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May 08, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-08

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Figures Show
Americans Are
Thirstier Now
Uncle Sam Is Taking In A
Greater Revenue Than
Before Prohibition
America's thirst for legal "hard lik-
ker" -if tax figures tell the story cor-
rectly -has grown up since pre-pro-
hibition cdays.
Beer consumption, by the same
token, is running about 50 per cent
In 1917, the United States consump-
tion of whisky, rum, gin and brandy
was 96,250,000 gallons, the 1916 total
was 80,720,000 gallons, while in 1918
there was a drop to 61,980,000 gallons.
If liquor production taxes are any
indication -and most distilleries are
running full blast to fill the demand
--America is now drinking domestic
products at the rate of 85,000,000
gallons annually. This does not in-
clude imports, which for the first
quarter of 1934 were 3,640,000 gallons.
Continuation of these rates
throughout the year would push dis-
tilled spirits consumption above 100,-
000,000. Officials doubt, however, that
the drinking speed of early repeal
months will continue.
One year of legal beer paid the gov-
ernment a $138,547,000 production
tax. Most was at a $5 a barrel rate,
ivhich would indicate 27,709,500 bar-
rels. In 1917 the beer consumption was
60,790,000 barrels, dropping in 1918
to 50,192,000 barrels.'
The tax rate of before-prohibition
were different from the present. In
1917 the liquor production tax was
$1.10 a gallon. Today's is $2. Beer in
1917 was taxed $1.50 a barrel. The
levy today is $5.
Downtown - 206 North Main St.
Dial 2-1013 Next to Downtown Postoffice
Typewriting Paper at Reduced Prices

Iowan, Californian Win Pulitzer Prizes
I '.
-Assoclated Pre',., ;Photo
E. P Chiose, (left), publisher of the Atlantic, Iow,-i News-Telegraph,
is the winner of the Pulitzer prize for the best editerial of 1933. Royce
ltrker of the San Franciiso (.Chlronicle won the prize for a distinguished
example of a reporter's work during the year. lie received the award for
his account of the lynching of John Holmes and Thomas Thurmond at
San Jose, California.

Wisconsin Dean Would Omit
Grading Systems, Probations

(By Intercollegiate Press)
MADISON, Wis., May 7. - If Scott
H. Goodnight, dean of men at the
University of Wisconsin, had his way
about it, the mocern college and
university would do away With grade~
points, iprObauiI d ('X'( ve coin-
rmittee actions, bu le would not'
thereby cre ) t.e a nl)arIiSe for the stu-
"I am not all sure i' W h, t we would
not be much better off in our col
leges if we scrapped a large part of
our machinery, raised the pass mark
to something approaching a high C
and awarded a flat failure to each
and every performance belowv that
smiandard," the dem said in outilining
hi:; new formula for the haniling of
whatl he calls "play-boys.,'
"'t the play-boy a<evunlllate a
nice collection of failures for two or
three semesters, and let the realiza-
tion percolate through to fatlher and
mother that sonny boy had spent a
couple of thousand dollars without
making any perceptible progress to-
ward a degree, and I don't believe the
college would have to do much about
"But I suppose it is useless to hope
for anything of that sort. We appear
inevitably committed to the molly-
coddling and spoon-feeding program."
The rigid supervision of students in
all phases of their academic life was
criticized by the Wisconsin dean, who
in his long years of service at Wis-
Vacancies In Universily
High To Be Filled Soon
Notification of the acceptance of
applications for the entering class of
University High School will be made
soon, according to Mrs. Elsie R. Fuller,
secretary to the principal of the
school. Those seeking admittance to
replace the vacancies in the other
classes will be accepted during the
summer months.
The total enrollment of the school
is limited to 350 students. The maxi-
mum enrollment of each of the six
grades is set at 60.

consin has established a reputation
for extreme liberal views.
"There is too much advising and
counselling, too many intelligence
tests, executive committees, scholastic
chairmen, junior and senior deans.
"We do too much for our students.
I believe they would get a better
discipline and attain a better training
if we weren't so constantly on the
alert to protect them from their own
"We carry paternalism to too great
lengths. And the discouraging factor
is that the further we go the more
is expected of us and the more we are
;blamed for what we don't accomplish."
Ne,,w Students'
Magazine Will.
The Literary Workshop, first print-
ed literary magazine devoted exclu-
sively to the writings of students in
colleges and universities throughout
the United States, will make its in-
itial appearance this week, according
to an announcement from the pub-
The magazine will contain a selec-
tion of short stories, feature articles,
poetry, and reviews, chosen from
manuscripts submitted by students in
miore than 50 schools.
Leading authorities will criticize the
contents of each issue in accordance
with the publication's aim of being an
aid to professors and students in the
assimilation of writing technique, ac-
cording to Edward A. Sand, of the
editorial board of The Literary Work-
Commenting on the new magazine,
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English
department said that he believed it
would prove helpful to the develop-
ment of student writings since it will
offer one of the few opportunities for
young writers to see their work pub-

