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May 03, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-03

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L'rnners, 1eas
Pledgings, And
Houses Busy With MiI-
W e e k Entertainments;
Pre-Exam Parties
Sororities and -fraternities are
spending a busy week with faculty
dinners, entertainments for provinte
and national officers and alumni,
pledging, and dances.
Alpha Chi Omega
Mrs Albert W. Robinson, Oak Pak,
Ill., province president of Alpha Chi
Omega sorority, arrived in Ann Arbor
yesterday to visit the local chapter
for a week.
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fra-
ternty is honoring Dr. and Mrs.
Floyd H.sLasmet and Dr. and Mrs.
Duane M. Carr, alumni, at a farewell
dinner tonight.
Dr. Carr, a teaching surgeon on the
University Hospital staff, is leaving
soon to practice in the South while
Dr. Lashmet who has gained wide
recognition among research workers
in the field of kidney diseases, is
leaving June 1 to enter practice in
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity an-
nounces the pledging of Lawrence R
Spencer '36, Utica; Frank Ryan '37,
Birmingham, Charles Morgan '37,
Lawton, Thomas E. McGibbon '37,
Delta Delta Delta
Twenty-six initiates and pledges .
of Delta Delta Delta sorority will en-
tertain for the active members at a
closed formal dance tomorrow. Al
Cowan's orchestra will play for the
affair, which is under the direction
of Martha Bragg '37. Ardell Hardy
'35 is in charge of decorations and
Mary Lou Schwendt '37 of refresh-
mentis. Mrs. Clifford Wooy and
Mrs. Richard Shappell will chaperon
the dance.
Delta Phi
Delta Phi fraternity enertained
two alumni over the week-end, John
Marshall '32 and Thomas Cooley '32.
Delta Zeta.
Delta Zeta sorority entertained six
guests at dinner Wednesday night.
Janet Brackett '36, and Harriet Craw
'35, were in charge of the entertain-
ment which was a pantomaine "take-'
off" of a radio broadcast. Dorothy
Cogger '35, was in charge of the dec-
. Kappa Sigma
Kappa Sigma fraternity announces
the pledging of Manuel Frau, '37,
Puerto Rico. Ted Kopke, Toledo, 0.;
and Tad Weiman, former Michigan
football coach, now at Princeton Uni-
versity, are visiting at the fraternity.
Pi Beta Phi
Pi Beta Phi sorority is entertaining
several members of the faculty and
their wives at dinner tonight. The
table decorations will consist of yel-
low tapers and a centerpiece of blue
iris and yellow snapdragons.,
Among the guests are Prof. and
Mrs. Kenneth T. Rowe, Mrs. Alta M.l
Schule, Prof. and Mrs. Sanford B.
Meech, Dr. and Mrs. T. Luther Pur-
dom, Prof. and Mrs. Rene Talamon,
Prof. and Mrs. William R. Taylor,
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Edmunds,
Prof. and Mrs. Howard Y. McClusky,
Lieut. and Mrs. John W. C. Brand,
Prof. and Mrs. A. Franklin Shull,
Lieut. and Mrs. David M. Tyree and
Capt. and Mrs. A.B. Custis.

Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Alpha Iota, professional
musical sorority, held installation of
officers Tuesday. Those taking over
new positions are: Charlotte Whit-
man, '35SM, president; Jean Hoover,
'36SM, vice president; ; Maxine
Hutchins, '36SM, secretary; and
Frances Guthrie, '34SM, treasurer.
Plans were made for the next for-
mal rpusicale to be held May 31, at
the home of Mrs. James Inglis.
Madame Bey

Vew Orientation.Program Will
Be Set Up By League Committee

Something new in the way of orien-
tating the freshmen has been devised
by the new League Council; the sys-
tem includes a prolongation of the
program for the freshmen so that it
will last, if not throughout the year,
at least for the first semester, Max-
ine Maynard, '35, new League presi-
dent, said yesterday.
Beginning with a committee of five
members of the faculty to serve as!
advisors, the plan provides that the
project will be carried out under the
direction of the president of the
League, a committee chairman, and
twenty women selected to act as
freshmen advisors for the twenty
freshmen groups.
The objective in mind is to further
the orientation of the freshmen
women by acquainting them with the
advantages and opportunities offered
by the University, and to develop, en-
courage, and bring about the atti-
tudes of this group toward their stu-
dent life.

