Cast Of Second
Perf or'anc .e
Miss Emily White Directs
Group In Old And New
Dance Forns
The Dance Recital presented by
Dance Club, physical education
rhythm classes, and Play Production.
rhythm classes under the direction
of Miss Einily White, instructor in
physical education, will be held at
8:30 p.m. tonight in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
The recital includes a cast of 72
persons who are rendering 16 compo-
sitions of modern dance. Modern
dance signifies contemporary trends
in non-social dancing and necessi-
tates a fundamental feeling for
rhythm as well as complete muscu-
lar control. It differs from folk danc-
ing, tap, and tango in that ernphasis
is placed on interpretation iaiher
than steps.
Just as in the other arts, it takes
years of practice to acquire technical
proficiency. Because of time limita-
tions the students of the modern
dance here have not had an oppor-
tunity to perfect their technique. The,
justification for a dance recital, lies
in the fact that it increases interest
in the modern dance, according to
Miss White.
The majority of the compositions
have been created by the dancers
themselves. Collin Wilsey, '35, and
Julia Wilson, '36, have been particu-
larly active in that they have de-
veloped several compositions of un-
usual interest, besides helping with;
the direction of the recital. Five men
have combined in the creation of a
dance portraying the struggle be-
tween good and evil.
The recital will also include "The,
Parade," a dramatic stylization by
Doris Humphrey, the Lament, a com-
position of the Wigmari School, and
the Pavanne, a medieval court dance
executed in the modern manner. Be-
cause of the enthusiastic reception of
the Political Meeting in the last dance
recital and the Cacchuca in the Gon-
doliers they will be rpeated.
The dancers are also taking chargel
of the technical end of the perform-1
ance. They have designed their own

Stud enis In Africa
Desire Contact With
Amnerican Sc h1 oto
Down at the tip of Africa, some
20 miles from the Cape of Good Hope,
a name that signifies for most of us
the remotest regions in the globe, is
the town of Wellington, and in Wel-
lington is the Huguenot University
College. These Huguenot students,
whose winters begin with our sum-
mers, who belong to another hemi-
sphere, and are separated by thous-
ands of miles of sea and jungle from
northern capitals, desire to make con-
tacts with American university stu-
dents through the medium of cor-
June Warsaw, '34, former secre-
tary of an International Relations
Club, has been writing for some time
to one of these Huguenot students.
A recent communication received by
Miss Warsaw asked that Michigan
students send their names to this
Correspondence Exchange and receive
the names of South African students.
The address is Miss W. E. Dobrow-
sky, Huguenot University College,
Wellington, C. P., South Africa.
"We students of South Africa," the
letter stated, "in seeking to promote
and, realize the ideals of modern
times, want to know you, understand
you, glean information about your
life, your institutions, your city, your
country. Since we cannot all visit
you we would, at least, write to you
and through your co-operation form
genuine, beneficial and pleasant in-.
tellectual relationships."
The people of this part of Africa
are extremely cosmopolitan, and are
almost without exception bilingual,
speaking both English and .Duutch,
and often a native language as well,
The students, mostly English, Dutch,
French, and Polish, play a much
larger part in governing their univer-
sity than American students, accord-
ing to Miss Warsaw, and they also
take an active share in politics, hav-
ing a political party of their own.
Students who wish the name of a
correspondent are asked to send their
name and address, the sex and ap-
proximate age of the correspondent
desired, and to mention their own
interests and hobbies,
programs, fitted their own costumes,
and' planned the lighting. Tickets
will cost 25 cents.

introducing Michigan'sBo nissomQueen

-Associated Press Photo
Connie Le Gard, 19-year-old blond of Muskegon, was selected as
queen of the annual blossom festival in Benton Harbor. She triumphed
over many entries to rule over the fete from May 6 to 13.
Architects Once Were Jonahs,
Holding B.all In-side A Whale,