* which Prof. Laylin K. James of the
Attacks Price Law School, Q. Forrest Walker, econ-
omist for R. H. Macy and Co., New
F ixing Under York and Prof. Herbert F. Taggert
ere the speakers. Professor Taggert
Present Code is a member of the faculty of the
School of Business Administration
and is on leave to Washington as spe-
Professor Douglas Of The cialist on cost-accounting for the
p - ,- g * , NRA. He returned to the campus
lnvrsil y ,I (i ego (specially for the conference.
Criticizes NR A e o~ m m s
The most convincing indictmentf
ever given of tht, 'rsent administri- 8
tion as it. is expreSte in some of its
activities under the NRA, in the opin-
ion of Prof. William A. Paton of the
School of Business Administration,
was delivered by Paul H. Douglas of
the University of Chicago, at the
sixth annual Aluni Conference of
(he school. held heire last week-end.
Professor Douglas is at the present
time on leave to Was hington as a
member of the consumers advisory
board of the NRA. He is well-knownoC
in the business world for his worksf SEN 0RS:
in various fields and is also known as A
a contributor to scientific periodi- ^ For your permanent
cal.. remembrance ofgr -
Charging substantial price-fixing= rmgrad-
in a large number of the coded in- uation, we suggest a
dustries, Professor Douglas declared
that under the guise of open price as- photograph in cap and
sociation, with legal freedom to re- U
duce price, other firms in the indus- -gown
try "put the heat on" the firm that w
is trying to i-educe the price and force
it to maintain the higher level.
"I have the greatest confidence in,
and the greatest affection for the
present administration, but I cannot
help but see danger ahead if the pres-
ent situation in many of the coded
industries is not changed," he said. 332 South State Street
The conference opened with a gen-
eral session yesterday morning at XX Cn=g) og<

Fisher Added
To Education
Meet Program
The addition of Dr. Frederick B.
Fisher of the First Methodist Epis-
copal Church to the program of the
Institute of Adult Education to be
here May 14 to 18, has been an-
nounced by Dr. C. A. Fisher, assistant
director of the Extension Division.
Dr. Fisher is taking the place of
Grove Patterson, editor of the Toledo
Blade, who was originally scheduled
to speak. Mr. Patterson has been or-
dered to go South for his health, and
gave that as his reason for not ap-
pearing on the program.
Dr. Fisher will address the institute
May 15, speaking on "The Political

Modern Color Prints On
Display At Alumni Hall
An exhibition of 50 modern color-
prints, sponsored by the Art Exten-
sion Society of New York, opened
yesterday at Alumni Memorial Hall.
The exhibition will be open from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily this week and
includes prints of works by Cezanne,
Matisse, Van Gogh, Renior, Picasso,
Hofer, Bellows, and Nash.
Accompanying the exhibition are
plates depicting color photography
plates depicting the direct color
photography method used in making
the prints.
and Economic Significance of the
Recognition of Russia by the United
States." Paul F. Voelker, State Su-
perintendent of Public Instruction,
and Robert Henderson, director of the
Dramatic Season will also speak dur-
ing the five-day conference.


For you men who have wanted one of
the popular new Sport Suits with the
bi-swing back, suits so comfortable that
they have taken the country by storm,
--and Who have been unable to afford
one, we present this special opportu-
rity. It is made possible by a special

in All;-Was kind to your throat

SO roun

d, so firm, so
why you'll I


packed-no loose ends


We like to tell about the finer tobaccos
in Luckies-the choicest Turkish and
domestic, and only the mild, clean center
leaves-they taste better-then "It's
toasted"-for throat protection. But
we're just as proud of the way Luckies

Luckies do not dry out
are made. They're so round and firm, so
free from loose ends. That's why Luckies
"'keep in condition"-that's why you'll
find that Luckies do not dry out-an in-
portant point to every smoker. Luckies are
always--in all-ways!-kind to your throat.

Do uble-Breasted Linen Suits . $15.00
Riviera Air Cooled Suits . . . $18.50
Tropical Worsted Suits . - $19-.50
Washable Slacks . . ......$1.95
Crosby-Sqitare White Bucks . . $6.50
Cuban M ushers. .........$3.95


Vj /

-, I , 4

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