students and faculty with an em-
phasis on an intelligent attitude to-
ward them. "In other words," Miss
Maynard said, "the program will in-
clude all other topics such as the Hop-
wood Awards which will contribute
to the knowledge of more students
regarding the University and the
Explaining the arts and social
science studies will be another task
of the faculty members, together with
suggestions from them on social re-
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-
tor of the League, expressed approval
of the plan, saying that she expected
it to be very beneficial to the fresh-
man body as a whole. Miss Maynard
concluded her explanation saying,
"We have inaugurated this plan,
which will go into effect in September,
because so much of the future of the
University and of the League depends
upon the training of the freshmen,
and the attitude which they develop
toward the University."
Hilda Kirby, '35, has been placed in
charge of the comittee for the project
and plans are already being formed
for the coming year.
Inte- tat C lii)o
ky -I&CO
Hold For~mal ibo-e
The Connecticut-Michigan Club is
to hold a spring formal Saturday. The
affair is to be a domino masked dance1
and will be held in the Ethel Fountain
Hussy Room of the League, according
to Gordon T. Wilder, '34, president of
the club.
Members of the Rochester-Mich-
igan club and their friends will beI
guests and Karl H. Reichenbach of
the history department will chaperon.
Monroe B. Levin, '35, is chairman of
the dance.

'New York Is
Drama Center'-
Valentine Windt
"No other city approaches New
York for its drama," Valentine B.
Windt, director of Play Production.
said in an informal talk last night
before members of Zeta Phi Eta
women's speech society.
The excessive cost of producing
any dramatic work was one explana-
tion for this statement. Stage crews
are very highly organized, he said,
and this expense, coupled with those
for advertising, transportation, and
rent costs has made the road show
almost non-existent. The Actors'
Equity, though admittedly a valuable
organization sometimes makes ex-
penses still heavier and any violation
of its codes results in a "black-ball"
for either producer or author, he de-
"A large factor in the centraliza-
tion of our drama in New York is
the enormous transient population
which is very much interested in the
theatre and makes a point of seeing
all the shows on visits to New York,"
the director told his audience.
"In many ways it is a bad thing
to have all our theatre in one part of
the country," Mr. Windt declared.
"Those who have no opportunity to
visit our one-drama center are de-
prived of much entertainment and
cultural stimulation.
"The legitimate theatre will not
die. One of the chief reasons is that
the moving pictures can never have
the personal and intimate appeal of
the legitimate performance. Also the
moving picture, once made, cannot
be modified to contrast different au-
diences, as flesh-and-blood actors can.
adjust their performances subtly."
A concise definition of art was given
by Mr. Windt in the phrase, "Art is
the result of an artist's expression
of his personality through some me-
dium." He continued with a discussion
of current New York plays, among
those mentioned being "Dodsworth,"
"Moor-born," and "Ah! Wilderness."
EL PASO, Tex. May 2-- - /P)
Corrinne Griffith obtained a divorce
from Walter Mitchell Morosco, a
screen producer, at Juarez, Mex-
ico, today.

t'nn as


A reI e"itlionary
In Manish Styles
In these spring, or shall we say sum-
mer days, there are numerous and
sundry methods of avoiding studying,
but none quite so popular as resorting
to the tennis courts for the after-
noon. No other place is quite so well
suited to acquiring that ultra-whole-
some tan, which is worn by the smart
women these days.
Along with the revolutionary move-
ments of the student communists we
have a final revolution in tennis garb.
Shorts are definitely coming to the
fore, the radical movement of a
short time back having triumphed.
Linen shorts are tne best with reg-
ular men's shirts appearing in com-
bination with them, or polo shirts giv-
ing that clean cut open-at-the-neck
For those co-eds who are not quite
so revolutionary the sun-backed sport
dress is still .in vogue. Appearing in all
sorts of cotton materials or in linen
the dresses are cut down far in the
back and for the most part are shown
with matching jackets to make them
suitable for street wear. Printed ma-
terials as well as pastel shades are
good and large buttons are often
used for trimming.
The shirtwaist frockbisnsecond1
choice for active sports, being mostr
popular in striped materials. All sports
dresses have fullness added to the=
skirt by means of pleats or by the1
wrap-around effect, and models with1
either short sleeves or none are shown.

olds Dinner
Honorin Staff
A formal dinner tonight will honor
the staff responsible for the publica-
tion of the annual Martha Cook Year-
book. Doris Eneix, '34, editor-in-chief,
will present the first copy to Miss
Margaret Ruth Smith, social director,
during the course of the dinner. The
others will be distributed afterwards.
The staff includes: Virginia Whit-
ney, '35, assistant editor, Harriet
Cook, '35, art editor, Florence Shaw,
'34, athletic editor,;Julia Mary Hack-
ett, '35, snapshot editor, Mary Jane
Clark, '35, music and drama, and
Katherine Stoll, '35, Eleanor Blodgett,
'35, Ruth Arnold, '35, and Madeline
Hadcock, '35, editorial assistants. Act-
ing as business manager was Esther
Henks, '35, assistedby. Betty Smith,
'35, and Marion Bertsch, '35.
Katherine Coffield, '34, social chair-
man of the house, is in charge of
the dinner. Spring flowers and candles
will be used for decorations.
Newberrv Gives Final
Faculty Dinner Of Year
Helen Newberry residents enter-
tained members of the faculty and
their wives informally in the final
faculty dinner of the year. Dorothy
MacLaren, '35, was in charge of the
arrangements for the occasion.
The guests included Prof. and Mrs.
G. E. Densmore, Prof. and Mrs. James
Hamilton, Prof. and Mrs. Jose Alba-
ladejo, Dr. and Mrs. 0. W. Stephen-
son, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Graf, and Miss
Ellen B. Stevenson.
You will want several
Aof our' new
Organdies - tailored linens
piques - taffetas
East Side of Campus
x3 <).<=>t r o c