Cool Of f


Passing through the yawning red'
maw of a mammoth whale whose'
eyes gleamed with a sinister light and
whose gigantic teeth seemed to drip
blood, hordes of weirdly-dressed crea-.
tures continued on their Jonah-like
trek, apparently unconcerned as to
their safety. But within they did not
find the usual pores and other "inner
paraphernalia" of the ordinary sea
monstre, but a fairy-land beneath the
An Under-Seas Fairy-Land
Strange plants and animals in
striking colors floated about through
the green water, while on one side
lay the broken, half-buried hull of
some forgotten ship.. There a hugeE
swordfish chased a unique little mem-
ber of the sea family; there an evil-
appearing octopus snared a splotched
red and blue turtle in his tentacles.
Overhead swimming Medusas float-
ed about with crepe-paper tendrils
hanging down into the water and
waving about in a life-like manner.
The soothing green light of deep-
water places added to the air of en-
chantment. Such was the Architects'
May party of 1926, when they held.
their "Deep Sea Ball."
The barren walls and the athletic1
apparatus of Barbour Gymnasium
were transformed into everythingI
from a future metropolis to elf-land.
Miles of crepe paper were used to
cover the ceiling and walls entirely
and frequently 300 lights were neces-
sary to give the particular lighting
effect desired.
1924 Ball Held In Latin Quar'ter
Starting with the "Latin Qiaiter"
of 1924, novel and impressive plans
were brought forth. "Vivid streakds'
of color, quaint old French cafes, the
old and equally famous Boulargers,
the Tabac, the Hotel Printemps, all
were represented," said The Daily in,
an account of the ball. ,
The entire setting was designed to
give the atmosphere of the Latin
Quarter, of lights in cafe windows,'
of gay throngs in streets, of the deep'
purple of Parisian nights overhead.
The whole world was represented in
costume as well as the typical Latin'

Dine where it's cool . . . where the menus feature
meals that make dining a delight, even in this
weather. *Let, the Main Dining Room of the
Michigan League prepare you for the week-end
festivities . . . cool, comfortable and quiet. * The
League will be serving from now on: Luncheon at
thirty, fifty and sixty cents . . . dinner at fifty-
five, seventy-five, and eighty-five cents.

Quarter artist, with Arabian sheiks
dancing with fairy queens, Spaniards,
Orientals, Turkish chieftains, and
even an occasional devil mingled in
the crowd.
Balls of the succeeding years con-
tinued to surpass each other in the
originality of design and the difficulty
of construction, for the faculty of the
College of Architecture believed that
this offered a practical pr'obl m in de-
sign, and for two weeks the classes
devoted their time to preparing dec-
orations for the balls.
PetitiQ For-
Leagnw rk
The deadline for petitions for work
on any one of the new League com-
mittees is 5 p.m., Wednesday, said
Barbara Sutherland, '35, secretary of
the League, yesterday.
Any woman who is interested in
working on the social, house, point
system, freshnian project, publicity,
Undergraduate' Fund, r eception, and
athletic committees may bing a pe-
tition containing her name, year, and
any plievious experience to the Unde
giaduate f fces iii the League be-
fori the time set for the de'adllne.
1No experience is necessary, em-
phasized Kiss Sutherland, and any
woman wiho is mterested in wok-
ing oii' any cohmikttee will be placed.
After the Wednesday deadline, fu'
ther petitions may be handed in and
will be cbnsidbred by the Leea u'
Council before appointments ai-6
made by committee chairman.
The new League system plans for
the succession to the positions 'f
chairman and officers, from the ranks
of commiittee members, and the ex-
perience gained by Women on com-
mittee work during the next schobl
year will count towards such appoint-
meats next May.
In houses where there is a member
of the League Council, petitions may
be handed to them.
At a receht'meeting of the Scalp
and Blade society, honorary frater-
nity for Buffalo students, the follow-
ing oflicers were elected: William
Thompson, '3#., president; Ralph Ed-
wards, '35, senior vice-president;
Waldrom Eldrich, '36, junior vice-
president; William Lowell, '37, soph-
omore vice-president; Alfred Hild-
Oerger, '36, treasurer; Reed Low, '37,
initiatory master; and Paul Krans,
'37, scribe,
They look hand-madc
New Knits
For those who watch and
those who play-
White and Pastel Colors.
Boucles in two- and three-
piece Suits $10.15 upward.11
STRING, 2-piece, at $6.95
String and boucles at $2.95

DINNER: 6 to 7:30 1:00 TO2:30



Nature Field j-ooks
A series of non-technical books designed for the nature lover, and made in a form
suitalle for field work. Each work is lavishly illustrated with colored plates and
drawings in black and white.


Beebe & Tee-van -- Field Book of Shore Fishes of Berm mda
Alexander - Birds of the Ocean.
Anthony - North American Mammals.
Armstrong - Western Wild Flowers
Breder - Marine Fishes of the Atlantic Coast
Durand -Wild Flowers in their own and our gardens_
Eliot - Birds of the Pacific Coast.........
Longyea'r -Trees & Shrubs of the Rocky Mountains.
Loomis - Common Rocks & Minerals. .....
Lutz - Field Book of Insects.
Mathews - American Trees and Shrubs.
American Wild Flowers ... .
Mathews - Wild Birds & their Music.
Morgan - Field Book of Ponds & Streams ...
Olcott & Putnam - Field Book of the Skies
Sturgis - Birds of Panama Canal Zone.
Thomas - Common Gilled Mushrooms.
Mathews - Book of Wild Flowers for Young People..
Mathews - Book of Birds for Young People.



3,00 II





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