China's attitude toward Japan
one of uncertainty, said Dr. John N
Stanton of the history departmer
before a meeting of the Gradua
Luncheon Club yesterday noon in tl
Russian Tea Room of the League
Great Britain's attitude, he went c
in discussing "Japan and the F
East Situation," is friendly to Japi
because of the conflict of Russia
and Britain's interests in the Far Ea;
while the United States has assuit
an attitude of watchful rivalry b
cause of Japan's rise in the econom
China's attitude of uncertainty
caused by the fact that there are tv
rival factions within the country 1
said. Many of her statesmen and lea(
ers are educated in Western unive
sities while others of them atter
Eastern schools. Consequently the
is a conflict between western ar
eastern ideas going on regarding Jaj
an, explained the speaker.
The economic situation in the Ff
East are improving as Japan is ne
"out of the red," Mr. Stanton sai
"due to a boom occurring there
the last year or so; and China hz
succeeded in balancing her budg(
in spite of the huge cost of maintain
ing her armies.

I Martha Cook

Stanton Discus
Far East Siti

Several methods have been drawn
up in order that this purpose may be
accomplished, chief among them is
the plan for having an hour a week
set aside for discussion and, program
periods, led by faculty members and
students advisers. The upperclassmen
selected will be responsible for their
group as far as attendance personal
contact, and leadership are concerned.
Membership in the groups will not
be compulsory, Miss Maynard said.
Academic discussions and problems I
will include lectures on how to study,
how to arrange schedules, and other
similar topics. These lectures will be
personal contributions of the faculty
and will include suggestions to the
students for social qualities such as'
understanding, patience, hu m or,
soundness of character, self-confi-
dence, tact, tolerance, resourcefulness,
serenity, and a good emotional atti-
tude. The process of achieving crea-
tive leadership will be stressed.
"Activities" will be another of the
topics that will be explained by both
Mosher Hall Residents
Io Entertain At Dance
Residents of Mosher Hall will en-
tertain at a tea dance from 4 to 5:30
p.m. this afternoon.
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven and
Dean Alice C. Lloyd will preside at
the tea tables. The committee in
charge of arrangements includes
Catherine England, '35, Ruth Pardee,
'35, Helen Dean, '36, Mildred Starke,
'34, Doris Benson, '37, Norma Cal-
sough, '37, and Harriet Fowler, '37.
Decorations will be spring flowers
and matching tapers.
Announce Parker-
Painter Marriage
The marriage of two alumni of the
University took place recently here,
that of Hily Dale Parker, '31, and
Frank C. Painter, '28L. Mrs. Painter
was affiliated with Alpha Gamma
Delta sorority while Painter is a
member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity.
He is a partner in the law firm of
Rosenberg and Painter, Jackson,
where the couple will make their
"" 1
Rough white leathers are the
sport sensation of the season. We

have every new species from Pig to
PEKIN Tie, perforated white Rac-
coon. A Schiaparelli Walk-Over.

$200 to5
- featuring -

The League dining room, which has
been closed most of the year, will re-
open at dinner time tonight, and re-
main open until the end of the se-
mester at least, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, social director of the League
said yesterday.

Where Too
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Mys-
tery of Mr. X" with Robert Mont-
gomery; Majestic, "You Can't Buy
Everything" with May Robson;
Wuerth, "As Husbands Go" and "Big
Shakedown"; "He Couldn't Take It"
and "Unholy Love."
Dancing: League Grill Room, Den,
Tavern, Preketes, Hi-Hat Inn.
Comedy Club: "Little Love," 8:15
a.m., at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-

French Saten Rayon
.00to $J.59
Read The Classifieds



LLYPACKE D tha' wy
U'!! find uckies do not dry Out

To Be Honored
At League Tea
A reception and tea will be given at
4 p.m. Friday in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League, to honor Ma-
dame Noura Hamida Bey, represen-
tative of the Syrian Alliance of Wom-
en, the Arabian Alliance of Women,
and the International Alliance for
the Promotion of Suffrage and Equal
Privileges for Women.
Madame Bey, en route to an In-
ternational Congress of Women to be
held in Chicago in connection with
the Century of Progress, is visiting the
University on Friday as the guest of
Regent Esther Cram, Flint. All stu-
dents and faculty members who have
been in the Near East or are other-
wise interested in Near Eastern ques-
tions, have been invited to meet her
The tea is being arranged by tal


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